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Authors: Tina Folsom

Lawful Escort (6 page)

BOOK: Lawful Escort
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Slowly, Daniel lowered his head until his mouth hovered over her nipple. His tongue swept over it in one smooth move before his lips encircled her hardened nipple and suckled slowly.

Her breathing instantly became heavier, faster, and he knew she was as aroused as he was. Her hands ran through his hair holding him to her body as if she didn’t want him to stop. He wouldn’t. He wanted everything she was willing to give him tonight. He would push her as far as she’d let him, and then he’d ask for more.

Daniel felt his erection strain against his pants and wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to restrain himself, but he didn’t want this to be over too quickly. For all he knew, all he’d get was only one act of sex with her. What if she left immediately after that? No, he had to make this last for a while.

Daniel wished he’d asked Tim more questions after he’d given him the details of the booking, but it was too late now. He’d just have to go along and hope he got what he wanted. And what he wanted was Holly, underneath him, on top of him, in front of him, every which way possible. Never before had he wanted a woman with such intensity.

Daniel kneaded her neglected breast while he continued sucking and gently biting the other one before he switched and inflicted the same sweet torture on the other. She didn’t suppress her moans, and he relished her body’s response to him.

“Oh, Daniel, that’s so …” She didn’t finish her sentence, either because she ran out of breath or because her brain had turned to the same mush as his. He couldn’t think of anything else but to kiss her, touch her, be with her. All rational thoughts had gone out the window the moment she’d dropped the condom.

“Holly, tell me what you want.”

Her eyes flew open. “What I want?”

What had made him ask that? She was the escort. He shouldn’t be asking her what she wanted. It wasn’t his job to pleasure her, but the other way around. Yet, he wanted to please her. “Yes, I want to know what you like.”


“You’re doing a pretty good job turning me into putty without any instructions.” As soon as she’d said it, Sabrina wanted to take it back. How could she have said something that exposed her like this, something that made her so vulnerable?

“Yes, but imagine what I could do if you told me what you really liked.” He gave her a wicked grin.

Daniel Sinclair was definitely something else. What man hired an escort and then insisted on pleasuring her rather than letting her do the job? What the hell was wrong with him? Or had Holly completely misrepresented what her job was like? It wasn’t like her to lie about these things. No, something was wrong with this man.

Before he could sink his lips back onto her breasts, she cupped his face and pulled him up.


“Why what?”

“Why do you want to know what I like?”

“Because I think this night is going to be much more fun if we’re both satisfied. Don’t you think so?” Their gazes locked. “And besides, what man wouldn’t like to be considered the best lover a woman has ever had? So maybe you want to help me out here a little?”

Sabrina laughed. She had the feeling he didn’t really need any help to be the best lover she ever had. He was doing a damn fine job so far. But she wasn’t about to tell him that. If he wanted to try harder, she’d let him.

“Is that a yes?”

She nodded. “Do you think we could move to …?” She made a head movement toward the bedroom.

“Your wish is my command.”


Seconds later, Daniel lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom. Now the real fun would start, the slow undressing, the teasing, the seduction. Not that he hadn’t enjoyed kissing Holly, he had, more than any other woman he’d ever met. But now she lay on his bed, and there was no turning back from it.

Her bare breasts exposed to his hungry eyes, her nipples hardened, she looked up at him through her long dark lashes that guarded those tempting green eyes. She made him feel like the wolf, who wanted to devour the lamb, the very willing lamb.

Slowly, Daniel took off his jacket and threw it onto a nearby chair. He didn’t care that it would be creased tomorrow. It didn’t matter. Button after button of his shirt he eased open as she watched him silently as if fascinated by the simple action of a man undressing. When he dropped the shirt to the floor, he caught her tongue licking her lips.

He kicked off his shoes and dropped down onto the bed covering her body with his.

“Miss me?”

“I missed your lips,” she confessed.

He didn’t know why he said ridiculous things to her, but he liked the way she responded. There was a truth and a simplicity in her answers that floored him. Things seemed to be simple with her, black and white, uncomplicated. Nothing high maintenance about her. No frills, just pure woman.

