Lily and the Beast 2 (3 page)

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Authors: Amelia Jayne

BOOK: Lily and the Beast 2
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Hallowell’s father was in London on business when he got the devastating news and immediately flew home to be with his grief-stricken family.

“The Hallowell family asks for privacy during this very difficult time,” a spokesman for the Hallowell empire said.

Friends and neighbors on the upper east side expressed shock at the sudden death of a young woman who seemingly had it all.

Family friend, Lorraine Collins, called Felice “a sweet, big-hearted girl.”

A close friend of Pierce’s said, “It's such a great loss. He loved that girl beyond all else. If he could’ve died in her place, I’m sure he would’ve.”  Pierce’s bravery at the scene of the accident was noted, as he pulled Felice from the car seconds before it exploded, but was unable to revive her. 

Hallowell is survived by her loving parents, Ada and Marshall, sister Diana, and her fiancé Aidan Pierce, who could not be reached for comment. 

I stared at the picture of the beautiful heiress, with dark blonde hair, artfully styled in shining waves to frame her exquisite, heart shaped face.  She was so gorgeous, she seemed unreal, like those models you see in magazines that you’re sure have to be photoshopped.  And maybe the picture had been altered, but I didn’t think so.  Besides being stunningly beautiful, there was a kindness around her eyes that made me believe the pretty words.  This woman had truly had it all – beauty, wealth, a good spirit, and Aidan.  He’d been head over heels in love with her and they were happily planning their honeymoon.  So what had happened to send her careening out into the night? 

I couldn’t imagine the devastation of having my true love die in my arms like that, and my heart broke for him, even though it’d been more than ten years since she’d died.  It was obvious a part of him had died that night as well.  I sat there, lost in thought, my gaze coming back to that picture of his graduation again.  More than anything, I wanted to take him into my arms and hold him, tell him that it was alright to move on and live his life.  He didn’t have to keep punishing himself for the past.  But I couldn’t say a thing or he’d know that I knew about the accident. 

We still had months and months to go on the contract though.  Maybe if I was patient and kind, he’d open up to me about it on his own?  Or maybe I’d never really know him the way I wanted to and I’d go back to my life, a little more experienced, but alone.  The thought brought the sting of tears to my eyes, and I logged off the computer, doing my best to make sure I left the room exactly the way I’d found it.  One thing I knew for sure, Aidan Pierce was much more complicated than I’d imagined. 



Desperate to keep busy, I started everyone in the house to spring cleaning, even though the trees were still covered in frost each morning.  I’m pretty sure the staff hated me for it, but I needed something to fill my days, and besides, I pitched in too, not afraid of a little elbow grease. 

On the third evening, I went down for dinner, only to find Mrs. Fisk standing there all alone, the table bare.  My eyes darted to the clock on the mantle.  “I didn’t miss dinner, did I?”

“The master has given instructions that you’re not to be served dinner tonight.”

My eyebrows rose.  “He’s back?”

“Yes, he arrived a few hours ago.”

He’d been back for a few hours and this was the first I was hearing of it?  Yep, the servants all hated me.  Or had he instructed them not to mention it until now?  I couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed that Aidan hadn’t wanted to see me right away.  Then again, maybe he had something special planned?  Was that why I wasn’t supposed to eat dinner?  Or had he noticed I’d been on his computer?

“So he’s sending me to bed without my supper?”  The idea was a bit silly.  What was to stop me from sneaking down to the kitchen later for a midnight snack?

“No, he instructed you to make yourself ready for him.  He said to come to his office, he’ll be seeing to your needs tonight.”  She gave a delicate cough.  “All of them.”

Swallowing past the wave of embarrassment at having those instructions delivered by the prim housekeeper, I nodded and retreated to my room to make myself ready, as ordered.

I wore a silky negligee of virginal white, my nipples showing through the lace.  My hair hung long and shining down my back, no curl or tease to it, and the only make-up I wore was a sheer pink lip gloss.  In the drawer of blindfolds, I found a lacy white one to match, and my earrings were simple pearl studs.  Without waiting for an escort, I ventured to the west wing and pulled on the blindfold before rapping on his office door. 

I felt the wind against my face as he pulled the door open with sudden force, and his sharp gasp made my insides clench with anticipation.  Was it a good gasp, or a bad gasp?  His touch at my elbow gave no indication as he led me into the room without a word, taking me past the office to deposit me on the end of the hard, low bench in his playroom.  And then his touch was gone, and my ears strained to tell what he was doing.  The sound of the door closing reached me, and then the pouring of liquid. 

