Read Last True Hero Online

Authors: Diana Gardin

Last True Hero (27 page)

BOOK: Last True Hero
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Grisham and I both stand, but I reach her first and grab the bags from her hand. I carry them into the kitchen while she turns and faces Grisham.

“He explained everything, Grish. He overheard something really awful I said about us to my dad. It was my fault.”

“Berkeley—” I break in. I don't want her blaming herself. That's not what this is supposed to be about. I never should have walked away without talking to her first.

She walks toward him and reaches up, placing her hands on his shoulders. I stiffen, staring at them from my spot in the kitchen. Greta reaches over and pats my shoulder reassuringly, but my eyes are riveted on Berkeley and Grisham.

“Thank you for being here for me. You always have been, and I will always be here for you, too. Trust my decision here, Grisham. Dare is the guy I always thought he was. Oh, and also? He saved my life yesterday.”

He sighs, looking down into her eyes. The defeat on his face is clear. “You sure?”

She nods.

His frown turns into a genuine grin. “You sure you don't want to surf on it?”

Now it's my turn to frown. I thought she didn't like surfing.

She turns to me immediately, once again seeming to read the thoughts floating silently through my head.

“I've picked up surfing over the past month or so,” she admits with a smile. “It's been helping me…clear my head.”

Huh. Surfing? With Grisham.
Will she surf one day with me?
The thought fills me with heat, imagining her sexy body filling out a wet suit and standing up on a surfboard.

“We'll go sometime,” she assures me.

The smile I send her hurts my face. I walk over to stand beside them, wrapping an arm tightly around Berkeley's waist. I hold out a hand, hoping Grisham will accept it for what it is. An apology for hurting her.

“We good?” I ask.

He eyes my hand, and then reluctantly grabs my palm and shakes it. I nod at him.

“I swear to you, I will take care of her. It's my new life's mission.”

He looks me straight in the eye, his light blue locking on my light green, and says, “It better be. And thank you for getting her back.”

“Good,” says Berkeley. “Grish, you staying for breakfast?”

He shakes his head. “That's okay.”

Greta walks around the island and into the living room. “Come on, Grisham. You gotta be hungry. Just stay and eat.”

He swipes a hand across his forehead, glancing over at her. Something changes in his eyes as he takes her in. I follow his gaze and note that Greta is wearing what, apparently, she sleeps in. Tiny, and when I say tiny, I mean the material can barely count as an article of clothing, shorts and a thin black tank top. Miles of creamy skin are on display for Grisham's apparent viewing pleasure. And I can tell by his darkening eyes and vacant expression that he is definitely enjoying the view.

As Berkeley heads into the kitchen with Mea to begin preparing a major breakfast, I settle onto a barstool and try like hell to keep the gigantic grin off my face.

Everything is right in my world. Chavez is gone from both mine and Chase's lives. I have Berkeley back. And I'm never letting her go again.

he same day that Grisham and Dare found common ground, Dare and I are sitting on the couch, with me in his lap. He hasn't let me more than five feet away from him all morning, and I'm secretly loving it. I don't want to be farther than five feet away from him, either, and I think he knows it. He rubs a firm hand up and down my arm reassuringly as I lay my head against his chest. I want to feel his heart beating. The strong, steady thump reassures me, because I'm a pathetic, love-drunk idiot.

“So, what are you going to do about Chase?”

Dare hasn't said it, but I know he blames his brother for what happened. I don't want them to be at odds because of me. That's the last thing I want for Dare.

He looks down with a sigh. “I'm not really sure. I need to talk to him, I know that. Want to come with me to my house?”

He's happy. I can hear it emanating from his voice, can feel it rolling off of him in waves. I smile a small, secret smile, blissed out that I have something to do with his joy.

Shaking my head, I rub my nose against his. “I think you should go talk to him on your own. I've got some design ideas I need to sketch out for a new client I'm seeing this week, anyway. Want to meet back up this evening? Maybe we can all go to dinner together?”

