Lady Luck (Lucky You Book 2 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Lady Luck (Lucky You Book 2 1)
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I run as far as the tall grass grows. When I come to the fence line, marking mine and Jeremiah’s property lines. I stop to decipher what to do now. I know I shouldn’t continue in this direction, my poor white boy drunken ass isn’t something I’d rather like to explain, then again I don’t give a rats ass who sees me.

My mind is searching for the next idea but it’s taking a few seconds, or more like ten, to figure out my next move. I see the light from Jax and Jessa's house on. So I decide to lurk out near the cornfields. I start my flight again, taking off in one direction and turning around to run in the other.

    Since it was such a last minute decision to come out here, I forgot the one thing that would make this outgoing epic.


Which is the second way to soothe my soul.

    I try to hum out a few of the songs I can remember, but the words to the lyrics are getting jumbled in my brain.

    "Cause I'm as free as a bird now, and this bird you can not change.... cannot change, bird is free now…damn I forgot the rest of it." I keep going, repeating the lines over an over again. I only hope to change into a real bird and fly away from all the troubles I cannot escape. I’d chose a sparrow or a black crow to show my inner darkness needs its own wings to fly.

    As I'm sailing through the cornrows, I trip over my own two feet and land face down in the fresh mud from yesterday’s storm. It gives an all-new meaning to going mudding. Of course I’m doing with class in my birthday suit.

It doesn’t hit me at first, but I realize I may have twisted my ankle in this stunt. The weightlessness has caught up with me, seeing as how I cannot pick myself up off the ground. Gravity sucks when you’re drunk, the laws of physics should not matter when you’re shitfaced.

Which reminds me of a John Mayer song.

“Gravity is working against me, And gravity wants to bring me down”

I laugh, just thinking how fitting that I’m lying in the mud, because of my own stupidity and of all things, gravity.

    Lyrics keep chiming in my head, so I continue blaring them from my lungs. This drunken love song performance should not fall on deaf ears, only my own. "Just keep me where the light is...." Just as utter those words aloud, I see a light that’s headed in my direction. That’s funny, I thought when you died you were the one-stepping into the light, but this is so fucking confusing, it’s headed towards me, getting closer and closer to me.

Damn, God must be drunk too. It makes me crack a smile, even though I’m not in the best of all moods right now. Especially since someone is about to bear witness to my ill-soughed schemes, my only wish is it wasn’t God. What a way to explain to the big man, why I’m buck ass naked in the fields at night. I just wanted to feel free again. But I feel like the world is crashing down on me, holding me frozen in one place. I hate this prison I’m living in.

I just wanted this feeling to carry me through. Now I’ve got to answer to the man upstairs. Here comes my redemption, uh yeah right.

    "What the hell?" Oh shit, its not God, someone has found me. But I can’t make out whom. All I see is a small dark figure with an incredibly sweet voice. I groan and smile.

    "Jeremiah?" She asks me. My face falls. Oh no, she knows who I am, and she is at the better advantage. I don’t have a clue
who she is. Her voice though, its like the angel of God I thought was coming to take me from this place.

    "Yeah that’s me, who are-?" She immediately interrupts me.

    "What's wrong with you?" I glare up at her, only to soften my features when I see the look on her face. Sincerity.

    "I wanted to fly, but I couldn’t get enough wind." Boy, don’t I sound like a pussy. I realize to sober ears I must sound like a five year old that dropped their Popsicle. 

    "Why are you naked and drunk?" Oh shit, I forgot I was naked.


Luckily I’m lying with my ass up in the air, so she doesn’t get to meet JJ for the first time.

    "Why not?" My words stutter, to my avail.

    "I'm calling in reinforcements
., I really don’t know what to do with you." she pulls out her phone and dials a number, tapping her booted foot in an agitated way. I take in her every move, which is enough for me to concentrate on. I wish I could check out her ass in those jeans.


Just taking her in for the first time, even if I’m hammered, I see a beautiful creature before me. It’s like the veil has been lifted and I can see her for the first time.

Why hadn’t I noticed before?

    "Can you come out to the corn field behind the house? I need a hand. Bring a shirt and some boxers." She tells the person on the other end of line.

      "Just do it, I'll explain when you get here."

    Killing the call, she turns to me again. "Why did you come out here?"

    "Because I w-w-want-ted to f-feel free.” I'm losing at every turn, nothing is working out for me. Why didn’t I just pack up and foreclose on the house? Sure my credit would be shot for the next seven years, but would I still feel like I'm stuck six feet under with the never-ending money pit, the never-ending heartbreak?

Or better yet, why didn’t I light that match and watch the flames engulf the one thing that keeps bringing me down?

    "You’re trashed. I'm getting you home but you're probably going to hate yourself in the morning though." What? Do I really look that bad?

    "Why's that?" I ask curiously.

    "Not only will I have seen you naked along with my brother, but your head is going to hurt, and I would reckon your ankle as well. Drunk injuries always hurt the worse the second day, so you may want to pop a few Advil before hitting the hay." She says as she’s examining the swelling around my ankle. It’s obvious I did something to it, but I know it’s not broken.

    “Thanks.” Ugh, the one person, I’d hope would never see me this way. Even if I am, a little bit, or no a lot drunk, I know she would rather I pack up my stuff and head back to the

Uh huh.


Little lady will have something else coming if she thinks I’ll leave.

Fuck. My head is spinning. I’m laying here naked as the day I was born, and she’s probably going to see my junk.

Great, now the whole town is going to be talking about me, and my drunken tendencies. I only hope people don’t believe her.

“Please don’t tell anyone about this. I’m embarrassed already as it is.” I plead. She smiles warmly back at me.

