Late Call (Volume 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Late Call (Volume 1)
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“It’s really quite dangerous to call me that, you know.”

I back into the elevator with my lips curved. “Why, Mr. Stone? Have you had a change of heart about your name?”

He pins me to the back wall of the elevator with ease. “Why yes, I have, Miss Black. Surely you haven’t forgotten the way my fingers feel while they’re stroking inside your beautiful pussy?”

“No.” I wrap my fingers around the lapels of his jacket. “I was just reminding you.”

“Believe me. There’s no way I could forget you squeezing around me as you came.” He touches his lips to mine, his voice lowering and turning huskier with each word until it’s a low hum that vibrates through my body. “No fucking way.”

My breath catches. This man is irresistible. “Are you going to behave tonight?”

“Around you? Impossible.” The elevator doors open and he pulls me into his side. “Especially when you’re wearing a dress like that. That bright red against your gorgeous skin makes me want to fuck you in ten different ways.”

“Only ten? I can think of more,” I whisper in his ear as we enter the room.

“Enough,” he snaps, his voice raw with sexual need.

Over the next twenty minutes, I’m introduced to more people than I’ll ever remember. Gorgeous Australian women and their high-flying partners. Single men with eyes that rove over my chest. Women who eye me with jealousy and disgust. Investors and workers in the business.

I let their looks and quiet comments go over my head. By now, I’m a pro at it. By now, they’re mere whispers in a world of screams. By now, they’re as commonplace as a kind word.

Nothing in my job is easy.

The Australian models signed with Stone Advertising’s agency are here, tall and lean and gorgeous. Some are on the arms of men equally as beautiful. Others are with slightly older men, and the rest are alone, their eyes stalking the room for someone who can support them when their modeling days are over.

And those eyes are on Aaron. Some fleeting glances. Some blatant stares. Some coupled with fluttering eyelashes and pouting lips.

I hate every single one.

I hate that I hate them.

I excuse myself for a moment, and a server directs me to the restrooms. The room is suffocating. The whispers and stares I usually ignore are all encompassing, making my head spin and my stomach turn. Things that shouldn’t matter do. Things that shouldn’t bother me do. Because of Aaron.

Because I care about him, and the way people view me when I’m connected to him matters. It matters for his reputation as a man and a CEO.

And right now, all I can hear is the not-so-quiet mumbles asking who I am and wondering how I ‘bagged him.’ I’m remembering how dangerous this world is—where money is no object and no price is too high for information—and how stupid it is to lie.

Yet again, I’m protected by Mia Lopez.

I pat my cheeks and apply some more lipstick, more to pass another few measly seconds instead of walking back out there. My eyes rove over my face in the mirror. I’m just as beautiful as the girls out there. I don’t look out of place or as if I’m playing dress up from Mommy’s closet. I look like I belong in a dress that costs as much as I earn in a day.

Taking a deep breath, I leave the restroom and enter the party. Aaron’s standing by the bar now, leaning lazily against it, completely surrounded by models.
Of course.
I suppress my eye roll.

He looks up as I approach and shoots me a dazzling smile that eclipses any look he’s given the models. He straightens and holds out his arm. I step into his side and ignore the cold looks being shot in my direction when he touches his lips to my temple.

“Everything okay?” he asks.

I nod. “Fine. I just needed a moment.”

His lips twitch. “Dayton, let me introduce you to the girls. This is Kirsty, Jay, Maria, and Lola. They’re our top Australian models, and I expect we’ll be seeing one or two of their faces on some billboards when we head into the city later this week.”

“Isn’t the Marielle makeup campaign running now?” Maria asks.

“I believe so.”

She beams at him. “Then you’ll definitely see me. You’ll have to let me know what you think of it.”


“I’ll make sure to do that.” He smiles politely. “Ladies, if you’ll excuse us, there are a lot of people to see tonight. I’m sure I’ll see some of you again this week.”

“Looking forward to it!” one of them trills to our backs.

And that right there is why I chose fucking over modeling. God forbid I’d end up all dried up at twenty-five when the next big thing came along, begging any hot, rich guy to take care of me.

“Not a fan of the models?” Aaron murmurs in my ear, pulling me outside.

“Oh, yes. I loved them. Can you tell?”

He laughs. “I imagine they feel the same way.”

“I’m sure we’ll be braiding each other’s hair in no time.” I roll my eyes.

“I like it when you’re jealous.”

“I’m not jealous. I might look it, but I’m not.”

“You’re a terrible actress.”

“I take offense to that, Mr. Stone.”

His eyes darken, and he runs his thumb along my jaw. “I take offense to you not being jealous.”

