Read Levitate Online

Authors: Kaylee Ryan

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Teen & Young Adult, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary

Levitate (6 page)

BOOK: Levitate
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I SHOULD HAVE never got close enough to smell her, to taste her. I couldn’t resist taunting her when I walked up on her saying she thought I was sexy. My cock was instantly hard, begging to take her. The gentle kiss of her neck just about had me blowing a load in my pants. I need to fuck this girl out of my system. I’ll need to be careful so I don’t piss off Bright’s girl. I don’t want to mess things up for him. He’s really into her and was even talking about making things more permanent. Why he would want that, I will never know. He saw what happened to my dad, but he’s still falling for the feminine charms. At least he can’t say I didn’t warn him. I did, just this morning. He took it well as he laughed at my warning. He then proceeded to tell me how one day I would fall to those charms and he was going to sit back and enjoy the show when it finally happened.

I need to come up with a plan to get her under me, or on top of me, I’m not picky. I just need to work her out of my system. I watch her face as Bright pulls Nicole’s chair out for her. I could swear I see longing on her face, but it’s gone before I can really study her. My feet are moving on their own accord and I find myself beside her, pulling out an empty seat for her. The wind picks up and I get a scent of her, her sweet flowery scent with a hint of coconut.

I quickly take the seat next to her so I don’t embarrass myself with my rock-hard dick standing at attention. Fuck! I reach for the bowl of salad that Bright is offering and quickly place some on my plate. I sit the bowl in front of her and reach in to grab a steak and baked potato. I busy myself adding butter and sour cream, dousing my steak in A1. I shift in my chair to try and get more comfortable. Nothing is working. Shit, my mind races for a distraction, and that’s when my dad runs through my mind. He loved my mother with everything in him and she killed him. He used to tell me I would find the one and just know. That nothing would be able to keep me from her. I used to believe him. I used to believe in that fairy tale he talked about. That all ended the day he ended his life, because of her. The anger I feel toward my mother does the job. My dick is effectively deflated.

Both of the girls thank us for dinner and say how great the steak is. I can grill a mean steak, if I do say so myself. They insist on helping us clean up since we took care of dinner. Bright and I both protest, but they want no part of it. Cleanup is fast with the four of us working together. I take every chance I can get to rub against or touch Kensington during the process. I need to work on wearing her down.

Bright asks the girls if they want a tour of the property. I watch as he grabs a sweatshirt off the back of the chair and I know what he’s doing. He’s taking every opportunity to get his girl close. He’s being a gentleman. I decide this is my best bet. Kensington seems to like Bright as does Nicole. Maybe I need to change up the game to get this girl in my bed. I run down the hall to the laundry room and grab a hoodie from the dryer. I meet back up with them as I slip it over my head. The girls don’t seem to notice that he and I are both prepared for the night air, but didn’t offer them the same. They are too busy admiring the landscaping. Once we reach the pond, Bright takes them across the bridge to the gazebo. He leads Nicole to the other side and I watch as she shivers and he wraps her up in his arms. I’m thrown off by this behavior. He and I have always been the same. Take us like we are, you don’t like it, move on. There are plenty out there that do. This is not what he’s doing with Nicole.

Kensington remains on the same side as me. I watch her as she leans against the railing and looks out over the water. She rubs her bare arms and I watch as she shivers. I move next to her. Gripping her hips, I turn her to face me. I expect her smart mouth to unleash on me, but she doesn’t. Her eyes follow my movements as I lift my sweatshirt over my head. I turn it around and pull it over her head. She immediately places her arms in the sleeves. My eyes never leave her and she leans down and inhales deeply. She’s sniffing my fucking shirt! She’s smelling me, and from the look on her face, she likes it. My cock is again standing at attention for this girl.

I step closer to her. She peers up at me and smiles. “You smell fucking edible,” she says and I cannot contain the smile that crosses my face. She fucking gives it right back to me and that only makes me want her sassy smart mouth even more. Makes me want to bury myself deep inside of her. Makes me want to worship every inch of her until I’ve got her out of my system.

She looks away, a slight blush against her cheeks. I bend my knees so I’m more her height. Placing my index finger under her chin, I lift her face so she’s looking at me. My left hand moves to her hip. I stand to my full height and tug her close to me. My right hand slides behind her neck. I caress her cheek with my thumb as her eyes find mine. I’m just about ready to make my move. I lean in, closing the distance, when I hear footsteps against the creaky boards. I’ve been meaning to get out here and fix that, but with the remodel, I just haven’t had the time. I’m thankful and pissed all at the same time. I’m glad I stopped before our best friends were witness to what I would have done, witness to how bad I want her. I’m pissed off because my fucking mouth is watering at the thought of tasting her.

