Light and Sweet: Sacred Hearts Coven (11 page)

BOOK: Light and Sweet: Sacred Hearts Coven
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A Walk Back


Lilly and Leon turned to walk back in the direction that they came from. Lilly locked her arm around his. As they walked
, their steps began to follow in sync with one another. Lilly noticed them hitting the pavement at the same time. It gave her that sensation like they had walked that path before or that they were meant to walk that way. It was very much like déjà vu or a forgotten dream.  The thought prompted her lips to stretch and curl up into a smile.

There was a strange silence between them. Lilly’s thoughts were coming at her double time thinking about her night and about the possibilities of what could be brewing between her and Leon. She wondered if he might be thinking the same thing. Chances are he wasn’t thinking anything or he was trying to devise a plan to get into her pants.

Lucky for him she wasn’t wearing pants, Lilly amused herself and just enjoyed his firm, but not overly built arm. He was clearly in good shape; images of his nicely defined abdominal muscles he showed her last week flooded her memory. Bam, just like that, it hit her, they had the same belt buckle.

She now had two significant strokes of serendipity with him. She needed to stop before she inflated him and their situation up so much that it burst with disappointment.

“So where did you get your belt buckle?” Lilly blurted out.

“Oh, yeah we have the same buckle. I actually picked it up from a vender at one of the street markets last summer. I just happened to be cutting through to grab lunch and it caught my eye. It beckoned me to take it home.” Leon told her. “How about you?”

“My friend Ali bought it for me for Christmas last year. She said it reminded her of me.” Lilly blushed, she was a little embarrassed she just compared herself to a hot cartoon version of herself.

“Funny you should say that, because I have fantasized about the chance that the girl on the buckle could be real. It happens to be a very good illustrated version of you, except for the tattoos of course.” He looked over at her, probably to confirm that he hadn’t missed something.

“Who says I don’t have any tattoos?” Lilly said and pinched her eye shut at him.

“So you do have tattoos? Where are they then? I don’t see any.”

“A girl never tells her secrets…they must be discovered.” The words rolled off Lilly’s tongue. She wasn’t sure who she was teasing more her or Leon.

“I like a good mystery. I am very good at uncovering clues. There is something thrilling about the hunt for undisclosed treasures.” Leon looked at her with a desperate hunger.

“There is something very cosmic about us both owning it, do you think people would laugh at us if we went out wearing the same buckle?” How presumptuous of her to assume that they would go out. Lilly wished she could have thrown her hands over her lips.

“Fuck-em. If I get the chance to go out with you at all, I will wear a matching
dress if that is what you want,” Leon joked.

Lilly slapped him on the arm. “You’re crazy…I think I like it.” Lilly laughed.

“Here we are.” Leon stopped and turned.

“Where are we exactly?” Lilly asked.

“At my truck, so I can drive you home,” Leon said and waved his hand at the silver pickup truck that was parked on the street next to where they stood.

His truck didn’t surprise Lilly. It suited him to a tee. She could see a necklace hanging from the rear view mirror, a small guitar hung down in the center of the window. The truck had a rugged manliness to it with a certain touch of pizazz. The wheels were larger than life and the chrome rims were clean and polished under a thick coating of splattered mud.

“You said you live nearby?” Lilly was curious about where he lived and she also realized that she had been holding off on the fact that she needed to pee.

“My apartment is across the street.” Leon was unlocking the passenger side door with a key. He pointed across the street with his keys in hand. Lilly thought it was funny that he didn’t have a fob thing to unlock the doors. Just a plain key ring with three keys attached to a small belay lock that he removed from a loop of his jeans.

Lilly wondered what the third key was for. His sister probably would have mentioned if he had a girlfriend or something. It hadn’t occurred to her to ask him, and she wasn’t about to either. What business did she have asking when she herself was on a date a few hours ago?

“Do you think it would be possible for me to use your bathroom before we head out? I probably should have gone before I left the bar, but I hate using public restrooms when it can be avoided. I think once at that place was enough for one night.” Lilly crunched up her nose remembering how un-kept the restroom at the bar was.

“No problem. I can certainly accommodate that request.” Leon pushed the lock down inside the truck and shut the door. He latched his keys back at his waist and resumed his place by her side. He offered her his bent elbow. “Let me show you the way.”



Lilly stood behind Leon as he unlocked the faded black metal door. She pushed her lips together back and forth. She felt her knee caps bouncing up and down as she tried to calm her nerves. She told herself it was her body’s natural reaction to the impending doom of not being able to hold it any longer.

In reality she knew or maybe hoped that she was walking into the lion’s den. It was nearly two in the morning. She felt her body trying to tell her it was time for sleep, but she had had plenty of sleep in her life and none of her wildest dreams could compare to the night she was already having. Lilly didn’t want it to end.

