KeystoHeavenAll (4 page)

BOOK: KeystoHeavenAll
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“I want to see you.”

A devilish smile showcased two dimples on either side of her face. “Then that’s what you’ll get. Scoot to the end of the bed.”

He complied and she stood from the bed. Power swept through the room and music sounded.

The raw, edgy rift of a guitar rent the air, followed by the low thrumming of bass. Heavenleigh’s hips swayed. Eyes closed she was one with the rhythm, interpreting the lyrics with her body.

Clutching the edge of her shirt she pulled it over her head, barring her pink bra with black skulls.

Her breasts were high and firm, and her waist was trim where it dipped in before swelling out into hips he wanted to wrap his fingers around. The urge to mar her skin with his mark burned bright in his belly. He gripped the sheets below him, licking his lips as she unbuttoned her skirt, hooked her thumbs in the side, and swiveled her hips making love to the air Saliva filled his mouth. She pushed the denim down and revealed a set of fishnet underwear with pink bows on the side, and he did his best not to drool all over himself.

Strutting over she sat in his lap facing him. She ground her hips to the music, reached behind her and popped the bra. The reveal of the caramel mounds sent him over the edge. Darting forward he sucked a dime size, nipple into his mouth.

She moaned, dug her fingers into his hair, and arched her back. “Don’t forget the twin, she’s mighty lonely.” Heeding her advice he moved his hand up to massage her right breast, alternating between them both. Wetness escaped her panties and soaked the front of his pants.

“Bite them Angel Man. I like to be handled with a rough touch.” He bit down on the beaded tip and she gasped.

“Yes, just like that!” He did it again and again. Tension filled the air, and she tugged his hair and he let go of her chest with a pop. “You’re a fast learner.” Scooting down to perch on his knees she grabbed his cock.

“Heavenleigh!” His body jerked.

“That’s what I like to hear.”

He grunted when she stood.

“At ease. You’re overdressed for the occasion, I think it’s time we remedy it.” Eager to be skin to skin he ripped off his shirt, shimmying out of his boxers and sweat pants as she did the same with her underwear. She was smooth with a heart shaped patch of hair she’d dyed turquoise to match her hair.

His eyebrows hit his hairline.

“If you haven’t guessed I like to be different. I was born one of a kind. So really, it’s been a long running theme.” Sashaying over she rested a hand on his shoulder guiding him to the bed into a prone position. The music switched to hard hitting rock and she climbed over him. “Just in case pregnancy is a possibility between us I’m clean and protected by birth control, not that you can catch anything. Now less talk more action.” Lining up her wet lips she slid along his cock.

He grunted, grabbed her hips, and thrust upward. They writhed together, his balls grew heavy and tension formed in the small of his back.

“H-Heavenleigh?” his voice shook.

“It’s okay, let go. This is a pre-game. Trust me you have more to give.” A few more glides and he was convulsing, and spraying hot liquid.

The feel of her mouth over his half mast cock brought him back to earth. Hollowing her cheeks she bobbed her head, bringing him back to life. He buried his fingers in her hair and she took him deeper setting a pace that sky rocketed his heart beat. Whimpers clawed their way from his throat.
What the hell was this woman doing to him?
She released him and he grunted.

“You ready for the real thing?”

“Yes.” His belly quivered. Anticipation tightened his throat.
If he had done this before he
didn’t remember it.

Joining him on the bed she gripped him in her hand and guided him into her pussy. Sinking down she encompassed him. Blistering wetness grasped him, sending sparks off like pop rocks in soda. She lifted and lowered in a steady pace that made words impossible. Grunts, groans and whimpers filled the air. Her walls trembled around him. Leaning back she grabbed her ankles and rode him harder. His cock twitched and he exploded, triggering her own release.

Exhausted he laid his head back on the bed and she slumped over, resting on his chest. Still connected she placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” he whispered.

“For making me feel like more than a convenient lay for the first time in my life.”

The thought of her being treated like anything less than a Queen pissed him off. “They were fools.”

She trailed a finger down his face. “I really wish I could keep you.”

“I wish I knew why you thought you couldn’t.” Caressing her silky skin he willed comfort into her body.

