Licks and Promises (Texas Threesome Book 2)

BOOK: Licks and Promises (Texas Threesome Book 2)
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Licks and Promises

All Rights Reserved

Licks and Promises

Copyright Em Petrova 2014

Kindle Edition

Cover design by Fantasia Frog Designs

Electronic book publication
April 2014




Licks and Promises

Em Petrova

Book 2 of Double
Dippin’ Series


Everything about Texas was ticking Posy off.

First, she’d woken up alone—cold and shivering.

For the first time in months she had the bed to herself. Without her cowboys there to crowd her, she’d hoped to find herself sprawled over the comfy mattress, taking up every square inch of space their big bodies normally did. Instead she’d been curled on the edge, half-mad that they
crowding her.

And second,
she was left in the midst of an artic freeze.

She got out of the car and grimaced as the wind
cut through the thin coat that usually got her through a Texas winter. To make things a hundred times worse, the warehouse where she worked as administrative assistant for her lovers’ saddle-making business was devoid of muscle.

And testosterone.

With a sigh, she closed the door against the screaming wind and glared at the empty space. No Alex, no Loren.

Damn them for booking this trip and not thinking to include her. Sure,
they were at a trade show to pimp their saddles. But getting away with the men she loved, and in Vegas…

She bit off a very bad word and crossed the concrete floor to her desk.
The boots she’d chosen for the unusual ice had rubber soles that seemed to enhance the silence. No country tunes blasted from an old radio in the backroom and definitely no good-natured ribbing between the guys.

She dropped her purse to the desk,
heart sinking at the sight of the to-do list they’d left her.


Call Burns about pushing back the delivery date

Order supplies

Look at bank balance

Ask the leather company to hold our order until after the show


These were all in Alex’s scrawl. But at the bottom of the list Loren had written in a neater hand:
Smile and know we’re thinking about you.

Yesterday when she’d
started her work day alone, she’d found this list as well as a box of her favorite chocolates. She’d promptly opened the box and eaten half. The rest she’d gulped down for lunch.

So by evening, she not only didn’t know what to do without her lovers,
the sugar in her veins made her sluggish and irritable.

The box stuck out of the top of the wastebasket.
“Uhh.” She grabbed the bag and tied a knot then set it beside the door. Loren would take it out—

“No, he won’t,” she muttered.

Get out of your funk, Posy.

She turned on all the lights in the warehouse
then went into the backroom. The latest saddle was on the workbench, roughed out in the beginning stages.

As she stared at the chestnut brown
leather, she could almost see Alex standing there with a cutting tool in his hand. His dark hair was too long and curled at his nape, his back muscles rippling with every move he made.

Loren, thick with muscle, blue eyes snapping and that bracket around his bad-ass smile… Posy wrapped her arms around her aching breasts.

Day two without them was going to be more of a challenge.

Reaching for the radio on a high shelf, she switched it on. A country drawl was what she needed right now. Like a dog that needed the TV on when the owner left, Posy needed voices to keep from clawing at the door.

Wind blasted against the warehouse walls, making the entire building shudder.
With this artic freeze, no one was going to come in today to order a saddle. She could have stayed home, tucked in bed watching movies.

But the masculine scents of Alex and Loren had actually driven her from bed rather than tethered her. She already felt too dependent on them for her happiness, which wasn’t like her at all.

Just because she wasn’t in Vegas didn’t mean she couldn’t have a good time here on her own. After work she’d call an old girlfriend and grab a healthy salad for dinner. Then a manicure, maybe a little retail therapy?

Feeling brighter at the idea of browsing the shoe store as well
, as from the Luke Bryan tune belting from the backroom, she settled into her chair. She didn’t have a Vegas getaway, but she would enjoy herself.

Outside the one small window near her desk
, snowflakes swirled through the air. Posy crinkled her nose.

Who was she kidding?
Being with Alex and Loren in Sin City would have been so much better.

* * * * *

“Would ya look at that?” As they walked down the street, Loren pointed across Alex toward a group of women. “This place is pure sex.”

“And booze and money,
” Alex added. After only two days in Vegas he was ready to see some women in clothes. No, just
woman in clothes. Posy’s sexy skirts, teetering heels and silk blouses made him rock-hard.

“Does anyone have real tits out here?” Loren mused.

“Doesn’t look like it.” Every girl they passed seemed to be wearing less and have more Botox.

Posy was a natural beauty.
Even her dark, wavy hair was all her own, not the fake extensions Alex saw out here. She had padded hips and luscious breasts. And her lips were way more kissable than any Alex had seen in Vegas.

All night in his dreams
, her lips had tormented the hell out of him. When he’d finally roused from sleep, he’d rolled Loren over and fondled him into an erect state too.

Loren nudged Alex’s shoulder. “You look dazed. Didn’t get enough sleep?”

They shared a smile. This morning he and Loren had moved into a sixty-nine position and spent mind-blowing minutes working each other’s cocks. Afterward, they’d talked about Posy until sunup.

“What do you think she’s doing?” Alex asked, avoiding the
heavy-lidded stare of a redhead who tried to hand him her card.

