Last Hope (5 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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Mission 7 Panic

The terrorist that David was able to
stun and bring back refuses to cooperate and give us the
information. No one really seems to know why The Sons of Liberty
are doing this.

I heard that they are
trying to destroy all things that are bad and corporate in this
world, so that they could make it a better one themselves.” Lee
told Long during a smoke break.

I don’t understand why
there is war in this world sometimes, or why we are even in this to
be honest. It seems that they only thing humans do is argue, then
the big guys send us small men out there, we kill each other for
them and then the one with the most men win.” Jordan told Steve
with a sigh.

Try not to think about
stuff like that too much Long.” Steve gave Jordan a pat on his
back. “You are going to be a great leader one of these days, in
order to be a great leader, you must first become a good follower.
Follow my advice. Don’t stress about it. The more you worry about
stuff like this, your head becomes clouded, you can’t have that in
the battlefield. The seconded your mind becomes clouded, you’re

Yes Sir.”

In the War Room on the big T.V there
was a live news report going on in Argentina where a massive
terrorist attack is taking place. Commander quickly order his four
best soldiers and a new one on the battlefield to save whatever
civilians are still alive and to kill any Sons that they may
encounter along the way.

As the plane touch ground, the five
soldiers all got off and ran to cover. “When Commander said his
best five, I did not thought that I would be here!” Igor told

You’re the best heavy
around Igor.” Mandisa told him with a smile.

Abe!” Katarina shouts.
“Stick by me and you will get thru this, if you leave me you will

Steve came near Igor and in a whisper
“when you said Katerina told you that the followers were not her
type do you think that?”

Oh no, well, I don’t

She just seems to spend an
awfully a lot of time with.”

Think we could talk about
this later?”

Sure thing.” Steve said
patting Igor on his back.

Steve moves ahead of the group and
spots two Sons. Steve rushes ahead to save a civilian. Igor took, a
shot at one of the Sons and was able to kill one. Aba moves forward
away from Katerina and she was able to spot the other Son. This got
her killed by the Son shooting her in the face. Lee was able to
save another person. Katerina moves to where aba was, took a shot
with her pistol, hit but did not do a ton of damage.The Son moves
backwards, both Lee and Igor fire at target. Igor miss while Lee
kills it. The place was clear for the time being. Katerina look
down at Abe dead body and with a sigh “I told you not to leave

Two more Sons comes out of nowhere.
Everyone fires and miss the targets. Steve was able to move forward
a little bit to save another person. Katerina steadies her aim,
takes out one of the sons with her sniper rifle. Mandisa moves
forward, shoots at the other son, almost kills him but not quite.
Igor moves around, shoots at target but miss. Mandisa fires again,
kills target.

As the place was cleared, Igor made a
sigh and reloaded his gun. “I need to work on my aim a little bit

Mandisa place her hand on his shoulder,
with a warm smile “When we get back home, i’ll teach

Thanks Mandy.” Igor told
her with a smile. Igor moves next to a building to where he heard
noises coming from inside. “definitely two more inside. Possibly
two more.” He told everyone. hear noises. Just next to the
building, Igor hears a strange noise, sounds like crying. As he
turns the corner he found a little girl. “Hey there, what’s a brave
little girl like yourself doing out here all alone?” He told her
with a patcintate smile.

The little girl tries to wipe her tears
as she starts to tell Igor why she was there all alone. “M-M-Mommy,
and daddy, told me to run when the monsters came. So I ran in here,
but then, I saw more monsters.”

What did these monsters
look like?”

They were big, with

Swords?” Igor told himself
as he was yet to face against a son with a sword. “Thank you. You
see that pathway over there? That is a safe path, if you go over
there, you will see a plane. Get inside the plane. I will be back,
I am going to defeat all the monsters for you.” The little girl
gave Igor a big hug and gave him a dog tag. On the dog tag was the
name Sara Rosemary.

As the girl left, Steve moves next to
Igor, near to a window when he spots the monsters. “Contact!” Steve
fires at one of the Sons but he barely hurt them.

Let’s end this quick!” Igor
toss a grenade inside the building but it did not kill the Sons.
“These really are monsters.” He said astonish that they were still

The two Sons comes running out of the
building. Igor quickly got stab in his heart. The sword pierce
straight through Igor’s heavy armor. Steve was trying to fight off
the other attack but can’t escape.

Katarina steadies her aim and kills the
Son that killed Igor. Mandisa tries to save Steve by firing at the
other Son. The Son got hit but was still able to kill

Man-” Katarina said in a
soft voice as she was trying to say Mandisa’s name.

We can’t leave here, we
need to finish the mission!” Mandisa told Katerina with tear in her

If we stay here and fight,
then we are going to die as well! Those things survive grenade
blast and several gunshot bullets. They also move fast and killed
Igor who was wearing the thickest of armor in an instant!” Katerina
shouts back. Without waiting for a response Katerina rushes back to
the airplane. Mandisa, who did not wanted to leave her fallen
comrades behind also follow Katerina back to the

Where is...Mr. savior?” The
girl ask Katerina and Mandisa as they arrive on the

As the plane took off, Mandisa was too
sad and was trying hard to fight back her tears to say anything.
Katerina was the one that had to break the bad news. “He is, still
fighting, but he had to go somewhere else to finish his fight.” The
girl said nothing.

What’s your name?” Katerina

S-Sara, Sara

I’m Katerina Chepurnova,
over there is my friend Mandisa Dubazana, It’s very nice to meet

You, to Miss.

