Lesson in Love (Olympians, 2) (11 page)

Read Lesson in Love (Olympians, 2) Online

Authors: Marie Medina

Tags: #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #mf, #gods and goddesses

BOOK: Lesson in Love (Olympians, 2)
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He seemed to be in a pretty good mood.
Did that mean he wasn’t upset? Or did it mean he no longer cared?
Even if it had only been less than a day, it had been a long

No, it isn’t. I’m
supposed to be the levelheaded one. I’m not supposed to be the
total mess who overreacts.”

His grin broadened. “You’re admitting
you overreacted?”

I guess so. You don’t
have to look so happy about it.” She didn’t want to get angry, but
the smirk on his face was just too much. “Do you even care how
upset I was?”

You did seem upset. You
must have had a thing for me for quite some time.”

He was teasing her. He was actually
making fun of her. She’d poured her heart out to him and let him
see right into her soul, and now he was acting like this. She
wanted to throw him out the window.

You arrogant bastard!
What is wrong with you? How can you tell a woman you love her and
then treat her this way? You haven’t changed at all!”

He walked around her desk and took her
in his arms. “I think you’re overacting again.”

She tried to get out of his arms, but
he held her tightly against his body. Being so close to him
flustered her even more. “Let me go!”

Can’t you take a

She stopped struggling and stared at
him. “A joke?”

He pulled her closer and kissed her
quickly on the forehead. “You aren’t embarrassed now, are you?
You’re so mad you’re not thinking about it.”

I’m thinking about how
infuriating you are!”

See? You aren’t nervous
at all. You’re not worried about what to say because the words are
coming very naturally.” He stroked her cheek and quietly said, “I’m
sorry, but you looked terrified when I showed up. I was so happy
you’d called I couldn’t resist having a little fun.”

She couldn’t deny the sincerity in his
voice, but she had to say, “You’re still a bastard.” She wrapped
her arms around him and held him close, burying her face in his
chest. “So I’m assuming everyone knows everything by

Yeah. I’d say they’ve all
kept each other very well informed. I daresay we’re being spied on,
but we can put a stop to that right now.”

When Iris opened her eyes, they were
standing outside a small blue house in the middle of a garden. She
raised her eyebrows. “This where you take all your

This is my new home. It’s
about time I moved out of my mother’s home. The privacy will be

And what do we need
privacy for?”

He pulled her close. “Well, the place
does need christening.”

Ah. That’s why we’re

Sort of. I just wanted to
go to one of our homes so no one could spy on us like they can when
we’re in the mortal world.” He opened the door and motioned her
inside. “Come on. Let’s talk about this.”

Iris sighed. She still hadn’t had time
to think about what she wanted to say. They sat down on the couch,
and both remained silent. She looked around, noticing the furniture
and decorations were simple and contemporary, just like her own

I figured I’d let you
redecorate if you wanted.”

She smiled, but still remained

Seems pretty simple to
me. I love you. You love me. I don’t think you would have called me
if someone hadn’t convinced you of that.”

I know it’s true. No one
really needed to convince me.”

He looked surprised. “Then what’s the

I was scared. I still am.
It’s as simple as that.”

And what can I

There were so many things she could
say. Silly things and serious things, but none of them seemed
right. “How about showing me what a great boyfriend you can

And what a great lover,”
he said, pulling her close.

I’m already convinced of

He moved one hand up her thigh, under
her skirt. “I want to be sure you’re convinced.” The desire in his
voice and his eyes was irresistible.

You have a new argument
to present?” She opened her legs and let him touch her. His warm
hand made her want to kiss him, but she leaned back and kept
looking into his eyes.

I have a whole case to
present, point by point.” He moved forward and kissed her neck as
his fingers explored her.

She moaned. He’d already learned how
to touch her, just where to caress, where to put pressure. She
pulled gently on his hair to bring his lips to hers and kissed him

I never knew you’d be
this perfect,” he said when she released him.

I knew you would

He looked into her eyes. “Why did you
have so much faith in me?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I’d
always known who you were. Everyone did. One day I saw you
differently. I can’t explain it.”

He kissed her cheek and continued
exploring her wet core. He stroked her, making her want him more.
“Someone must have decided I needed to be saved from myself. It’s
quite a task. They needed someone extra special.”

That’s your opinion.” She
gasped. His fingers were making it harder for her to

Yes, it is, and it isn’t
going to change.” He captured her lips as his fingers found their
way inside her.

She kissed him back hungrily. She felt
her orgasm coming. Her skin was heated, and all her muscles were
tightening. She moved with his hand as his fingers delved deep and
found the sweetest, most sensitive spot. She bit into his shoulder
as she came, trembling in his arms and bucking against

He kicked off his pants and pulled her
roughly onto his lap. As he rubbed his cock over her very sensitive
clit, her orgasm intensified and sent her soaring

You’re so beautiful when
you come. You make me want you so much when you look like that.” He
took her by the hips and slid her slowly onto his cock. He closed
his eyes and threw his head back. “Oh, Iris. We were made to fit

His hard cock felt amazing. Every inch
of her was super-receptive to his touch. She moved up and down
slowly as the last tremors of her orgasm subsided. She clenched her
pussy around him, making him moan. She leaned over him and
feathered kisses over his face as she rode him.