Leon started to open the door and without thinking Lilly took the initiative to walk through the opening. The only problem is that it is customary for a person to walk into their own home first to turn on lights and welcome someone new into their home, or at least that was what Leon might have been accustomed to.

They got stuck shoulder to shoulder in the door jamb. Lilly felt her arm pressed against his. She wanted to get closer to him, but this wasn’t exactly what she had in mind.

“You must really have to go.” Leon laughed and backed up releasing the physical tension between them. The sexual tension was another story all together. “Let me turn on a few lights for you and show you to the bathroom.”

“Sorry, I don’t know why I barged in like that.” She stepped to the side and let Leon walk in front of her. She heard a soft sound of music playing in the background. It was hard to tell if it was coming from his apartment or a neighbor’s.

He flicked on a light switch that illuminated the L-shaped living and dining area. She was expecting beat up couches with blankets over them and an old pizza box on the coffee table. She was pleasantly surprised that his home, although sparsely decorated, was furnished nicely. There was one chocolate brown leather sofa in front of a large flat screen television. She couldn’t help
but look to see if there was a gaming console and controllers, there were none, at least not that she could see.

There was a coffee table that had a stack of books on it. Lilly instantly wanted to know what kind of books they were. A lead singer of a local rock band and he reads, could he be that balanced?

“The bathroom is down here.” Leon walked down the hallway in front of her. The music got louder the further into the apartment they walked.

“Do you have music or a T.V. on?” Lilly asked following behind.

“I never turn the tunes off, even when I leave. I know it is probably not great for my carbon foot print, but my mom always left the television on when we weren’t home as kids to ward off potential home invaders. I don’t know if it worked, but no one ever broke into our home.”

“Oh, that’s a goo
d idea, I never thought of that,” Lilly said as Leon opened the door to a bathroom.

“Let me close the other door, it opens to my bedroom. You want a drink or something? I have bottled water, beer, maybe some juice or
some kind of sports drink,” he asked.

“I guess. I’
ll have whatever you are having.”

“Well if I am driving you I am not drinking beer, but if you want one that is totally cool with me.”

“Sure, whatever. I will be out in a minute.” Lilly closed the door and locked it. She also turned on the water; even though the music was on she didn’t want him to hear her peeing. She was impressed that the toilet seat was down and the bathroom was spotless. After she got done washing her hands she couldn’t help but check the medicine cabinet for signs of a female. There was only shaving products and some gender neutral face lotion.

Lilly turned off the water and started to walk out of the bathroom and bumped into Leon coming out of his room.

“Sorry, I was just turning the music up a little.”

“At least you didn’t knock me over this time.”

“Speaking of which, how is that hand of yours?” Leon closed the distance between them and lifted her hands to examine them. “I have some antiseptic spray and stuff in the bathroom. Maybe you should let Dr. Leon take a closer look.”

Lilly’s knees went week at the simple action of him touching her hand. She pictured him kissing her wrist again and she felt her nipples harden against her firm push up bra.

“Really? I just washed my hands, you think I need to be examined?” Lilly had never role-played before, but she could get into this whole doctor-patient thing. “I guess if you are a doctor then I will have to follow your orders.”

She didn’t think that Leon was going to be so surprised by her response, but his eyes brightened at her answer.

“Well, then Miss, step into my office,” Leon instructed.



Washing Her Hands


Leon led Lilly back into the bathroom. He flicked the lights back on. Lilly hadn’t noticed but there was some kind of heating lamp on the ceiling, she wondered if he realized he turned them both on. He opened the small linen closet that was behind the bathroom door and pulled out a small first aid kit and put it on the counter to the left of the sink. He also grabbed a fresh hand towel and placed it on top of the kit.

“Ma’am I am going to cleanse the wound with soap and water to start with.” Leon turned the water on and tested the temperature. “If you would please place your hands in the water.”

Lilly did a little curtsy, “Why yes sir, doctor sir.” She giggled and stepped back up to the sink.

Leon pumped a few handfuls of soap into his hands. He reached into the sink and began to rub Lilly’s hands. He stroked them over the top and around to the palms. He rubbed them one by one between his hands creating a lather that was so thick it was starting to fill the sink.

“We need to make sure that we get it really clean. I’m not getting you too wet, am I?” Leon asked.

There was no way he could get her too wet. She wondered if he intended on the double meaning of his statement. The more he caressed and rubbed her hands the more she wanted his hands all over her body.

“Hmm, I ah, I don’t know... What?” Lilly fumbled over her words.

She watched the intensity of Leon’s actions. He made sure that his thumbs slid between each of her soapy wet fingers massaging every last bit of her hands. There was strength behind each movement. Lilly’s kneecaps began to twitch up and down again.

