Knox (BBW Bear Shifter Moonshiner Romance) (120 Proof Honey) (127 page)

BOOK: Knox (BBW Bear Shifter Moonshiner Romance) (120 Proof Honey)
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“Shut…up…” she managed between gasps. Looking down her body, she saw a pair of golden eyes looking up into hers. She was his prey, caught and unmoving, and he would do with her what he wanted. She threw her head back and cried out as his lips planted down around her clit, his tongue licking her relentlessly. Her eyes closed and she floated in a warm sea, her orgasm becoming an otherworldly experience. Muffled sounds reached her ears and she opened her eyes.

Michael stepped out of the last of his clothes. A streetlight from outside cast an orange glow into the apartment, giving his jawline a striking appearance. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he took her in. His heavy cock twitched, the head glistening in pre-cum. Behind this his sac hung heavy and low.

She sat up and scooted off the table. She stood in front of him, her fingernails running light trails through his curly chest hair. The little black wisps pulled taut then snapped into their original curls. The white lines she left in his skin felt like she was marking him. She liked that. “It’s my turn to have some fun,” she said, kissing her way down his sternum as she knelt in front of him.

“Oh Nicole,” Michael said, his eyes closing and his head going back. His legs, thick and strong as tree trunks, flexed as her mouth left a damp trail of kisses down his abs. He planted his hands on his hips akimbo style.

Nicole playfully shot her tongue into his belly button, giving him a jolt. She reached his aching prick, heavy and engorged. She stroked him in her hand, enjoying the girth and power of his member. Like hot silk over a steel shaft, she gave him a squeeze and saw a new pearly drop form at the end of his cock. Her other hand went to his balls, giving them an appreciative squeeze. “And what do you have for me here?”

“It’s going to be all over your rug in moment if you keep teasing me,” he said.

“Such a wasteful boy,” she said, bringing him to her mouth. The head of his member pushed past her lips, the crown slipping past her teeth to pin her tongue. She gurgled, bobbing her head along his shaft as she sucked the musky saltiness from his cock. His pre-cum seeped out, his body eager to deposit his seed. She pulled her mouth off of him and swirled her tongue down his shaft, lapping at the connection between his cock and balls.

“Such a good little cocksucker,” he said, his voice a rough growl.

Nicole took his complement and redoubled her efforts, bobbing her mouth further down his shaft while one of her hands went south to relieve her neglected slit. She slipped two fingers inside herself when the cock in her mouth popped out.

With a bestial roar, Michael pulled her forward until she was on her hands and knees. He kneeled behind her, his dominant position reinforced by the huge glistening cock in his hand. His balls pulled up tight against his body, his body twitched with primal lust.

“Take me,” Nicole whimpered as she looked back at him.

Michael's fingernails dug into her hips, almost piercing the skin with savage sharpness. He was over the edge, his Bear now completely in control of his body. There was no yesterday and no tomorrow. There was just the prone female in front of him, assaulting his senses with her heat and lust. He pressed the massive head of his cock against her entrance.

“Oh God!” Nicole cried out as he slammed into her, completely filling her until the fronts of his thighs were hot against the backs of hers. All her senses were subdued, her mind completely focused on the huge presence behind and inside of her. Her hair was plastered against the side of her face, damp with sweat. Her fingertips curled into the rug as Michael mounted her, pumping in and out.

Michael grunted, his hips swinging forward to collide with Nicole’s ample ass. Each thrust sent shockwaves through her body. Sweat trickled down his chest and mixed with the creamy combination of their juices.

Nicole could feel him tense up as he bent forward, his face pressed against hers. His lips found hers, and they kissed passionately as he pushed himself inside her one last time. His hands held her hips like a vice as his cock spasmed.

She felt herself explosively cum as he filled her with his hot sticky seed, his cock sending pulse after pulse of thick fluid into her womb. Lightning shot through her body, her mind a storm of pleasure.

Panting, Michael pulled out of her and collapsed, face up on the rug.

He lay beside her and stroked her hair.
“You are something else. Here I was rehearsing my apology.”

“Apology for?” she said, curious.