“I don’t have anyone to tell, other than my brother whose bringing you clothes, and please don’t feel ashamed, from what little I did see, I can tell you have a nice body.”

Her quiet, somber voice is like a peaceful melody to ears, slowing the thrumming and spinning and allowing me to focus on her, instead of the pain. My buzz is gone, or rather replaced from alcohol induced to Addison induced. I can see in her eyes, she holds a naivety to the flirtations that most would understand.

Jax mentioned she’s never really dated, or been into girly things. She followed him around growing up, and never really branched off to the female kind until Jessa came into the picture last summer. She’s hasn’t been known to wear dresses, or anything other than jeans or shorts. She’s like one of the guys, only difference is she’s got boobs and beauty.

In our current predicament, I don’t think asking her out would be wise. I’d like to skate around with our attraction to one another. I’m new to the dating game, as is she.

Honestly, I’m in no hurry to jump back into a committed relationship, yet at the same time, I need to let loose and have some fun. There’s just something about her, I can’t put my finger on it.




    Drunken Nights: Day 50

The morning after my drunken flight training, I decided to take Addie up on her recommendations. So I've been relaxing on the couch today, the ankle she predicted would hurt, does. Its swollen to a beautiful mixture of blue-green shades and it hurts like a motherfucker.

I spent my morning coasting through the measly channels, out here you have eight, including one in Spanish. Didn’t take me long to flip to Flixnet, you can never go wrong with the best movie streaming app ever.

    "Hey Charlie, let's not go flying again tonight, seeing as how its left me, so what would you suggest?" He perks his head up from the couch.

    "More drinking huh?" Tilting his head to the side.

    "Yeah I guess it would make me feel a little better." He nudges my leg with his head, getting comfortable on the couch with me.

He’s the only one who hasn’t turned their back on me. Mom and Dad support me, but when I decided to move here, Dad didn’t agree with the decisions I made. He told me, “ Son, if you’re going to move out to Texas, you should get married first. You’ve been together long enough, don’t you think its time to make it official?”

“Dad, Camryn and I aren’t in any hurry to tie the knot and I’m sure as shit she’s not ready to make it that official.”

“Ok, I will support your decision to move a thousand miles away, however I wont be sending you my money. I want you to be happy and I feel like if you don’t put your foot down to her, she’s just going to eat you alive.”

“She’s not using me, we’ve been together long enough to know that we’ll always be together. It’s going to eventually happen but it’s not necessary for me to make this move. I want to be with her.”

God I feel like such a fucking idiot. I should’ve listened to my dad. I probably wouldn’t be sitting here wasting my life away. What am I going to do with myself? I’m cut off from everything I’ve ever known and I’m finally free to make my own decisions, and here I am sitting with a busted ankle. No job, no girl, and nearly no money.

After three bottles of wine later, it’s caught up with me. I now understand that drinking different types of alcohol gets you drunk in different ways. Wine for some reason makes me logical and thoughtful, and apparently drowsy.

As I’m preparing for bed, it dawns on me, that I’ve had one-sided conversations with my dog, this entire evening and most likely every day since Camryn left me.

"I've gotta be crazy when I ask you questions knowing you won't answer me." I scratch his head and climb in bed.

My whole body is feeling weightless even my injured ankle feels numb and sleep is calling my name.

"Jeremiah, stop, please." I can’t relent, hearing the song rumble from within her. The joyous sound of happiness, it tickles a part of my heart.

    "I could get used to you pinned beneath me and even more the sound you make. It sets fire to my blood." The song is so angelic and innocent that I continue tickling her, hoping the music will continue.

    "Please... I cant breath." I finally pull back a little and zero my gaze in on her round perfect ass. Beautifully encased in dark denim jeans, and a blue flannel shirt, my shirt. She's a tiny little thing, squirming beneath me. My body has her pinned. She's not going anywhere. She’s right where she needs to be.

    "God I love that sound."  Reaching forward to brush her hair aside, my eyes eagerly searching for her face. She pulls free from me, and takes off.

I chase her down the hall towards the kitchen. She rounds the island and now I’ve got her cornered.

    "I'm gonna catch you lady. And when I do I'm tickle you black and blue." Giggling, She skirts past me, grinning a mile wide, it steals the breath from my lungs with the picture of destiny. I could never forget that smile.

     I wake with a start, my breathing labored; the dog perks his head up, shaken from his slumber.

I glance at the clock and see that it's two in the morning.

Instantly I know, my buzz has worn off considerably judging by the headache left behind along with the soreness in my ankle.

Scratching my head, I curse. “Goddamn!”

I was dreaming and it was beyond weird. I never thought she could haunt me in such a way. We've always butt heads. She hates my guts, but do I? What is it about her that has me dreaming about her? Her attitude from the moment when we moved in, was indifferent and cold. It set me off for a while, but since then I’ve noticed different things about her that just keep drawing me in.

It surprises me, why was I thinking about her, enough that I subconsciously dreamed of her. But beyond all the weirdness, it was the best dream I've ever had. I only wish it could come true. Fuck, maybe I am still drunk. Drunken dreams suck balls.

Damn, Addison Caraway…. what am I going to do about you?






Chapter 2




    You know that moment, right before you open your eyes in the morning, when you just want to fall back asleep, but know you have to get up.

Yeah. I’m stuck there.

Why should I get up and work on this house? It’s just me, no one to demand me to do things for them. I do things when I feel like it. Its kind of growing on me the shit hole I’m living in and the fact that my life was complete bliss, and in a blink of an eye, it all turned sour.

BOOK: Lady Luck (Lucky You Book 2 1)
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