Read Kiki's Millionaire Online

Authors: Patricia Green

Kiki's Millionaire (3 page)

BOOK: Kiki's Millionaire
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He pulled out his wallet, and offered her a $20.00

She was instantly furious. “As if I’d take money from
you for a date! Fuck you!”

“As if I date hookers,” he replied tightly. “Take the
cab money, or get in. Your choice.”

It looked like taking a chance and getting into the
damn Rolls was her only alternative to feeling like the financial failure she
really was. She hated having no options. “Yeah, okay. But quit with the
spanking crap.” She slid in and he followed. The car rolled out of the parking
lot sedately, and Jim pressed a button to raise a smoked glass partition
between the front and back seats. They were effectively alone now.

“You need to learn to control your tongue,” he told

“If you don’t like the way I am, you don’t have to go
out with me.”

“Raise your skirt,” he said, looking at her, his lips
set in a grim line.

“You must be kidding.”

“No. You’re going to get the spanking you deserve.”


“Yes, on your butt. Raise your skirt and lay down on my

Nothing had changed between the parking lot and their
current location. She had been bratty and vulgar, and he was going to spank
her. She hadn’t been spanked since she was eight years old. This was different.
Being half-naked on his lap lent the idea a kind of sexual mien, and she was
actually getting excited about it. It was an amazing idea. She wasn’t sure she
should explore it, but, maybe it would be interesting. He was damned
attractive, after all. And a few swats on the butt were not like falling into
bed with him.

Slowly, grudgingly, not understanding why she didn’t
simply hit him, she squirmed her skirt up over her hips and then, as gracefully
as she could, draped herself over his knees. Maybe this would be playful. A
little dominance game.

His hand slid over her behind and she began to relax.
She was no fragile virgin, and his touch on her bottom seemed sensual. The
first whack on those tender globes, though, was a shock.

“Ow! That fuckin’ hurt!”

“Watch.” He punctuated his orders with slaps on her
behind. “Your. Tongue.”

Every strike hurt worse than the last, and they just
kept coming. He wasn’t holding back; he was punishing her. Her bottom was on
fire after two minutes, and she shrieked with every slap. After three minutes,
and who-knew-how-many hard whacks, she started to cry in earnest.

“I’m sorry! Ow! It hurts so much!”

“It’s supposed to hurt, Kiki, it’s a punishment. Don’t
let me hear you cursing again,” he told her, finding her sit spots with another
series of stinging slaps. “Every time you do, you’ll end up over my lap.”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I won’t curse anymore!” Her
butt was in flames and tears were pouring from her eyes. She was positively
blubbering, and she’d never been so humiliated and sore in her life. “Please!”

He paused, his hard hand sliding over her stinging
behind slowly and gently again. His fingers slid into her thong and found their
way to her feminine center. She could feel the pleased exhalation of air from
his chest as he explored her dripping quim. “Wet. I expected as much.”

She was panting, the pain of her bottom fading
slightly as he stroked her sex. “Oh God, I’m so embarrassed.”

“It’s over. Go back to your seat.”

The marble hard erection she felt against her belly
told her that he didn’t want to stop at all. She wanted him to take her, right
there in the big car, but she’d insisted on no sex. It was confusing and

“You hurt me,” she hissed as she slid her stinging
butt into her skirt and onto the leather seat.

“I didn’t harm you. I may hurt you, but I will never,
ever harm you. I give you my word.”

“Yeah, right.” She bit her lower lip and decided to
ask the question that was chapping her. “Why did you stop touching me?”

“Punishment isn’t supposed to be fun, Kiki.”

“So…if it makes a person excited, it’s all part of the
punishment not to get to, well, f- er…fool around?”

He nodded.

“But you didn’t get anything out of it either.”

“Didn’t I?”

She swallowed hard.

He patted her hand. “Just watch your language, okay?”

Kiki nodded and then realized that he wasn’t looking
at her. Maybe he was uncomfortable, too. Well, of course he was. He’s got a
throbbing erection. I wonder how it would feel… She cleared her throat. “Yeah,
I’ll be more careful. Are we still going out on a second date?”

“You agreed,” he pointed out. “Chickening out?”

