Lisa's Gift (24 page)

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Authors: Mackenzie McKade

BOOK: Lisa's Gift
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When her tongue slid sensuously between her lips drawing his attention to her mouth, he knew he had to taste her. Tossing the flogger aside, he cupped her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers. Her body melted into his as he delved into her warmth, a sweet surrender that turned his kiss forceful as he drew her into his arms. She tugged against her restraints. Did she need to feel her arms around him, as he did?

What was it about this woman that turned him into such a romantic?

All he could think about was laying her upon the bed and making slow, passionate love to her. The thought was just a lost image in his 176

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head when he was joined by Lisa and Trent. As he released Jana’s lips, Lisa captured them.

The blonde moved with such tenderness against Jana, pressing her body forward until her breasts met her friend’s. Then she slowly moved, nipples stroking nipples. There was nothing invasive in her touch, only the need to calm her friend, ease her into the next experience.

The two women were beautiful in motion, leashes swaying. Their bodies were pieces of art to be cherished and adored. There was nothing more exciting than love between the female sex, especially Lisa and Jana because of the close bond they shared.

Before Trent moved behind Jana, he pressed a condom into Nicolas’s palm. Already Trent had sheathed himself and laved his cock with gel.

“Exquisite,” he said with a smile. Then his friend began to place kisses behind her ear, down her slender neck, his hands caressing and training her to his touch.

Nicolas’s hands were trembling as he tore open the packet and extracted the condom. Clearly Lisa and Trent expected Jana to be the recipient of the attention of all three of them. From Jana’s heaving breathing, the wonder in her eyes, he knew she had been aroused watching him and Trent fuck Lisa. Did she want to feel two cocks inside her?

A possessiveness like he had never felt before swamped him.

This is ridiculous
. He tried to brush off the heat that began to simmer lightly across his skin.
Do you really know Jana?

, a voice rang inside his head.

Nicolas had learned a lot about Jana through Lisa, and even more he had obtained himself over the past month. Like she was inquisitive. She probably did want to know how it felt to have two men make love to her.

Would she enjoy the experience or try to analyze the possibility?

And why did he feel so possessive of her?

Nicolas rolled the latex over his erection, which hardened further when Jana released a soft whimper as Trent and Lisa caressed and 177

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kissed her body. The light whipping he had given her would make her sensitive to every touch.

He approached, reaching out to skim his knuckles across her soft cheek.

Jana was a fighter—a survivor. How else could she have forged ahead and made something of herself and grown into the lovely woman she had become?

Yes. Lisa had made sure he knew everything about her friend. Those special attributes about Jana that somehow the vixen knew would attract him.

Nicolas dipped his fingertips into her thong, grabbing the material and pulling. The snap of the string made Jana gasp as it loosened. The glistening rhinestones fell with a soft tinkling as they scattered about the floor. With a smooth brush of his hand, he tossed the scrap of material aside.

It was as if the scene had been choreographed. Lisa adjusted Jana’s leash letting it hang over her shoulder, and then she moved out of his way so he could press his body to Jana’s. With a bend of his knees, he wedged his cock between her thighs. With one thrust he buried himself, eliciting a cry from her kiss-swollen lips. Apparently, Trent began to massage her backdoor, because her eyes sprang wide.

“Trust me,” Nicolas whispered in Jana’s ear as his hips began to move. “Relax. The sensation will be something you have never felt before.”

On the other side, Lisa leaned closer. “You can trust him, Jana.” Her voice held an ethereal tone, airy and delicate, as if she were issuing a subliminal message.
Trust him
. Then she placed a hand on Nicolas’s chest, pushing his and Jana’s bodies slightly apart to wedge her head between them. Her tongue flicked out rapidly several times over Jana’s taut nipple, before she took the nub deep into her mouth and began to suckle.


Lisa’s Gift

Heat flared across Jana’s body. She was burning up. While Lisa’s wet mouth laved her breast, Nicolas fucked her pussy, and Trent was covering the outside of her asshole with something wet and cold. When his finger slipped inside to further lube the taut hole, she startled.

Was she really going to experience two men in her body at once?