“How I acted when we first met. And to thank you for not exposing us in the article.”

“Telling the world was never an option.”

“When you left I didn’t know what to think or expect. Very few people would know this and not spill.”

“Very few people can be practical like me. I can imagine what you go through every day hiding from the world,” she said, looking over at the couch where she’d lived the past two weeks. “I can imagine it quite well.”

He squinted. “What if I hadn’t shown up tonight to do my best John Cusack impersonation?”

Nicole laughed. “I would have gotten my shit together. Eventually. But I’m glad things didn’t go that way.”

“Not everyone would give up a ton of money and a career boost like that. You could have sold me out to the highest bidder but you didn’t. Instead you wrote a hell of an article on our band. My family.”

“You read it?”

“A few times. I loved it.”

Nicole beamed. “I’m glad you did.”

“I usually don’t bother reading things that groupies write…” he said, the dim light in the room revealing an impish grin.

“I forgot, when you Shift do you turn into a Bear or a giant asshole?” she said.

“Usually both. Come here.” he said and kissed her.

I could get used to this,
she thought and kissed him back.

Yoga Bear Menage


Becca Fanning

“Just concentrate on your breathing,” Dominick said from the front of the class.

The length of mirrors running down the wall showed faces of calm serenity, all calmly doing the Standing Bow pose. Hands pointed forward like nocked arrows, legs and feet arched back at high tension angles. Balanced between power and grace, my classmates were killing it.

Then I saw my own face. Sweat cascading down my chin. A grimace of strained pain on my face. I teetered forward, barely catching myself before tottering into my neighbor. My legs wobbled and my knees couldn’t decide if they wanted to lock into position or bend. My hands were too sweaty to grip my ankle properly, so it kept slipping. If this class had an ugly duckling, it was me.

“It’s all in your breathing. Everything starts with the breathing,” Dominick said, doing a quick demonstration at the front of the class. He took in a deep breath and reached to the ceiling with one hand. “Then, reach forward and kick back. Equal force.” He smoothly bent forward, his rear foot rising up and over his head. His golden eyes glimmered as the room filled with orange light. They didn’t call this the sunrise class for nothing.

I couldn’t be sure, but it looked like he was focused on me. You could never be too sure with Shifters. They didn’t really directly look at you for too long. I read online that they thought it was impolite, because they had the eyes of predators. Something in our ancient human brains didn’t like that stare, and most Shifters knew that.

But I couldn’t shake it. He was still looking at me. Not staring, not gawking. But he was watching me. Like he was willing me to succeed. Like he wanted me to succeed.

It wasn’t just his eyes that intrigued me. He was stunning, Shifter or not. A warm olive complexion, hazel eyes and a long mane of untamed black hair. Six and a half feet of lithe shredded power. He had full, high cheekbones and lips that easily curled into a smile.

We were doing hot room yoga, so no one wore more than they had to, including Dominick. His skin tight black shorts could have been boxer briefs for all they left to the imagination. I’d read that Shifters were different about sexuality too: it was more casual in their society. Now that they’ve begun to integrate with human society, there were still little culture shocks. Or, in the case of what lay trapped in those boxers, huge culture shocks.

“Three, two, one. Release,” he said.

Forty two gasps of relief filled the room as we all released the pose. Blood flowed back into constricted limbs. Some bent down to grab their water bottle.

“Lay down for dead body pose,” Dominick said.

We all lay down on the towels stretched over our yoga mats. We were half way done with the session, and the towels were already completely soaked. It was like lying down on spongy damp carpet. Not pleasant, but after the torture of that pose, it was heaven.

Sweat poured down my brow and off my ears. The air in the studio was oppressively humid. It cloyed at my skin, clung to the inside of my mouth and coated my lungs. The only thing that made it bearable was the reminder that the yoga poses were worse. It was all about perspective.

Dominick stepped off the small platform in the front of the class and began to walk around the class. “Close your eyes,” he said. “Take deep breaths. This is the time when you relax, when you reap the benefits of what you just sowed.”

