Lie to Me (35 page)

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Authors: Gracen Miller

Tags: #genetic engineering, #dystopian romance, #new adult romance, #lost love, #cyberpunk, #end of world, #science fiction, #science fiction romance, #Fantasy, #new beginnings, #Contemporary Romance, #apocalypse, #cyberpunk romance, #dystopian, #dystopian fantasy

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His hand covered hers, and guided her in the motions of the movement. Up, down, add in a hard twist at the crown. His hips thrust up into her downward passes, while his groans played like musical notes to her ears. A marvelous melody.

Kella was riveted. His cock felt like steel wrapped in silk. The veins throbbed against her palm, and the burning heat at the crown captivated her. His body was an enigma. She experimented with her grip and tightened her grasp on the upward pump.

His breath hitched, and his groan came extra heavy. “

Oh, damn she really liked the way he moaned her nickname.

“Bad or good?” She loosened her handhold as she glided to his base.

“Fucking good.” The strangled tenseness in his voice told her just how magnificent her grip had been for him.

His free hand wound in her hair, and he clenched his digits in the strands as he twisted her head to face him. Did his heavy panting indicate he’d blow soon? Cupping her palm over his crown, she rubbed all over the head. His hiss was the reward she sought.

“I love you, my Kella. I always have.”

While her heart melted and unexpected tears blurred her vision, she had no idea how to respond. So she reacted by squeezing him hard and pumping even harder.

Stone’s grip on her hair tightened, stinging her scalp in a way that electrified her.

He erupted. The spurt of his semen washed against her hand, a hot stickiness that gave her purpose, and she stroked him through his release the way he had her, all the while watching his face. This was beautiful. This was consensual. This was Stone Emmerson, her childhood crush, her former best friend, and the man she’d daydreamed about marrying one day. That marriage hadn’t played out as expected though, and now they had a boatload of distrust between them.

Kella shook their problems aside and focused on him. The harsh sounds of his moans detailed his ecstasy. She kissed his chest, feeling freer than she’d ever felt.

He called her beautiful when she came, but he’d given her this gift, a moment in time where she was responsible for someone else’s joy. She’d never paused long enough to assess her own happiness, but she’d always cherished his.

Stone softened in her hand. Too many emotions pummeled her, and she couldn’t process them all. One reality burst to the top. She’d never felt this close to anyone.

Needing to be flush with him, Kella followed her emotional instinct and crawled on top of him, burying her face in the curve between his shoulder and neck. His sandalwood aftershave smelled nice.

He said he loved her. Kella squeezed him because the urge to return the sentiment burned her tongue, but she wouldn’t say those words unless she knew she meant them. She coveted what his vow promised though, even if she couldn’t act upon the oath inherent in those words. Not when she brought danger into his life.

The stickiness of his release coated her belly, but there was something about the dirtiness of it she embraced. Stone wrapped his arms around her and hugged her to him.

“Something wrong?”

“Thank you for giving me that,” she said against his neck.

He chuckled, more a relieved sound than humor. “Kella, I’m the one who should be saying thanks.”

No. How could she make him understand when she failed to fathom the emotions churning through her?



ella spent a lovely day with her mom catching up, but thoughts of Stone and the pleasure she’d found in his arms distracted her. Of course she couldn’t remain with him. She was X-Ds, and he was a Regent. The diversity of their occupations complicated everything, ruined their chances at a healthy relationship. There was no way she could keep that secret and remain with him. And the inherent danger of her activities would endanger him. Eight years ago she’d been selfish and fled out of fear. This time, she’d leave for the right reasons and protect him.

She worried this choice was a bigger mistake than the first time she’d ditched him. But her options were limited. Pleasure wasn’t enough to put him in danger.
would be selfish on her part.

I’m still in love with him
. That was at the heart of the problem. She’d leave him in eight months, maybe sooner, needed to be sooner, but she’d leave the most vital piece of herself with him. This time would damage her in ways the first time hadn’t.