He frowns, staring at me. “I don't really want to leave you here alone.”

I slap his chest playfully. “What, like I need a chaperone at all times? I'll be fine.”

He stares, doubt evident in his eyes.

“Dare, listen…nothing happened between me and Grisham while we weren't together. You know that, right? He's been an awesome friend to me and nothing more. He hasn't even tried to be anything more.”

He nods slowly, and I can see that he believes it's true. He still looks troubled, though. “I trust you, Berkeley. And if you had…well, I couldn't be mad about it.” His thick brow furrows. “I just…I don't know…want you with me.”

He bends his head and kisses me, softly and slowly. I melt into the kiss, returning it with every ounce of love I feel for him. When we pull apart, his eyes are glittering dangerously. “I don't have to go.”

Oh, no
. “Yes, you do!” I hopoff his lap and stand, scooting away so he can't grab me again. “Go. I'll be here. Text me what time I should be ready for dinner.”

“I'll be back before dinner, Berkeley. I'm not staying away all day.” He moves toward the door.

It's a little past noon now. “Don't rush on my account. I love you.”

He throws me a sexy, toe-curling smile before he walks out the front door. “Love you, Berkeley.”

Grinning, I retrieve my laptop and some fabric samples from my bedroom and settle on the couch to work. I'm thankful my dominant hand is still functional. Mea and Greta are having a day out at the beach, but I text Mea and let her know about the dinner plan for later, in case they want to join us. She lets me know that they'll be home well before dinner so that we can get ready together, and I'm suddenly very excited about tonight. I miss Dare already, and he's been gone less than an hour. The thought brings an embarrassed smile to my face. I can feel the flush forming, and I know it's because I'm being so ridiculous. But that's what happens to a girl in love, right?

As soon as I begin to sketch, the front door opens and Mea strolls in.

“Hey,” I say, my tone surprised. “I thought you were beaching it today.”

Mea smiles. “I was, but then your boyfriend texted me.”

Groaning, I push my sketch pad aside and stretch. “Oh, man! Sorry, Mea. I don't need a babysitter.”

Mea plops down beside me. “Until further notice, I think you do. I mean, who gets kidnapped, Berk?”

We both crack up, because it's crazy and we both know it.

“Only me,” I croak, gasping for breath.

Mea's expression turns serious. “I'm so sorry I wasn't here with you when it happened.”

I wave off her apology. “That's ridiculous. They would have gotten me eventually. Chavez was insane. He wanted to have me so he could get to Chase and Dare. There was nothing you could have done.”

“Did he…hurt you?” Mea's voice is hesitant.

Shaking my head, I shudder. “No, thank God. He was a monster, but he didn't lay a hand on me. It was all about the money.”

Nodding, she wraps an arm around me. “We've been friends for a long time, Berk. I would have been lost if anything happened to you.”

I know how she feels. Even though Mea and I had time apart while I was away at school, she was always in my heart and in my thoughts. Whenever I needed rescuing in my life, she was there for me. She knew how I felt about my parents, and the way they planned my life out for me, and she backed me up wherever and whenever she could. I can never thank her enough for that.

“Ditto,” I say simply.

hase isn't at the beach house when I get there, so Drake and I open a beer together while I wait.

“How's Berkeley?” asks Drake as he takes a sip.

“She's doing okay, considering. Her wrist is broken, but her spirits are up and I think she'll be fine.” The relief is evident in my voice.

“You two back together?”

Grinning, I nod again. “Yup.”

He returns my grin tenfold. “I'm happy for you, brother.”

I'm happy for me, too. “Thanks, man. You want to come with us to dinner tonight?”

He props his feet up on the coffee table and grabs the remote. “Who else is going?”

“Just me and Berkeley, maybe Chase, and I'm sure Berkeley will invite her roommates.”

Drake frowns, a dark look crossing his face. I have to ask.