“So we’re both offended. Gee, aren’t relationships

His lips curve as his thumb tugs on my bottom one. “If you’re not jealous, you won’t mind if I go and buy one of those girls a drink, would you?”

The thought makes bile rise up my throat. “No.” I swallow it down. “Go ahead. I think Maria would be very accommodating.”

A low laugh leaves him. “Jealous. I knew it.”

“I’m not—”

He touches his lips to mine tenderly. “Don’t worry,” he says against my mouth. “I’ve barely taken my eyes off you all evening.”

“I should hope not. You shouldn’t be looking at other women when attending a party with your girlfriend.”

“Fuck the ruse, Dayton. Whether you were here with me or not, I’d still be eying you like a sex-starved teenage boy all night. Don’t tell me you haven’t seen the way men, married or not, are staring at you?”

Felt it, not seen it. “I don’t notice that stuff. Besides…” I run my finger down his jacket. Time for a little honesty. “I might be too busy looking at someone else to notice.”

“Who am I kicking out?”

I laugh. “Can you kick yourself out of your own party?”

“Shall we try it?”

“Aaron. You can’t just leave your own party.”

“Sure I can. I have an early start tomorrow. I can use that as an excuse.” His lips are soft against mine. “Come on.”

“I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

He grins over his shoulder and leads us to the manager of the Sydney office. “Mr. Marks. I’m afraid Dayton and I are going to have to leave early. I have an early start tomorrow. I’d love to stay longer, but my schedule is full this week.”

“Of course! Such a shame, but we’ll see each other in two days, correct?”

“Yes—to discuss the incoming contracts. Thank you for organizing this. It’s been a wonderful evening.”

The two men shake hands, and Mrs. Marks pecks my cheek.

“I do hope we’ll get to see each other this week, Dayton. This evening’s meeting was far too short.”

“I agree. Perhaps I can convince Aaron to bring me along to the shoot later this week.” I wink at her.

Aaron squeezes my waist. “I think you could convince me to do just about anything, Day.” I smile. “Goodnight, everyone.”

We step into the elevator and Aaron presses the button to go up. He slides his hand from my waist to my hip and curves me into him. I’ve barely grasped his shoulders when his fingers are in my hair and his mouth is covering mine. His tongue forces itself between my lips and sweeps across mine, making me whimper at the sudden onslaught.

Shivers snake through my body and I arch into him, a primal instinct taking over. I feel his kiss everywhere, feel it reverberating through my body in tingles and aches and shots of pure lust. It tightens my stomach and clenches the muscles in my pussy, and when he breaks the kiss, I gasp for air.

“What the hell was that?” I breathe.

“That was what I’ve been wanting to do all night.” He takes my bottom lip between his and sucks gently as he pulls me into the suite.

He leaves me standing in the middle of the room. I kick off my shoes and let my eyes follow him as he enters the kitchen and pours a glass of wine. He puts it in my hand and smirks down at me.

“I’m going to shower.” Aaron backs out of the main room into our bedroom and pauses by the door. “Before I do something crazy.”

Something crazy? As opposed to dragging me around the world and kissing the ever-loving shit out of me at every opportunity?

Do we have different definitions of the word?

The sound of the shower running reaches my ears, and I slowly bring my gaze up. Something crazy. He wants something crazy?

I’ll give him fucking crazy.


I place the glass on the kitchen side and follow his footsteps. My dress falls from my body as I undo the zipper, and I slink out of my underwear, leaving a trail across the floor to the bathroom.

Without thinking, I push open the door. The glass surrounding the shower is steamed, but not enough to keep Aaron hidden from sight. I drink him in greedily.

Broad shoulders. Toned biceps. Washboard abs. Tight ass.

It’s the same body I remember but so different. It’s older. More mature. More confident, defined, powerful.

I pull open the shower door and he jolts. “Dayton? What are you doing?”

“Shh.” The door clicks shut and I hold a finger to his lips. “Don’t ask me questions I can’t answer.”

I curl my hand around his neck and pull his face to mine. His hands slip over my body at the touch of our lips. They move slowly, exploring every inch of me and caressing like he’s committing it to memory in case it never happens again. Each touch becomes more frantic, more urgent, and I feel his cock get hard against my thigh.

I slide my hand between us and wrap my fingers around his hardening length. Slowly, I stroke him, feeling him get harder and harder with every movement of my fingers.

“What are you… Ah—”

“I told you to shh.”

I squeeze his cock lightly and step back. My lips travel from his jaw and down his neck, following the path of the water running in rivulets down his body. His stomach tenses beneath my kisses as I touch my mouth to each of the muscles there.

My tongue tastes his skin as I trace it along the V muscle, stopping an inch above his bulging erection.