Sighing, Kella thought of his relaxed features and the grin he’d worn as he kissed and caressed her, hindering her attempts at redressing. In the end, he’d had his way, settled her in a chair with her legs draped over the arms, and dove face first into her core again. She’d be seconds from climaxing when he’d pull back until she lost the urge to orgasm, and then he’d start all over again. By the time he allowed her to come, she’d been so worked up she’d screamed her release. And learned the third was no disappointment at all.

His face had been wet when he lifted his head. A satisfied twist curled his lips as he licked her cream away. He’d kissed her, a possessive claim, and she’d decided everything he did was engineered to make it impossible for her to leave him.

I will leave him.
She had no other choice.

“Think about me today, sunshine,” he’d whispered against her lips, and then pushed up off the floor and walked out of the room.

She’d invited him to join them, but he’d declined. Satan had located two possible houses for rent, and Stone said he needed to lease one of them. That information had come before he put her in the chair and got her off.

It was just as well he’d declined since she planned to meet with Dutch at the dig to approve the video she prepared. Excited to expose the wickedness of spooners, the reveal would put her that much closer to leaving Stone. And that saddened her way too much for her peace of mind.

At least she had her mother’s presence to help distract her from thoughts of Stone.

“You okay?” Reaper halted her with a hand on her arm, his eyes assessing her.

“Yeah. Why?”

“You’ve got that look about you, like you’re torn between decisions. And I heard your scream earlier.”

Heat burned her cheeks, and she glanced at her mother who was thankfully out of earshot with Molly, outfitting her with a bio-shield to protect her from the hot zone’s atmosphere. “It’s not what you think.”

He chuckled. “Nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m glad you enjoyed fucking him. It’s about time you got something pleasurable out of life that doesn’t involve antiquities.”

Her cheeks were on fire. Damn Reaper and his frankness. “We didn’t fuck. He did...other things.”

“Congratulations. Judging by your expression, I’m assuming oral sex. If that was the scream of oral sex, then you’ll love the rest.”

“Reaper. Jesus. When’d you decide to become so frank?”

“When did frankness embarrass you?”

“I don’t know.” She pulled her hair into a messy bun. Reaper had been the one to help her clean up the first time she sold herself. He’d disapproved of her choice, but he hadn’t judged her for her decision either. “With Stone it feels personal, intimate in a way the others didn’t. I’m out of my league here, Reaper.”

“You’re falling for him, Mack.”

No point in arguing something she’d already admitted to herself, so she just nodded and watched her mom interact with Molly.

Reaper caught her chin and forced her to look at him. “Walk away from X-Ds right now, and take the happiness life is offering. Grab it with both hands and
take it
, Mack. The chance won’t come along again.”

She took a step back to free herself from his hold. “The guilt would eat me alive, and you know it. Not much happiness to be had when I abandon girls to rape and ownership and walk away from the cause I helped start.”

“No one would blame you.”

“I’d blame me.”

“You’re a fool.” Reaper shook his head. “My only other advice is to tell Stone everything. He’s made changes in his Quad that reflect our objectives.”

“You trust him?”

A wistful smile as he surveyed the dismal terrain. “I trust him to protect you regardless what you reveal.” He locked gazes with her. “He loves you.”

“You like Stone.” It was a revelation that shouldn’t shock her given Stone’s guileless nature, but few earned Reaper’s respect.

“I like the way he looks at you, treats you, protects you...even the way he makes you scream.”

“Fuck you.”

He chuckled as the blush burned her cheeks again. “I think he’s good for you.”

“I won’t put him in danger.”

Reaper inclined his head. “I sparred with him earlier. He can hold his own. But I respect whatever decision you make. Just don’t be hasty making it.”

They spent the next hour showing Judy the dig site and uncovering artifacts. Kella loved watching her mom’s excitement.

“Um, Mom, Reaper and Molly are going to hang with you while I talk with one of my employees about something that can’t wait,” she said when she spotted Dutch. “I hope you don’t mind?”

“I’ll be fine, sweetie. You do what you need to do. Take your time.”

Kella hugged her and followed Dutch down the train’s hallway to a secluded section.

“Reaper wasn’t kidding when he warned you’d look different.” Dutch pointed at Kella’s face. “So that’s the real you?”

