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Authors: Loribelle Hunt

Leaving Earth (6 page)

BOOK: Leaving Earth
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"Please. Daggar, please."


Leaving Earth

by Loribelle Hunt

He didn't speak, but withdrew his fingers pressing them to her lips until she opened them and sucked them clean.

"Ah, darlin'. You beg so prettily. Keep it up and I may even let you come some time tonight."

Shocked, her mouth fell open into a perfect O he couldn't wait to try out on his cock. She recovered quickly enough though and licked her lips before she spoke.

"Why? Why are you doing this? It's not like I was unwilling before."

"This." He slid his hand between her legs again, slid one finger into her channel while resting his thumb on her clit. "Is mine. I won't share it with anyone. Not even you." She groaned at his touch, but remained still. Good. She was learning.

"Please. Please," she begged.

He really should make her call him master, but the idea left a bad taste in his mouth. He wanted to possess her, to claim her, to own her. But he didn't want a slave. He wanted her to know exactly who was taking her. Her mate. Her other half.

"Please, my lord," she whispered. His heart constricted painfully in his chest. Dear gods in the after world. She'd just uttered the combination of words he knew would always sway him. Her eyes glowed with surrender.

He struggled to wrest back a trace of control. "Please what?" he asked, colder, harsher than he'd intended.

"Please." She hesitated so long he was afraid she wouldn't go on. "Use me as you will, my lord," she whispered. 50

Leaving Earth

by Loribelle Hunt

Gods, she was glorious. Well worth the long years of waiting. He stood, stripped, and was back on her in seconds. He thrust into her quickly but held himself still once he was seated all the way inside her. He was amazed she didn't climax right away. She was wet, so hot and tight, and trembled with need.

Bracing himself on one hand, he lifted his torso and stared down at her body. Slowly he moved his other hand to the chain and tugged it. Her hips jerked against his and she bit her bottom lip. He smiled. She was fighting it, but her body reacted anyway.

"You do not have permission to come," he said beginning to thrust inside her, short shallow strokes he knew would tease her but weren't enough to push her over the edge into orgasm. She bit her bottom lip and her eyes flashed. Ah, she would challenge him, challenge his domination of her. He was so going to enjoy bringing her to heel. So would she. He got lost in the feel of her, in the sight and scent of her. He wanted her begging, crying and screaming for him. He leaned down, felt the chains between them, the signs of her submission, and shuddered. He sucked the skin at her nape between his teeth until she gasped.

"Come Kendall," he whispered against her ear as he increased the speed and strength of his thrusts. Her pussy convulsed around him.

"Oh God," she cried.

He immediately paused though she shuddered around him, milked him. Icy. Furious.


Leaving Earth

by Loribelle Hunt

"No," he snapped, meeting her glazed gaze. "You scream my name when you come. My name," he emphasized. He didn't want to hear anything but Daggar on her lips when she came. Not my lord or master or anything else. It would be his name she yelled or nothing. He reeled from the intensity of that desire and couldn't begin to explain where it came from. Thankfully, he didn't have to. She nodded her head in acquiescence.

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Leaving Earth

by Loribelle Hunt

Chapter Five

The orgasm exploded through Kendall's body when he told her to come, but the order to use his name, only his name, catapulted her into a high she'd never dreamed could exist before. He watched her silently, angrily, and she wanted to comply, wanted to speak, but her vocal cords were as frozen as the rest of her. She could only nod, could only hope he read the submission, the capitulation in her eyes and face.

"Good girl," he murmured, leaning down and kissing her briefly, just one sweep of his tongue in her mouth. He tugged at the chain connecting her nipples and the sensation shot straight to her cunt. She'd thought after the last one another orgasm would be impossible. Boy was she wrong. She fought against it, fought to hold back like she knew he wanted her too.

He smiled and removed one of the clamps. She snapped her teeth together as the blood rushed back to them, as the fiery pain licked through her. When he reached for the other clamp, she rolled her head against the pillow.

"Daggar, no," she whispered.

