Read Laces and Lace (Assassins #6) Online

Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #romance

Laces and Lace (Assassins #6) (26 page)

BOOK: Laces and Lace (Assassins #6)
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pening her eyes, Lacey smiled when she found Karson fast asleep, looking peaceful and oh so gorgeous beside her. His hair was astray, his mouth hanging open as his long, dark lashes kissed the top of his cheeks. He took in a deep breath and stirred a little before reaching for her and bringing her closely into a cocoon of Karson. His arms shielded her from the world, his scent, manly and woodsy, intoxicated her, and the feel of his heart steady against her chest soothed her.

They were married.

She was really married to Karson Jett King, and he was hers. Completely and forever hers. Moving her fingers along his jaw, tears stung her eyes as she gazed at her gorgeous husband. Thoughts of waking up like this for the rest of her life warmed her to the core. They had forever together, and the thought of the life she hoped for made her giddy inside.

“Stop staring at me,” he grumbled against her lips. “I can’t sleep.”

She giggled as she cuddled deeper in his arms, his taut muscles hard against her soft body. “I can stare if I want—you’re my husband.”

His mouth curved up in a grin as his arms tightened around her worn-out body, molding her into his. “You’re right. I am,” he whispered against her swollen lips. “One who is tired to the bone. You worked me entirely too hard.”

To say they’d had unbelievable, mind-blowing sex every hour on the hour was an understatement. Her body ached but felt so damn good at the same time. In one day, she had made up for not having any kind of intercourse for the last three years. She wasn’t saying she was up-to-date though because she still craved it. Craved him.

Moving her hands along his shoulders, she laced her fingers behind his neck. “It’s almost seven. Aren’t you hungry?”

He shook his head. “I don’t want to leave this bed. Ever.”

She laughed, moving her nose along the stubble on his chin. “You know we have to. We have to return to our life.”

“Or we can stay here and say fuck it all.”

Her laughter filled the room. “We both know that can’t happen.”

“Yeah, I know,” he said, finally opening his eyes and meeting her gaze. “What’s gonna happen when we go back?”

Nerves settled in her stomach as she continued to move her fingers along his stubble. “Do you want me to move to Nashville?”

His eyes went dark and serious as he held her gaze. “Yes, I do, Lacey. Is that possible?”

She nodded. “Yeah, we’ll need to pack me up—”

“I’ll call and have that done.”

She smiled, hooking her leg over his hip. “Do you have a house or something?”

“An apartment, but once we get back to Nashville, we can find a house to make our home.”

“I like that,” she whispered against his lips.

“Me too. I have a homestead coming up, seven home games, so I’ll be home for at least a month. That will give us enough time, I think, to find something and hopefully move in right away.”

“For sure, if it’s vacant.”

“Yeah, true. I think there is a house in my captain’s neighborhood I like. I’ll call him and see who the Realtor is.”

“I can’t wait.”

“Me neither,” he said, kissing her softly on her lips.

Her heart pounded happily in her chest. They were really doing this. For some reason, she still couldn’t believe it was happening, but listening to them make plans, she knew it was. They were going to find a house and make it theirs. Make a life, just the two of them. It was a wondrous feeling, contemplating all the possibilities. They could have BBQs for his friends, who would become her friends, she hoped. Maybe his family would come down and stay. Or maybe even her own. It was a long shot, hoping that Nate and Grady Martin would come, but she could hope.

She was still thoroughly furious with her father and brother and planned to let them have it, but afterward she wanted them to love Karson the way she did. She wanted to have Christmas in Chicago, or maybe even in their new home, with her family and his. She wanted to have the boys come stay with her in Nashville so she could spoil them and give Grady and Rachel a break. She wanted Karson to be a part of the family like Rachel was, but something inside her said that would probably never happen. It was going to be like World War Three when her father got word of this. They probably already knew something wasn’t right since she hadn’t shown up for work or even called to tell Rachel what was going on. She was ignoring her phone and so was Karson. They were too busy, consumed with each other.

“What do you think your family is going to say?” she asked suddenly, meeting his gaze.

His beautiful eyes warmed her as he dusted kisses along her jaw. “They will be shocked and a little mad they missed it, but they will be happy I have my heart back.”

Running her fingers up the back of his head, she whispered, “I can’t wait to meet them.”

“I can’t wait for you to either.”

“When are you going to tell them?”

He grinned against her jaw, nibbling on it before looking up into her eyes. “How about after I make you come?”

Her eyes darkened as desire hit her right in the gut. “I like the way you think.”

“Good,” he muttered against her neck as he kissed along her naked chest. She usually didn’t care for attention to her chest since she really didn’t get anything from it, but there was something about watching Karson move his mouth along the tattoos on her breasts, the way his tongue licked along the curve of her that actually had her wet between her legs. Arching her back, she tangled her fingers in his hair as his hand found its way between her thighs, holding her pussy hostage. Bringing his mouth back to hers, he kissed her, his tongue finding hers as his fingers dipped into her wetness, curving up into her and leaving her gasping for breath.

Moving his hand in and out of her, he continued to kiss her. His kisses were teasing but also demanding, making it hard to think or move, for that matter. In seconds she was so turned on, she feared if she moved, it would hurt. Her heart was pumping hard, her blood burning with need, and her pussy crying for a release. She was almost there, riding his hand as he continued to kiss her in the most seductive way, when he stopped suddenly and withdrew his hand. She looked at him expectantly through hooded eyes as he kicked the blanket off their legs and then sat up, his cock jutting out toward her. She wasn’t sure what he was doing, but she wanted him in her mouth.