I scented chocolate, and my lips parted, knowing it must be close by to smell so strongly.  “Are you hungry, Lily?” Aidan purred in his intimate voice, the one I’d started to think of as the one he used only for me – despite the fact that he probably used it on all women. 

“Yes, Aidan,” I replied, and was rewarded by a square of silky smooth chocolate against my tongue.  Next came a ripe raspberry, held before my mouth until I noticed the scent and parted my lips.  “I thought I wasn’t allowed to eat dinner,” I remarked. 

“I said I’d see to your needs,” he chuckled.  “I can’t have you passing out from hunger, now can I?”

“Thanks,” I smiled, accepting a cube of sharp cheddar next, the tangy cheese bursting against my tongue.  He seemed to enjoy feeding me by hand, and I didn’t mind the game, trying to guess what would come next.  A sip of wine, rare roast beef, salty ham, harsh whiskey.  Something I thought was a grape turned out to be a grape tomato, which was a weird surprise, but not unpleasant.  My senses were sharper with the blindfold on, and most of it wasn’t too hard to guess. 

“Have you eaten?” I ventured after a few bites. 

“Don’t worry, I know how to keep my stamina up,” he chuckled again.

“I’ll bet you do,” I murmured, taking a deeper sip of the wine he brought to my lips.  “Did you have a nice trip?”

“No, not really.  It’s good to be home.”

He didn’t seem to want to talk about it, so I changed the subject.  “Is this the kind of thing you do often?  Feed your… what do you call them?  Us?” I frowned, not wanting to say sex slave.

“Subs,” he replied easily, offering another square of chocolate.

“Because we’re submissive?”

“Because that way I didn’t have to bother to learn their names.”  He didn’t say it in a mean way, more matter-of-factly, as though that was the norm in this kind of a situation. 

“So do you?  Normally feed your subs?”

“Sometimes.  Though usually it involved me eating something off of them.”

I almost choked on the grape in my mouth.  Was that what he had in mind for tonight?  Somehow, I managed to swallow past the wave of longing that idea brought.  “You’ve had a lot of subs in the past?”


“How do you find them?  I mean, that’s not something you can bring up on a first date, is it?  Do you find them online?”

“I have someone who screens them for me.  I have certain criteria they need to meet.”

“Like blondes only or…”

“No, like they have to be able to play by the rules.  There’s only one master here.” 

Was that a not so subtle hint that I was breaking the rules by talking?  I didn’t think we were in a scene, except for the blindfold, and that seemed to be his hang up all the time, not just during sex.   Licking my lips, I risked another question.  “Are there other rules I don’t know about yet?  You mentioned training…”

“Oh yes.  You’ll learn many more ways to please me, Lily,” he replied in his lover’s voice.  “I’ll show you how.”

“I want to.  Please you, I mean.”  I wanted it in the worst way, even though I could understand on a rational level how fucked up that was.  No one should crave anyone else’s approval the way I needed his.  But I did. 

“Show me.” 

Dinner was over. 

I knelt between his legs, more than ready to prove it.  His pants were stretchy, like workout pants, and they came off in a smooth slide, his cock bobbing up, already at full attention.  His t-shirt was soft, and I pushed it up, my hands sliding over the well defined abs.  All of a sudden, I wanted to taste those abs, and I leaned forward, nibbling and sucking my way down, taking my cues from his breathing what he liked best. 

He seemed to enjoy my lazy exploration, reaching down to stroke my hair, or lift it out of the way, and I got the impression that he was watching me intently.  And then I remembered what he really liked, and I leaned back to clasp my hands behind my back.  Aidan’s moan as I took him full in my mouth reverberated through me, my senses immediately on high alert as his body hummed with pleasure. 

But in the next instant, he pulled free of my mouth, guiding me to my feet.  Disappointment washed through me.  Had I done something wrong?  “I thought you wanted me to…”

“I want something more.”

More than my sucking his cock?  Then why hadn’t he moved us to the bed?  Confused, I let him lead me a few feet, and I heard the cabinets open on one of the wardrobes. 

“I’m going to dress you in something special for tonight,” he said, drawing a frown to my face.

“You don’t like what I’m wearing?”  It’d sure felt like he’d appreciated it when he first opened the door.

“I’m hoping you’ll like this more.  I know I will.”  Aidan made short work of my negligee, slipping it from my shoulders where it fell to pool at my feet, and I tried to resist the urge to cross my arms over my bare breasts.  Not that he stopped to gawk, he was already tugging my panties down over my hips and I stepped out of them, leaving me completely naked.  

He fastened an elastic band around my waist, something dangling from it that I thought might be bra straps, until he tugged it lower, settling it over my hips and I understood it was a garter belt.  Next came the stockings, and I held on to his shoulders to keep my balance as he smoothed them up my calves and over my thighs, expertly clipping them to the garter. 

