Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2] (12 page)

BOOK: Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2]
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Jessie did, complying with Master Andreas's command. His heart started to race with anticipation and need as he waited to see what the Dom would do.

Master Andreas didn't speak. Jessie heard him pad away from the bed and tried to translate the sounds into actions. When Master Andreas returned to him, he wrapped a piece of material around Jessie's eyes, creating a makeshift blindfold. Now, Jessie couldn't have opened his eyes or seen what was going on even if he'd dared to disobey Master Andreas.

But the Dom wasn't done yet, not done by far. Stronger bindings went around Jessie's ankles, immobilizing him against the bed. Impromptu earplugs shut out his hearing, the feel of the material suggesting Master Andreas must have found cotton wool somewhere. If nothing else, he was definitely resourceful.

Losing control of his sense of hearing took away the last sense that could have told Jessie what his Dom was doing. It added another layer of anxious need that Jessie hadn't expected. Trapped, at Master Andreas's mercy, Jessie lusted for his Dom more than ever before.

Was it the pregnancy pumping up his libido? Maybe, maybe not. In the end, it didn't matter, because when Master Andreas's fingers touched Jessie's nipple, the sensations and emotions gripping Jessie shot up straight into the stratosphere. A wet mouth engulfed his tender bud, flicking over Jessie's flesh, driving him wild. He clung to the material of his bonds, writhing on the bed, trying and of course, failing, to get more of his Dom's addicting caresses.

Master Andreas's clever fingers tortured Jessie's other nipple, and that both pleasured and frustrated him. It wasn't even a distinct sensation, but a combination of two contrasting feelings that short-circuited Jessie's mind and made his cock ache even more. His nipples seemed more sensitive than ever, and each and every one of Master Andreas's touches threatened to drive him over the edge.

Only, they never did, because all sensation aside, Jessie couldn't come until he was granted permission. His anus clenched around empty air, and the desire to be filled increased to even more overwhelming proportions. But the last time they'd made love, he remembered having found his peak without Master Andreas allowing it, and he highly suspected that today, he might pay the price for that.

Master Andreas bit down on Jessie's nipple, then released it from his mouth. Once more, Jessie lost track of his Dom's location, and it almost hurt to not know, to ache for him so badly and be denied. It certainly didn't help that, through their mate bond, Jessie could also experience his Dom's emotions, his desire for Jessie, and oh, God, his love.

Without his physical senses to anchor him, Jessie lost himself in those feelings, in the potency of their connection. When the next touch came, he nearly screamed—or again, maybe he did and couldn't hear it. Master Andreas's fist engulfed Jessie's hard dick, jacking him slowly, lazily in an unrushed, relaxed rhythm that belied the urgency Jessie could feel inside his lover.

His other hand rolled Jessie's balls, massaging his wrinkled sac, squeezing ever so slightly just as Jessie thought he would come. A gust of hot air rushed over the head of Jessie's erection, and then Master Andreas's tongue licked the shaft from base to tip, like he would have with a lollipop.

He spent a little while suckling on the glans, stabbing his tongue into the slit, taking his time with devouring Jessie. It was so good, so perfect, and yet not enough, not nearly enough.

But Jessie couldn't really complain, not when the sensations stacked on top of each other, combining to create a cocktail that made him drunk with lust. His sexual need and urgency increased even more when Master Andreas abandoned his ministrations on Jessie's prick. God, at this rate, Jessie would explode before his Dom could even bury his dick inside him.

He didn't know what to expect next, but Master Andreas definitely didn't disappoint. The slight touch of a feather slid over Jessie's chest, zeroing in on his already tormented nipples. Jessie had always been a little ticklish, but now, he wasn't in the least bit inclined to laugh. The play of sensation over his already over-sensitized skin melted into tiny shocks of pleasure, little explosions bursting into each of his atoms. As the feather progressed lower down his body, every inch of him flared to life. He was aware of Master Andreas's presence at a level that went beyond the physical, acknowledging his mate's dominance over him.

