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Authors: Fern Michaels

Kiss and Tell (27 page)

BOOK: Kiss and Tell
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is the
USA Today
New York Times
bestselling author of the Sisterhood and Godmothers series and dozens of other novels and novellas. There are over seventy five million copies of her books in print. Fern Michaels has built and funded several large day-care centers in her hometown, and is a passionate animal lover who has outfitted police dogs across the country with special bulletproof vests. She shares her home in South Carolina with her four dogs and a resident ghost named Mary Margaret.

Visit her Web site at

Letting Go of the Past

With a popular comic strip, card line, and children's cartoon to her name, Lucy Brighton should be in a happy place. But the ache of a cold, lonely childhood lingers on. Even though she still lives in the New Jersey house where she grew up, Lucy has had little contact with her parents since they moved to Florida five years ago.

Finding Joy in the Present

Then Lucy receives a call that her parents have been killed in a car crash. While settling their affairs in Florida, Lucy begins to realize how little she really knew about their lives. She has no way to explain the mysterious safe in their bedroom, with its cache of fake passports, cash, and weapons. What secrets were the Brightons keeping? Were they even who they claimed to be? The answers will shatter everything she once believed about her parents—and about herself.


Fading into the background isn't the Sisterhood way. Even after all the adventures they've shared, the courageous, close-knit heroines of Fern Michaels's
New York Times
bestselling series are always ready to embrace another challenge . . .


All good things must come to an end. But Myra Rutledge isn't ready to put the Sisterhood—the stalwart band of friends who've become legendary for meting out their own brand of justice—behind her just yet. Though she loves her beautiful home and her husband, Charles, Myra can't deny that she's restless. And as it turns out, she's not the only one longing to dust off her gold shield and get back in action.


When Maggie Spitzer, former editor-in-chief of the
and an honorary member of the Sisterhood, arrives with a new mission in mind, Myra welcomes her in. Maggie's newshound instincts haven't dulled since she left the
, and she suspects that two Maryland judges—identical twins Eunice and Celeste Ciprani—are running a moneymaking racket that sends young offenders to brutal boot camps, often on trumped-up charges.


Soon the Vigilantes are gathering in their War Room once more, catching up on the momentous events in each other's lives even as they plan their campaign. The Ciprani twins are powerful and ruthless, and taking them down won't be easy. But with the aid of formidable allies—including former President Martine Connor—Myra, Annie, Maggie and the gang concoct a scheme that will bring justice to the innocent—and leave the guilty blindsided . . .


New York Times
bestselling author Fern Michaels returns to the beloved Godmothers, as the irrepressible Toots and her dear friends Sophie, Ida, and Mavis face new triumphs and challenges the way they face everything—together . . .


Teresa “Toots” Loudenberry is a wealthy woman by anyone's standards. But the riches that mean most to her are the loving friends and family she's accumulated over the course of a life well lived. And now that her daughter, Abby, has married her beau Chris and settled down near Toots in Charleston, life is even more satisfying than the delicious pralines sold at Toots's bakery, The Sweetest Thing.


Abby isn't the only one enjoying a little romance. Toots's friendship with Dr. Phil Becker has grown unexpectedly close . . . and that brings both joy and complications. It's one thing for a lady to be a little vague about her age, but Toots hasn't been entirely honest with Phil about the number of marriages in her past. Frankly, after burying eight husbands, Toots suspects she should end her relationship rather than jinx Phil, too.


As a distraction from her personal dilemma, Toots throws herself into helping Abby and Chris open an animal rescue on their plantation. And then another diversion hits—this one deadly serious. Two young children have disappeared after visiting The Sweetest Thing, and police are combing Charleston with no trace. Toots immediately enlists Ida, Sophie, and Mavis to help in the search. But as Sophie's psychic abilities draw them closer to the culprits, they realize the stakes are much higher than they ever could have imagined. Courage, love, trust, and daring have brought the Godmothers to where they are today, and they have never needed those qualities—or each other—more . . .

ZEBRA BOOKS are published by


Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018


Copyright © 2014 by MRK Productions


Fern Michaels is a Registered Trademark of First Draft, Inc.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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First Kensington Books Hardcover Printing: March 2014 First Zebra Books Mass-Market Paperback Printing: July 2014

ISBN: 978-1-4201-3013-3


First Zebra Books Electronic Edition: July 2014
eISBN-13: 978-1-4201-3014-0
eISBN-10: 1-4201-3014-5

BOOK: Kiss and Tell
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