Rummaging around in her purse for a tissue, she looked
up at him as he handed her a big, monogrammed handkerchief. Who used
handkerchiefs anymore? “Thanks. No, I’m not chickening out. I won’t renege on a

“Good enough.” He toggled an intercom switch. “Ernie,
take us back to the young lady’s apartment.”

Chapter 2



“I cand made our dade donighd, Jim.” Kiki had shoved
cotton wads up her nose just to make sure she sounded convincing over the

“You sound like you have a cold.”

“Yeah. I do. I’b sorry.”

“You were fine yesterday, Kiki.” He sounded

Kiki decided to lay it on thick. She really needed to
postpone the date. If only for a few days. He confused her and had her thinking
all kinds of crazy, unrealistic things about him and her together. She was
afraid of her own feelings. “I hab a feber.”

There was a sigh at the other end of the phone. “I’ll
send my doctor.”


Silence, and then, “Why not?”

“I cand afford do pay.”

“I’m not asking you to pay. He’s on retainer. I pay
him to see me on request. I’m sure if I ask him, he’ll come over and see you,
just the same.”

“I’ll be bedder domorrow.”

“You sound awful. I think I’d better send him.”

“I jusd need sub soup and resd.” The doctor would know
in a second that there was nothing wrong with her. And then she’d look like she
was backing out of their deal. She wasn’t…not really. She intended to go
forward, just not tonight.

“I’ll be right over to help you.”

“No!” This just wasn’t working.

“Kiki, are you sure you’re sick?”

She could practically see his frown and the irritation
on his lips. “I’ll be bedder domorrow, Jib. Really.”

“I insist. I’m worried about you, honey. I’m on my
way.” He hung up the phone.

Panic assaulted Kiki as she realized she was going to
be caught in the lie. He was going to be furious, and who could blame him? She
decided to tough it out, put on her jammies, robe and slippers and get out a
few boxes of tissues. If she could fake it on the phone, she might be able to
fake it in person. At least until she could coax him to leave. A small part of
her reveled in the fact that he cared enough to want to help her, but she
forced that tiny voice right out of her head.

He was there in fifteen minutes. Kiki had just
finished putting her hair up in a ponytail and messing it up like she’d been in
bed. She had no makeup on, and was wearing her oldest and most threadbare
pajamas and robe. She hoped she looked sincerely miserable.

“Hi, Jib.” She opened the door just enough to let him

His blue eyes swept over her. “Hi, yourself.” He took
off his overcoat and revealed another black t-shirt and expensive suit, much
the same as he’d worn the day before. It was a little incongruous with his unshaven
face, but he made it work somehow. “You should be in bed.” He nodded toward the
mussed up bed in the corner of the single-room apartment.

She nodded, trying to look abject. “I god up jusd do
answer da door.”

“Go crawl back in and I’ll make you some tea.” He
shrugged off his suit coat, revealing thick and toned biceps and forearms. This
guy worked out big time. No wonder his spankings hurt so much.

Kiki tried not to stare. “No! I dond hab any dea. You
should jusd go.”

“I’ll find something.” He gestured toward the bed. “Go

His helpfulness really got on her nerves. Why couldn’t
he just leave her to be miserable all by herself? Or not miserable.

Jim moved to the kitchenette and began opening
cupboards. He rifled through the boxes of macaroni and cheese, ramen soup and
bargain cereal, finally finding a can of condensed chicken broth. “This will
have to do.”

She felt stupid just standing there watching him make
himself at home. “I’ll do id.”

He didn’t even look up from reading the label. “No,
you won’t. Get into bed!”

Raising her hands in the air in a gesture of
irritation and submission, she got into her full-sized bed as he opened the

“Not into health food, I see.”

“Dere’s celery id da crisper,” she pointed out.

He opened the drawer. “It’s limp as a noodle. How long
has it been in there?”

“I dond doe.”

The fridge closed and he rummaged around in the
cupboard again until he came up with a coffee mug. The broth followed shortly
thereafter, and he brought the steaming mug to her as she lay there. “Drink

Exasperated, she nevertheless took a sip. “I really
don’t need your help, Jim.”

He crossed his arms over his broad chest. “You’re
sounding better already.”

Kiki quickly took a gulp. “Go away.”

Jim sat on the edge of her bed and put his hand
against her forehead. “Not too warm. You said you had a fever.”

