Lingerie and Lariats (Rough & Ready#7) (20 page)

BOOK: Lingerie and Lariats (Rough & Ready#7)
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The deputy who was holding a cloth to Jerry’s chest met Dan’s gaze and gave a shake of his head.

Jerry gave a harsh gasp and then his body went limp. His eyes went blank as they stared up at the ceiling, unblinking.

The deputy checked his pulse. “He’s dead.”

She looked behind the deputies and met Mrs. Grady’s gaze. “Are you all right, Mrs. Grady?” she asked and went to the woman and hugged her.

“I’m fine.” Mrs. Grady rubbed her hand over Renee’s back as they hugged. “I’m just glad you’re okay. You did good, girl.”

 “So did you. If you hadn’t taken the knife to him like you did, I think we’d both be dead right now.” Renee drew back. “I’m lucky the gun didn’t fire the second time.”

“It only had one bullet in it,” Mrs. Grady said. “I forgot to reload it after shooting a rattlesnake out by the cow pen.”

Renee let out her breath. “I have to say I’m really happy you forgot.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Grady,” Dan said as he came up to stand beside them. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

The elder woman reached up and patted Dan on the cheek. “I’m made of strong stock, Danny Cooper. And don’t you forget it.”

Dan took Renee by the hand and led her from the kitchen. When they were alone, he took her in his arms and held her close. “I was so afraid I was going to lose you.”

“Me, too,” she whispered and realized how grateful she was to have Dan. Her whole body still trembled, but as he embraced her she knew that everything was going to be all right.


Chapter 24

“That’s the last of it.” Renee brushed dust from her hands on her jeans as the movers returned to the moving van and started to retract the ramp and close up the now empty truck. She could hardly believe it was done. She and all of her things had moved to Arizona. Permanently.

As for her house in Philadelphia, a real estate agent was taking care of selling her house and had just put it up on the market. The agent believed they would be getting offers on it in no time.

“Everything will be safe inside here until you’re ready to unpack it.” Dan closed the door to the storage area in the back of the barn. “You didn’t bring back much from Philly.”

She shrugged. “I wanted a fresh start.”

They walked side-by-side out of the cool barn into the warm afternoon sunshine. A gust caused a miniature whirlwind of dust to kick up in front of them.

She talked with one of the movers for a moment as she signed a paper then thanked them both. The movers climbed into the truck, drove out of the yard, and headed down the dirt road.

It had only been a month since Jerry had almost killed her. Instead, Jerry had died when Dan saved her life.

Now it seemed like it had happened a lifetime ago and she was glad to put it all behind her. Her headaches were gone and the nightmares the experiences had given her were fading, especially when Dan’s arms were around her as they slept.

She had returned yesterday while he was working and they hadn’t had a chance to talk much since he’d had to work late. Today was Saturday but there had been chores to do and she’d stopped by Mrs. Grady’s to check in on the woman to see how she was doing. The woman had baked a berry pie that she sent over with Renee—she and Dan had each already eaten a big slice with vanilla ice cream, before the movers had arrived after lunch.

There really wasn’t too much to tell about her trip. It had taken a good week to sell her furniture and other items, donate what was left to charity, and wrap up her affairs. It had been hard being away from Dan but they’d talked on the phone daily. Even with the three-hour time difference, they’d managed to get in a lot of conversation. But it wasn’t the same as being with him and she was so glad to be back.

So glad.

When the truck disappeared around a bend, Renee turned to Dan. Wind blew strands of her chestnut hair across her face and he brushed them behind her ear as he looked down at her.

 “You know I’d like you to move in with me,” he said as he smoothed her hair.

“I still need a little time.” She studied him as they held each other’s gazes. “If you don’t mind me staying here until I make that decision…”

“Take all the time you need.” He took her hand and they started back to the house.

“It’s hard.” She looked up at him as they walked. “I’m having a difficult time dealing with what I went through with Jerry.” She hated saying his name. Hated how her relationship with him made her scared to take the step with Dan. “I just need to get my thoughts together. Everything is a jumbled mess in my mind.”

She continued, “Part of it has to do with seeing Jerry dead and all that he put me through with how he treated me, how he stole from me, how he tried to kill me. Twice. I just don’t feel like I’m in the position to make a decision without my mind quieting.”

“I understand.” He squeezed her hand and gave her a gentle smile. “There’s no rush. Stay here for now and then do what you have to do once you decide.”

“Thank you.” She leaned her head on his arm as they walked and tried to quiet her thoughts. Dan was a good man and he deserved better than what she was able to give him at this moment in time.

Chapter 25

Renee dressed in satiny black lingerie, which included a bustier that emphasized her cleavage and thigh-high stockings with a garter to hold them up. When they went out to dinner tonight, she would love the feeling of the sexy lingerie beneath her little black dress.

She studied her reflection in the mirror and smiled. She’d been living with Dan for eight months.

And she loved him. Couldn’t imagine life without him.

Loving the feeling of the satin over her skin, she smoothed her hands down her black bustier. It felt erotic and sexy and she couldn’t wait to get back home after dinner to model it for Dan.

She was reaching for her dress when a shadow fell across the room. She looked up to see him standing in the doorway.

Heat and hunger burned in his eyes as he drank her in. She put her hands on her hips as his gaze lingered on her cleavage and moved down her small waist to her garters and stockings.

He looked so hot and sexy in his snug Wranglers and cream-colored western shirt and a brown Stetson. She wanted to touch him. She loved to feel his broad shoulders beneath her hands and his strength when she ran her palms over his powerful chest and biceps. She loved the strong lines of his face that could appear so hard when he was attending to something serious, and so tender when he looked at her.

With a primal look in his gaze, he crooked his finger, telling her to come to him. The way he was looking at her sent thrills through her belly.

