Knight of Deceit (Knights of Passion Series 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Knight of Deceit (Knights of Passion Series 2)
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And then she heard him calling and this time when she turned Barlow was there, riding swiftly toward her. Suddenly she wasn’t cold or afraid or lonely.
Her doubts dissolved like mist before her eyes.

handsome face was wreathed in smiles and he drew up beside her, his hand reaching for hers. “They are gone,” he said. “By the time they realise we are no longer with them it will be too late.”

“Oh Barlow.”

He leaned to kiss her and their lips lingered. “My sweet love, this is the beginning. No more being used by our masters in their schemes. We will live our own lives as we wish to live them.”

Maven sighed. “Yes, we will
simply be Maven and Barlow.”

Together,” he agreed and they set out down the road, side by side, heading north.



Author’s Note


The two daughters of King William of Scotland were made hostages by the Treaty of Norham, which was drawn up between their father and King John. They were sent to England and married there. Whether they were happy about it or not is unknown, and certainly this account is complete fiction.

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