Read Letting Go (Vista Falls #3) Online

Authors: Cheryl Douglas

Letting Go (Vista Falls #3) (23 page)

BOOK: Letting Go (Vista Falls #3)
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“Are we ready for marriage?” she asked before taking a deep breath. “No, I don’t think we are. It’ll take a long time for both of us to sort through our baggage, but am I determined to work through it with him if he’ll have me? Absolutely.”

Wes grinned. “Then why are standing here talking to us? Get to the airport. I’ll call and make your reservation while you’re on the way, and I’ll text you with the details.”

“Thanks, guys,” Gabby said, giving them both a hug.

“You need a ride to the airport?” Sage asked. “You can leave your car here.”

“No, thanks. I’m good.” Or at least she hoped she would be after talking to Colt.



Chapter Nineteen


Colt couldn’t believe someone would be stupid enough to ring his doorbell at four in the morning. He’d just gotten to sleep for the first time in days when he heard the incessant ringing.

He’d just cleared the last step when he realized his live-in housekeeper, Nora, had beaten him to it. She was wearing a short multicolored bathrobe, and her long black hair was sleep-mussed. He was ashamed to admit he’d hired her because she was gorgeous, but he’d kept her on for eight years because she’d become a good friend. And he’d really needed one of those lately.

He was stunned when Nora opened the door to an adorably disheveled Gabby, who looked as though she’d been fighting sleep too.

“Oh.” Gabby’s cheeks reddened as she looked from Nora to Colt, who was still standing by the foot of the stairs. “Oh, I’m sorry. I, uh, didn’t think you’d have company.”

When she started to back down the stairs leading to the driveway, Colt finally snapped out of his stupor. “Gabby, wait! Nora’s not company. She lives here.”

“She lives here?” Gabby gaped at the beautiful woman. “Since when?”

“For the past eight years,” Nora said, looking amused as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I’m his housekeeper.”

“Oh.” Gabby looked to Colt for confirmation. When he nodded, she offered Nora her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Nora. I’m Gabrielle. I’m sorry I woke you, but I really need to talk to Colt, if that’s okay?”

Colt couldn’t imagine why Gabby was asking his housekeeper’s permission to talk to him, but it was obvious she was nervous. “Get in here, Gabby.” He sighed, wrestling with his annoyance. He should have been thrilled to see her, but after the hell he’d put himself through over the past month, he wasn’t sure he wanted to relive it through another conversation with the woman he’d wronged. “What the hell are you thinking, wandering the streets in a strange city at this hour? What are you even doing here?”

“I’m sorry.” Gabby dipped her head. “I know I shouldn’t have just shown up at your doorstep in the middle of the night.” She sneaked a peek at Nora. “But I honestly thought you’d be alone. I didn’t think I’d be disturbing anyone else.”

“It’s fine,” Nora said when Colt didn’t respond. “I, for one, am happy you’re here. I’ve been dying to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”

Colt frowned at his housekeeper. The last thing he needed was for Gabby to think he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her even if it was true. “Nora, will you excuse us, please? I’d like to find out what the hell possessed Gabby to fly here in the middle of the night to see me.”

“Of course.” Nora stepped aside so Gabby could enter then closed the door. “I could make a pot of coffee or—”

“That won’t be necessary,” Colt said. “Just go back to bed.” Her suite was at the opposite end of the large house, so they would still have their privacy.

“Of course,” Nora said, backing out of the room. “Just let me know if you need anything.”

Gabby waited until Nora had walked down the long hall and they’d heard her door close before she said, “I can see now this was a really bad idea. I should have waited ‘til morning.” When he didn’t respond, she bit her lip and asked, “Um, you and Nora, did you ever… I mean, were you two…?”

He thrust his hands into his hair, barely resisting the urge to yank on it. “She’s my housekeeper and my friend. That’s all she’s ever been.”

“I’m sorry. I had to ask. I just wanted to make sure that you’re… still available.”

His heart rate kicked up at her implication, but he refused to get too excited. Even if she said she could forgive him for cheating, he wasn’t sure that was even possible. “Speaking of being available, how does your boyfriend feel about you being here? Or does he know?”

She curled her hand around her neck as she frowned. “My boyfriend?”