It appealed to his masculinity, to his darker, animalistic side, his true passions. It awakened the side of him that for the most part was dormant. The side that lived for the hunt to satisfy his carnal desires. His need to possess a woman, one hundred percent. And for her to possess him, something he had never let a woman do, because he’d always held back, never given all of himself. Never dared.

This time, all he wanted was to take this woman and possess her completely and give himself to her completely without holding back. This was the first time he’d be safe, safe from any emotions that could result, safe from any future implications. Because she’d be gone the next day, and he’d never see her again. That’s why he could give her everything inside of him.

“Forget who and what you are. Tonight you’re just a woman, and I’m a man. That’s all that’s important.”

There was a glimpse of something in her eyes that looked like agreement or recognition, he wasn’t sure. When she sought his lips, he knew she was ready for anything. Her hands touched his smooth back and stroked his hot skin. Wherever she touched him, Daniel felt as if a trail of molten lava was left behind.

He rolled them to the side to relieve her of his weight and to let his hands glide around her body. Pushing the fabric of her dress further down her back, he slipped his hands underneath it to find the gentle curves of her perfectly formed ass. The panties she wore were of simple cotton, no lace, no frills. Yet so inviting.

A gentle moan escaped her lips as he pulled her panties down a few inches to rest them at the apex of her thighs, just enough to expose the twin swells that reminded him of Twin Peaks overlooking San Francisco. He ran his hand over them to feel the softness of her skin, just like velvet.

He’d go slowly and take his time to explore every inch of her divine body before he’d consume her. Daniel separated his lips from hers and felt her reluctance to do so, but as soon as his lips went lower to attend to her breasts instead, she let out another sigh. With his teeth, he tugged at her nipple, feeling her quiver beneath him before he smoothed the tender spot with his tongue.

He knew how to gently torture a woman, how to elicit wanton reactions from her, how to make her gasp with pleasure. Daniel sucked her breast like a babe that would never be weaned off, and still Holly arched her back to ask for more, thrusting more of her breast into his mouth, demanding that he suck harder.

“Oh, please, yes!”

She literally begged him for more, digging her fingers into his shoulders to hold him close to her. He’d asked her what she liked, and it seemed she’d found her voice to tell him. Daniel wasn’t one to ignore her wishes, and bestowed the same attention on her other breast, leaving her nipples tender to the touch.

He ignored his aching erection begging to be let out of the confinement of his pants. He knew if he gave in, it would be over too soon. There was too much he wanted to do with her, so he suppressed his need for now. It would be even sweeter to take her once he’d waited long enough.

What he couldn’t ignore any longer though, was the aroma of her arousal. Dropping his lips down to her stomach, he soaked in the tempting scent, inhaling deeply. There was something primal about her scent, something unspoiled and pure. Pure woman, no games.

His hands grabbed hold of her dress and pulled it down over her hips, exposing her body fully to him except for the small area between her legs still coved with the tiny speck of fabric. With his teeth, he pulled at the fabric and nudged it down to expose her dark curls underneath. Then he used his hands to rid her of her panties completely.

Willingly, she let him proceed.

“Oh, God, Holly, you’re beautiful.” He glanced up at her. Her eyes were half closed, her lips parted. “I have to taste you.” It wasn’t a question or a demand, not even a request. It was just a statement of an inevitable action he had to perform as if compelled by a higher power. As soon as he sank his face into her female center and soaked in her enticing aroma, he knew he was lost.

His tongue lapped against her warm and glistening flesh, licking at the moisture oozing from her. Eagerly, she spread her legs for him to allow him closer access, gasping when he repeated his tender strokes. His fingers spread her before him as he greedily continued his quest to explore every nook and cranny with his tongue.

Holly twisted and flexed under his mouth, and he scooped his hands under her sweet ass to press her more firmly into him. No, she wouldn’t escape him. For tonight, she was his.