“See I’b feeling bedder already.”

“Hmm. You know, there are no used tissues in your
trash can, Kiki.”

Oh no. “I flush dem.”

“I don’t think you’re sick.”

“Bud I ab!”

“Why fake it? You could have just broken our deal.
Instead you chose to lie to me.”

She put the mug down on the little table by the bed
and rubbed her temples. Her head was beginning to ache. “I’m sorry.”

“I don’t think I deserve being lied to, much less made
to worry about your health.”

He didn’t, that was true. “I didn’t mean to be
disrespectful, Jim. I just wanted a little time.”

“What for? We’re just getting to know each other. I
didn’t propose marriage or anything.” His eyes showed keen disappointment.

“I don’t know. I just…needed time.” Her robe was
stifling hot, but she pulled the neckline together a bit more out of
nervousness. She felt like a reprimanded toddler. “It was childish. I’m really
sorry. I should have just been honest about needing a little distance.”

He nodded. “Honesty is important, and, I guarantee
you, if you’re honest with me, you’ll get a lot of room to maneuver.” Jim
rubbed a hand over his stubble, apparently considering what to do. “I think a
little corporal punishment is in order.” He unbuckled his belt and slid it from
the loops.

Feeling a sense of guilt mixed with an annoying tingle
of anticipation down in her nether regions she thought about trying to talk him
out of it. “Now, Jim…”

With a firm yank on her upper arms, he soon had her over
his knees. Suddenly, this seemed entirely too familiar.
He pushed her robe up over her behind, then
pulled down her pajama bottoms, they were so big and baggy, they practically
slid down on their own.

“But, I said I was sorry!” It was totally humiliating
to be in this position, with her butt up and naked, pants around her knees. She
felt her face heat with an embarrassed blush. She might deserve a
reprimand—she knew lying was a poor way to deal with things—but the
combo of heated rear and wet pussy was too stimulating by half.

He nodded. “Apology accepted. You deserve a spanking
to go with it.”

This time, he didn’t take the time to caress her cheeks,
he simply laid into her with his folded belt. The dominant sound in the room
was the sharp pop of his belt on her behind, each time followed by a shriek and
a sob.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

“Don’t ever lie to me again, Kiki.” He spanked her

“Ow!” Her tears were dripping onto the carpet.
“Please! I apologize!”

He didn’t stop for another ten strokes, then pushed
her gently off his lap and onto the floor. “Enough. Get dressed. We’re going

“Out? You can’t be serious.” She stood up and yanked
her pajamas up as quickly as she could, then rubbed her bottom. Her behind
stung, even covered by the soft, worn cotton. “After all of this, you still
want to go out?”

He nodded. “A deal is a deal, Kiki. Don’t rub your

“You’re just being mean, James Aaron Chesterfield! And
my ass hurts!”

His eyebrow arched and he stood up, studying her face
despite her dishabille. Cupping her chin in one hand, he tilted it up toward
him. “I will never lie to you. I expect you to behave to the same standard.”

Kiki bit her lower lip. He was demanding, but fair,
and his eyes spoke volumes as he lowered his lips to hers. “Jim,” she
whispered, just as their mouths met.

Their kiss was tentative, and just as they started
flirting with their tongues, there was a sharp rap on Kiki’s door. The pair
broke away from each other, staring at the door a little dazedly.

“Were you expecting someone?”

Kiki shook her head, and went to the door. “Who is

“It’s Missus Steddenhoffer, Miss Mackenzie.”

Turning slightly toward Jim, Kiki mouthed my landlady,
then opened the door. “Missus Steddenhoffer, what can I do for you?”

The older woman took a good look at Kiki then peered
into the apartment and started when she saw Jim. Her eyes narrowed. “I have a
complaint about noise.”

“Oh! Well, we were just…um…” Kiki felt her face flame.

Jim broke in. “Playing music a little loudly, but
we’ll be quieter in the future. It’s my fault entirely.”

The landlady sniffed, clearly enjoying the look of the
handsome man, even though she might not approve of the circumstances. She
patted her short, steel-gray curls, then turned to Kiki. “You know I don’t
approve of a lot of men traipsing through.”

BOOK: Kiki's Millionaire
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