I love you, Iris,” he
said, running his hands up and down her sides. “Say you believe me.
Tell me you love me too.”

She took him deep inside, enjoying the
surprise in his eyes. “I do believe you. I’ve always believed in
you. I love you, Eros.” She put her hands on his shoulders and
moved faster. “Now come for me.”

He grabbed her hips and moved up into
her repeatedly. She enjoyed watching him as he pushed deeper, so
close to his own release. She held him close, his breath on her
neck stoking her fire. The intense pleasure still heating her blood
had her close to collapsing on top of him as she said his name over
and over. He thrust one final time and groaned her name, pulling
her fully against him.

They held each other for several
minutes as their breathing and heartbeats settled into a mutual

Perfect,” he whispered
against her skin.

Yes, we are.”

He looked into her eyes. “I meant

And I meant

He kissed her gently, and she felt all
her fears fall away.




Come on! It’s a party!
Dance, drink, do something!”

Eros looked over to see his mother
standing next to Hermes, who was holding a small plate of fruit and
eating it slowly. He didn’t seem to care that Aphrodite was
determined for him to have some fun.

Your mother really wants
to make this wedding a success,” Iris said.

Eros glanced around at all the
enormous decorations again. The cake was twelve feet high, and
three bands were spread out in the garden.

I’m more concerned about
the marriage itself. The wedding is no big deal.”

She kissed him on the cheek, and he
couldn’t help smiling because it did make him feel better. “I don’t
think we need to worry about that.”

I know. I’m just ready to
go home.”

That’s not happening any
time soon, mister!” Aphrodite said as she came up and grabbed both
of them by the arms. She dragged them to the dance floor. “Okay,
Iris dance with Zeus and you dance with Hera. Then move close to
each other so I can get some pictures. You two in the middle so you
can lean close to each other and still be the happy couple. And
everyone look like you’re having fun. Just a few shots and then you
can switch.”

Zeus immediately took Iris into his
arms. “We’ll see if I’m willing to switch, but you know, Hera and I
are a happy couple too.”

Well,” Aphrodite said as
she focused on the camera, “you two flaunt it. We can see that

Hera held her hand out to Eros. “Come
on. Better than being hounded by your mother.”

Eros put his arms around Hera and they
all danced to something mellow but with a hint of jazz.

We must be forgiven,”
Hera said.

Eros pretended to think about it. “I
suppose, but only because you didn’t really do

Except make me a nervous
wreck!” Iris said as she leaned over toward them. “I was so pissed
off I was determined to ignore my feelings for you. It was kind of
hard with you following me around.”

Made me love you even
more. I like a girl with spirit.”

Yes, well, most men of
taste do,” Hera said, eyeing Zeus’ ass. “You got your picture

Aphrodite was looking down at her
digital camera. “Yes, yes,” she said dismissively. “Go romp in the

Hera let Eros go and took Zeus’ hand.
“Perhaps another time.”

He held Iris’ hand for a moment and
winked. “Definitely another time.” Hera led him off the dance floor
and they disappeared in the crowd.

Over my dead body,” Eros
mumbled as he put his arms around Iris and kissed her

Jealous? I should hardly
think you need to be.”

He looked down into her eyes. “No, I
don’t. It’s not a pretty emotion anyway.” He nodded toward his
mother, who was now holding several cameras and shuffling them back
and forth between Ares and Hermes.

This could be funny,”
Iris said.

She’s not

Oh, don’t worry about it.
I think Hermes is over her.”

Eros couldn’t help laughing. “How can
you tell?”

She hurt him, but he’s
smart enough to know they aren’t right for each other.” She looked
around and whispered, “And I personally don’t think he’s your

Oh really?”

She nodded. “He’s critical of you
because he did care for your mother, and you reflect on her. You
also have some of her flaws. He also has that high moral
sensibility that seems to be easily bypassed in most other

I don’t think he cares
much about any of us one way or the other.”

Hmmm. Maybe not, but Ares
doesn’t seem threatened. He doesn’t seem happy either. He’s with
her all the time, but he’s free to be with anyone else. Isn’t that
what he wants?”

Eros shrugged. “I don’t know.” He
looked down at Iris. “You trying to take over my job?”

I’m taking an interest. I
doubt your mother will ever settle for one man. Ever.”

That’s what they said
about me. No one ever thought I’d be able to fall in love without a
spell.” He twirled her in his arms and pulled her close again.
“What do you think?”

I think you might prove
them wrong.”

I think I already have,”
he said as he kissed her.

Hold it! Let me get ready
for the next shot!” his mother yelled, scrambling toward them on
her very high heels.

He deepened the kiss and ignored the
flashes going off around them.


The End

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Also from Marie
and TEP


Wolves at the Door


His Dark Kiss


The Goblin King’s


Vampire Christmas


Make Me Yours


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