“You’re out of my league.” Her soft hand cupped his cheek.

“I wish you could see yourself from my eyes. From the moment you entered the world scrawling you have held me in thrall. At first it was curiosity, then I felt… protective, and when you grew up… it was a different emotion all together.” Fire smoldered in his belly as he recalled the first time he’d seen her step from a pool in a tiny, pink, bikini. There had been nothing brotherly in the reaction that had confused and shamed him. He wanted to lay her on the pool deck and push his inside her, fill her with his power and his cock.

“Why?” Her voice shook.

“Your soul sung to mine.” He narrowed his eyes.
Soul. What an odd way of saying things.

“How can I know so much about you if we’ve never met?”

“Does it frighten you?”

“No, it puzzles me, but it’s… comforting to remember a vital part of who I was.” She rested her head on his shoulder and he caressed her smooth skin. His past was there on the edge of his consciousness. He reached for it but came up empty, except for impressions.

“I came here to protect you.”

Her head shot up. “From what?” Murky shadows teased him, eluding him as he gave chase.

His head pounded and he winced.

“That’s enough, we’ll figure it out.” Her cool hand on his forehead calmed him, soothed the pain splintering his brain.

“We can’t afford the wait. I sense it was urgent.” Pulling away from her he sat up. “I make a pretty pitiful guardian.”

She tilted her head. “There’s something I can try to help jog your memory, but I think you should give yourself another day to get on your feet. What you are.” She paused. “Coming here was a traumatic process, and if you push too hard too soon you could break things that won’t heal right. You’re very old and when you came here it altered your form. If you try to cram it all back before you’re ready the results could be disastrous.”

“I understand… how old are we talking?”

She laughed. “How about I take your mind of things?” One nip of her lips and his thoughts were instantly redirected to the saucy vixen beside him.


His second in command entered the room and stopped in front of his desk.

“I went to the museum myself, it’s a piece of the scroll containing the information about the seal.”

Removing his feet from the desk he sat up. “You’re certain of this?”

“Positive.” He nodded. “Should I retrieve it now?”

“No, not yet.” He waved his hand. “It’ll tip them off. We should do it all in one swoop once we’re ready. Did you check on the girl?”
After all this time things were falling into place. He’d
have his revenge, his freedom, and if what his gut told him panned out, his daughter.

“Yes, I believe Heavenleigh is your daughter sir. Many haven’t seen you in your human form, but having done so I would say she’s what they call ‘a dead ringer.”

“I should’ve known that bitch had something up here sleeve.” He scowled as he thought of the angel who’d made him think with his cock. All this time he’d had a child out there he could have been training. One of the pluses of falling was his ability to indulge in the finer things in life, emotions, feelings, all the things his Father denied his brethren but delivered to his
in spades. All their lives they were told what to do, and he’d done it blindly, excited to be the most loved. Then they’d come along, hairless animals of the most unclean type, and stolen that title away. It was more than he could stand. “Watch her, learn her weaknesses and her strength.”

“What about the angel?”

“I’ll speak with my brother once his mind returns. He must care for the girl to come here.

It’s not like Yophiel to venture this far out of his comfort zone. He’s been Michael’s lackey for as long as I can remember.” The dark haired man with purple eyes, pale skin, and beautiful bone structure chuckled. “I bet he’s adorable down there, all wide-eyed, bushy tailed, and ripe for the corrupting. If my daughter is anything like me, she won’t have trouble swaying him. We just need to convince her we’re the right side to be on.”

“How do you plan to do that?”

“I’ll figure it out after a bit of recon. Everyone can be corrupted.”

Chapter Four

Why does this man have to be so damned adorable?
Dressed in a pair of black jeans, black steel-toe boots, and a black Ramones shirt with white lettering he looked good enough to eat. It was all she could do not to take him to the bedroom they’d finally surfaced from a few hours before. He was a quick study. They’d be headed in to the bar tonight where she’d spread the rumor he was a newbie in training. Everyone here turned a blind eye and minded their own business for the most part, so it was the safest place he could be at the moment. “You know we really need to come up with a name before we leave...How about Blue after those peepers?”

