Read Let Go Online

Authors: Heather Allen

Tags: #fighter, #mma hero, #mma fighter romance

Let Go

BOOK: Let Go
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Pace of Love Book




Published by Heather

Copyright 2014 Heather

Cover Art by B

Formatting by Integrity

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Sneak Peek: Hold On (Pace
of Love #2)


About the

Also by Heather

Dedicated to all of my readers!

May you always fight
for what you want no matter how small!




A brief tap on
his leg from his opponent wrapped tight in his grasp sets things
into slow motion. He watches the black material of the referee’s
uniform shirt shift as his hand comes down onto the mat in an
emphatic slap. The sound echoes through the floor signaling the end
of the round, the end of all of his fights at this level. Greylan
realizes in that moment that this is it, the instant when all of
his hard work and pain have been redeemed. The flourish of movement
under his arms and legs force his firm grip to loosen causing his
dark skinned opponent to roll away in one swift move. A sneer
crosses the man’s bloodied mouth as he looks back over and tries to
push to a standing position. Greylan takes a deep breath with the
reality of what has just happened crashing into him. He won. The
final bout that will push him up to face the big dogs is over and
he has come out on top.

A smile
spreads as he takes a deep breath and stands on stiff legs. The
referee raises his arm to an astounding echo of applause, whistling
and yelling. His eyes try to focus past the lights and scan the
crowd in wonderment that the moment he trained for his entire life
has finally come to fruition. Still unbelieving that it’s done.
Three rounds was all it took and he will propel forward to a UFC
fight in Vegas.

The next hour
passes quickly. He is aware of everything going on around him but
still in awe of it all. Carlo, his trainer, meets him at the cage
door and guides him through the screaming fans pushing forth
papers, books, and body parts, anything for Greylan to sign. He
stops mid-stride and scribbles his name a few times but Carlo
backtracks to grab his arm and pulls him forward through the
throngs of people. Once in the locker room, the first person he
sees is his childhood friend, Meyer Hansen, with a huge sloppy grin
across his face.

Meyer takes
him into a brotherly hug and claps him on the back, “I knew you’d
do it Grey. Congratulations buddy, this is so well deserved.”

Greylan nods
while taking a deep breath. He pulls out of Meyer’s grasp and
diverts his attention to the others in the room. His trainer Carlo
Rodriguez, his manager James Turner better known as Jimmy T, and
further away situated on a bench across the small room, his little
sister, Trinity Pace, his biggest fan. He skirts around the others
and approaches her as she stands apprehensively. Her hands twisting
uncomfortably as her dark brown hair that matches the shade of his
almost exactly, falls across her face as she looks up in nervous

She pushes her
hair out of her wide brown eyes and states excitedly, “I’m going to
assume you won?”

He meets her
smile and pulls her into his arms, “Of course I did kid, I told you
not to worry. It was as easy as cake.” He smirks admitting, “I do
wish you’d come out of here and watch a fight though.” He kisses
the top of her head.

She shakes her
head against his broad chest and admits, “I always worry too much,
you know that Grey, I wouldn’t be able to bear it if you ever got
hurt. I can’t watch that. I’d rather wait here for you to tell me
you won.”

He pushes her
forward an arm’s length away and places his first finger flat on
her nose causing her to laugh and squirm away in avoidance. It’s
his way of easing her worry, or changing the subject. Her nose is
flatter than his, resembling their mother’s. He teases her by
always ‘squashing’ it with his finger. She usually ends up in a
rapture of laughter, skirting away from his reach. Now is no

“Well, let me
tell you how it happened then, I took him from the back like this,”
he pulls her back into his chest, “And then my arm came up near his
neck like this,” He raises his forearm to her thin neck, “And then
I squeezed.” He releases her adding, “Of course we were on the
floor and our legs were tangled up in some awkward way.”

She laughs at
his demonstration, “Yeah just a bunch of full grown men rolling
around on a mat together. Still think there might be something
wrong with that scenario.”

reaches for her again but she ducks away. She states coolly, “No

“Nope no
regrets Trin, definitely not.” A smirk raises at the corner of his

Jimmy T
declares diverting his attention, his voice loud with excitement,
“Okay, champ, we are officially moving on. It’s big time now.”

Those words
mean so much to him. He pauses a moment as it sinks in that he
actually won. The final match that will decide his fate is over. He
always knew he’d get to this point. He pushed so hard to get here
but the fact that this is the actual moment strikes him as surreal.
Jimmy strides up clapping him on the back and announces, “We need
to talk strategy now, right Carlo. The next fights aren’t going to
be a walk in the park like this one.” Jimmy’s northern accent comes
out more pronounced as he prattles on about the next match.

Meyer speaks
up before anyone can get at him. He slides his arm across Greylan’s
shoulder, “Actually Jimmy, Grey needs a chance to celebrate. Just
give him tonight and then tomorrow you can talk strategy and
planning all you want.”

BOOK: Let Go
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