Jessie had never thought a simple feather could summon such sensations within him, but there it was. Maybe it wasn't even the feather itself, but the man wielding it with such deft precision. Master Andreas somehow managed to be gentle, patient and ruthless at the same time, using the unlikeliest weapon possible to destroy any wall Jessie might have attempted to put up.

Thankfully, one good thing about the bond was that his mate could experience his emotions too. Not even his Dom could resist the pleasure he himself inflicted on Jessie. At last, the feather was discarded, and the bed dipped next to Jessie's legs as Master Andreas took position next to him.

And Jessie might be unable to see him, but his sense of smell suddenly seemed more powerful than ever before. In Andreas's scent, Jessie read everything the bond told him, arousal, need, a lust so visceral it almost crushed Jessie. And despite it all, Andreas still maintained his torturous approach.

His Dom's fingers slid between his buttocks, rubbing the rim in that very same lazy rhythm that already threatened Jessie's sanity. Jessie tried to push back against his mate, but the bindings made it impossible for him to get good leverage. He could only struggle for breath as Master Andreas took his time to him. One single digit—slick with a substance Jessie couldn't identify—pushed inside him. It barely even took the edge off Jessie's need, the slight penetration unable to sate him after all the build-up. Master Andreas finger-fucked him steadily, and when he crooked that one digit inside Jessie, he managed to find Jessie's special spot, sending renewed shocks of pleasure through him.

But it still wasn't enough. Jessie's body was too hungry for Master Andreas, taking everything the Dom offered and craving more, always more. A wild force inside him seemed to have been unleashed, and Jessie felt it—him—rearing his head, demanding his mate's claiming. Jessie's wolf needing that of Master Andreas.

Even when another finger joined the first, the fullness just became a tantalizing, teasing promise of further pleasures to come. And still, Master Andreas took his time, stretching Jessie with an almost excruciating thoroughness.

Blind and deaf to everything going on around him, Jessie couldn't even guess when his lover would finally take mercy on him. And yet, he knew. He felt the moment when his mate at last deemed him ready for intercourse. It wasn't a real, conscious knowledge from his part, but a feeling emanating from the mate bond pulsing inside him, so strong now, so bright, so impossibly beautiful.

Indeed, Master Andreas's fingers retreated from inside him. Jessie felt him move away and experienced a slight panic just at the irrational fear that his mate would change his mind. He did his best to track Master Andreas using his sense of smell, but he needn't have worried. Moments later, Master Andreas rejoined him on the bed. Jessie's legs were untied, and he didn't even get the chance to move them, because his mate was already lifting them onto his shoulders. In one smooth thrust, Master Andreas slid home.

It was everything Jessie had been hoping for, and more. After all of his Dom's teasing and preparations, Jessie was more than ready for it, but he also registered it so clearly, so deeply, like the loss of the senses he normally used gave him a sharper focus on Master Andreas's warmth, on the sharp burn of the penetration and the feeling of fullness and completion only the Dom could give him, on the virile scent of his sweat and need. He struggled to take a few deep breaths, already on the edge of climax even if his lover hadn't even buried his entire cock inside him. And when he did… God, how was Jessie supposed to hang on? How was he supposed to endure the overwhelming pleasure when his Dom's prick rubbed just right against his prostate? It seemed impossible.

And yet, he did endure, clinging to the bindings so tightly that he suspected any moment now, they would tear. Mercifully, Master Andreas didn't prolong his sensual agony with further teasing. He gave Jessie a few seconds to adjust to the penetration, but once he made sure Jessie was perfectly all right, he began moving in and out of him.

He went slowly at first, rocking inside Jessie instead of actually thrusting. The gentle motions gradually built up into a faster pace, Master Andreas's need to claim Jessie now matching Jessie's desire to be claimed. Every smooth motion struck Jessie's prostate, propelling him higher and higher on the peaks of rapture.

It wasn't like their previous times together, when their passion had consumed them so much their love-making had become almost violent. Even so, Jessie couldn't have called it restrained or tame either. It was just… different, but in a good way. The same emotions lingered underneath the surface, the same love, but it also held a layer of relief, gratitude and protectiveness that hadn't been there before.