I closed my eyes. I imagined him walking around, his eyes locked onto me. My body in a wet leotard, my legs slightly open. I knew I should concentrate on my breathing, but I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Stalking me through the woods like prey. Drawn in by the scent of my lusty thoughts.

I’d heard one of the women in the locker room remark that Dominick was a Bear Shifter. Bears were notorious for their sense of smell. I tried to shut that out of my mind, but I knew I was getting turned on. I knew that he could smell my desire, and that just turned me on even more.

I felt his footsteps grow closer. I heard him breathing hard. He was walking directly towards me. I curled my fingertips into the wet towel, needing to do something with my hands. My hard nipples pressed against the damp fabric of my top.

He stopped right next to me. My mind went wild. I could smell his masculine virility, his need to mate. I knew none of this made sense but I was caught up in a moment of fantasy.

“Everybody up. Next pose,” he said as he walked up to his platform.

With a groan, I opened my eyes, pulling myself up to endure the next bout of torture.

“Cynthia,” Renee said, ducking into my office “We’re making up the board for the break room. Did you want to join the contest?” Her red glasses sat on the very tip of her nose.

Every year, our office holds a weight loss contest. One of these new initiatives that HR was always chasing, trying to improve the quality of office life. I’d never participated before, but this year felt different. Years had gone by since I felt good about my body, and now I was going to make a change. Those years had passed in the blink of an eye. It was time to make a stand.

“Yes,” I said. “I’m in.”

“Heck yeah, girl!” Renee said. “You’re doing yoga now, right?” she said, pointing to the mat rolled up next to my bag.

“Yeah. Hot room yoga,” I said. “It’s intense!”

“My sister in law does that. You do it in like a hundred degree room, right?” she said.

“Yeah, and they crank up the humidity. It’s like a sauna,” I said.

“Damn. I think I would pass out. Where do you go for it?” she said.

I hesitated. “That new gym on Broadwick,” I said, looking away.

“The Shifter gym?” she asked in a whisper.

“Yeah,” I said, heat rising to my cheeks.

“What…what are they like?” she said, coming into my office and quietly closing the door behind her.

“They’re not too different than you or I, really,” I said.

“Are they all covered with fur? Huge fangs?” she asked, her eyes wide. “I’d probably pee myself. I definitely couldn’t work out around them.”

I laughed. “No, nothing like that. They don’t change around us if they can help it. They look just like us, except…”

“Spill it!” she said, walking over to lean really close, like two girls discussing boys in hushed tones.

“Well,” I said, savoring the moment. “They’re uncommonly tall. Not like basketball players, but they’re all tall. And they…”

“They what? Come on!” she said, giving me a soft jab in the shoulder.

“They have golden eyes,” I said.

“What?” she said, her eyes bulging. “Like, really golden?”

“Gold, like take it to the pawn shop gold. And when they pass over you,” I said, pausing for drama, “you feel like they’re looking deep inside you.”

“Whew!” she said, leaning back into a chair and fanning herself. “I think I’ve got the vapors! I can’t take any more. Any of them single? Even single for a night?”

“You’re the worst!” I said, laughing.

“So your yoga instructor is a Shifter?” Renee said.

“He is,” I said, feeling myself blush even more.

“He? You’re bending into shapes like a nubile circus performer and sweating while this Shifter guy watches you?” she said, grinning like a mischievous cat. “My, my Cynthia. That’s wonderfully scandalous. I bet you give him something to think about later.”

It was my turn to jab her in the shoulder. “I’ll have you know I compose myself like a real lady! If he wants to think of me like some piece of meat while he pleasures himself, that’s his business.”

“Mmmmhmmm, sure,” she said. “Well, my doctor said I need to get my pulse up, and this conversation has certainly done that. You’ll have to keep me up to date about any developments with Mr. Yoga.” She got up and left my office.

For the next hour, I tried to focus on the email I was writing to the rest of my sales team, but I couldn’t. Talking and thinking about Dominick had me in a mood. The kind of mood where I wished I could lock my office door. It was impossible to try to talk to my team about pushing a new insurance product with him on my mind. One thing was about as unsexy as something could be, and the other was the embodiment of raw animal passion.

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