Read Kellie's Diary: Decay of Innocence Online

Authors: Thomas Jenner,Angeline Perkins

Kellie's Diary: Decay of Innocence

BOOK: Kellie's Diary: Decay of Innocence
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Kellie's Diary: Decay of Innocence


Written by Thomas Jenner and Angeline Perkins


Cover Art: Angeline Perkins


All artwork, designs, logos and writing are © and ™ 2013 Survive Entertainment.  All rights reserved.


Published by Survive Entertainment.


License Notes:

This e
-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the authors.


Content Notice
:  The stories contained in this volume contain scenes of violence, some gore and references to disturbing events. This story is entirely fictional, and all characters and events are creations of the authors’ imagination. Any resemblance or similarity to actual persons or events, alive or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional.


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This book actually handles the genre in exactly the right way... The writers obviously didn't think, "How can I make my zombies special?"  Instead, they asked, "What's an interesting story I can tell within the context of a zombie apocalypse?"
That, in my opinion, is the best possible route a writer can take... Telling the story of a zombie apocalypse through the eyes of a child is a fun approach and is handled wonderfully."

--Brandon Hale – Author, Day Soldiers


Surrealistic and haunting, this story gets under the skin like a virulent infection... Jenner's slightly twisted yet subtle narrative as seen through Kellie's innocent eyes is compelling."

--George Wier – Author, Bill Travis Mysteries


The simple style this story is presented in sometimes tricks you into taking it at face value; but it's the reading between the lines that gives you the full sense of horror in the world around the main character.
She has grown in a world dying around her, and her point of view is distinctly that of a child; we see it in her acceptance over time of death as something that simply happens and the notion that her family may in fact be lost, and even in her simple joy over a toy store.
Kellie's character is very realistic, and that makes it all the more frightening to watch how the world is folding around her and her inability to change it, only to survive as best she can."

-- Amazon Reviewer


I can't stop reading them. It's a fresh outlook on the zombie apocalypse that leaves the reader feeling what Kellie feels. It's not your boring predictable zombie story."

--Amazon Reviewer


"She has become wiser and more skilled, but she is still a mere child, and there are some things children just aren't ready to face..."

--Goodreads Reviewer


"I was almost tired of the zombie apocalypse until it came in the form of a diary from a nine year old. Kellie is a great character. Thomas Jenner has written a wonderful book that even those bored and tired with zombies will enjoy."

--Barnes & Noble Reviewer

Table of Contents


Note From the Authors

Kellie's Diary – P
art 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Kellie's Diary – Part 2

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Kellie's Diary – Part 3

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Sarah's Despair – Authors' Note

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Dr. Crane – Authors' Note

Dr. Crane

The Downfall: Survive Chronicles #1 – Authors' Note

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

About the Authors
and Survive Entertainment


Note From the Authors


Kellie's Diary
is the story of a young girl who has found herself alone after her world is turned upside down and taken over by the dead.  She confides in her diary, revealing what she goes through, how she feels and what she learns.

We began this story in late 2012, and it has evolved quite a bit over the past year.  What began as a video read-along series quickly evolved into e-book graphic novels, which are still being worked on and planned.  This volume, which contains parts 1-3, has been released in novel format so it will be easier to read on e-reader devices, and it includes two previously unreleased stories in the
Kellie's Diary
universe: prequels of two important characters in Kellie's life.  There is also a bonus short at the end of this book of another story that we are working on.

We sincerely hope you enjoy this story – there is much more to come in the future.  Please let us know what you think by leaving a review or by contacting us directly via our
.  Your feedback is very valuable to the creation of these stories.


Thank you!


-Thomas Jenner, Angeline Perkins

Part 1

Chapter 1


Mon, Jan. 18, 1993


I got back home from Grandpa's house yesterday.  It was a really long plane ride, but I slept a lot, so that's why I'm writing now and not yesterday.  Mom and Dad said I had to go back to school today, and I'm really mad about that.  I had to go to school at Grandpa's too, because I was there for so long.

So when I went to school this morning and talked to the principal to get me back in, they told me something that really made me upset.  Remember how they moved me to 4
grade when I was at Grandpa's?  Well, they put me back in 3
!  I did so good when I was in 4
grade, but now I have to go backwards!  I'm not stupid!  It's not fair!  I don't want to start over!  I think Dad was really mad about it, but I don't know why,
doesn't have to go back to 3

Well, I still went to school today, even though I was really mad.  It was the same teacher I had before I went to Grandpa's, Miss Florence.  She was happy to see me, and I was too, because she's really nice, but I felt sad that I wasn't still in 4
grade.  I missed the friends I had here, but I miss my friends at the other school too.  I don't know, I felt really weird today.

But today something cool happened... I remembered that I've been writing in you for a whole year now!  It's like you're my friend... a
friend!  I can tell you anything I want, and nobody tries to find out what I say!

I want to give you a name.  I want to call you............. “Barbie.”  Is that okay?  I know there are Barbie dolls, but all I do is dress them up, they just like to play pretend.

I'll talk to you tomorrow, Barbie!


BOOK: Kellie's Diary: Decay of Innocence
10.54Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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