No one talk about how bad the mission
went. With Sara roaming around the place. She was kind of lifting
everyone spirits a little. Back in the Barracks, Katerina storm
inside of Mandisa’s room. “What the fuck was that all

I lost it out there, I just
saw my best friend getting his head fucking chop off out there,
what do you think I was suppose to do?”

I lost men as well Mandisa.
We were all there when Denis got shot. We were also there when Elta
died as well! We were able to move on from those two and we can
move on now!”

You know what, fuck you!
You never loved anyone in your life, so death comes easy for you
does it? I loved him, now he is dead!”

In a more quieter tone Katerina got
into Mandisa’s face. “I love many people, but if you can’t stay
focus out there, then you might as well be dead. I left you back
there Mandisa. I left you there so you could die, if you stay. I
knew we were not going to win that fight so I left while I could
still breath. The next time I go back out there I am going to be
prepare to kill those fuckers.”

Mandisa said nothing, she clench her
hands into a fist but quickly let that go as she starts to cry and
sat next to her bed. Katerina sat next to her comforting her,
rubbing her back. “I...I just...Igor was...I just wanted to be
happy. To be love by someone, and Igor, did those things for

Katerina, grab Mandisa’s face to face
her, in a softer tone. “I want to make you happy.” She told her
then quickly giving her a kiss.

Mission 8 Love is a

The following day, it was just an
ordinary day between Mandisa and Katerina. What happen last time
was a mix of all the emotions that had happen so far. Mandisa walk
out to a ledge and look down when she saw Soto talking with Kato.
She was a little bit too far to hear what the two of them were
saying but it did not sound like the conversation is going to well.
“Soto, have faith in Commander. He is trying to see if you are
worthy, that is why you have been going on mission after mission
after mission. You have yet to prove yourself to him.”

I fear that he is trying to
get me kill sister.”

Then he is going to lose
the best person in the Support Class there is.” Soto got a ping, it
was another mission from Commander. Mandisa also got the same ping
as well.

Sara Rosemary came up next to Mandisa.
“What’s that?” She ask her as she was noticing Mandias

It’s a pager, it lets me
know when I got another mission.”

Do you got another mission

Mandisa took in a deep breath. With a
sigh she let out “I do, I need to go.”

Are you coming

Mandisa pause, she never once ever
thought to ask herself on all of her other missions but this time
she did not know whether or not she was going to come back or not.
With a smile “I am.” She told Sara as she gave her a pat on her

On the airplane, waiting to get drop
off at the next mission area. Mandisa was calling the shots.“Enemy
plane got shot down, this is going to be simple. We move in, kill
the rest of the Sons and head home, you do what I say, when I say,
and how I say. If I tell you to throw a grenade, you will say how
far understood?” Mandisa told her new soldiers. They all nodded
their head in agreement. She turn her head over to Soto who also
nodded. “So, who were you with Soto? I never once heard you speak,
do you like her?” Soto did not say a word, he nodded his head yes,
that he likes Kato, but only as a friend because she is his sister.
As they touch ground all five of them scattered.

Harald Breg moves ahead of everyone
else and spots two men. “I see two of them already!” He calls

Mandisa, quickly spotting where Harald
was at, rush over to him and killed one of the Sons without even
blinking an eye. Harald was stun at how fast Mandisa killed her
target. As Mandisa put her sights on the other son, both harald and
her fire their guns and both miss. Adrien Leroy, took aim, and was
able to kill the target. Runes Larsen, moves up close to the fallen
aircraft, and spots three more. one of the Sons try to run to cover
but Adrien fire at the running target. Hit the target but did not
kill it. Rune ends up getting shot at but they miss. Another Son
runs for cover. Rune fire at the moving target and miss.One of the
Sons tries to be a suicidal soldier and starts to run in the middle
of the quad. At the same time an Elite came out of the ship, but
Soto quickly kills him. Harald, toss a grenade at target that move
in the middle of the squad, target did not die, mandisa took him
out. When she killed her target, she only pause for a second. “Why
are they acting so reckless?” She ask herself. Then she hears one
of her soldiers calling for help.

I am not doing so good over
here!” Rune shouts as he moves to get a better shot at the enemy,
while he was still getting shot at. They hit him and he is not
doing too well.

Don’t worry Rune! I am not
going to lose another soldier!” Mandisa runs to assist rune, fires
but miss Rune runs back to safety. Target tries to move, adrien
fires, hit target but not kill it. Soto threw a smoke grenade near
Harald so he could reload. “Thanks mine!” Mandisa fire at same
target again and was able to kill it. With that, the mission was
over and no one was dead. However Rune is wounded for eight days.
After this Mandisa became a lieutenant for her actions. Also Adrien
gets to go to Sniper school. As they squad all got off from the
aircraft. All of them were congratulating Mandisa. “Thanks Mandisa,
you save my life back there.” Rune told her.

I was just doing my job.”
Mandisa told him with a smile.

Thank you, to make it up
for you, if you don’t have a date for the Solder Ball, I would be
more than honor to take you.” Rune says with a smile.

Mandisa was kind of caught off guard
from the proposal. She stop thinking about the ball ever since Igor
died in her last mission. Once she finally pull herself together
she told Rune no thank you. As the five of them went their separate
ways, Mandisa ran into Sandra. “Still alive I see.” Sandra told
Mandisa in a cold tone.

Still a bitch, I see.”
Mandisa said with a cold tone as well.

Look, if we are going to be
living on the same base, let me just tell you this. I never love
Igor, or hated you Wednesday. I just saw the two biggest love
couple and thought that I could have some fun and make things more
interesting around here.” Sandra pause before continuing. “I heard,
he was the one who save Sara from that death sentence of a

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