Little Girl Lost (22 page)

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Authors: Janet Gover

Tags: #fiction, #contemporary, #western, #Coorah Creek

BOOK: Little Girl Lost
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‘What’s that?’ She indicated the huge object on the back of Pete’s truck. It was wrapped in tarpaulin, but that couldn’t disguise the awkward shape of the thing.

‘Is that it?’ a voice called from across the road and within a few seconds Trish and Syd had joined them. Jack wasn’t far behind, with his wife Ellen and their kids.

‘It’s arrived, has it?’

‘Well, let’s take a look at it.’

Soon the small square was crowded with people, some of whom Tia knew, and some she didn’t. Sarah’s parents appeared, arm in arm. They were both smiling and Tia thought they both looked so much better than when she’d last seen them.

‘How are your parents?’ she asked Sarah quietly.

‘Much better. Mum is regaining her strength. She’s been cooking enormous meals and Dad is putting weight back on. Doctor Adam says that’s a good sign.’

‘So are you staying here in the Creek?’

‘No and yes,’ Sarah answered. ‘I’ve discovered that I really like being on the road.’

‘With Pete.’

‘Yes. With Pete. We thought we might travel together for a while. He gets loads that take him all over the country. There are a lot of places we could see together. We may even think about an overseas trip.’

‘That sounds great.’

‘Mum and Dad are talking about retiring, but not for a year or two. Maybe more. By then, I will probably be happy to come back. Coorah Creek is a good place to settle down and raise a family.’

Tia looked over to where Max was helping Pete unfasten the tarp covering the object on the back of the truck. ‘You know, I was just thinking exactly the same thing.’

Tia and Sarah stood side by side as Max and Pete climbed onto the back of the truck and began to remove the tarp. It was like unwrapping a giant present.

At last the tarp slid to the ground, revealing what was underneath.

A stunned silence settled on the crowd.

Max and Pete jumped down. Max came to stand beside Tia, taking her hand in his in a way that made her heart sing. Beside them, Pete had his arm around Sarah’s shoulders as the four of them examined the large bronze statue.

‘What is that?’ Tia asked.

‘It’s a gift to the town from Evan Haywood. To say thanks for finding Renee,’ Max said.

‘Yes, but what is it?’ Trish Warren repeated.

Max laughed. A long slow chuckle that warmed Tia’s heart.

‘Apparently Haywood is richer than we thought. He’s an art dealer, but this is a piece from his private collection. He wants it erected in the square.’

‘Yes, but again I have to ask – what is it?’ Trish voiced the thoughts that were in many of the townsfolks’ minds.

The statue was made of some dark and rough metal. It looked to be lying on its side on the truck, although Tia wasn’t entirely sure which side was up. To her it appeared to be just a collection of metal stripes, twisted and entwined.

‘Apparently it’s called “Mother and Child”,’ Max offered.

‘Which is which?’ a voice at the back of the crowd asked.

That started a vigorous discussion about the statue as laughter rose from the town square.

‘So, how are we going to set it up?’ Ed from the garage asked.

‘Haywood sent instructions,’ said Pete. ‘Apparently we need some sort of concrete base to bolt it to.’

‘I can help with that,’ said Jack. ‘And we can probably get some equipment from the mine to help build it.’

‘And I know where I can get a small mobile crane,’ another voice added. ‘We’ll need it to lift that thing.’

Tia stood listening to the voices flowing around her as Coorah Creek did what it did best, work together to solve a problem. Max stood by her side, his hand holding hers and he laughed along with the others.

Yes, she thought, it was good to be home.

Thank You

Thank you for reading
Little Girl Lost
and taking this journey with Tia and Max, Sarah and Pete … and with me.

Did I make you just a little bit misty? I hope so. The very first fan letter I ever had was from an elderly lady who had cried as she read my story. It really is an honour to be able to touch someone’s emotions like that. There were days I reached for the tissues when writing this book and nothing makes me happier than to know that you and I shared the emotion of
Little Girl Lost
. It makes all those hours of hard work so very worthwhile.

If you enjoyed the book, let me know, and do tell others. If you have a moment to review the book on Amazon, or Goodreads or whatever sites you visit, please do. It would be lovely to have more people visiting Coorah Creek and meeting the characters who are so close to my heart.

There are other books set in the Creek, with Trish and Max and the rest of the gang. And who knows … maybe more to come?

I always love to hear from readers, so drop me a line, via my website or Facebook or Twitter. My details are with my author profile.

And keep reading. As you and I know, it’s just THE best thing in the world.

Much Love


About the Author

Janet lives in Surrey with her English husband but grew up in the Australian outback surrounded by books. She solved mysteries with Sherlock Holmes, explored jungles with Edgar Rice Burroughs and shot to the stars with Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury. After studying journalism at Queensland University she became a television journalist, first in Australia, then in Asia and Europe. During her career Janet saw and did a lot of unusual things. She met one Pope, at least three Prime Ministers, a few movie stars and a dolphin. Janet now works in television production and travels extensively with her job.

Janet’s first short story,
The Last Dragon
, was published in 2002. Since then she has published numerous short stories, one of which won the Elizabeth Goudge Award from the Romantic Novelists’ Association. Her novel,
Flight to Coorah Creek
, won the 2015 Aspen Gold Reader’s Choice Award and was a finalist for the Romance Writers of Australia’s Romantic Book of The Year Ruby Award.

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More Choc Lit

From Janet Gover

Flight to Coorah Creek

Book 1 in the Coorah Creek series

Winner of 2015 Aspen Gold Award

What happens when you can fly, but you just can’t hide?

Only Jessica Pearson knows the truth when the press portray her as the woman who betrayed her lover to escape prosecution. But will her new job flying an outback air ambulance help her sleep at night or atone for a lost life?

Doctor Adam Gilmore touches the lives of his patients, but his own scars mean he can never let a woman touch his heart.

Runaway Ellen Parkes wants to build a safe future for her two children. Without a man – not even one as gentle as Jack North.

In Coorah Creek, a town on the edge of nowhere, you’re judged by what you do, not what people say about you. But when the harshest judge is the one you see in the mirror, there’s nowhere left to hide.

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The Wild One

Book 2 in the Coorah Creek series

Can four wounded souls find love?

Iraq war veteran Dan Mitchell once disobeyed an order – and it nearly destroyed him. Now a national park ranger in the Australian outback, he’s faced with another order he is unwilling to obey …

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Sometimes, the wounds you can’t see are the hardest to heal …

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Christmas at Coorah Creek

Book 3 in the Coorah Creek series

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Spending Christmas away from home is one thing but English nurse Katie Brooks is spending hers in Coorah Creek; a small town in the Australian outback.

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