“Okay, what's up with you and Mea? Every time I mention her you look like you swallowed something sour. And when you two are together you act like you've been fighting the same battle for years. What gives?”

He shakes his head. “I don't know what you're talking about. I'm cool with Mea. Just don't know if I feel like hanging out tonight. What, you'll miss me if I don't come?”

He scoots closer and puts his arm over my shoulder, which lets me know he's avoiding the subject. He always shoves me off him when I tease like that. I frown at him. “Yeah, right. You're coming.”

Rolling his eyes, he scoots back over and flips through the channels until he reaches ESPN. “Yes, sir.” He salutes.

“That's more like it. Why don't we make that a regular thing? You can call me sir every time I give an order, and then follow it.”

He shoves me, and I go slamming into the other side of the couch. “Not on your life.”

The front door swings open and Chase walks in. He pauses when he sees me, and then walks into the room.

“Hey,” he says.

Standing, I gesture toward the back of the house. “Let's go out back.”

We walk to the deck and have a seat. Neither of us speaks for a few minutes, just listening to the sound of ocean crashing against sand.


“I'm not staying, Dare.”

We speak at the same time, and then we both pause and look at each other.

“You're leaving?” I finally ask.

“Yeah. I want to go check on Shay. I've got to give it a shot with her. I also…I need to get out of your hair. I really fucked up here, Dare. I'm sorry. I can only hope I can make shit up to you one day.”

Nodding, I absorb the information he's just given me. Chase will always be my brother, and I'll keep hoping he grows up one day soon. Maybe a relationship with Shay can help him out with that.

I reach over and hold out my hand. When he takes it, I pull him into a hug.

“Call me when you get to Florida.”

He nods. “Will do.”

I rise from my seat and head inside to take a shower. I have to get ready to take my girl to dinner.


We pull up to the restaurant, just Berkeley and me in my truck. Everyone decided to drive separately and meet up around seven o'clock. Berkeley and I are right on time. She's forgone her seat belt and is snuggled up next to me on the wide bench seat. As I look down at her where she's tucked beneath my right arm, I just sigh with contentment. She's absolutely beautiful. She's dressed up; a dark purple dress hugs her curves. A thin black belt wraps around her waist, and I know that when she steps out of the car she'll be taller than usual in her wedged black heels.

She's taking my breath away, and that's no easy feat. I can't get enough of her, and now I just embrace that fact instead of wanting to slap myself for acting like a bitch.

Smiling at her, I brush the hair out of her eyes. I let my eyes rove, scanning down her body toward her long, lean legs, and all the way back up again. I appreciate the generous curve of her breasts at the top of her strapless neckline. “Huh.”

Curiosity peaks her features. Her brow creases as she inspects herself doubtfully. “What?”

I shake my head, pretending to be lost in thought. “It's just that…I thought I saw you at your most beautiful the first night I kissed you, in this very truck. You were soaking wet from the rain, and you were laughing because of the sudden downpour. Your whole face was glowing.”

I take her hand and toy with her fingers, bringing them up to my lips and kissing the back of her hand. “And then I thought you couldn't be more beautiful than the morning after the night you showed up at my house in a cab. That morning, you sat on top of me to shake me out of a nightmare. You were so fierce, and loving at the same time. I think that's when I fell in love with you.”

Now she's smiling, her dimples denting her cheeks. She squeezes my hand. “But then I saw you at that garden party. That long black dress, tight in all the right places, but so fucking elegant at the same time. I almost lost my shit when I laid eyes on you. You should have been in a magazine, telling every other woman in the world why they should buy that same dress.”

I push her gently toward her seat before sliding out of the car and striding around to open her door for her. Reaching up, I place my hands on her waist, pulling her down to stand directly in front of me. Sliding my hands along her body, I grab her hands and step back, eyeing her again. “But now, tonight? This dress is amazing, honey.
are amazing. You have this new job that you love, and you're standing on your own without the help of the Admiral. And…you're
That makes you the most stunning woman I've ever seen.”

