Read Legion of Shadow Online

Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

Legion of Shadow (24 page)

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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If you defeat Noldor, turn to
. (Special achievement: If you defeat Noldor without using a single rune, turn to


You find yourself in a rough-hewn passageway, lined with more of the glowing fungi. After following it for several minutes, you find that the way forwards is blocked by an
impassable wall of rubble. Thankfully, a side-tunnel branches off from the main passageway, leading steeply upwards. You notice tell-tale traces of acid, smouldering in pools along its uneven

With no other option, you follow the side-tunnel, clambering up several near-vertical sections as it cuts through the rock and soil. At last, you pull yourself out into a passageway. To your
surprise you see your torch lying a few metres away. It appears that this freshly made tunnel has brought you back to where you started. Just ahead of you is the corpse of the maggot and the pit
that led to the underground river.

You retrieve your torch (write the word
on your hero sheet), before deciding on your next course of action.

Will you:

Continue east along the passage? —

Return to the first junction and go west? —


The chest is unlocked. Inside you find a mildewed pair of gloves, some stone-cutting tools and a couple of earthenware pots. You may take any/all of the following items:

Mason’s gloves


Pot of healing (1 use)


Pot of brawn (1 use)




+1 speed
first cut

Use any time in combat to restore 4

Use any time in combat to raise your
by 2 for one combat round

When you have made your choices, turn to


If you killed the witch, turn to
. Otherwise, turn to


‘Beatrice? Beatrice Fletcher?’ ‘Angry tears start to well in Martha’s eyes. ‘That cruel narrow-minded woman. She would see my family starve just
because of a silly village competition. Bertrand, Emma, take the babies inside. Now!’ The two children hurry to their mother’s side and take one of the bawling babies into their arms.
After giving you a suspicious look, they head back up the hill, towards the ramshackle building.

As you push yourself onto your feet, Martha strides over, shaking her head as she eyes the chopped-up pieces of turnip. ‘A traveller gave me those turnips. They were to feed the young
ones,’ she says. ‘It’s been hard without my dear Frederick around. But those turnips . . . they’re the first thing that’s ever grown in this wretched soil. A miracle
they were.’ She brushes away her tears, then fixes you with a cold, determined stare. ‘Will you help me get my own back on Beatrice Fletcher? She should pay for what she has done,
don’t you agree?’

Will you:

Agree to help Martha Weevil? —

Politely decline and return to Beatrice —


You clamber through the narrow fissure, emerging in a small cavern. Above you, dangling from the ceiling, are a series of web-like bundles. You notice that one of them is
wriggling back and forth – as if whatever is inside is struggling to get out. Across the far side of the cave, you see a tunnel opening. Sticky strands of webbing criss-cross the ground
between you and the cave exit.

Will you:

Cut open the wriggling bundle? —

Cross the room to the tunnel opening? —


‘Can I ’elp yer matey?’

The voice at your side makes you jump. A young boy, around twelve years old, is looking you up at you with a curious expression. ‘I bet a pretty penny yer new ’ere, ain’t
yer?’ He doffs his cap to you, then swings his arm out to take in the sprawling settlement. ‘This ’ere is No Hope. Wanna guided tour of our splendid establishment?’

Will you:

Agree to take the tour? —

Politely decline and enter the town? —

Ask if he knows Jenlar Cornelius? —


You have chosen the path of the warrior. You may permanently increase your
by 15 (to 45). Make a note of this change on your hero sheet.

After an hour of sparring with Avian, you are relieved when he finally lowers his sword and steps away. ‘Impressive,’ he says, nodding his head. ‘You are a mighty opponent.
Perhaps there is something special in you after all. Come,’ he starts towards a pair of double doors at the end of the room. ‘You must be famished after your journey. A think a little
banquet is in order, to welcome you to your new home.’ Turn to


Behind a mound of rubble, there is a wide vertical crack in one of the walls. It leads through into a tunnel, which slopes downwards, deeper into the earth. Across the other
side of the chamber is a rectangular doorway leading out into daylight.

Will you:

Investigate the tunnel? —

Leave the chamber by the open doorway? —


The ground trembles as the mighty creature crashes to the ground, dead. You may take one of the following items as your victory spoils:

Breastplate of the bull


Braids of the bull


Horns of the bull




+3 brawn +2 armour

+1 brawn

+1 speed +2 armour

(requirement: warrior)



When you are reunited with Bart, he hands over a bulging bag of money. (You have gained 40 gold crowns.) ‘That was some fight,’ he grins. ‘But I still think
you’re holding back. This is the arena – you can fight dirty, you know. Perhaps Knuckles here could show you some of his special moves. Might help you in the coming fights. What do you

If you have taken the path of the warrior, you may now learn the gladiator career (turn to
). Otherwise, turn to
when you are ready for your next


The changeling surrounds its body with crackling flames. ‘You will burn in hellfire,’ it snarls. ‘Like all those who dare stand in my way!’

You must now battle this fearsome foe:

Special abilities

Hellfire: At the end of every combat round, your hero automatically takes 2 damage from the flames that
surround the demon. This ability ignores

If you defeat the changeling, turn to


You wedge your torch between some rocks. Then, taking a deep breath, you plunge into the flooded tunnel. (Remove the word
from your hero sheet.)

The water is freezing cold; the shock of it almost forcing you to swallow water. With powerful strokes you dive deeper and deeper into the murky depths. Soon, you are blinded and disorientated
by the darkness. Feeling along the walls, you discover what could be an opening in the rock.

Will you:

Risk exploring the opening? —

Return to the surface? —


You haven’t travelled far before you spot a light, flickering between the dark trees. Curious as to what it might be, you leave the trail, pushing your way through the
thick clinging undergrowth.

You round a copse of trees, and finally discover the source of the light – a small campsite, set in the sheltered hollow of a bleak, stony hill. A skinned rabbit slowly roasts over a
roaring fire, the dripping fat causing the flames to spit and sizzle. Behind it, you can see a covered wagon and a straggly line of trees where a piebald pony is tethered. The beast looks agitated,
tugging against its restraints.

There doesn’t appear to be anyone around. Then you notice a straw basket lying on its side in the grass. Next to it is a broken bottle, from which a black bubbling liquid steams. Turn to


You enter the room, gagging as an acrid stench fills your nostrils. It takes only a few seconds to discern the cause – looking down, you see that the floor of the room is
covered in a thick layer of rat droppings.

You draw your weapon and advance, picking your way with care between the broken furnishings that litter the dark space. To your right, a dirt-stained mattress rests on its side, covering the
window and the room’s only source of light. As you reach over to pull it down, you catch a sudden flash of movement out of the corner of your eye. Something knocks into your shoulder, sending
you flying backwards across the room. You land heavily, crying out in pain as a splinter of broken chair lances into your side. You pull it free and toss it away, as the ruffian from the roadside
leaps towards you – his dagger glinting in the half-light.

‘Yer killed the boss,’ he growls. ‘Now ’is rats are gonna feast on yer bones!’

You have no choice but to fight:

BOOK: Legion of Shadow
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