Loren didn’t pretend not to know who Alex was talking about. Knuckling up his hat brim, he looked at his watch. “
Whoooee, is it only nine? Hell, I’m tired already and we haven’t hit the convention. I’d say Posy is just sitting down at her desk.”

Alex grunted. Hell, yeah. She’d be settl
ing her round little ass in her ergonomic chair and twining her legs together in the modest way that had driven Alex nuts since her first day of work.

When the call tones of Loren’s phone sounded, Alex
realized Loren had dialed Posy for a video chat. Loren held his cell out to capture both of them on the screen.

Posy’s beautiful face loomed into view, and Alex’s heart pitched. Shadows lived under each eye, and she looked a little paler than usual.

“Hey, baby,” Loren drawled. “Nice sweater. Cold there, is it?”

The spark in her eyes was a warning. She wasn’t at all amused. “I’m bundled up like an Eskimo’s Texas cousin
, and I can’t feel my toes even in leather boots.”

Ohh, you’re wearing
boots. When we get home, I’m going to warm you up real good before taking off all your clothes. But we’ll leave the boots on.”

The boots he referred to Alex had bought her as a birthday gift. The tall black leather conformed to her calves like a second skin. He’d also bought her a
tassled whip, which they’d made good use of. But as far as he knew, the hot weather had prohibited Posy from wearing the boots.

“Damn, we’re missing a peek at those boots. Show them to us, baby,” Alex said.

They continued to walk with the crowd, moving toward the convention. Onscreen, Posy gave a quick shake of her head. “You’re in Vegas. Find another pair of boots to ogle.”

Loren looked at Alex, and understanding flashed between them. She was unhappy about being left behind.

“Sweetheart, you know how much we depend on you to hold down the fort,” Loren said.

She sighed
, her eyes serious. “I do know. Now you guys get to the convention and sell some saddles.”

“Wait, you can’t just go off without telling us if you missed us last night.” Alex couldn’t help but lean close to the cell phone Loren held. He might be surrounded by sex and lust but his feelings for Posy were private.

Her features softened. Lips tilting at one corner, she nodded. “I did. How could I not when I was freezing to death without 197.2 degrees surrounding me?”

Loren nudged his hat back more.
“Aww, baby, we’ll make it up to you.”

A little of her spunk returned. “Good.
Think of this in the meantime.”

The screen shot shifted, the camera moving over her ripe breasts in a red sweater to the fullness of her thighs in a pair of tight black leggings. Fuck, what Alex wouldn’t give for a glimpse of her ass in those leggings.

When the screen displayed her leather boots, the ache in Alex’s balls grew. She turned her foot right and left, letting them see the lean bulge of her calf muscle.

The cell went black as she ended the call.

“Jeezus,” Loren grated out. “Gotta adjust my package after that.” He walked funny for a second.

“And those leggings.
Remember the time she wore them to the grocery store?”

“Yes, I almost fucked her over the deli counter. But you nearly got into a fistfight with that guy who wouldn’t stop looking at her ass.”

Alex’s shoulder bumped Loren’s as they were automatically drawn together. Before Posy, his relationship with Loren had been great. But with her, it was brighter than any Vegas lights.

Loren swung his head
toward Alex.

“I know that look.” Alex grabbed
him by the shoulders and pulled him through the throng of people. When he shoved his back against the nearest building, Loren’s eyes widened. As he rumbled with a surprised laugh, Alex claimed his mouth.

Several hoots sounded from passersby, but Alex ignored them, centered on the hard lips under his. Loren’s five o’clock shadow scraped his
own. He swiped his tongue against Alex’s, the tang of the orange juice Loren had drunk for breakfast filling his mouth.

They shared a groan, and Alex didn’t even try to stop himself from rocking his cock against Loren’s erection.

“Get a picture of those cowboys!”

Breathing hard, Alex broke away from his lover.
All he wanted was to sink into Loren’s tight body, but he didn’t want to be another sideshow on the street.

Loren’s eyes burned with wanting. “Later,” he rasped.

“Damn straight.” Alex pushed away from the wall, and Loren followed him into the crowd.

As the building that housed the western trade convention
came into view, Alex didn’t try to bite off his groan of frustration.

“We should have brought Posy. When we booked the trip, I didn’t think.”

Loren pulled off his hat and ran his fingers through his messy brown hair. “Me either. We really will have to make it up to her.”

In the six months since cornering Posy and spreading her over her desk to pleasure her, he and Loren had showered her with flowers, candy, charm bracelets and new boots. Not to mention the sexy sandals she preferred. But what they needed to give her
wouldn’t fit in their suitcases.

Alex cupped
the top of his black Stetson and shoved it lower over his eyes. “How much play money do we have, Loren?”

dunno. Five hundred? It’s not much.”

“No, it isn’t much. But maybe we could squeeze another five hundred out of the account?”

Alex trailed his gaze over Loren’s worn jeans and black Falls Creek Custom Saddlery T-shirt, his cock still throbbing for his lover.

BOOK: Licks and Promises (Texas Threesome Book 2)
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