Couldn't he give her a minute to recover? He only smiled, leaned over to gently suck her freed nipple in his mouth as he released the other one. The combination of soft suction on one nipple with the surge of pleasure/pain on the other sent her spiraling into another world.

Groaning, he buried his face in her neck and fucked her hard. Gone was the tight restraint, the total control he'd had 53

Leaving Earth

by Loribelle Hunt

over his actions, over the need he'd built between them. He was like a man gone mad and she wished she was free, wished she could wrap her body around his and offer what comfort she could. At the thought she felt something snap, something solidify between them and though the power of his thrusts, the speed, didn't change she sensed him calm as if a beast had been stilled.

He came, his roar muffled against her skin, and she wanted to do nothing more than stroke his hair as the hot jets of his cum filled her. She pulled on her wrists forgetting for a moment she was restrained and he shifted, reaching up to unbuckle the cuffs. When those were free, he sat back on his heels and released the bonds around her ankles. Lying down next to her, he took her hands in his and rubbed them gently, easing the throb of returning circulation while holding her gaze. After a moment he did the same with her legs before returning to her, propped on one elbow and leaned over her. She reached up and brushed a lock of black hair out of his eyes, wondering what to say. If she should even try to speak.

She'd just had the most intense experience of her life, lived out her most secret desires with a stranger. Her heart ached. A stranger it was going to be very difficult to leave in a few weeks. He brushed his lips against hers.

"You aren't going anywhere,
," he whispered. There was that word again, the one Laney had refused to explain. And how did he know what she was thinking? Why did she keep thinking she knew what he was thinking? She 54

Leaving Earth

by Loribelle Hunt

narrowed her eyes. There was something going on here and she was decidedly uninformed.

"What does that word mean exactly?"

"Exactly?" His lips twisted into a sexy half smile before he grew serious. Rolling over, he pinned her body under his. She had a hard time concentrating, lust again tightening through her, preparing her body for him. "It means you're mine." He delivered it so casually, so matter-of-factly, it took her a minute to realize he was serious. She laughed and pushed at his shoulders, but he didn't move. Part of her, the sexually submissive side that craved what he could do to her didn't protest especially when his hard cock slid back inside her. She clenched her fist and punched his shoulder. He looked amused and didn't budge.

"You don't just get to make those kinds of choices without my input."

He moved, a long smooth stroke coming into contact with her G-spot and making her suck in a shaky breath. He leaned closer and nibbled her neck.

"It's already decided, baby. Accept it," he murmured. Her body was already reaching, straining for orgasm. She groaned. How was she supposed to resist this?
Oh God, I am
so screwed.

Squeezing her hip, he thrust hard and growled in her ear,

"what did I tell you about that?

"How do you know what I was thinking?" she managed to gasp out, but if he answered she missed it as she tumbled into another orgasm, this time less primal, less intense. But somehow more, because he wrapped his arms around her and 55

Leaving Earth

by Loribelle Hunt

cradled her close as she shook. She felt cherished, protected. The idea made her tremble more than the orgasm had. He murmured in her ear, quiet encouragement, softly spoken promises, as his hands stroked her tenderly, bringing her down. He slid free of her even though he was still hard and rolled to his side, leaning over her and staring into her eyes. She struggled to remember what she'd just asked him.

"Are you a telepath?" Nothing in her study of the Delroi had led her to believe so.

"No. But if you're projecting your thoughts I can hear them." He brushed his thumb over her cheek. She tried to move away, but he threw a leg over her hips, holding her place.

"How?" she asked through clenched teeth.

"The bond."

She cocked an eyebrow and waited for him to go on. He sighed. "When we were together in the gardens I said a prayer of my people that binds us together."

"You did what?" Either she shoved at him hard enough he was shocked and released her or he was humoring her. At the moment she frankly didn't care. She jumped free of the bed and glowered at him.