Excitement and fear made strange bedfellows. She couldn’t think, not with the slow rhythm of Nicolas’s hips moving as he slid in and out between her thighs. The warm breath that Lisa blew over Jana’s wet nipple sent a shiver up her spine. If she wasn’t mistaken, there were now two fingers in her virgin area. Then the sensation was gone and something bigger, harder nudged her entrance.

Her expression must have given away her lack of confidence, because Nicolas murmured, “Breathe with me, doll. Inhale.” His chest rose, filling up with air.

Jana tried—she really did, but her ass was being stretched to impossible limits. The man behind her, invading her body, was no small man. She gulped down a breath as pain laced up her ass. “I can’t do this,” she whimpered.

A firm grasp on her chin brought her vision in line with Nicolas’s. His hips had stilled. His firm erection buried deep inside her. Warmth filled his eyes. “You can. Jana, you are stronger than any woman I’ve ever met.

There is nothing you can’t do. There’s a fine line between pain and pleasure. Walk it with me. Now breathe. I promise in the end it will be worth the momentary discomfort.”

Lisa looked up at her. “Trust him, Jana,” her friend coaxed. Then she dipped her head and latched on to Jana’s breast once more.

Jana wasn’t a coward, but more than that she wanted desperately to believe Nicolas, to trust him.

A deep gush of air filled her lungs as she focused on how Nicolas filled her void, both physically and mentally. Long, hard and thick, his cock again began to move in and out of her pussy. She was wet, moist with desire. 179

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There was another moment of distress when Trent pushed past the tight rings inside her, and then he stood perfectly still, allowing her to adjust to his presence. It seemed like only a heartbeat before he began to move, and then nothing existed but the moment.

The incredible fullness was unbelievable. She was lost in sensation.

Desire so dark it almost turned Nicolas’s blue eyes black stared back at her. He growled as his hips slapped against her pussy. His fingertips pressed firmly into the tender skin at her waist. Trent spooned her backside with his body. Lisa had moved around Nicolas, her blonde head dipping as she latched onto Jana’s other nipple.

Pressure built low in Jana’s belly. “Nicolas?” Her breathing was small gasps.

“Yes, doll. Come for me.”

The fires of arousal grew out of control as they licked her cervix and filtered across her skin. Stars burst in her head. The dam broke, releasing an orgasm that shook her from head to toe. She threw back her head, resting it on Trent’s shoulder and screamed. Her climax was so powerful she couldn’t control the convulsions that shook her body.

The overwhelming sensation was the most exciting, exhilarating thing she had ever felt, especially when Lisa moved away and both men reached their pinnacles and sandwiched Jana between them to the point it took her breath away.

Chains rattled as she jerked against her restraints. She needed to grasp onto Nicolas, needed to feel his arms around her.

In a sandpapery voice he said, “Release her.” As Lisa worked on the handcuffs, Nicolas drew their bodies together, his arms like tethers around her until it felt like they were one. Trent withdrew, leaving her with a void, but all she really needed was the completeness that Nicolas filled deep inside her. As Jana fell, she couldn’t help clinging to Nicolas.

She felt warm and protected in his arms. The realization was shocking, because she had never felt this way with anyone other than Lisa.

Jana had to admit that for once it felt good to lean on a man. Even if Lisa said there was nothing between her and Nicolas, Jana’s feelings 180

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were growing. Hell, she had never gotten over her high school crush. But knowing and touching him had raised her desire to a whole new level—a dangerous level.

Couldn’t she just enjoy the moment? Enjoy what the three of them had together? The thought nearly made her release her hold on Nicolas.

When had she begun thinking of them as a threesome? This romantic triangle could only lead to disaster—wouldn’t it?

She didn’t have time to think before she was swept up in Nicolas’s arms and pressed against his firm chest. “Do you want to call an end to the night? Or continue our play?”

Held in his strong arms, so close to his heat, it was nearly impossible to back down. Fact was she wanted more—needed to discover the fascination of this dark world with both Lisa and Nicolas. She sucked in her bottom lip, teasing it with her teeth.