She sucks in a breath, then stands up on her toes so that she can meet my lips. Hers brush mine softly, and then she pulls back.

“I love you, Dare Conners.”

I take her hand lightly and pull her along toward the restaurant entrance. We've decided to forgo See Food tonight, in honor of wanting to dress up a little and celebrate. I'm wearing dark jeans and a dark gray cotton blazer, black Chucks on my feet. Berkeley shoots me an approving glance as we enter the restaurant, smiling slightly.

Leaning up to whisper in my ear, her voice sends a shudder through to my core, and I suddenly can't fucking wait to get her home. “You're not so bad yourself, soldier. I'm role-playing in my head right now.”


Then she nods toward my shoes. “Those a nod for me?”

Smirking, I just take her hand.

“Hey, guys,” says Greta's bright voice from beside the hostess stand.

We greet Mea and Greta, but Drake is still on his way, I'm guessing.

The hostess seats us in the back of the restaurant, at a table big enough for all of us to stretch out. The restaurant is located just off the small, oceanfront boardwalk. Beside our table, a wall of windows displays the brilliant expanse of ocean. The waves crash into the glittering sand, and the boardwalk and beach beyond are dotted with people walking, talking, or canoodling in front of the crashing waves. The sky is purple with the just-set sun, and with all of the places I've been, it's the most beautiful view I've ever laid eyes on.

Sitting here beside the tranquil bliss beyond the windows, I compare myself to each wave as it connects with the waiting shore. I've always been on my way to this town, to this time, with this girl. Along the way, I had no clue this is where I'd end up. But now that I'm here, I'm happy just letting the new me evaporate into Berkeley and a life with her, while the old me washes back into the ocean I came from.

Drake shows up just as the white-shirted waiter comes to gather our drink orders. He settles into a seat between Greta and me, directly across from Mea, while the waiter scurries off to grab our beers and mixed drinks.

“Greta,” Mea begins. She points out one of the giant windows, her finger stretching toward a gigantic, gorgeously ornate beach house perched on stilts about two hundred yards away in the sand. “Didn't you say your dad has just landed a new contract with the new owner of that house over there?”

Drake whistles. “That place is massive. Must be a lucrative contract. Does he only do work in the private sector?”

Greta furrows her brow. “Actually, Dare, he wants to talk to you about maybe taking a position with his company. And no, Drake, I think that they often take on government Special Ops contracts as well. My father is ex-army.”

I glance up at her in surprise. “Wow. No wonder we related to each other so well during…” I glance at Berkeley. “The situation.”

She snuggles closer into my side. The waiter returns with our drinks, and Mea rolls her eyes. “Greta's family is loaded, thanks to Daddy dearest.”

Greta shrugs. “I'm an adult now, Mea. I don't get to go running to Daddy for money anymore.”

Mea just shakes her head, her dark curls bouncing with the movement, as if she doesn't believe a word of it.

Leaning to the side, I bend so that I can lean into Berkeley. Her rosy scent captures my complete attention, and I nuzzle my nose into the luscious curve of her neck.

Damn, she smells delicious. How much longer before I can sweep her out of here and back to my house or her apartment? I scowl into her skin, knowing I at least have to make it through dinner.

Berkeley giggles, and the sound echoes through my body, bringing
of me to attention. She clears her throat to cover her giggle, and then leans away from me. At the same time, her hand reaches over and grips my thigh. Her fingers trail upward, and I choke on my beer.

Everyone at the table is busy relaying their orders to the waiter. When the man's eyes stop on me, Berkeley speaks up. “He'll probably want one of everything.”

I smirk at her, remembering, and then give the waiter my real order.

Leaning over to her, I whisper into her ear, “Eat fast, baby. I've been waiting to get you home since I saw you in that dress.”

She shares my smile, and I know that once we finally do make it home, that dress won't stay on her for very long.

BOOK: Last True Hero
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