“Yeah. He said he explained everything.” At Dutch’s nod, Kella said, “Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, it’s not that I didn’t trust you, I just didn’t expect my past to catch up with me. I fell into the role of Mack, and that’s who I became.”

Dutch shrugged. “I get it. I probably wouldn’t have told anyone had it been me. Especially if I was running from a Regent. But, girl, that husband of yours...” she whistled. “Hot as fuck. I’d do him in a heartbeat without regret. You know, if he was mine.”

Kella laughed. “He filled out nicely compared to what I left behind.”

“So...what’s your real name?” Dutch fiddled with her laptop, which she’d booted up before Kella joined her.

“Mackella Starke Emmerson.”

“Mack Ellason.” Her hacker snorted out a laugh. “Creative play on your real name. I love the irony.”

“Wasn’t my choice, but I’ll tell Stone’s mom you think so.”

“For real? His mom was behind your escape.” The webmistress rubbed her hands together. “I like her already.” She booted up the video and hit pause. “You doing Mr. McHottie yet?”


“You’ve got to tap that fine ass, Mack, before you ditch him again.”

She didn’t ask how Dutch knew she planned to walk away. And she remained silent on the hacker’s advice.

“Your husband’s friend, what’s his name?”

“Satan. I mean James.”

Dutch laughed. “I bet you call him that to his face.”

“Of course.”

“What’s up his ass? He’s got this really intense look that should be intimidating but just comes across as surly.”

Kella smiled. “Don’t ever underestimate him. He’s dangerous and an acclaimed assassin.”

Dutch shivered. “I like dangerous men.”

What could she say to that disturbing comment? Nothing that made her comfortable, so she took the earphones out of Dutch’s hands. This way she could watch the video without the audio echoing along the metal walls. She nodded at her friend, and Dutch hit the play button. Anger returned as she watched the documentary. Four of the five women were now deceased, while the fifth gal after having been recently resold had just discovered her sixth pregnancy. The spooners ignored the advice of her doctor advising against having further children, because she’d likely die during delivery. All they cared about was breeding a master race. Bastards!

Kella pulled off the headset and set it beside the laptop. “It’s perfect.”

“Why you’re involved in X-Ds makes sense now.”

“Reaper told you I’m Xeno and Stone bought me?”

Dutch squeezed her hand and nodded. “Your reasons are personal, mine are in honor of friends who’ve endured the hardship. I’m here for you, Mack, loyal to you and our cause. You want me to reactive your vanity chip and give you a different look, just say the word.”


he next two weeks were a whirlwind of activity between Kella working her dig, spending time with Judy and Lucy, and Stone moving them to an eight-bedroom house. It was too big with no clear way to fortify the monstrosity, and that unnerved her. Reaper and James were in the bedrooms across and down from hers and Stone’s, but even with their close proximities she still felt unsafe.

Each day Stone took time to visit with
children in the square. They’d become so used to seeing him at the same time each day that they’d begun to show up and wait for him. At first they’d been leery of Kella’s new look, but after proving to them she was the Mack they knew—hadn’t been hard since she knew so much about their lives—they’d gone back to their easy ways with her.

To their visits with the kids, Stone brought lunch or a snack, along with books and fruit to send home for later. He even gave them bags of general supplies like shampoo, soap, and toothpaste. Other days he brought treats for them, candies and cakes. They’d play games, kick ball, hide and seek, and Stone even taught them hopscotch.

Kella couldn’t remember the last time she’d giggled so much in such a short period of time. Probably before she ran away from him, back when life had been better than she realized.

Every evening was spent with Stone. They talked a lot about their lives, but they avoided the future. They participated in a lot of oral sex, but not enough in her opinion. Card games passed the time as well, and he tried to cheat often, but she always caught him, which ended in teasing banter. She wasn’t a fool. She knew he did it on purpose. Sometimes they just snuggled as they watched something on T.V. or read a book.

Each day she became more enamored of him, growing more desperate to be with him physically. Last night she’d tried to push him into giving her what she wanted, but he’d grown agitated with her.

“Do you think this is easy for me?” He’d jammed his fingers through his hair. “I want you, but I
make love to you until you trust me with all your secrets. Are you ready to do that?”

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