Read Liam Online

Authors: Madison Stevens

Tags: #Allen Securities#3

Liam (10 page)

BOOK: Liam
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“I just forgot,” he said. He stepped into the room and pulled on a dresser drawer.

She watched, stunned, as he pulled a pair of underwear from the dresser.

When he looked over to her, she shivered at the raw desire she saw reflected back.

Meg stood, frozen, as he made his way to her. She was torn between covering her nearly naked body and ripping the towel off his.

Liam picked up her nightgown and eyed it. He frowned.

“This doesn’t really seem like you,” he said.

Anger flared in her. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

He dropped the nightgown back on the bed and shrugged. “I just always pictured you in a t-shirt.”

“Well,” Meg said. She snatched the gown from the bed and tossed it back into the bag. She pulled out the shorts and tank set. “I’m sorry for wanting to feel sexy. I guess I should just go back to boring old Meg.”

She kept her back to him and struggled to main her composure.

When his hand landed on her shoulder, she jumped. Liam spun her around to look at him. Surprised, she looked up at him.

“Nothing about you is or ever was boring,” he said. He leaned into her and placed a hand under her chin when she tried to look away. “And you should feel sexy no matter what you wear.”

Meg pulled her face out of his hand. “You don’t have to lie to me. I’m not a child.”

He yanked her hand down and placed it against the front of his towel.

“Does that feel like I’m lying?” he growled at her.

Her eyes widened in shock as she felt his wide length. She traced him through the fabric with her fingertips.

He leaned forward and placed his head on her forehead, his breathing labored. His chest rose and fell, pushing them closer together.

“You should stop,” he said. Her hand stilled. “After seeing you lying on the floor like that, I’m not so sure I’ll be able to stop myself.”

She traced the length of him again with her fingers. When he groaned, she couldn’t help but smile at the power she had over him.

“Fuck it,” he said.

Her body crashed into his, and she reveled in the feeling of her breasts against his hard chest.

“Liam,” she whispered. Her body shook with need.

His mouth came hot and hard against her own. She groaned into his mouth. Every time they kissed, it was like a flame had been lit inside her chest. Meg wrapped her hands around his neck and them along the back of his buzzed head. She loved the prickly feeling on her fingers.

Liam slanted his mouth over hers and moved in for a deeper kiss. His tongue twisted with hers. She squeezed her thighs together to stave off the burning ache she was feeling.

He pulled his head back slightly and trailed light kisses down the side of her neck. Meg turned her head to the side. Her heart beat wildly as his hands skimmed the sides of her breasts.

His large fingers traced the edges of her taut nipples, never quite touching.

“Liam,” she said and pulled his head from her neck. “Touch me.”

She saw fire blaze in his eyes and gasped when he lifted her up in his arms. Meg wrapped her arms tighter around his neck and her legs around his middle. She could feel his hard length trapped between them and ached to shed the rest of their barriers.

He tossed her back against the bed. She might have yelped if he wasn’t on her in seconds.

The kiss he gave her was soft, like he was doing this for the first time. Slowly, he settled in between her legs. She groaned in frustration and pushed him back slightly.

“Too fast?” he asked. His voice was rough with need.

“Not fast enough.” She grinned at him. Meg reached around and unclasped her bra.

Not waiting, he grasped both breasts and squeezed. Meg hissed when he sucked both nipples into his mouth at the same time. His tongue swirled between them, flicking across her hard points.

Liam let go of her breasts, latched his mouth over one and sucked hard. Her back arched off the bed at his gentle tugging. Taking his time, he bit and sucked her breasts until both were tender to the touch. Her senses spiraled out of control when he scraped his rough cheek against her sensitive nipples.

Meg wrapped her thighs around him and ground hard.

He let go of her breast with a pop and looked at her.

She smiled. She wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him down. When he hissed loudly, she dropped her hands and looked at him.

“Shoulder?” she asked.

His face was contorted in pain.

Liam nodded. “It’s better than it was, but it’s still sore.”

Guilt ate at her. The injury had been her fault. Meg rolled him onto his back. She kept her eyes on his face as she moved him. She placed her head on his well-defined chest and looked up at him.

