Lily and the Billionaire: The Complete Collection (3 page)

BOOK: Lily and the Billionaire: The Complete Collection
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“It’s ok, I don’t mind”, she said, rubbing his penis again with her fingers.


But the penis had shrunk completely and lay inert, all throbbing power receded. Daniel, too, was inert and as she stroked him, she noticed his chest moving heavily up and down.  Leaning over, she peered at him. He had fallen asleep!


Now what was she going to do? She was the horniest she had been for a long time. Her entire body was tingling and she could feel a great wave of potential energy building inside her. But what could she do, if he was asleep?


Sighing in frustration, she dressed and then shook him. “Daniel! Daniel! I want to get out of here!”


Daniel sat up, bleary and confused. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck. I am so, so, sorry, Lily. Really. I don’t know what...I...”


“Look, I just want to go home now. Ok?” Lily could feel a wave of tiredness too, and had no energy for anger or even discussion. Daniel weaved his way with her to the door and let her out. “We can talk more some other time,” he said, but she was already in the street and walking fast to warm up.


She was far past the last bus and the timetable informed her that the next night bus was not for fifty minutes. Too long to stand at the bus stop shivering. Angrily she began to walk, swearing to herself.


The streets were empty but still she managed to stumble over pretty much every obstacle, weaving through vacant pavements ad then crashing into lampposts which had mysteriously moved to the centre of her path. The walk home took her twice as long as normal but when she finally staggered into her flat she was not yet sleepy. Her welled-up desire was still very prominent and she had to do something about it.


Fucking Daniel! She tore off her clothes and lay on the soft carpet of her room, her fingers questing between her thighs, rubbing all around the outside of her pussy, then slipping inside. What a thing to do to a woman! She thought bitterly, as she began rubbing the inside of her pussy, catching her breath as she found the most sensitive parts, fingering them eagerly with fast stokes. She kept stroking, faster and faster, writhing around in a frenzy as she sought the satisfaction she felt she deserved that night.  Deeper and deeper she probed inside herself, hungry for the very centre, rubbing and rubbing, faster and faster...letting out little moans of excitement, she held still as her fingers found her magic spot and she stroked herself into ecstasy. Then she lay still, tingling, finally appeased.  


Waking up hung-over as usual Lily stumbled into the kitchen looking for something to make her feel a little bit more human. Her flat-mate, Joanna, was out at her office job and everything was very quiet and still. Lily was very grateful for this; she was feeling too delicate for anything more exciting. Bitterly, she recalled the ridiculous charade of the previous night. What an absolute pig! Clearly that man had no idea how to treat a woman.


How did she always manage to find men like this? Her sex life was not inconsiderable; although she resented Bill’s comments it was true that working at The Corner facilitated finding people to fuck - that is when the odd attractive guy did end up wandering into the bar.  Yet somehow something always seemed to prevent the men she got with from giving her what she wanted. Frustrated she fumbled around the kitchen (trying not to let it spin around her too much), in a search which turned out to be somewhat in vain. She had forgotten to go shopping again and the cupboards were looking ominously bare. No coffee, no tea. No fruit, no vegetables: absolutely nothing to cook. Ah! Looking in the fridge she struck gold. At least there was cheese. She would have cheese on toast again.


I really need to buy some more healthy food, Lily thought as she munched her breakfast, curled up in a blanket on the sofa. Cheese on toast is fantastic but it’s probably not a good idea to live on it, like I’ve been doing. She looked out of the window: grey skies again. The shopping would have to wait; it was already two o’clock and she had to be at work at five. At least if she left soon she could grab a coffee before her shift.


Remembering how Daniel had behaved still made her angry. What was
with men? She recalled that Daniel had lost his erection after she asked to be unbound: he couldn’t get turned on without feeling in control, like she was some kind of sex object! Lily felt disgusted with this chauvinistic attitude. “If that’s how he feels he might as well fuck a doll”, she muttered as she hurried through the rain (it was drizzling, again) to her favourite coffee shop. At least the doll would not talk back. Or demand – well, anything at all. She supposed that Daniel had somehow missed the whole movement of women’s liberation and equal rights. This did not surprise her; many men seemed to have been sleeping for these events.


A flash memory came to her mind of being at one of her parents’ parties and overhearing a conversation between a middle-aged couple in full evening attire. The woman was standing very still, while her husband gently chided her. “Now darling, you know that no one needs to hear your opinions, after all!” the wife was nodding complacently. Lily shook her head. Somehow she had thought that attitudes in London would be more open.


