Read Kissing the Bull Online

Authors: Kerri Nelson

Kissing the Bull (7 page)

BOOK: Kissing the Bull
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She grabbed and tore at the
fastening of his jeans. She needed his cock inside her. She couldn’t take any
more of the sheer delirium of their foreplay.

“You want this?” he asked,
reaching down to extract his cock from his pants.

Baylor looked down and saw his
huge, smooth cock glistening just outside the zippered opening of his pants. It
was large and thick, and she gulped back a sudden panic that began to form in
her stomach. The thought that it might hurt for him to enter her petite body
did cross her mind.

But then, as if reading her
mind, he said, “I won’t hurt you.”

She looked up into his eyes and
a sudden reassurance in his face surprised her. He cared for her, wanted to
make this right.

He seemed to be waiting for
Her trust.
She nodded. Words would not
come. She swallowed and opened herself to him.

He rolled off her and onto his
back. “You’re in control here. If it hurts you, we’ll take it slow.”

Baylor rose up on her knees,
straddling him. The tip of his cock barely touched the folds of her pussy. She
quivered with nervous anticipation as she delicately began to lower herself
down on the throbbing shaft. He filled her every inch and it was as if the
fullness inside her could be no more, but when she looked down, only half of
his length was inside.

Her legs shook with the effort
it took to hold herself there, suspended over him.
afraid to move.

She gazed into his eyes,
silently pleading for his help. “Wyatt…I can’t.”




Her lower lip trembled, so Wyatt
slowly leaned up onto his elbows. He captured that lip between his teeth and gave
her a gentle nibble.

He shifted her so they were
sitting face-to-face. Her legs straddled his waist and he reached down,
grabbing the base of his cock to hold it steady. They began to rock back and
forth in an ebullient rhythm, each sway of their dance taking him a bit deeper
inside the sleek walls of her pussy.

All the while he kissed her
deeply and ran his hands up and down her back, gently but persistently coaxing
her onto him. He’d never had anything so sweet and tight before. He truly
didn’t think he’d be able to hold on much longer. He knew once she’d welcomed
all of him inside her unyielding pussy, he was going to explode.

He took a few deep breaths as
he thought of nothing more than pleasing her and making it a ride she’d never
forget. And most of all, one she’d be willing to take again in the near future.

Finally he felt the last of her
resistance give as the tender mound of her pussy pressed against him, and she
rode him with a passionate fervor. Throwing her head back, her eyes closed, she
finally surrendered the last of her control, and her climax came crashing down
around him.

He’d never known such pressure
on the tip of his cock and it pushed him over the edge. As she came on him, he
pounded her inner walls with an onslaught of his salty nectar, filling her with
his seed and taking the last bit of energy she could muster.

They collapsed against one
another on the wet sheets, each struggling to recover after the release.

“Oh my…” she finally managed.

Wyatt laughed. He couldn’t help
himself. He started laughing; it felt good, and he just couldn’t stop himself
from doing it.

She looked at him with a
puzzled expression at first. Then she joined in on the laughter and they shook
the bed with their fit of funny.

“Well, look what we have here.
You fucking son of a bitch.”

The voice from the doorway was
unexpected, but he recognized it immediately.





The irritable woman from the
barn stood in the doorway to Wyatt’s bedroom with her hands clenched in fists
and pressed to her hips in anger. She seemed to barely contain her rage as her
eyes shot daggers at Wyatt.

Simultaneously embarrassed and
frightened, Baylor scrambled to pull the sheet up around her nudity.

“Oh, no need to cover up now,” the
woman said as she continued glaring. “I caught the whole closing act and
I know just how good he is in bed.”

“Lola, knock it off.”

Wyatt’s voice calmed the
frantic beating of her heart a tad, but she was still more than a bit concerned
about the anger emanating off this woman.

Who is she? Have I just helped Wyatt to cheat on his girlfriend?

The passion that had been so
raw and thirst-quenching moments earlier now flooded her with bitterness.

Damn him.

She cast a disappointed look at
Wyatt, but he was shaking his head.

“What are you doing here? And
since when do you come into my house without knocking first?”

Baylor heard the frustration in
his voice. It didn’t sound like a guilty man who’d just been caught with his
pants down.

Lola’s eyes cut over to Baylor.

Baylor could see the jealous
rage there, palpable and heated. She’d suspected a little bit of it yesterday
in the field house but had shaken it off.

Now she knew Lola had a thing
for Wyatt and the new girl in town had just stepped in the middle of it.

“Maybe I should go?” Baylor
pulled the top sheet with her as she eased off the bed.

She didn’t want to be in the middle
of this dispute. Better to go back to the main house and call her cousin to see
if her family had arrived safely. She could talk to Wyatt about everything

“You don’t have to do that.”
Wyatt looked at her and a chill ran through Baylor as the post-sex tenderness
crept back into his eyes as he watched her sidestep toward the pile of clothes
on the floor.

“Uh…she sure as hell does.”

“Lola! What do you want? You
can’t just barge in here and start trouble.”

Wyatt had stepped from the bed
and begun pulling on his jeans when the phone rang. He snatched it up off the
bedside table and clicked the

“Wyatt, this is Dr. Walters.”