“I’m sorry,” she said and kissed the place above his heart. “It’s my fault. I put us both in danger because I was angry.”

Liam sighed. “I’m partly to blame. If I hadn’t made you so upset earlier, none of this would have happened. I just… Things are so fucked up in my life. How can I tell you where this is going if I don’t have anything else figured out?”

Meg watched as he struggled to make her understand. And she wanted to. She really did. But it was hard when the man she loved wouldn’t just say he would figure it out because love conquered all. Maybe her father hadn’t been right after all.

He lay there watching her, and she wondered what he was thinking. She took a deep breath before speaking.

“I have a question,” she said. She might have laughed at the expression on his face if she hadn’t been so nervous. “Where did we meet?”

Liam barked out a laugh. “Really? The look you were giving me, I thought it was going to be much worse.”

Meg scowled and moved slightly away from him. “Like what?”

Liam smoothed her hair on her head and ignored the second question. “We met at your parents’ house.” He smiled.

Meg sighed. She had been right. Secretly, she had been hoping her father had been right, but there was no question about it.

“I knew he was wrong,” she grumbled.

Liam pulled her up his chest with his good arm and stared into her eyes. She could see the possessive streak shining through.

“Who was wrong?” He glared at her for a few moments.

Meg sighed and rolled over on her back, so she wouldn’t have to look at him. Her head fit snugly in the crook of his arm.

“My dad,” she sighed. “He was so sure you would remember when we met.”

“What are you talking about?” He grunted.

Liam sat up and pulled the pillow behind his back. She sat up and watched as he adjusted his big body. Meg licked her lips when the towel slipped down a little. He cleared his throat, and her eyes shot to his. The side of his mouth lifted slightly, like he wasn’t minding being ogled by her.

“It was May, at your parents’ BBQ.” He smiled at her. “You wore a pretty blue t-shirt and a pair of cut-offs.”

Meg frowned at him. That wasn’t right. They had met at her brothers’ work.

“No,” she said adamantly. “I met you at the office. You were shooting a gun.”

Liam laughed. “You don’t remember me.” He smiled at her. “I’m not surprised. You were nineteen then, and I’m sure I seemed like an old man to you.”

Meg’s eyes widened with shock.

“Oh God,” she groaned. “Are you talking about the spring social?”

Meg placed her head in her hands when he nodded. It all had to be some sort of joke. Not only had her father been right, but it meant she met Liam on the one day that she wouldn’t have noticed.

“Meg,” he said and put his good arm around her. She felt the heat of his body, and it warmed her own. “What’s the matter, baby?”

Her breath caught in her throat at the pet name. When she looked up, he was staring at her with his dark green eyes.

“I remember that day,” she said slowly. Her cheeks burned.

She watched as his eyes lit up. “You do? So you remember me?”

Meg bit the inside of her lip. She really didn’t want to hurt him. “Well,” she sighed. “I remember the party.”

His smiled dropped a bit, and she felt bad. “What was so special about that party then?”

She squirmed under his hard gaze. “You remember Ryan?”

Liam snorted, all his good humor deflated. “That shit-head that made you cry?”

Meg cleared her throat. “Yeah,” she said and looked down at her hands. “Well, that was sort of a special day.”

“With him?” he said. She couldn’t look up at him.

Her confession was the most embarrassing thing ever, and when she saw her father, she was going to kick him in the shin.

Liam laughed loudly. She jerked her head up to look at him.

“Of course the day I meet you is the day you decided to have sex,” he said.

Her cheeks flamed to a burning red.

“Well, I couldn’t have known my feelings for you right when I met you,” she snapped and turned away.

Liam scooted over closer.

“Don’t be angry,” he whispered in her ear. “You can’t help it that I’ve loved you longer.”

Meg turned around slowly in his arms.

“Loved me?” She couldn’t keep the hopeful sound out of her voice as she looked at him. It was everything she had ever wanted.

“Oh, Meg.” He brought his nose to her neck and nuzzled her. “I’ve tried for so long not to have these feeling.”

He pulled back and looked into her eyes. The embarrassment from before drifted into the love she felt for him.