“Arms up, peaches,” he ordered, and I complied, gasping as he wrapped something cold and stiff around my torso.  “Relax, it’s just a corset.  You’ve worn them before,” he added, but this one felt different.  The unmistakable scent of leather wafted up as he worked, which explained why it was so thick and heavy.  The leather quickly warmed to my body temperature, but was no less stiff as he laced it into place. 

Gently, he reached into the bodice and scooped up my boobs one by one, setting them where they belonged, in tiny cups, designed to barely contain them.  “Steady now,” he murmured, pulling the stays tight – much tighter than I’d laced the satiny corset he’d already given me.  It didn’t hurt exactly, but it felt strange, and I couldn’t take a deep breath. 

“It’s really tight,” I squeaked, not wanting to complain, but hoping he’d loosen them a bit. 

“It’s okay, you’ll adjust in a minute.  Feel how tiny your waist is, and how your tits burst out at the top.” 

I cupped my hands on top of my boobs, impressed by the level of cleavage I found there, smoothing lower.  He was right, my waist felt impossibly small, but I didn’t particularly enjoy the flare that came out the bottom.  “My ass feels a mile wide.”

“Your ass is delectable,” he chuckled, kneeling to take a big, noisy bite, teeth scraping over my sensitive skin.  He moved from one ass cheek to the other, his whiskers scratching and tickling me as he nibbled with gusto, making me laugh. 

The cuffs on my wrists came next, and I could feel the excitement thrumming through him as he buckled them on.  “And now, the final piece to top it off.”  He fastened the stiff leather collar around my throat.   

I felt different.  Not the same at all as when I’d worn the satiny corset, but dirtier somehow. 

And I liked it. 

The leather was stiff and unyielding, and the rest of me felt softer and juicier by comparison.  Speaking of juicy, I was already damp below, and he hadn’t even touched me yet.  I was glad he hadn’t added any panties to the outfit, they would’ve been soaked already. 

“I wish I could see what this looks like.  It feels pretty wicked.”  But I already knew that wasn’t allowed.  There weren’t any mirrors in the room anyway. 

Aidan reached for my hand and wrapped it around his thick cock.  “Feel how beautiful you are.  What you do to me,” he said with a groan as I gripped him tightly. 

“Aren’t you going to dress up too?” I asked, giving his cock a long stroke, using my hands while I still could. 

“Not today, peaches.  I’ve been waiting too long to fuck that pretty mouth of yours.  Get on your knees.”

My lips parted, a thrill going through me as he thrust into my hand.  I should’ve been disgusted that he’d reduced our time apart into wanting to subjugate and demean me, but honestly, I couldn’t wait to get his cock in my mouth either.  Hastily, I got down on my knees as ordered, which wasn’t as easy as you’d think without being able to bend normally.  Before I could lean forward and open my mouth, he knelt behind me, linking my wrists together behind my back.  My breasts jutted up at the motion, nipples escaping their leather prison to pucker in the cool air. 

“There you go,” he said, his voice thick with lust as reached down to pinch my nipples, making them stand even taller.  “So fucking beautiful…”

I flushed at the praise, leaning into his touch, but felt the jab of his cock brushing against my lips moments later, seeking entrance.  Instead of complying right away, I licked my lips, and then circled the head with my tongue, wetting it completely before I allowed him in.  I kept my lips firm, taking him slowly, so that I felt every velvety inch of him, and he had to push his way in. 

“Fuck…” he breathed, when I took him deep, my tongue swirling over the thick underside.  “That’s a good girl, just like that.”

Bound by leather and steel, on my knees while he fucked my mouth – and I’d never felt so powerful in my entire life. 
was the one who made him groan like that,
was the one who made his hips buck faster and faster, his breath coming like a freight train.  Every moan and sigh sent a jolt of heat straight to my pussy, and I clamped my thighs together in a matching rhythm, making my clit throb with jealousy. 

I would’ve lost my balance, but his hands in my hair kept me steady as he pumped in and out.  They fisted tighter as he grew close, his cock swelling bigger, throbbing as I slowed down, drawing it out.  Aidan made a noise, steeped in frustration and need as I bobbed slower and slower, desperately pumping his hips faster again, but I made my lips harder, making it more difficult, forcing him to slow down.  Finally, he held my head completely still, his strength far outstripping mine, a dangerous growl in his voice.

“Don’t ever try to fucking control me.  I’ll come when I want to.”

I licked my lips, relaxing my jaw before I turned my face up to him.  “Then come.”

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