“Dave. I saw you two together. Are you saying you’re not seeing him again?”

“Only as a friend.”

“Does he know that?”

“Of course he does. I wouldn’t lead him on like that.”

The last thing he wanted was to have a conversation with his ex about her ex. “Let’s go into the living room. I need to sit down.”

As he flipped a switch, flooding the large room with light, she looked up, admiring the high ceilings. “Your home is beautiful. I can see why you were in no hurry to sell it.”

“Thanks.” The house had been custom-built and professionally decorated. It had his personal stamp in every nook and cranny, which was why he’d told his realtor he needed a little more time to think about it when she came out to list the place. He gestured to one of two chocolate-brown velvet sofas facing each other. “Sit down.”


He chose the sofa opposite her, suddenly mindful of the fact he wasn’t wearing a shirt, only athletic shorts. Feeling self-conscious seemed silly since Gabby had seen him in much less, but he wished he’d had the foresight to grab a T-shirt before greeting his guest.

“I know you must think I’m crazy for just showing up like this,” she said, licking her lips. “But I couldn’t do this over the phone, and even though I know I should have, I couldn’t wait ‘til morning. I had to see you tonight.”

“Okay, you’re here. So you gonna tell me why?” He didn’t mean to sound harsh, but seeing Gabby again caused a physical ache in his chest just when he’d started to feel a little better.

“I had a talk with Dave tonight.”

“So? Why should that interest me?”

“It was about you. And Brenna.”

She was the last person he wanted to think about. “I have nothing more to say about her. You’ll never know how sorry I am for being stupid enough to—”

“You didn’t do anything wrong. Well, maybe getting drunk with a woman who’d shown an obvious interest in you wasn’t the smartest decision you’ve ever made, but you didn’t sleep with her that night.” Their eyes locked, and she whispered, “You didn’t cheat on me.”

His head was spinning already. “What are you talking about? We woke up together. Naked.” He cursed softly when he saw Gabby wince. He probably could have left out that little detail. “There were…” He couldn’t say condoms without making her feel worse. “There was evidence that we’d been together.”

“I guess it was staged,” she said, raising a shoulder. “All I know is that she admitted you two never slept together.”

“I don’t believe this,” he said, covering his eyes with his hand. He wanted to believe it, more than anything, but that would mean letting himself off the hook. He wasn’t sure he was ready to do that. “Why would she say we’d slept together if we didn’t?”

“She wanted to stick it to me,” Gabby said, balling her hands into fists. “And she wanted you for herself apparently. Win-win for her.”

Colt could feel the rage boiling up inside him as he jumped up and paced. His eyes landed on half a dozen trinkets that would shatter if he threw them against the wall to let out some of his frustration.

“What are you thinking?” Gabby asked quietly.

He clenched his teeth and his hands. His entire body felt like a rubber band about to snap. “I’m thinking about busting this place up, so now might be a good time for you to leave.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” she said, raising her chin defiantly. “You want to act crazy? I’m going to be here to witness it.”

When she put it that way, the urge to break something—namely his fist as he crushed drywall—dissipated. “I need some time.” He took a deep breath. “Why don’t you head upstairs? There are several guest rooms. You can grab a shower, maybe rest for a bit?”

“Nope.” She shook her head. “I told you I’m staying right here.” She leaned back, crossing her arms.

He wasn’t used to being challenged like this. When he needed some space, he simply took off. “Fine, I’m just gonna put on a shirt and go out for a drive. I won’t be long. I just need some time alone.”

Gabby jumped up and crossed the distance between them. They stood toe-to-toe as she tipped her head back. “What you need to do is tell me how you’re feeling. You have every right to be pissed, but you need to talk to me about it instead of trying to run away from your feelings. That’s what people in relationships do, Colt.”

“But we’re not in a relationship!” he roared loudly enough to wake the neighbors. When she reared back, he took a deep breath.

She rested her hands on his bare chest, appearing tentative. “That doesn’t change the fact that I love you.”

“Don’t do that.” He curled his hands around her wrists, removing her hands.

“You don’t want me to touch you?” she asked, looking hurt.