She couldn’t help but go to him, knowing every move she made was seductive and sensual. “We’ll be late for our reservation at the restaurant.”

The bulge in his jeans told her that they were indeed going to be late.

“Damn, you look hot, woman.” The words came out rough as he spoke.

When she reached him, he took her into his arms and brought his mouth down hard on hers. His kiss sent wild sensations straight to her belly and on down between her thighs.

He grabbed her by her ass and raised her up. As they kissed she gripped his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his hips.

Her heart beat like crazy and her breathing came faster as he kissed her with the kind of passion that told her how badly he wanted her.

“I can’t wait to have you.” His voice was almost guttural.

“I can’t wait either.” She swallowed. “I want you.”

He lowered her to the bed until she was on her back and he was between her thighs. He pulled her bustier down, releasing her breasts. She caught her breath as he grasped both her breasts in his callused hands and squeezed. He moved his mouth from one nipple to the other, licking and sucking each one.

“Please.” She squirmed beneath him, wanting more. “Now, Dan.”

He rose up on his knees between her thighs. He unfastened his belt and the button on his Wranglers then pushed his jeans and boxer briefs down just enough to release his cock and balls.

She widened her thighs as he pulled her panties aside and he thrust his cock inside her. She gasped as he filled her, completed her. He started driving in and out, taking her hard and fast. She loved his almost primal expression as he thrust deep. The feel of his jeans was erotic, rough against her soft flesh.

The oncoming climax spun through her and she had a hard time keeping her eyes open as it came closer and closer. But she wanted to see Dan’s eyes when she came.

She cried out as her orgasm slammed into her. Her hips bucked against his and he thrust harder.

He came with a growl and she felt his cock throb inside her. When he came to a stop he pressed his groin tight to hers then relaxed with a loud exhale. He placed his forehead against hers. “Guess I’d better call and let them know we’ll be late.”

She smiled. “Yes, you’d better.”

Dan seemed reluctant to move off of her, but he did. It didn’t take long for them to arrange their clothes and for Renee to slip into her little black dress.

As she walked down the stairs she was glad for the two that squeaked when she tread on them. They had saved her life the first time Jerry had come after her.

The drive to Patagonia went by fast. They arrived at the Italian restaurant and were seated at a nice corner table. It was a cozy place with a nice atmosphere.

Like always when she was with Dan, before they sat down there were greetings of “Hi, Sheriff Cooper.” He’d smiled, shaken their hands, and then escorted Renee to their table.

Dan reached across the table and took her hand in his after they’d ordered and the waitress had taken their menus. The look in his sea green eyes sent butterflies through her belly. She bit the inside of her lip and looked down at their joined hands.

She brought her gaze up and studied his eyes that looked at her with such meaning and it made her heart twist. Exactly what meaning, she didn’t know, but it was like he was trying to tell her something in that one look.

Dinner was wonderful, but she was so wrapped up in Dan that she barely remembered what she’d eaten. When he got up to use the restroom, she leaned over to breathe in the scent of the orchid in the vase at the center of the small table.

When he returned he took his seat. His knee brushed hers. “I ordered dessert,” he said. “I hope you don’t mind.”

She smiled. “You could order anything and I’d love it.”

The server arrived and set a piece of rich-looking chocolate cake between them. Something sparkled on top of the cake and she tilted her head to the side. It looked like a diamond was resting in a large white rose in the middle of the chocolate frosting.

“What’s that?” She wondered if someone had lost their ring on their cake. She reached out and picked it up off of the soft petals of the rose then looked at him when the ring was in her palm. It was a solitaire with emeralds to either side of it. “It’s a diamond.”

He gave her a sexy grin as her eyes widened and she looked at him. Then his features grew serious as he took the ring from her palm then held both her hands in his. “Will you marry me, Renee?”

As her eyes widened even more, he gripped her hand tighter. “I have loved you forever and it would mean the world if you would be my wife.”

Her lips parted as she stared at him. Earlier she’d been thinking it would be a big step just moving in with him and now he was asking her to marry him.

A feeling bright and warm blossomed inside of her, filling her to completion, and she knew her answer. “I love you, Dan.” Warmth traveled throughout her body as she said the words. “It started when we were kids, and now that we’re adults it’s deeper than ever.” She felt her hand start to shake. “Yes, I will marry you.”

He grinned again, broader yet, as he grasped her hand and slid the ring on her finger. He stood and brought her to her feet with him and took her into his arms. He kissed her hard then raised his head as he said out loud to the other patrons in the restaurant, “Renee has agreed to be my wife.”

Everyone around them broke into applause and they congratulated their sheriff and his bride-to-be.

Dan brought her into his embrace again and kissed her hard.

It was then that she truly felt it with everything she had. She’d finally come home.

# # #


Also by Cheyenne McCray

“Rough and Ready” Series

Silk and Spurs

Lace and Lassos

Champagne and Chaps

Satin and Saddles

Roses and Rodeo

Lingerie and Lariats

Lipstick and Leather


“Altered States” Series

Dark Seduction


“Dark Enforcers” Series

Night’s Captive


Lexi Steele Novels

The First Sin

The Second Betrayal

The Temptation



From St. Martin’s Press:


Night Tracker Series

Demons Not Included

No Werewolves Allowed

Vampires Not Invited

Zombies Sold Separately

Vampires Dead Ahead


Magic Series

Forbidden Magic

Seduced by Magic

Wicked Magic

Shadow Magic

Dark Magic


Single Title

Moving Target

Chosen Prey



No Rest for the Witches

Real Men Last All Night

Legally Hot

Chicks Kick Butt

Hotter than Hell

Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romances

Mammoth Book of Special Ops Romances

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