It feels like it’s just that men everywhere are too stupid to accept that we have brains as well, Lily thought bitterly as she searched for an empty table in the coffee shop. Aha! One in the corner was free, with enticing squishy armchairs gathered around it. She sank gratefully into an armchair, ill-feeling towards the male sex still swirling around in her head. 


And it’s not just me, she pondered, remembering Emily’s story. Previously in her sexual exploits she had had this fear; that it was something in herself which made men treat her with so little respect. But it can’t be! She reiterated forcefully; the problem is in them! Everywhere were the same old stories of women trying to find men who were equal to their desires, and being disappointed over and over again. As her coffee was brought over she caught the eye of Tara, the waitress, and
that she too had been down the same frustrating path.


Sipping her coffee she continued to muse thunderously, barely noticing when someone came and stood next to the table.


“Is this chair free?” inquired a deep voice with an American accent.


Lily glanced up. “I suppose so”, she muttered, still lost in her thoughts.


“Perfect”, said the stranger, seating himself with apparent deep pleasure in the soft armchair. He flashed a smile at her, which confused Lily for a second. It was a flash of perfect happiness: as if for a second, his whole being was illuminated. But then it was gone and she realised that she had probably misinterpreted it; he was smiling out of pure, pig-headed lust and nothing else.


She took a sidelong glance at her new table companion: tall, with a perfectly fitted dark linen suit and silk tie. Clearly some kind of businessman. Most likely a city wanker, thought Lily bitterly, referring to those who keep the people of London in strict rich-poor divide by circulating all the wealth among the banks. How can people in jobs like that sleep at night?! She thought, imagining the soulless grey of the offices, permeated by the faint stench of money; the managers most likely clinking champagne glasses at all hours of the day while outside the homeless wandered past.


She did not have much experience of that world but she hated it. It was her father’s world; a man who, as far as she could tell, had little or no scruples. Not that he had bothered to get to know Lily very much. Lily was pretty sure he had been disappointed in her all of her life because she was not a man. All the same, they’re all the same, Lily pursued in her ponderings. Looking at her phone, she realised she had to leave soon. Waving at Tara, she requested the bill, her inner monologue still on the same theme.


‘They just really don’t ever think. Too busy wrapped up in looking like big men, when really they are just pathetic, inconsiderate little boys playing dressing up games. Just because they’ve got on their fancy suits, they think they rule the world’.


She glanced again at the man in the next chair, who was reading a book in silence.


‘Well, there are two sexes in this world!’ She thought, ‘and there would be plenty of room for both of us if men were not such...such...selfish


Tara placed the bill in front of her and Lily began fiddling in her bag. The tall man put his book down on the table, and gave her another confusing smile.

“You look like you’re having a rough day”, he said gently in that deep voice again. “Please, allow me to take the pleasure of getting this coffee for you”.


Lily froze in her
fiddlings, glaring at the man.  His skin was deep brown, probably from expensive sun beds, and his dark hair short and curly. Contrasting with these features were his eyes, an unusually light blue-green. He was still smiling, perfectly at ease and giving the air in the armchair of a king on his throne.


Another one who just doesn’t get it! She despaired, and spat venomously, “What do you think I am? I don’t need your money!”


The man sat back, surprised. Then he took his book and briefcase, and prepared to stand.


“Don’t worry” he said. “There are some things in life which it is important to be open in. But the money is the unimportant part of what I intended to offer. I am sorry if you misunderstood”.


Before Lily had time to take in his words, he was gone.


The cheek of it! She was thinking, as she pulled her purse from her bag. Acting all high and mighty, as if he can just reach out his hand and grab whatever takes his fancy. Well I’m not going to be so undervalued!


She reached for the paper bill and its tray, and noticed that the tray was heavier than it should be.


Under the bill was exactly enough money for the coffee and a ten percent tip.


Lily looked up, confused. Why did he pay anyway, when she did not give him what he wanted? And what was it he had said? “The money is the unimportant part of what I intended to offer.” What did that mean?


Despite the long hours of hatred she had devoted to male behaviour that day, she had to admit that her absolute confidence in the essential bad in all men had been somewhat shaken.