Going onto her knees and one hand, she took his cock in her mouth, holding at the base as she moved her mouth up and down his length. His guttural moans filled the large room as she moved her tongue along the head of his cock, sucking it and teasing him in the most unbearable way. Running his hands down her back, he curved his hand along her ass, tracing his fingers down her crack.

“Fuck, baby. Yeah, that feels good.”

His moans and words encouraged her to go on. His legs were shaking, his hands tangling in her long hair as she took him to the back of her throat and back out before moving her hand up the length of him, swirling her thumb along the tip. Repeating the motion over and over again, she felt him throbbing and knew he was almost there. When his fingers dipped inside her, she paused, her eyes rolling to the back of her head in pleasure but then remembered she had a job to do. Taking him to the back of her throat once more, she moved her hand to cup his balls, and that did it. He thrust in her mouth, his come shooting to the back of her throat as his hands gripped her hair, stinging her scalp. Sucking him completely clean, she kissed the tip before falling back on her haunches, a sneaky little grin on her face.

“I was supposed to make you come,” he pointed out once he could breathe.

She shot him a grin as she fell back onto the bed, spreading her legs for him. She moved her hands between her legs, dragging a finger through her wetness before holding it out to him.

“You still have time to do just that.”

His eyes were predatorily sexy as he took her hand in his and sucked her finger like it was covered in the most delectable chocolate. Kissing her palm, he kissed down her arm to her elbow before kissing the spot below her armpit, then down to her ribs, her hips, and between her legs. Kissing along her thighs, he moved his tongue across her mound before sucking her clit into his mouth. She cried out, her back arching up as she fisted the bedsheets in her hands.

“Oh my God,” she cried as he flicked his tongue quickly along her taut nub.

Pressing his hands to the backs of her knees, he pushed them back, opening her wider for him as he devoured her like it was the last pussy he’d ever eat. She hoped and prayed it was. She wanted to be the last taste on his lips, the last woman he’d ever touch, and she had no doubt that her hopes would be a reality. He loved her. Only her. Karson was the only man she truly believed would love her till his dying day, and she knew she would love him just the same.

Moving his fingers inside her, he began to fuck her slowly as he continued the unbelievable and life-altering assault to her clit with his talented tongue. Her body seized up, her eyes closing tightly as her toes flexed and she shattered beneath him, his name falling from her lips in almost a whisper.

“Fuck, Lacey, you are amazing,” he murmured against her throbbing pussy.

Reaching for him, she pulled him onto her and kissed him hard, her fingers biting into his shoulders as she shook with aftershocks from her orgasm. She welcomed his weight, almost craved it as she kissed the side of his mouth and his swollen lips. Leaning on one hand, he looked down at her, cupping her breast as his eyes met hers. She felt so loved, so special under his gaze that tears stung her eyes. How did she get so lucky to be this in love with someone? After so long apart, they were going to be happy.

Just the two of them.

“I love you, Karson,” she whispered, cupping his face.

He leaned into her hand and closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath. When he opened his eyes after a few breaths, they were full of love as he whispered, “Not as much as I love you.”

She disagreed, but instead of arguing the fact, she took his mouth with hers and got lost in her
stunning kisses.

Her husband.

Karson King was her husband.

Karson once said that a girl like Lacey didn’t come around twice, and he was right in a sense. Because in the last nine years, the multiple women he’d met, the ones he’d slept with, none of them ever measured up to Lacey. He remembered how he lost a friendship over Lacey, and he didn’t regret it one bit. In his mind, bros before hos was a distant thought because he loved Lacey to the fullest and put her on the highest pedestal in the sky. As he stroked her face, his eyes locked with hers, he knew why he did. She was by far the most unbelievable woman in the world, and she was all his now. Girls like her may not come around twice, but thankfully, Lacey had, and he wasn’t letting her go this time.

He knew they needed to get out of bed, shower, and maybe get something to eat since they had a flight to catch, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave the bed. He didn’t want to leave the easiness they had in this room. Here, it was him and her—no one else—but once they set foot outside of this room or answered their phones, the rest of the world would be there, and that worried him a bit.

He knew their love was strong and that nothing was going to come between them, but Nate Martin was a different kind of crazy and Karson had just eloped with his only daughter. He didn’t regret his decision one bit; he just wished he could shake the nervousness of having Nate and Grady come after him once they found out. They could do anything they wanted to him—he wasn’t going anywhere—but if they touched or hurt Lacey, he’d end up in jail. He’d die before anyone or anything hurt her.

He had somehow been blessed with one more chance with this angel of a woman, and he had no plans other than to make her completely and utterly happy. And satisfied in bed, of course. As they say, a happy wife, a happy life, and he wanted the best life ever with her. He couldn’t wait to get back to Nashville so they could find a house. It was bound to be one of the many adventures they would go on throughout their life together, and Karson would be lying if he said he wasn’t ecstatic about turning some house into their home.

They would have kids there, grow old, and hopefully have their grandchildren there. They would need a dog, one that would be good for kids—not saying they were ready for that yet, but one day, he wanted a houseful. Girls with Lacey’s eyes and spirit and boys strong like him but also with her eyes. He couldn’t wait to watch her with a baby in her body. The cravings, the moods, and the late-night runs for whatever she wanted. Watching his child be born from her body and afterward holding them both, knowing he was the luckiest man in the world.

BOOK: Laces and Lace (Assassins #6)
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