HOLY SHIT! WHAT am I doing? He was going to kiss me and I was going to let him. My heart is racing as Nicole bounds up to me, wearing Brighton’s sweatshirt. She smiles at me and tugs on the sleeve of Maxton’s. I thought for sure, me throwing his words back at him would set off his cocky attitude. Instead, it had the opposite effect. I could see the heat in his eyes. He wanted to devour me and I wanted to let him.

I link arms with Nic and we walk back across the bridge. “That man looks like he’s going to eat you alive. What the hell did I miss?” she whisper-shouts.

“I lost my head for a minute, that’s all. He was… close and smells… amazing and it threw me off. Just a minor lapse in judgment that will not happen again,” I tell her.

“Uh huh. Anyway, Brighton is… I can’t even describe it. I really like him,” she says.

She doesn’t need to tell me this. First of all, she has said this before, and second, any fool could see that the two of them are smitten. “He seems like a great guy. I’m happy for you.”

The guys catch up to us, but stay behind. “Now, let’s give you a tour of the house,” Brighton says. You can tell he’s not ready for the night to end. Nicole didn’t think this through. If I had not ridden over here with her, she could be curled up in his bed. We all know it’s going to happen.

Nicole stops and turns to face them. “Sounds good,” she tells him. He steps forward and reaches for her hand; he gently pulls her toward the house. This leaves me trailing behind with Maxton, yet again.

We try our best to ignore each other, at least I try my best. I follow along and ooh and ahh at the right places. It’s not a hardship. This house is amazing. I’m again reminded of my initial thought when we arrived earlier. This does not feel like the house of two confirmed bachelors; this feels like a home. Something I miss more than I realized.

We stop at a door. It’s at the end of the hall. I realize Nicole and Brighton are in the room directly across. I feel him come in close behind me. “This is mine,” he says as he slaps me on the ass with one hand and reaches over my shoulder with the other to push the door open.

Once we are in the room, he walks around me and sits on the edge of the bed.

“You couldn’t handle me,” I mumble under my breath as I walk further into the room. Taking it all in. It appears that Maxton has supersonic hearing. He stands and stalks toward me. Two steps and he’s right in front of me, once again invading my personal space. My body reacts to him as my nipples harden and I press my legs together. Suddenly, his “this is mine” statement means something completely different.

He bends down and his shoulder hits my belly as he picks me up. I protest by beating my fists on his back. It’s a short ride with his long legs and I find myself sitting on the bed, Maxton between my legs leaning over me. I lean my head back to look at him and he takes advantage of my exposed neck. He runs his tongue from my collarbone to my ear. “I can handle you, sweetheart. The question is… can you handle me?” I can feel my legs quivering; apparently, so can he. He places his big hands on my thighs and runs them up and down. “You’re quaking for my touch.”

I realize I’m sitting on his bed, two seconds away from letting him seduce me. I’m about to become another one of many, something I said I would never be. What is it about him that reduces my brain to mush?

Placing my hands against his chest, I push with all of my strength and he doesn’t move. He’s a big guy, but I’m not afraid of him. “Maxton, please,” I say. I thought maybe, if I was nice, he would relent and let me up.

Instead, his eyes flame with lust as he moves in closer. I can now feel his erection against my center and I want to moan at the simple contact. Jesus! What is he doing to me? “Are you begging for me, pretty girl?” His voice is deep and laced with the same desire I see in his eyes.

“No! Please, let me up. This is not happening,” I tell him, pushing again on his chest. This time he steps away from me. He runs his fingers through his hair, and for a split second, I think he might be just as affected. I know he wants me. I could feel the evidence, see it in his eyes. But for that one split second, I thought I could see that it might be more than that. However, the look on his face is gone just as quick as it arrived.

It’s just my mind playing tricks on me. I want him; he’s sexy as hell—tall, muscles in spades, strong jaw line, all that thick dark hair, the scruff on his face, and let’s not forget about those eyes! He has my hormones working overtime, and I need to keep my head clear. I know he sees me as a challenge. He just needs to realize I’m one challenge he is not going to win.

Taking a deep breath, I rise from the bed and walk out of his bedroom. I hear Brighton and Nicole across the hall. I just keep walking until I’m back in the kitchen. I sit myself down on a stool at the island and wait. I pull my phone out of my back pocket and tap on the Facebook app. I leisurely scroll through my newsfeed. I’m not really paying much attention, just trying to look busy.

I hear footsteps as Maxton joins me. He reaches into the fridge and pulls out two bottles of water. He sets one in front of me as he downs the other.

“Thank you.”

He nods before taking the stool next to me. He too pulls out his phone. I assume he’s doing the same thing as me. Trying to look busy. Trying to avoid the elephant in the room. Trying to avoid the chemistry that sparks between us. I will admit to that, but I want more. I know from my body’s reaction to him that even one time with Maxton and I would be destroyed when he walks away.

BOOK: Levitate
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