Read Let the Dead Lie Online

Authors: Malla Nunn

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #General

Let the Dead Lie (22 page)

BOOK: Let the Dead Lie
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Are you going to
sit there stroking your gun all night, Cooper, or are you going to go and tell
the major that Flowers was a dead end? Maybe he has afresh lead for you to
chase up or maybe he can extend the deadline,
the sergeant major said.
You've got fuck all to lose. Joe's in Central. Brother Jonah
is AWOL. Exodus has fucked off to Port Elizabeth and the Russian is lights out.
As for the pregnant woman . . . well, take it from me, even if she could speak
English, you do not want to disturb her sleep if you want children of your own
down the track. Now get in there and ask for help

breathe a word while I'm in there,' Emmanuel said and slid out of the Buick. He
locked the car door and tucked the Walther into the waistband of his trousers.
Being comfortably crazy was a fact he'd rather keep to himself.

the sergeant major said.
I'll keep a lid on it but I'm not going to wait for
permission to save your arse when the time comes. I'm a soldier not a bloody
nursemaid. Have we got a deal

We have.'

took the veranda steps two at a time and pressed hard on the bell. A velvet Nat
King Cole recording crooned into the night. Imagining van Niekerk sucking on a
pipe while enjoying a mellow tune lifted Emmanuel's mood. The door opened and
Lana Rose peered out through a curtain of cigarette smoke.

it's you,' she said.

come to see the major.' It was a shock to see her half dressed in van Niekerk's
house after dark.

major's at a coronation party in Durban North. A proper coronation party with
roast beef and trifle with claret for dessert.
only. No house models or ex-barmaids allowed.'

was South Africa's unique name
for swells, the quality, the upper crust, the cream that rose to the top
through good blood and money. Sugar barons, factory owners, judges and doctors
with a handful of London-based actors begged away from the Bulawayo theatre
season in Rhodesia to add dash to the mix.

major runs with that crowd?' Emmanuel was surprised. Few Afrikaners made it
into the
bracket in Durban, the English epicentre of South Africa.

five years the major will run that crowd,' Lana said. 'Him and that toffee-nosed
fiancée of his.'

was quick work. In less than six months the major had a fiancée, an on-the-side
girlfriend and a clutch of policemen under his influence. Van Niekerk had a
plan. He always did.

drew deep on her cigarette and leaned forwards, a movement that caused her to
sway unsteadily. 'You've got a cut on your cheek.'

night,' Emmanuel said. 'I'll come back tomorrow.'

be stupid. There's ice in the cooler and the major will be home soon.'

hesitated but Lana was already heading for the lounge room. She wore black
satin-heeled shoes and the hem of her white silk dressing-gown swished against
her bare legs. He closed the front door. Until Nicolai was rested and well
enough to talk there was nowhere else to go.

put ice in a serviette. Or I can try and find some ...' Lana searched for the
right word . . iodine. That's it. Iodine.'

will do.' Emmanuel entered a large room with two leather couches and a hostess
trolley laden with bottles of liquor. A full ashtray and a scatter of imported
women's magazines covered a low coffee table. Gilt-framed landscapes of the
Cape vineyards adorned the walls. Lana tipped a handful of ice into a cotton

she said.

be fine.' Emmanuel took the ice pack and pressed it to the imprint of
Fletcher's fist. Getting comfortable with Lana Rose on van Niekerk's couch
seemed dangerous.

poured whisky into a tumbler. 'Are you in trouble, Emmanuel?'


offered him the glass and he drained half of it. It was going to be a long
night and, he feared, an unrewarding one.

else can you expect when you're one of Major van Niekerk's boys?' Lana said.
'Trouble comes with the job.'

not one of van Niekerk's boys.' He was an ex-soldier and an ex-detective sergeant
who'd fought through France and brought murderers to justice. Being called a
boy stung more than the cut cheek.

course you're not.' Lana ground her cigarette out in the ashtray and sank onto
the couch opposite. 'And I'm not his girl.'

exquisite room was only a few miles from her flat in Umbilo but separated from
it by an ocean of money If Lana won a string of trifectas at the July handicap
then she might end up in a house like this. In reality, she had bet herself on
the major and won a temporary seat in the winner's circle.

Emmanuel said. 'I'm van Niekerk's boy and you're his girl.'

that is why we are both here, waiting for him.'

awkward silence stretched out. The sound of a distant rocket, part of the
coronation celebration, echoed across the harbour. Doing nothing while the
clock ticked down to arrest and imprisonment on three murder counts was
unacceptable. Emmanuel leaned towards Lana who was massaging a thumb into the
arch of her right foot. The satin shoes were for show not for comfort.

you from Durban?' he asked.

was born in Umbilo. The furthest I've been is Pietermaritzburg.' There was
regret and impatience with the smallness of her world.

you know anyone who can read Russian script? I need a Russian sentence

you teasing me, Emmanuel?'

you about what?'

eyes were almost black in the lamplight. 'Do you know what it's like having a
German mother and a Russian father in Durban? The last outpost of the British
Empire? Do you know what it's like to be different here?'