Tears filled Jessie's eyes, wetting the blindfold. He'd come so close to losing his mate, and it seemed surreal that, just a few hours later, here they were, just as alive and for the most part, unscathed, their bodies entwined in a dance as old as time.

Jessie didn't know what power lay hidden inside him, but right now, he could only be thankful for it. He couldn't have denied his true nature if he'd wanted to, and he allowed his wolf to reach out to Master Andreas's through the bond they shared.

Perhaps it was exactly this impulse that pushed his Dom into reacting the way he did next. Suddenly, sharp pleasure-pain erupted over Jessie as Master Andreas's fangs pierced his throat.

His lover had bitten him before, but it hadn't been like this, not really. The rapture that rushed over Jessie was simply indescribable. In that one moment, Jessie fell into a whirlpool of ecstasy that he simply couldn't resist.

He heard Master Andreas's familiar voice—which should have been impossible taking into account the earplugs, but happened nonetheless.
his Dom whispered.

And Jessie did come. His body spasmed through wave after wave of pleasure and he shot jets of spunk all over his chest, and possibly that of his lover. His mate followed him over the edge, and Jessie felt his pleasure not only because of the hot spunk filling his ass, but also through the bliss echoing through their connection.

It was perfect, just like things were meant to be between them. The mate bond, and the claiming bite—a werewolf's way to mark one's mate, to bind them for the rest of their lives—it was all there. Jessie might have done it in less than ideal circumstances, but he had no regrets, and he'd do it all over again as soon as he had the chance. Right now, he was too busy writhing through the mix of sensations and emotions, trying to make sense of the slideshow of images assaulting him.

Memories not his own drifted into his mind, crystallizing into knowledge he hadn't had before. They were Andreas's memories, just like it had been Andreas's voice reaching out to him earlier. What might have been impossible or even scary for a normal human being was so beautiful for him that he could have wept.

As he began to descend from the high of the pleasure, however, all the information finally settled in. It was a little hard to think when his lover was still buried inside him, and it took a little while for him to muster control over his vocal cords. But when his mate slid out of him and discarded the blindfold and the earplugs, reality began to return. And when the bindings on his hands disappeared as well, he finally found his voice. "I'm Saul's brother?" he asked.

"Apparently," Andreas said as he collapsed at Jessie's side. "I'm afraid I can't tell you more, because I didn't get to learn a lot before Alpha Simmons decided to give us some privacy. I wasn't even sure how it was possible since I had no idea human males could get pregnant." He wrapped an arm around Jessie and pulled him closer. "I do know this won't be easy, baby, none of it. You saved my life, but who's to say my Alpha won't try to attack us again?"

Jessie studiously pushed away the dread coursing through him at the thought, melting it into renewed decision. "I'm not afraid of him. I'll protect you."

Andreas brushed his lips over Jessie's, his eyes glowing with affection. "Will you, now? Well, then, I must be completely and utterly safe."

Jessie stuck his tongue out at his lover. "You know it. After all, you did knock me up. You have to take responsibility."

Andreas kissed his temple, his hold on Jessie tightening. "I'll gladly do just that. I'll keep you safe, Jessie, I promise. You and our baby… No matter what I have to do, I'll keep you safe."

There were so many things still confusing Jessie, so many unanswered questions and problems that needed to be solved. But his mate's promise soothed Jessie's heart. He knew now that, when he'd gotten knocked up by his werewolf Dom, he'd finally found his future. Whatever else came their way, they'd handle it. Together, always.















That evening

From the doorway of the mansion, Finn watched the car approach, his heart filled with both sadness and glee. He had known from the moment his father had realized Jessie was his son that the older werewolf now had a chance at a new life. It seemed that everyone in his family was finding a mate, except him.

Shaking himself, Finn squeezed his father's shoulder. "Nervous?" he whispered, knowing that it would be inconvenient for the other pack members to realize their Alpha's state of mind.

"Just a bit." His father chuckled. "I haven't seen Will in... God, it must be almost fifty years now. I don't even know if he'll want me anymore." His expression sobered. "You do know that this doesn't mean I've forgotten your mother, right?"

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