"How long does this bond last? How do you undo it?" His eyes grew hard, cold and he stood to face her. She had to crane her neck back to meet his gaze, which only pissed her off more. "You don't," he barked. Like he was ordering one his people around, one of his soldiers. If he thought she would fall into line with that he was crazy. 56

Leaving Earth

by Loribelle Hunt

"You don't get to just make that kind of a decision without asking me first! Shit! Daggar, that's, that's caveman thinking!"

"That's our way. We find our woman and then assure she stays ours."

"God," she muttered, wondering if he'd protest the use of the expletive in the context of the conversation. "And it's permanent?"

The thought of leaving him made her stomach twist into a hard knot of despair. She knew the answer to her question without having to be told. Still, confirmation would be nice.

"It is."

She groaned. How on Earth was this supposed to work?

Well of course, it
Earth. That was how.

"You've made a terrible mistake here. I can't be..." She let the thought trail off and looked at the bed.

"Submissive?" his palm cupped her cheek and forced her to look at him. "I think you know that for the lie it is, Kendall."

Shaking her head, she stepped back. "In bed, sure." No point in denying that, but this was just a fantasy. "In real life?

No way. I'm a doctor." She forced herself to take a hard look at her life. "I'm a battlefield surgeon. I'm more accustomed to giving orders than taking them. I have no intention of changing that, no intention of denying that part of myself." He sighed and pulled her into his arms. She knew she should resist, should get out of the room, but she couldn't help herself. Her arms came up to circle his waist. 57

Leaving Earth

by Loribelle Hunt

"I know,
. I know you aren't going to follow orders and I'm going to have to punish you." She couldn't help but shiver in anticipation at his words and she heard the smile in his voice when he continued. "And you're going to like that and make me grey before my time."

She bit her lip, hung up on the punishment thing. Sounded fun in theory, but there had to be limits.

"We'll work it out. For now, you follow my orders in here." She remembered her earlier fantasy and interrupted.

"Don't I get a turn? I don't ever get to be in charge?" she kept her voice light, teasing.

He frowned but she saw the interest in his eyes before he shook his head no. He jerked a nod towards the door. "Out there ... as long as you don't endanger yourself or defy me publicly you should be safe from punishment." She bit her bottom lip. Would this work? His face was tight with determination and she knew he wasn't letting her walk away. With a deep breath, she nodded her assent.

"Good. Get back in bed."

Wincing a little as she turned, she approached the big bed surprised when he didn't join her. He disappeared into through a door she hadn't noticed before and she heard water running as she leaned back into the softness of the blankets. He returned with a wet washcloth and her cheeks flooded with embarrassment as he spread her legs to clean her with a look of rapt attention on his face. At the first touch of the cloth against her skin she jerked. The sex had been great, from the first time in the garden till the last in this bed, but it 58

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by Loribelle Hunt

was a lot for her for one day, for the last several years truth be told.

"You hurt," he whispered, leaning over to lightly kiss the outside lips of her pussy. She felt her body responding, couldn't fight it even though she knew she really shouldn't indulge again tonight. Slowly, he sat up, replacing his mouth with the cloth and gently cleaned her. When he was finished he disposed of it and returned to her. He tugged the blankets down, resituating her in the center of the bed and lay down behind her. She fell asleep with his strong arms holding her close and his hard cock, throbbing and unfulfilled pressing against her ass.

* * * *

She had no idea what time it was when she woke. There were no windows, no clocks, no illumination. None of that mattered. Daggar still lay behind her, spooned, holding her close, but his cock was sliding deep into her pussy. Slowly, but insistent, determined. His arms banded her, one breast in each hand, plumping, squeezing. Owning. Possessing. The utter dominance should have her screaming and running far away, but she couldn't resist him. Couldn't resist the allure, the pull of the attraction between them.

Accepting that a part of her didn't want to fight the pull, that a part of her longed to let him take over, she relaxed, let all the resistance slip away. His thrusts increased, his hands shifted to her nipples and squeezed, tugged on her rings, as if he sensed her capitulation. As if he knew she couldn't battle it. Couldn't resist him.

BOOK: Leaving Earth
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