Read Kellen's Tempting Mate Online

Authors: Elle Boon

Tags: #alphas shifter, #Werewolves, #BBW romance, #anthology, #romance, #horror comedy romantic comedy werewolves shifters witches wizards fatasy vampires demons angels psyc

Kellen's Tempting Mate (3 page)

BOOK: Kellen's Tempting Mate
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She let out a deep breath. “Somewhere safe and secure.” She named an upscale hotel.

“What do you think, Rowan? I’d rather you approve and not have to switch.” Syn’s fingers tapped out a rhythm on the wheel.

After getting the all clear from Rowan, she kept looking back to make sure they weren’t being followed. Syn refused to let valet park the truck. “You realize it’s crazy not to let someone who is paid to park vehicles do it, right?”

Syn lifted her bag out of the back and tossed Laikyn’s down, then hopped out. “Whatev, have you seen how some of them asshats drive? No thank you. My baby is safe in my hands.”

Chapter Two


ellen glared at his phone, sure he’d misunderstood. “Can you repeat that, and please say it slowly. I think that last bottle of Maker’s has dulled my hearing.” Kellen stepped outside the club, smiling at one of the dancers as she slid past him in a pair of booty shorts.

“You heard me correctly. Your baby sis and Laikyn are in Kansas City, and are pretty sure they’re in trouble. I told them you and I would be there by first light. I’m assuming you’re ready to roll out now, and Lyric is itching to go with.” Rowan’s tone didn’t sound all too pleased with the last bit.

“If you’re not ready in fifteen, I’m leaving without you.” He headed back inside looking for his second-in-command. Xan had recently found his mate right under his nose in Breezy. Kellen knew the other man was up to the task of stepping up and taking charge while he was gone.

The two lovebirds were in a corner, doing what they’d felt they missed out on for years. Hell, he was sure if he was a few minutes later, the two of them would be doing a lot more than making out. “Excuse me, Xan. Need a moment of your time.”

It took about twenty seconds, which was nineteen too long for Xan to lift his head from Breezy’s face. His blue eyes glowed. “What’s up, Alpha?”

“I need you to step up in my place, while I take care of a couple wayward shewolves who thought it was a good idea, to run off to middle fucking America alone.” By the time he finished, all eyes had turned to the trio in the corner. Kellen turned and growled, making everyone lower their heads. “Damn, I am going to paddle Laikyn O’Neil’s ass when I get her home. And don’t get me started on Karsyn Styles. That girl needs a damn keeper.” He shook his head.

Xan looked behind him. “You taking Bodhi with you?”

The big blond walked up with an empty beer bottle in his hand. “We road tripping?”

“If you can be ready to roll in ten, then you can come. Otherwise, no.” Kellen spun on his heel.

Heading into his office, he pulled a duffel filled with a couple changes of clothes out of the closet, grabbed his keys to his XV Urban Assault and walked out without a backward glance. The all black beast was gassed up and ready at all times. He noticed Rowan’s big ass truck wasn’t in the lot. Knowing the other man would be pissed if he left without him, Kellen shrugged his shoulders as he disengaged the locks. He tossed the bag in the back, unsurprised to see Bodhi walking out of the apartments in the back with his own gear gripped in his big fist.

The other wolf had been human once, but as a child, he and his parents had been camping when they’d been attacked by a pack of wolves. His parents had been killed, but Bodhi, a mere child, had survived and Kellen’s parents had taken him in and raised him as one of their own. Bodhi had always had the ability to hear and read others thoughts, which set him aside from other kids. It had taken him some time to get over his parents loss, but when he did he’d embraced his shifter side like a duck to water. He and Syn always butted heads, yet Kellen trusted her with the other man as much as he trusted Xan. When Bodhi had gone off to find his extended family, it had about killed Syn, and broken his mother’s heart, but he’d understood. The years he’d been gone took a toll on his sister and his relationship, but he still loved Bodhi like a brother.

Kellen saw the need in Bodhi’s eyes each time Syn was near. Kellen liked watching him squirm as he tried to hide his feelings, and his baby sister ignoring the wolf was icing on the cake most days. Of course, he knew it was only a matter of time before they both gave up fighting fate, and did what their wolves wanted.

“You ready, or we waiting on Ro?” Bodhi’s unusual green eyes searched the parking lot, his voice urgent.

“Rowan can play catch up. We’re outta here,” Kellen growled.