“Dayton,” he grinds out.

I look up into heavy-lidded, dangerously dark, seductive eyes. Shivers course through my body at the intensity in his gaze despite the heat of the water, and when his jaw tics, my lips twitch in response. He clenches his hands into fists at his sides when I drop to my knees and kiss the base of his cock, my eyes still on his.

“Fuck.” The word leaves him in a tortured hiss, his restraint obvious.

I relish the small rush of power that flows over me from knowing that I’m affecting him this way. Knowing that I’m affecting him so much that he closes his eyes as my lips travel up the length of his shaft delights me. The realization is instantaneous—right here, right now, I’m completely in control. I have control in a way I haven’t for two weeks, and I’m going to make the most of every second Aaron Stone is at my mercy.

I swirl my tongue around the end of his cock and lick away the tiny bit of pre-cum that escapes. My fingers are wrapped around the base of him, and I run my tongue along his length several times, teasing him, delighting in more heavy breathing from him. I take him fully into my mouth and he growls my name in his throat—a raw, primal sound that rests and settles inside my already-wet pussy.

His hand fists my hair as I grip his hip and pull him deeper into me. My cheeks hollow as I give one long, slow, hard suck that makes him groan loudly. I control my smile and suck again, this time faster, moving my head and flicking my tongue around him. He tightens his grip on my hair and tugs a little, making my scalp sting. I gasp at the sharp, unexpected feeling and wrap my fingers around him tighter.

My hand moves with my mouth. Covering all of him. Milking all of him. Playing all of him. He’s big and he’s beautiful, and the tiny drops of cum falling from the end of his cock coat my tongue and throat as I swallow them down.

“Fuck, Dayton.” My name is a heavy, deep groan. He reaches down and takes my hand from him. “All of it. With your mouth. I want every last bit of my cock in your mouth.”

His words make my pussy clench. I relax my throat and push forward until my lips wrap the base of his cock. I suck extra hard as I pull back, and my tongue has no sooner touched his head than he’s pushing me back down. I slide my hand from his hip to his ass and smack it lightly.

“I’m in charge here, Mr. Stone. Not you.” I link our fingers, both hands, and hold them to the sides.

“Jesus.” He breathes heavily, and I can tell he’s close. His cock is harder and swelling, and a small bit of cum spurts from him.

“Come for me, Aaron,” I murmur, my lips brushing against the end of his cock. “Hard.”

He does. My lips wrap around him and he comes instantly, hot spurts hitting the back of my throat. I suck him until he’s dry, swallowing every drop and savoring the rich taste of him.

He pulls me up and against him harshly. His lips take mine roughly, slowly tapering off to softer, tenderer kisses.

“Fucking hell, Dayton,” he whispers, cupping the back of my head. “I was wrong earlier. You in that dress isn’t the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s you on your knees in front of me with your red lips wrapped around my cock.”

I smile against him. “You wanted to do something crazy.”

“Mmm. I like your crazy.” He slips a hand down to my pussy and runs a finger along it. “You’re wet, gorgeous. Is that for me?”

My lips part and I nod.

“From sucking my cock?”


He slides two fingers inside me easily. “So very wet.” He kisses along my jaw. “And you still resist me. Why, Dayton? Wouldn’t you rather this be my cock inside you right now?”

He brushes my clit with his thumb. Holy…

“Wouldn’t you rather I be holding you against his shower door and sinking deep into you? Fucking you hard and fast?”

I drop my head to his shoulder and part my legs slightly, breathing more heavily than a moment ago.

“It’s tempting. I could pin you against this wall right now and fuck you until you scream my name. Or I could hold you there and lick every last bit of your wetness up with my tongue. How about that?”

I cry out as pleasure begins to build inside me, but I can barely feel his fingers working me. It’s his words. They’re making me think of what could be and how he could make me feel.

“I’d hook your legs over my shoulders while I run my tongue along your wet slit. You’d shudder and tremble and beg me to stop, but I wouldn’t. I’d lick you harder and faster until you came all over my tongue. And I bet you taste just as sweet as you used to.” He drags his teeth along my bottom lip.

I hold on to him tightly, my nails digging into his skin as he brings me closer to the edge. As his fingers sink inside me, his thumb pushes into my throbbing clit. I gasp and push my naked, wet body against his solid one. I writhe against him until he brings his mouth to my ear and whispers, “Come for me, Dayton. Hard.”

He presses his fingers deeper and pushes my clit harder and I come apart on a blissful high. Pleasure threads through my body, making my legs tremble. I am wholly consumed with the feelings flooding my body.

“Fuck,” I mutter into his chest. “I didn’t plan that.”