“Blue?” he inclined his head to the side. “I think I like it.” His gruff voice tickled places in her pussy not even her fingers could reach.
She was going to miss this one when all was said and
done and he left.
So keep him.
The ever present devil on her shoulder whispered sweet nothings in her ear. He might’ve come down here for her but she knew better than to believe her life would allow her any kind of permanent happiness. Heaven hated her very existence and hell held a sick preoccupation with her absurd impossibility. Demons wanted to know what powers she possessed, how much it’d take to turn her dark, and on occasion how she tasted. Her only sexual encounters up until last night had been with them. No one else would touch her. Ashamed she ducked her head. A glowing warmth in her belly spread through her, washed away the bitter resentment and embarrassment of her past.
His grace.
Softening she turned to the clueless man who’d given her a glimpse of pure joy and smiled. “Come on Angel Man, time to get this show on the road.” She grabbed her black purse and led him outside to her Jeep. Unable to resist the spell domestication held she twined their fingers.

“I like this. Being here with you, where I was before I got a sense of … homogenous group mentality. There was no individual intimacy.” He frowned. “I’m not some sort of werewolf am I?”

Chocking on her own saliva she let out a strangled cough. “No! Nothing like that.”


Ten minutes later the music in the car was turned on low as she drove to the bar.

“I remember.” His voice was full of awe, and his cobalt blue eyes were glazed over and unfocused. His body swayed lightly, and she reached out to steady him with a hand on his shoulder. The shirt beneath her hand was hot to the touch. Her stomach dropped and her blood ran cold.
This was where it ended.
“I’m an angel.” A fine tremor began in his body.

“Yes. You are.” She agreed.

“I’ve lived in Heaven since the beginning of creation.” His voice had taken on the sexless tone that told her he was treading in angel territory.

“Are you okay Angel Man?”
Her gaze swept the area. Should she stop? Pull over and talk
to him? They were unprotected out here. It’d be risky.


She snuck a glance and caught his smile.

“Sex was definitely not overrated as we all thought.” The flicker of desire in his eyes made her chuckle. A rakish grin showed his pearly whites.
Yeah he was going to be just fine.

“Do you remember your name?”

“No, but I remember Michael and Zadkiel, we’ve fought many battles together. That’s important for some reason.” He shook his head. “And it’s gone.”

“Hey at least we know your prototype, Arch.”

He smirked. “Humor is very different down here.”

“I’d wager a lot is. Now that you remember, do you miss it?”

He paused. “No, I wanted to be where you are.”

“We need to talk about that in more depth.” She bit her lip.“Why the attachment? Are you slumming?”

“I’m not sure I understand your terminology.” His nose scrunched.

“Taking a walk on the wrong side of the tracks, rebelling against Big Daddy.” She waved a hand wildly.

“No. Why do you think so lowly of yourself?” His brow drew down to a point.

“Are you going to pretend your brethren would welcome me, freak that I am, with open arms.” Bitterness welled inside her as old hurts surfaced.

“Some yes, some no, just like people each of us possesses our own individual views.” He covered her hand with his and she shook it off.

“And your Father?”

“Loves everything in creation. You are not as hard to love as you think. I—.”

“Please don’t finish that sentence.” She thrust her hand, palm open out at him.

“I don’t understand.” His voice wobbled.

Shit, now she’d hurt his feelings.
“Wait okay. Until you’re well, and we’ve had more time together, because I couldn’t stand it if you took it back later.” No one other than her mother had every uttered those there words.

“I see it distresses you so I’ll do as you ask.”

“Thank you.” Reaching over the console she squeezed his hand. The energy that coursed between them pulsed. Skin on skin contact connected them. His grace reached out, latching on to him and she became a conduit. Tiny bubbles of pleasure flowing over every inch of her body, causing tiny earthquakes with every pop. Her pussy wept and she shifted in her seat, pressing her thighs tight together. Grateful when her turn came up she moved her hand away. Parking the car she scanned the area, tasting the air with her borrowed powers. Sensing no threat she gestured with her head toward the building that was her pride and joy. The space was a renovated warehouse that sat back off the road. Wards woven around the place kept humans out and those who meant harm. There were no weapons allowed, except for the ones located behind the bar.

BOOK: KeystoHeavenAll
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