His phone buzzed as he prepared to pull onto the street. “You on your way or what?”

A deep laugh came through the sound system. “I’m no dumbass. I’m just down the road. Figured you wouldn’t be wanting to wait for me. You got someone with you?”

“Bodhi’s coming along for the ride. You got your mate with you?” After getting confirmation that he did indeed, Kellen rolled his eyes. “You should learn to wear the pants, Ro.”

“It’s so much more fun when he doesn’t, Alpha,” Lyric teased.

“And on that note, I’m off here. I’ve got the address in my GPS. Get your ass here or I’m leaving without you. When we get to Kansas City, I’ll drop you at the apartment, then I’m going to the hotel. I want to make sure the girls are safe. You scan for any surveillance cameras and all that shit. I figure you’re much more up to that task than me.”

“Got it. We stopping to eat, or driving straight through?” Rowan asked.

Kellen looked at Bodhi, who shook his head. “You two need to stop, let me know and we’ll drive separate. Bodhi and I are driving until we reach the girls.”

“Nah, we’re good. Lyric packed me some snacks.” Rowan’s satisfied voice had him looking at Bodhi sideways.

He gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. With monumental effort, one by one, he released his fingers, stretching them out to relax the tension in them. If he kept it up, he’d bend the damn thing, and he’d had the vehicle built to survive the apocalypse.

Hours later, after dropping Rowan and Lyric off at the apartment building, they pulled up to a high priced hotel. Bodhi laughed at the two valets who jockeyed for the keys to Kellen’s rig, while Kellen glared at them both.

“Enough. I won’t be here long enough to need it parked. Leave it right where it is, and watch it like it’s priceless,” Kellen said, leaning close to one of them. “Newsflash, boy, it is totally priceless in your eyes.” He was sure the half a million it would cost to replace his rig was more than either of them would make in their lifetime.

The well-dressed young man nodded, but didn’t ask for his keys again. Kellen handed him a hundred dollar bill. “Good. We’ll be back shortly. There’ll be a nice tip for the both of you if I come back to find all is as it should be.” Kellen pointed at the XV, hearing the beep he kept walking.

“You realize it’s probably against policy to allow a vehicle the size of yours to sit out front, right?” Bodhi’s head looked left and right as they entered.

Kellen and he drew stares as they entered, the concierge coming out from behind the desk like they were going to rob the place. With his dark hair messed up from the long drive, his tattoos on both arms, and Bodhi with his bleach blond spiked mohawk, they probably looked more like convicts.

“Excuse me, gentlemen, can I help you?” The man asked in a high pitched squeak.

Bodhi was busy on his phone, a slight laugh muffled behind his hand.

“We are here to get our sisters.” A slight lie, but Kellen was not above them.

“What are their names?”

Knowing what their room number was, Kellen thought of pushing past the ass, but didn’t want to have to explain himself to the cops. He had no doubt they already had the nine and one dialed, just waiting to hit the last number. He gave the man Karsyn’s name, and showed him his own driver’s license. While the man verified the girls were expecting them, Bodhi tucked his phone in his back pocket.

A few minutes later his sister came down the elevator with a wry grin on her face. “Hey big bro, I’m so glad you came.” She grabbed his hand, skirting Bodhi.

“Where’s Lake?” Kellen tried his damndest to keep his growl to a minimum, failing if the looks on the guests’ faces were anything to go by.

Syn pulled him to the opening doors before he could scare the humans. “She’s upstairs waiting. I figured it would be safer if I came down, than to have you get all growly alpha on her ass in the lobby.”

Bodhi burst out laughing.

“Where is my brotherly hug?” Syn pouted up at him.

He stared down at the pint sized woman whom he loved more than almost anything in the world. “You are gonna be the death of some man.” He caught Bodhi’s unblinking gaze.

“Ha, he’ll be a lucky bastard.” Syn punched in the number to their floor. Lucky number seven. Kellen grinned, thinking Laikyn wouldn’t be agreeing when she found herself over his lap.


aikyn was sure of a few things. One, she was in deep shit. Two, Kellen was on his way up to the suite, and three, she was in so far over her head. Her palms were sweating as she looked down at her yoga capri leggings and tank top. She wondered if Kellen liked spandex, then shook her head at the wayward thought.