“Mine, all mine,” he whispered into her flesh, before he plunged his tongue into her inviting pussy. He bathed in the heat emanating from her center, drank from her moisture and inhaled her scent. She was becoming part of his body, and he knew he’d recognize her scent a hundred years from now if he were to live that long.

Withdrawing his tongue from her center, he knew there was another place he wanted to taste. He’d left the best for last. His tongue moved upwards to the small but fully engorged nub of flesh hidden at the base of her curls. In slow motion, he grazed the spot with his tongue and instantly felt her tremble.

She was more sensitive than a seismograph. Daniel’s lips formed into a smile. When he was done with her she’d have been though a 9.5 magnitude earthquake, he could almost guarantee it. And he’d also guarantee massive aftershocks rippling through her. And his own body would be caught up in each and every one of those earthquakes she’d be experiencing. The famous 1906 San Francisco earthquake would register as a gentle ripple on a pond compared to what she’d be feeling.

“Baby, you’d better hold on tight.” It was only fair to give her advance warning.


What was he trying to do to her? Sabrina had never felt anything like it. This man, who was practically a stranger, was inflicting the most delicious torture she’d ever experienced. She’d had no idea that sex could be this good, and he was still half dressed and hadn’t even penetrated her yet.

The fact that she was completely naked in the arms of a gorgeous stranger, who seemed to have put it into his head to give her every conceivable pleasure in his power, seemed surreal. But it was real, as real as his hot breath caressing her clit before his tongue stroked over it again and again in a rhythm as old as time.

She knew what he was doing, and had he been any other man, she would have pulled back and withdrawn at the intimacy of his action, but because he was a stranger and she was pretending to be somebody else, she let herself go and surrendered to his tempting caress. She allowed herself to feel and not think.

Daniel’s tongue was relentless, but when he explored her with his fingers and slowly drove one into her, she almost leapt off the bed at the intense sensation. She hadn’t felt a man inside her in such a long time. And if his finger could create such an emotion in her, she could only guess what would happen when she’d finally feel his cock inside her. Sabrina shivered instinctively.

He slid his finger smoothly in and out of her slick flesh. With every movement, more moisture pooled in her center, more heat built up within her. She felt like a volcano ready to explode, ready to blow its top.

And she felt completely and utterly vulnerable and didn’t care that she was. He wouldn’t hurt her. After tonight, she’d never see him again. There would be no embarrassment, no possibility of being hurt by him. He would never even know her name.

“Come for me, baby,” she heard him whisper.

Daniel’s fingers worked her frantically. His tongue played with her clit, and he knew just the right rhythm to drive her to the edge. She felt her excitement build, her breathing become more ragged. It was time to let go of her control and hand it over to him, surrender to him and do what he demanded.

When his tongue lapped against her clit again and his finger hit her g-spot at the same time, she was past the point of no return. Like a tsunami building out in the ocean, she felt a faint tingle start in her belly and ripple outward until it crashed against the wave that had started in her extremities, powering together in a massive crescendo, exploding in the center of her body. Flowing outward wave after wave, the ripples wouldn’t stop.

There was no end to it, nor to the scream she heard in her ears, a scream of release coming from her own throat. Whether her orgasm lasted seconds or minutes, she was unaware of time and place. She only knew she’d never felt anything like it. She’d never felt this free.

As if in a fog, she felt Daniel move up her body and cradle her against his chest until her body finally returned to normal. When Sabrina opened her eyes again, she looked into the smiling face of her lover.

“Oh. My. God.”

“I’m glad you liked the appetizer. How about we move on to the main course?” He beamed unashamedly.

She shook her head slowly. “Not before you’ve tasted

Sabrina tugged at the button of his pants. “I want you naked, now.”

Whether Daniel minded being commanded by a woman or not, she didn’t know. But for what it was worth, she’d never seen a man get rid of his pants and boxers that quickly.

Before he had a chance to lower himself back onto the bed, though, she stopped him. He stood right in front of the bed, his erection proudly jutting out in front of him. His body was perfect. His broad chest was hairless down to his navel, where a small trail of dark hair started and led to the nest of curls surrounding his shaft.

BOOK: Lawful Escort
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