It was a busy night, and Bill had fallen back into his old routine of putting on just enough staff at a time to mean that everyone was always rushing around doing something. At least keeping busy meant that Lily did not have time to dwell on her bitter and confused feelings from earlier. There were lots of rowdy groups of men in tonight, most standing in circles in the rare pools of tepid light, legs wide apart, laughing loudly at each others’ jokes (or more often their own jokes). It was a typical Sunday scene and one which tended normally to fill her with disdain at the male race.


Tonight, however, she was reflecting that it did not necessarily mean they were all stupid. They were just having fun; she supposed. This feeling was heightened when she had a couple of interesting conversations with customers – totally free of any kind of innuendo. Could it be that she had been too harsh earlier in her condemnations? She continued musing as she frantically loaded the glass-washer before all the glasses ran out.


“Ooh, Lily, Indie boy’s just walked in!” winked Mia, flitting past her to grab more ice. Lily looked up unenthusiastically.  Daniel was nearly at the bar, squeezing in between a couple of large bald men having an argument about Arsenal and an enthusiastic group of Asian men discussing pop music. Having arrived, he looked up and catching Lily’s eye looked uncomfortable for a second. But then he seemed to decide that having come here anyway, he might as well not show any discomfort.  Instead he gave Lily a broad smile which in spite of her lingering bitterness she found herself returning. She was still turned on by those hypnotic eyes. But what was she going to say to him? After last night’s performance she couldn’t take another disastrous encounter. Still, there was nothing wrong with being friendly.


“Hello”, she said, reserved; cautious.


“Hi, Lily”, he said, smiling again although she could see a hint of sheepishness in his eyes. “Look, last night was...a bit of a failure, huh?”


Lily raised one eyebrow (an art she was quite fond of getting the chance to practice at moments such as this).


of a failure? Come on, Daniel, I’ve had some bad sex experiences in my time but I have to say this was on another level”.


“Yeah...” he grinned. “I feel pretty bad about it. And I know you don’t want any excuses’s definitely....well, it’s not what I wanted to happen, you know?”


Lily left him to serve for a couple of minutes, considering. Well of course he must have been disappointed as well. But it probably served him right for having such a demeaning view of her, she thought. Going floppy just because she didn’t want to be tied up!


“I’ve been thinking a lot about my behaviour”, announced Daniel when she next had time to talk. “And...I don’t think I did the best thing. And I want to make it up to you”.


Again she had to see to the customers, pondering his words. Was it worth trusting him? Or would it just guarantee another disappointing flop?


“I don’t really know how you can make it up to me, Daniel”, she said on her return. “Maybe you should just find a more submissive woman and leave me alone”.


“Ha, maybe” Daniel considered, then leaned forwards, looking directly into her eyes. “But I don’t want a more submissive woman, Lily. I want


“ did have a chance...” Lily pointed out.


“I know, I know, I blew it...”


“I wish you had!” cut in Lily icily. “I don’t know if you are capable of pleasing me”.


Daniel hung his head. 


“I was stupid”, he said, looking up. “But I
I can make it up to you” –


“Lily, we’re out of glasses again!” called Mia, and Lily turned away from Daniel to collect the empties.

When she came back, Daniel handed her a piece of paper. “It’s my number”, he explained. “You don’t need to decide now if you want to give me another chance.”


Lily took it, appreciating his respectfulness of her decision. “Maybe I’ll call you”, she said noncommittally.


Leaning forward again, Daniel looked directly into her eyes.  “You don’t have to believe me”, he said; softly, so she had also to lean forwards, “but I
I can give you endless amounts of...pleasure”.


She gazed at him for a few seconds, still resisting. How many times had she heard a line like that from men who absolutely failed to deliver? Yet there was something in the sincerity of Daniel’s voice...something which stirred feelings deep inside her.


“By the way, tomorrow is my night off”, added Daniel, leaning back again. “So...maybe see you around”. He pushed his way through the throng and was gone.


Lily toyed with the idea of meeting him for some time after he left. But what would be the point? He was clearly inadequate for her. Yet he had seemed genuinely like he wanted to change. And he was certainly turned on by her. Maybe she should be more open to him?


For some reason the words of the man in the coffee shop came back to her: “There are some things in life which it is important to be open in”.  Perhaps this was one of them...


At the end of her shift she checked the rota to see when she was next working. Tomorrow she was finishing at four in the afternoon. Fuck it, she thought. I’ll call him. It’s probably a sign.



BOOK: Lily and the Billionaire: The Complete Collection
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