The hair on her arms raised, a clear indication her alpha was near. She went over to the bank of windows, letting the light warm her suddenly chilled flesh. Her ears picked up the sound of the card being swiped through the lock. Keeping her back to the door, pretending a nonchalance she didn’t feel, Laikyn prepared for battle.

“Lake, we have company,” Syn said.

She turned, but having been staring out at the sun made it hard for her to see clearly. Blinking a few times, she opened her eyes to find Kellen only a few inches from her.

“Hi, Kellen. I’m sorry to drag you all the way down here. I thought...” Kellen cut her off with one big finger pressed over her lips.

“Mon Chaton, you will find it best if you don’t finish that sentence, unless you want to wind up over my lap in front of my sister and Bodhi. As it is, I’m finding it really fucking hard not to do just that.” His deep voice sent a delicious shiver from her head, straight to her toes. Damn her traitorous body.

“For what exactly?” Fake it till you make it. She decided to borrow Syn’s motto.

Two brawny arms wrapped around her. “For taking off without telling anyone where you were going. For coming here, knowing you had a couple of jackoffs waiting for you, when you don’t belong to them. Shall I go on?”

With each word, the blue of his eyes blazed brighter. His wolf and he were obviously having a hard time staying under control.

“Now, Kellen, I know you are the ruler of all, but I needed to get my stuff. I don’t see the problem here. I mean it’s not my fault they might be stalkerish.” She knew her face was a flaming red, and she cursed her light skin.

“A man tends to get possessive of the woman he’s sleeping with, even if he’s sharing her with his brother.” Kellen gritted out between his teeth.

Laikyn’s heart stopped. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Kellen gripped her hair in the ponytail she’d pulled it up in, forcing her to stare up into his face. The anger reflecting in his would have scared her, if she didn’t know it was because he was jealous. “I know about the three of you.”

She tried to shake her head, the slight sting to her scalp kept her still. “There was no three of us.” She held up her hand, pressing her palm against his full lips. “No, listen to me. They wanted to, but I was never interested.” Laikyn let him see and smell the truth of her words. His body moved closer, the air became thick with tension as he processed her words. She could see his mind was working.

“You never fucked either man?” He tugged on the hair he held.

Laikyn shook her head back and forth as much as his hold would allow, and licked her lips. “Never.”

“Bodhi, take Syn down to the coffee shop in the lobby.” He turned his head, not releasing Laikyn as he spoke. “Don’t let her out of your sight, and stay inside. I need a few minutes alone with Lake.”

She was sure Bodhi muttered something about needing more than a few, but her attention was centered on the man before her. His hard body pressed against hers made it impossible to miss the fact he was fully aroused, and knew he could smell her need.

The soft sound of the door closing signaled a green light to Kellen, his head bending, taking her lips in a soul destroying kiss. She remembered the way his lips felt on hers from years ago. Her mouth opened for his tongue, loving his taste, the expert way he took over.

“You make all my good intentions fly out the damn window, Mon Chaton.” He nipped at her bottom lip.

Hearing him say kitten in his deep possessive drawl made her feel special. Over the years she’d made it a game to watch and listen to the women he’d bedded, and none had ever said he called them his anything. Babe, baby, doll, things that he would call any woman, but never anything possessive. Not like what he’d called her as he’d taken her virginity, and her heart. She gripped him tighter, rubbing against the large bulge behind his zipper. She knew she should push him away, tell him to go fuck himself. Laikyn had tried to erase the memory of his dismissal all those years ago. However, she couldn’t forget what it had been like to belong to Kellen, even for one night. Now, standing in his embrace, she’d gladly do it again if only for just one more day. Her pride be damned.

One of his hands found its way between their bodies, massaging first one breast then the next. She arched into the caress, needing more. Kellen chuckled against her lips. His mouth moving down her neck, fingers splaying on her back with one hand while the other gripped the hardened nipple and pinched. Hard. She cried out, holding onto his shoulders, bolts of pleasure zipped straight to the heart in a shocking wave.

“So responsive. You were the best lover I’ve ever had. I dream of you,” Kellen whispered against her throat, his teeth scraped against the tendon.

Laikyn wanted to feel his teeth sink into her there. “You’re all I dream about. Nobody ever measures up to you,” she admitted.

The fingers holding her nipple contracted, the pleasure bordered on pain and then he switched to the other, repeating the motion. Laikyn thought she’d come from just that, until he whipped the tank top off, leaving her in a satin bra.

BOOK: Kellen's Tempting Mate
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