His hands were not smooth; instead there was a rough gritty feel to them where he had developed calluses from playing the guitar. Lilly closed her eyes and imagined what they would feel like caressing her breasts, and her thighs, and her…

“Are you ok, you’re not falling asleep on me?”

“Oh, no way. I was just enjoying the hand massage.”

“You like the way it feels?” he asked. They were hip to hip, but he moved around behind her. “Here, it might be easier for you to stand in front of the sink.”

He pressed his body against her ever so slightly as he continued to wash her hands. Never in all her life would she have ever thought that washing her hands could be so sensual.

Leon continued washing long after her hands were the cleanest they had ever been. The sink was almost over flowing with suds. The strokes started to moved their way up her arms. His thumbs worked circles around the inside of her wrists. There was something about the way he touched her wrists either with his lips or his thumbs that elicited such a ravenous desire to submit to him.

She was losing all control of her legs as they felt like they were going to buckle from the pleasure he was inflicting on her. She leaned her head back against his chest. The soapsuds were never ending. The trail of soap was rising up to her elbows. She angled her chin up as she nestled the back of her head against him.

A moan escaped from her core. His hands were all over her arms. She felt her breath quickening and her panties becoming moist from just the idea of what his hands would feel like beneath her dress.

She looked up at him first in the mirror then over her shoulder. “You would make a fabulous doctor. You know I write resumes, we could add sponge bath to yours.”

He half laughed and half moaned. His soapy hand came up and forced her head to turn further in his direction. His mouth urgently covered hers in a kiss that was full of maddening passion.

Lilly gave into the kiss and all thoughts of who she was and where she was had no bearing on anything. The only thing that existed in that moment was his lips. She drank in his kiss like it was the last glass of water in a dry desert.

She let her body turn into his. Leon’s hands were covered in soap, but it didn’t stop him from using both of them to hold her face taking control of the speed and accuracy of the groove they had found.

Leon lifted her onto the bathroom counter. Her entire ass now covered in wet suds. The sink was still running helping to extend the life of the endless supply of bubbles. Lilly wrapped her leg around Leon and pulled him closer to her.

Lilly could barely catch her breath, but she didn’t need air when she was filled with primal desires. Her inner animal was about to be unleashed. She finally let her hands extend around him firmly grabbing a hold of his ass.

She wanted to feel his excitement pressed against her now throbbing center. He grabbed at her waist grinding his package against her panties. He pulled away from the kiss with a seductive calling of his eyes. Scooping up a handful of bubbles he dripped them down over her collarbone and watched them shimmer as they disappeared between her breasts.  He traced the path with the tip of his finger.

“Wow, you look hot covered in bubbles. You probably would look hot covered in anything, or nothing. I might have made you more dirty than clean with this mess.” Leon held onto her and leaned back looking her over like she was dinner.

“Maybe we need to even the playing field a little.” Lilly practically meowed her words at him.

She grabbed a bunch of fabric from the front of his shirt and pulled him in. She let her lips float just at the edge of his mouth almost touching his. She held onto him with her legs strongly engaged around his upper thighs. She lifted his shirt over his head allowing her lips to graze the surface of his chest before returning to meet his lips.

Lilly reached around behind her and grabbed two handfuls of bubbles. She opened her lips slightly, allowing room for her to lick his lips in short
, but purposeful strokes while she rubbed the suds around his hairless chest. His skin was taut and smooth over his fit body. 

They were both now covered in tiny bubbles. “My dress is soaked through, I might need to take it off and borrow something dry to wear.”

“You can have whatever you want,” Leon stated.

“I would like for you to wash my hands like this every day. I bet you would do an amazing job of shampooing hair.”

“You better believe it. I love having my head massaged during a shampoo. Your hair is almost already covered in bubbles. You can rinse off in the shower if you want. It is really late, you are welcome to stay over if you want.”

Lilly’s hands found their way to his shoulders. She leaned forward and began to kiss him again, this time there was a slow sweetness to their kiss, a lasting tenderness that felt like it was about more than just lust and sex. It was a connection being made between the two of them.

The kiss had more intimacy than most people had during a lifetime of intercourse. She felt like they meshed into one delicious candy swirl. His fingers gently combed through her hair. Lilly wanted more than a pair of dry sweats.

Lilly took one of his hands while they were still kissing and hooked his thumb around the strap of her dress and her bra. With a gentle nudge she encouraged him to slip it over the top of her shoulder so that it hung over the outside of her arm.

She had leaned forward both to give him room to kiss at her neck and to whisper in his ear. “If I get in that shower and rinse all these bubbles off are you going to come in and wash my hair?” She didn’t have quite the nerve to say it to his face, but she was beyond ready to see and feel more of him.


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