Aaron’s chest vibrates as he laughs. “If you think you’re going to suck me off and make me come that hard without getting the favor returned, then you can think again.” He runs his hands over my body. “Come here.”

He lathers soap in his hands and rubs it over my body before reaching for the shampoo.

“Turn around.”

“I can wash my hair,” I grumble.

“I know,” is all he says before he runs his fingers through my hair and works the shampoo in. His fingers moving against my scalp is relaxing and comforting and—

“You always used to love washing my hair.” The words are soft. Unsure.

He falters in his movements. “You remember.”

I swallow back a sudden lump of emotion. “Yep. I had a fight with Mom. She didn’t want me to get hurt by you. Because she didn’t get it. So I ran to you and you spent half an hour in the bath, sitting behind me, just washing my hair and listening to me talk.”

“And then I held you while you cried because you felt so bad for yelling at her.”

I close my eyes. “Then I dragged you to meet her properly and convinced her it didn’t matter if I got hurt because I loved you. And the love was worth the pain I knew would follow when we parted.”

Aaron washes the shampoo from my hair, and when it’s completely clean, when I think the conversation is over, he runs his fingers through it.

“Was it? Worth it?”

“I don’t know.”

I hear the scrape of metal as the dark curtains are spread open, filling the room with bright sunlight.

“Good morning,” Aaron says in a voice that’s way too happy.

“No it isn’t.” I burrow beneath the covers. “Go away.”

He laughs and tugs the sheets away. “I have coffee.”

“I don’t care. It’s too early.”

“I told you I had an early start.”

You have an early start. Not me.”


I narrow my eyes at him. “What do you mean, wrong?”

“We both have an early start.”

“But you said—”

He leans forward, smirking. “I didn’t say anything about a meeting or work, did I?”

Did he? No. Crap.

“So you left that party early why?”

“Because this is the only day this week without a meeting or a goddamn party, and I want to spend it with you.”

I prop myself up on my elbow. “And what if I have plans?”

“With who?” He raises an eyebrow in amusement.

“With myself.”

“Stop being ridiculous. Drink your coffee, get up, and get ready.”

I sit up. “Is that a request?”

“It’s a demand. Fucking do it.”

I grin at his retreating back and grab the coffee, sipping slowly. I kind of love it when he does that. When that demanding, powerful side of him I see so clearly when he’s turned on creeps into everyday life.

“I’m not waiting all day, Dayton!” he yells into the room.

“You didn’t say I had to drink the coffee fast!”

“We leave in ten minutes.” He pokes his head around the door. “So it’s the coffee or your looks.”

“You woke me up with ten minutes to get ready?” I jump out of bed, totally disregarding the fact I’m only in underwear, and run to my suitcase.


I look straight into his amused, smirking face.

“You have half an hour. But it was worth it to see you in that lace.”

“You’re an asshole, Aaron Stone.”

“You should see me in the boardroom.” He winks and I shake my head. I can fully believe it.

I unzip my suitcase and stare at the masses of clothes there. “What am I supposed to wear?”

“Whatever you want to wear.”

I fake a gasp. “No

“Don’t fucking tempt me, Dayton.”

I laugh quietly and grab a dress. It’s fun pushing these newfound buttons he has—even if I’ve only nudged a few of them. These are sides that were suppressed when we met, things I only ever got a glimpse of. But maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe if he’d been this powerful, then I’d have run a mile.

Funny how the thing that probably would have scared me then is very thing that makes me so attracted to him right now.

“And don’t even think about taking that lace off,” he calls through when I hook my fingers in the side of my panties.

“Does it matter? You won’t be seeing it.”

“No.” He appears in the doorway again, his eyes hooded. Shivers assault my body. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t imagine you in it and fuck you in my mind all day.”

He goes as quickly as he appeared and my jaw drops. So what if men fuck me—physically and mentally—all the time? None of them have ever been quite as blunt about it as Aaron.

“Close your mouth, sweetheart, or I might be tempted to fill it for you.”

“Jesus Christ!” I pull my dress over my head and storm out of the room. He’s leaning against the small bar in the corner, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Did you swallow an erotica book or something?”

“I warned you I’d be fucking you in my mind. That includes your mouth.”

My cheeks heat.

“Are you blushing?”

“No! I don’t blush.” Or I shouldn’t. I’m a fucking call girl!

“You’re either blushing or you’re having an orgasm right now. You have the same look on your face. Glazed eyes, lips parted, cheeks flushed.” His eyes flick over my features. “And if you’re having an orgasm, I’m better than I thought. Or you just really love the idea of sucking my cock.”

I ignore the sudden clench of my pussy and point at him. “You, sir, are an arrogant bastard.”

BOOK: Late Call (Volume 1)
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