Emmanuel said. 'I know what that's like.'

years of running on the streets of Sophiatown and mixing with the blacks,
coloureds and Indians; a 'white
in the eyes of other whites.
Four years at an Afrikaner boarding school pretending to be one of God's chosen
had done nothing to obliterate the memory of feeling like an outcast.

tilted her head and peered at him, searching his face for proof that he
understood. Difference in South Africa meant exclusion. Difference meant that a
sense of belonging was always just out of reach. He looked back at her with the
eyes of another outsider.

lit a fresh cigarette from a pack that claimed to be the number one choice of
doctors and nurses and took a long draw.

speak Russian,' she said. 'Just enough to get me out of trouble with drunken
sailors and con men claiming to be the last surviving Romanov.'

you read the script?'

word or two.'

the icon image in the medicine cabinet wasn't just for decoration. Lana was
part Russian. Emmanuel pulled the Walther from the back of his waistband. The
safety was on. He kept the gun in his hand but turned it so the text was
visible. Lana raised an eyebrow in response.

need a gun translated?'


reached for the Walther and Emmanuel held it back. The combination of too much
whisky, too many cigarettes and the major's engagement to a toffee-nosed
made Lana unpredictable.

safety is on,' she said. 'And the major will be back once he's tried to get
into his fiancée’s panties and failed. Again.'

handed over the gun. The personal information about the major's virginal fiancée
he could have done without. Imagining van Niekerk fumbling with buttons and
groping for a breast made him human, almost vulnerable, and Emmanuel knew that
was a lie.

down and relax. Finish your drink.' Lana threw herself back onto the couch and
the silk gown parted to reveal the smooth line of a calf and the curve of a
knee. She examined the engraving on the Walther's nickel plate with a frown.

sat on the opposite couch and downed the rest of his drink, eyes to the floor.
Skin, silk and the dark cascade of hair over an exposed shoulder were all now
out of bounds.

he said.

of the words is "people" but the rest is too complicated for me to
translate,' she confessed. 'I do know it's a presentation weapon. A gift. Who
does it belong to - someone important?'

sure.' Nicolai Petrov was a sick old man with a heavily pregnant wife and two
forged American passports. If he had been a hero of the Soviet Union it wasn't
helping him find safety in South Africa. 'What do you know about presentation

father collected guns. Mausers, Colts, Brownings and two Nagants engraved with
the Russian imperial eagle given to him by Csar Nicholas himself. For
meritorious service. That was the story after one bottle of vodka. After two
bottles, the Nagant came with a country estate, a
a lake. All lost in the revolution, of course.' Lana ran a fingertip over the
engraved text. 'The owner is Russian?'

That I do know.'

you have his Walther.'

gave it to me.'

straight blowback-operated semi-automatic with double action, walnut grip and a
chrome finish engraved with a personal message. This gun is for keeps.'

Jesus wept!
Where does a woman learn such filthy talk
? the sergeant major whispered.
You could build a skyscraper around the steel beam that's
shot up under my kilt

brushed his hand over his face to dislodge the brusque Scottish voice. 'Okay,'
he said. 'I took the Walther from him.'

he took it from a German.' She pointed to a detail on the metal barrel. 'Look.'

got up and reluctantly approached Lana. The words 'close enough to taste'
sprang to mind when he sat down next to her on the couch. Cigarettes, whisky,
expensive perfume and cordite: the thrilling scent of a bad girl who knew her

German imperial eagle.' Lana pointed to the chequered walnut grip. 'That's
where the Walther stamp would normally be.'

thing about war was that guns changed hands on a regular basis, both
voluntarily and involuntarily. They were another spoil traded and smuggled and
propped up in display cabinets during peacetime, like postcards from the
violent frontier.

officer's firearm,' Emmanuel said. 'Taken from a high-ranking German and given
to a Russian after the war.'


man who owns it doesn't strike me as army, navy or air force. And his wife is
not military barracks material either.'

them,' Lana said.

out of action for a few hours.'

their drawers and cupboards and see what you find. People leave all sorts of
things lying around in plain view.'

was just the kind of illegal, no-holds-barred approach the Scottish sergeant
major advocated.

drawers or cupboards to check. But there is one thing. An old suitcase.'
Natalya had risked her life to retrieve the leather bag from the house on the

check it,' Lana said. 'Maybe there's something in it that I can make sense of.'

Emmanuel stood up quickly. 'That's not a good idea.'



in Durban North sucking gin and tonics.'

were expecting him.'

got to her feet and tucked the Walther into the pocket of her silk
dressing-gown. 'Let him man his own pump for one night. It will do him good.'

manning of the major's pump is a thing for the two of you to sort out. In
private and without my help, Emmanuel thought. He motioned for the Walther PPK.
'Domestic arrangements aren't my strong point so I'll be on my way.'

asked for help, Emmanuel,' Lana said and headed for the door. 'Have another
drink. I'll be out in five minutes.'

have eighteen hours to solve a triple murder,' Emmanuel said. 'Don't drag me
into a personal situation with the major. Things are already too complicated.'

hours.' Lana considered him for a moment. 'In that case, I'll be out in two

stepped towards her. This insanity was going to stop now. 'This isn't a game.
Three people are dead. Find another way to punish van Niekerk for being engaged
to a
that doesn't involve getting in harm's way.'

BOOK: Let the Dead Lie
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