Wyatt listened to the medical examiner
while he observed Baylor’s shy and cautious retreat to the open bathroom door,
dressed only in a thin white sheet. He also kept one eye on the crazed buckle
bunny blocking the doorway,
was still spitting
fire from her eyes.

“Listen, I’ve ruled the death of
Leon Rinks a murder.”

Wyatt remained stone-faced, but
his anxiety inched up a notch. Things were out of control here, and now that he
knew for sure a murder had occurred, he couldn’t help but wonder if his own son
had been the intended target of today’s fire.

Wyatt asked, trying not to give away the
emotions he was feeling as he listened to the doctor explain that Leon had been
hit over the head before falling to his death from the field house loft.

“You’re sure?”

“Yes, and there’s something

As the doctor filled him in on
the details that revealed the murderer, Wyatt locked Lola in his sights. She
was still looking back and forth between him and Baylor, but when she saw the
look on his face…she must have known.

“Thanks, Doctor.”

He hung up the phone but before
he could speak or make a move for his weapon, Lola reached behind her back and
pulled a handgun from the waistband of her jeans.

Her hands were shaking but she
aimed the gun at Wyatt.

“Who was that?” she asked, her
fear penetrating the room.

Baylor emitted a small squeak
from the other end of the room but otherwise remained silent.


“Lola, for God’s sake, put the
gun down. We’ll talk about this. Just put the gun down.”

“Who was that?” Her voice rose
an octave and she sounded as if she was about to burst into tears.

“That was Dr. Walters.”

Her face took on an ashen
quality as the color drained away. He wanted to look over at Baylor but he
didn’t dare take his eyes off Lola and the gun. She was just crazy enough to
shoot it.

“What did the old goat have to
say that made you look at me that way?”

Wyatt sighed inwardly. He could
try to lie or he could tell the truth. He wasn’t sure which way to go, but he
had to make a quick decision.

“He said Leon Rinks was

Lola let out a startled laugh.

“And you think I had something
to do with it?”

Wyatt shook his head slowly and
held out one hand.

“Just give me the gun and we’ll
sit down and talk through this. I’m sure it was an accident.”

“Bullshit, Sheriff. I know that
look on your face. What did he tell you?” She was growing more flustered by the

He needed to defuse this
situation now.

“He said he found a long, red
acrylic fingernail. It was embedded in the back of Leon’s skull where he was
struck forcefully from behind before he fell to his death.”

The truth was out and then Lola
did something he never could have predicted. She turned the gun toward Baylor
and fired.





The shot rang out and it was
louder than anything Baylor had ever heard. She’d caught the words Wyatt had
spoken. The image of red fingernails wrapped around Wyatt’s arm had flickered
through her brain like a bad movie. The instant he’d said that, she’d
remembered noticing Lola’s nails when they’d been in the field house yesterday.

But even as her mind connected
the dots, she had never expected the burn of the bullet as it pierced her

She’d opened her mouth to
scream out, but no sound had reached her ears. She’d sunk to the floor and
noticed the so-white sheet was now turning crimson red before her eyes. She had
the insane thought that she’d have to buy a new sheet for Wyatt. Then
a coldness
overtook her.

After that, it was only images
flashing before her bleary eyes.
Wyatt’s face over her own.
His concerned expression.
Him saying something to her but
she couldn’t make out the words.
Something about holding
Hold on.

That’s it…hold on
Something she’d said to patients so many times over the years. It must be bad.
You always said that when it was something bad.




Wyatt sat in the nearly empty
hallway of the hospital for the second night in a row. His son was in one room,
and his new lover in the next.

Baylor had been shot through
the chest, but Lola had managed to miss any major arteries as the bullet tore her
body and embedded itself in the wall of his house.

Lola had dropped the gun and
run. He’d heard her footsteps across the front deck, but he’d not given a
second thought about giving chase.

He’d immediately called 911 as
he’d raced to Baylor’s side. She’d looked up at him with such confusion.
Such longing.
He wanted to be the one to give her hope. She
deserved it.

The doctor had said the next
few hours would tell them if she was out of critical condition. So, he waited.

Never the brightest of buckle
bunnies, Lola had been found at her house packing a suitcase. She’d been
arrested for the murder of Leon Rinks. When questioned about it, she’d told
them she had convinced Leon to steal from the
in the hope they would get scared and move away. She’d wanted to help Wyatt buy
the ranch because she knew that was what he wanted.

But Leon had feelings for Lola
himself, and when he found out she was doing all of that for Wyatt, he told her
he was going to confess and turn himself in. Rather than getting caught, she’d
argued with him about it in the loft and had hit him over the head with a
rounding hammer, causing his subsequent fall to his death.

When questioned about the fire,
she maintained her innocence, but she’d been charged with arson, pending an

Wyatt had been foolish not to
notice how strongly the woman felt for him. He’d been so caught up in his
mission to buy the
he’d forgotten to notice the
people in his life. He’d been guilty of that before. Back when he’d gotten
Walker’s mother pregnant.

Wyatt had been a young cowboy
on the rodeo circuit. He’d made time with a young buckle bunny named Charlee.
She was beautiful and adored the rough, tough bull riders with a penchant for
hard riding. He’d seen her off and on for years whenever he’d come through Kentucky
to compete.

BOOK: Kissing the Bull
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