He wanted to feel her hands all over him. He wanted to pound into her warm and welcoming little body, to take his rage out in some way, but he wouldn’t use Gabby to make himself feel better. He turned his back on her and flinched when he felt her warm hands come around his waist and her head rest on his shoulder.

“You can’t get rid of me that easily, Colt. Show me your worst. You won’t scare me.”


He turned on her so fast he was sure he’d startled her. He thrust his hands into her hair and took her mouth in a possessive kiss that stole her breath. He grabbed a fistful of the thin cotton sundress she was wearing and hiked it up. He had to stop, but he couldn’t fight that primitive part of himself that needed some release for his anger.

“Take it out on me,” she whispered, pulling the sundress over her head. “You’re angry. Take it out on me like this.” She bent her head back, moaning when he kissed her neck. “Yes. Just like this.”

The thought of angry sex with Gabby didn’t make him feel good, but she was offering and he couldn’t say no. He needed her too much.

“Upstairs?” he muttered, popping the clasp on her bra as he lifted her so her legs were wrapped around his waist.

“Will Nora be back?” she asked, kissing his neck before he boosted her higher so he could taste her breasts.


“Then why go anywhere?”

He grunted as he backed her against the wall. She was still wearing panties… but nothing else. He couldn’t wait to get inside her, so when she was balanced between him and the wall, he tore them off and tossed them aside.

“Shit.” His breathing was labored as he dropped his head while pinching her nipples until she moaned, letting her eyes drift closed. “I need to go upstairs to get a condom.”

Her lids popped open, and her eyes met his. “No, you don’t. I’m on the pill.”

He’d never had sex without a condom, not even with Gabby. “I can’t. We can’t.”

“Okay.” She bit her lip, looking slightly dejected. “Then go get the condom. I can wait.”

He looked down at the incredible body wrapped around his. The heart beating against his belonged to the only woman he’d ever really loved, and she was offering him the gift of complete trust. How could he say no to that? He couldn’t.

He pushed his shorts down, grateful for the elastic waistband that still allowed him some movement.

“Colt, don’t do this if it’s not what you want,” Gabby warned, bracing her hands on his shoulders.

“How could I not want to bury myself so deep inside you…” he whispered before taking her mouth in another hungry, demanding kiss. He slipped his finger inside her, gratified to realize how ready she was to take him. “Are you sure?” He rested his cheek against hers as he whispered in her ear, “You need to be sure. No regrets.”

“I’m sure.”

He thrust into her deep and hard, noting the oil painting beside them tap against the wall. “I thought I lost you.” He thrust faster, suddenly feeling the urgency to make her his again. “It felt like my life was over.”

She watched him, saying nothing as he continued to use her body to get out his aggression.

“And I had only myself to blame this time.” He felt the sting of tears mixed with sweat burn his eyes, but he welcomed the pain. It reminded him he was alive, that this was real and Gabby really was a part of him again. “I destroyed us.”

“But you didn’t.” He was driving into her so hard her breasts were bouncing with the force, but she didn’t seem to mind as she clenched him tighter, her eyes glazing over. “We’re still here. Still together.”

“The thought of having sex with anyone else…” He groaned as he slammed his palm into the wall beside Gabby’s head. “It made me sick.”

She gripped his face with both hands. “Then don’t think about it ever again. Think about this, what we have, how good we make each other feel.”

“Baby, I have these demons…”

“And I’d say we’re doing a pretty good job of exorcising them.” Her full lips formed an O, and he felt her pulsating around him as her limbs trembled. “This is real,” she said, when she was finally able to speak again. “Anger, frustration, sadness, satisfaction, love. All of what we’re experiencing right now, here together, is real. So whenever you need an outlet for your feelings, I’m right here, Colt.” She touched her forehead against his as he slowed his pace. “And I’m not going anywhere.”

That promise was enough to send him over the edge, but his release wasn’t as frenzied as his thrusts had been, because it wasn’t about aggression and suppression anymore. It was about the freedom and relief he’d finally found in her arms.



Chapter Twenty


Colt woke up a few hours later with a smile on his face and Gabby curled up in his arms. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so at peace. They still had a lot of issues to work through, but he felt as though they were well on their way. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, telepathically telling her how much he loved her.

BOOK: Letting Go (Vista Falls #3)
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