“I love you,” he whispered. She sat, stunned. The one thing that she’d been waiting to hear, and there it was. “I shouldn’t love you,” he continued. “God knows I’m putting you in more danger with this, but seeing you tonight…”

Meg pushed him back against the pillow. “I love you.” She smiled. “Not that it was any great secret.”

She leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips.

“I’m sorry I didn’t remember you at the party,” she said.

His eyes flashed for a moment.

“Why’d it have to be that shit-head?” he grumbled. “Ruining my fucking special day.”

Meg nearly laughed at his childish behavior.

“Well if it makes you feel any better, it wasn’t any good. For either of us. Hence the break-up a month later.”

His eyebrows shot up, and she knew she should have kept her mouth shut.

“It doesn’t make me feel better,” he said harshly. “And what do you mean? He broke up with you because he wasn’t any good?”

Meg looked down at her hand on his chest. She traced his beautiful pecs.

“He didn’t like that I was so…” She tried to think of a word that worked and sighed. “I was bossy.”

Meg jumped when he laughed loudly. She glared at him. “Something funny about that?”

He reined in the laughter and stared at her. She felt the heat rise back into her cheeks as he continued to stare.

“I like a woman that knows what she wants,” he said. The gravel from his voice struck a chord with her clit, and her whole body hummed with anticipation.

“That’s good,” she whispered and leaned in a little.

His eyes darted to her lips, and when she licked them, he groaned.

“You aren’t the only one that can be bossy,” he said and leaned in.

Her throat grew dry with just the nearness of him. Moisture pooled between her legs, and her nipples tightened against his chest. Wrapped up in their conversation, she had forgotten their near nakedness.

“Liam.” She leaned in a little and grinned. “Shut up and kiss me.”


Chapter Eleven



Liam pressed forward and kissed her like he had always wanted. No holding back anymore. He was going to have Meg in all the ways he had dreamed.

Her nipples scraped against his chest, teasing him with their hard points. As he deepened the kiss, another hand came up and pinched a hard peak. She hissed, and he knew that it was still sensitive from his earlier tasting. The smile that slipped on his face couldn’t be hid when she started to twist under his hands.

He pulled back and looked at her now puffy lips. She stared at him, her eyes only partially open.

“Lie down,” he growled at her.

Her eyes flashed at his command. Liam suspected that her previous lover just hadn’t been very good and felt inadequate that he needed her direction. He watched as she laid back against his black satin sheets, her pale skin a stark contrast.

Liam looked down at her pretty purple panties. He could see the outline of moisture that was seeping through and had a feeling that when he pulled the thin scrap of material away, he’d find her ready for him. His cock throbbed at the idea of sinking into her. The towel tented in front of him, and he knew she had seen it when her breathing hitched in her throat.

After drawing his eyes up her body, he found her staring at the towel. Liam grinned as he grasped the edge just barely tucked in and pulled it out. The towel fluttered to the bed beside him. Her moan cut through the room and made his ridged pole ache even more than before.

“Fuck me,” she groaned.

Liam shook his head, moved further down the bed and climbed onto the floor. On his knees, he pulled her down with his good arm. Mindful of his sore shoulder, he slid in between her spread thighs. Not quite even with her pussy, he ducked his head down and placed soft kisses along the inside of her thighs. She wiggled her hips the closer he moved, which only made him slow his torture.

He leaned in close to her panty-clad opening. Liam ran a finger down the center and watched as her hips rose off the bed. He grabbed the thin fabric from the top and gathered it together, pulling the fabric between her lips. Looking up to her, Liam gave a few tugs, pulling the soft fabric tight against her clit.

Meg groaned and bucked off the bed.

God, how he loved the way she looked, head thrown back, hair wild on the pillow, and lips red and puffy from his kisses. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

He pulled on the fabric again and held it hard against her clit. When he moved it from side to side, bumping her clit as he went, Meg started to take short breaths. He could feel it. She was close.

“I swear to go, if you don’t get to work…” She glared at him.

Liam shoved the panties aside and slipped a finger deep in her.

BOOK: Liam
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