Remember curiosity killed the cat
, a small voice in the back of her head warned. The next thing she heard was her doctor’s reassuring voice,
Face your fears

But there were so many. Loss of control, the mental and physical fear of being hurt, and opening herself to trust someone other than Lisa were only a few of her issues.

Although Jana’s first impression of what was happening within the walls of Master Trent’s home appeared to be abuse, it couldn’t be. People walked freely about. What they did was consensual—a shifting of power as Lisa had explained.

Jana took a deep breath.
lingered on her tongue, but she found no voice.

How many years of therapy had it taken for her to understand what she had felt at the hands of her foster father had been humiliation and abuse?

What Jana had experienced tonight had been incredible and she wanted more.

“Continue.” The single word was just a whisper, but won her a bright smile from Nicolas and a tender kiss as he set her on her feet. He helped 181

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her to wiggle out of the corset, tossing it on the floor alongside the rhinestones and what was left of her thong. With a sweep of his hands he cradled her in his arms and carried her to the bed.

Lisa disappeared briefly and when she returned she had a bowl in her hands and towels draped over her arm.

“Roll over,” Nicolas said as he sat on the bed, making it groan beneath his weight.

She hesitated, wondering exactly what was planned as Trent and Lisa crawled onto the bed. The liquid in the bowl sloshed over the side wetting the bed as Lisa giggled.

“Relax, Jana,” Lisa encouraged. “We’re going to clean you up.”

“Uh…I can do that,” Jana insisted, scrambling to sit up only to be gently pushed back down and then rolled upon her belly.

Now this was awkward. Really awkward.

Nicolas leaned close and whispered, “Yes, but we want to do it for you. Let us take care of you.”

The first wet cloth brushing across her back made Jana flinch. Moist and warm, it smoothed across her skin like a gentle breeze. When she felt her ass-cheeks spread wide she couldn’t contain the squeal that surfaced. Then the cloth slid between her legs, cleansing her. They left no place untouched. With a gentle push someone rolled her onto her back, the massage that followed left her feeling limp and relaxed.

“Shall we dine?” Nicolas asked. A twinkle sparked in the depths of his sapphire eyes as he rose from the bed.

Both she and Lisa followed, moving toward the table where the food was ready to serve.

“Not over there, girls,” Jana heard Nicolas say as she and Lisa glanced over their shoulders in unison. Nicolas lay on his back on a cushiony carpet before the fireplace, his knees bent and spread wide.

Master Trent approached and took a similar position except that his head rested about a foot away from Nicolas’s feet. “We’re ready.”


Lisa’s Gift

Jana and Lisa slowly turned to face the men. From the bewildered look on Lisa’s face she had no idea what they were supposed to do, which left Jana at a complete loss.

“Lisa, kneel between us facing me. I want your sweet ass above Trent’s head. Jana, kneel at my head facing Lisa,” Nicolas instructed.

Both women did as commanded. “Now straddle our faces. We’re hungry.”

Oh. My. God. So, this was Nicolas’s idea of dining. And Jana had a front row seat to watch it all.

As Jana moved into place, parting her thighs to reveal herself to Nicolas, the leash hanging from her collar grazed his chest. Then his arms wrapped around her thighs and urged her downward, which made her legs spread wider. All the while, she watched as Master Trent positioned Lisa, so he could go down on her while she went down on Nicolas’s semi-erect cock.

Just the thought of the four of them linked in a quadruple ménage sent Jana’s pulse racing, her heart thrashing against her chest. It was beyond anything she could imagine.

When Nicolas’s warm, wet tongue slid across Jana’s folds, she startled, releasing a whimper. Again, he caressed her slit, flicking her clit several times.

Lisa’s eyes were heavy as Master Trent feasted upon her sex. Gently she kissed Nicolas’s firming cock, ran her tongue along its ridge. Jana loved the way it jerked when Lisa licked the pearly bead of pre-come that squeezed from the small opening.

In her wildest dreams, Jana never thought of participating in such an act. She didn’t know what came over her. She leaned forward, dropping to her palms and while Lisa laved one side of Nicolas’s staff she performed the same on the other side. Together they began to give him head.

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