Keira Kendrik (4 page)

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Authors: Jasmine's Escape

BOOK: Keira Kendrik
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Just as Jasmine leaned toward Phoenix, a bodiless voice said, "
Jasmine, they're coming!

Jasmine jumped up
.  ‘
Sorry, guys, I have to go wake up now.  I have to protect the girls, they are too young to deal with all of this

When she finished that statement, she was gone
.  Gabe and Phoenix pulled themselves out of the merge and looked at each other.  "What now?" Gabe said.

Phoenix looked at Jackson who was typing furiously on his laptop
.  "Find anything?"

"Not yet
.  It's good we know there is a train near her, but there are too many running right now,” Cade said as he looked over Jackson's shoulder.

"Most of the trains run along the warehouse district
.  I am going to call my FBI contact again and see if they are watching any of them," Gabe said and got up to go in the small kitchen to make the call.

"I will look at the previous company names the ring last year used and see if anything pops
," Jackson said with his fingers flying over the keyboard.

Phoenix nodded and then turned to the bedroom
.  He needed a minute alone to gather his composure.  He looked around the bedroom and took in the personality of his life mate.  She had decorated in light colors, choosing a lilac for the walls with a warm purple bedspread that had a lily on it.  She had three large pillows stacked on the bed with a fourth in the living room still and some smaller throw pillows thrown about.  She had a small dresser, on top of which sat her jewelry; most of it was costume.  He saw she had gone through some outfit changes before deciding on the one to go out with her friends in.  They were strewn on the bed and chair that sat beside the bed.

He smiled
.  She certainly was a character, judging by the dream alone.  She seemed sweet and worried about the girls being held with her.  His life mate was a good person, of that he was certain.  He turned when he heard Gabe calling him back into the living room.  He took one last look around Jasmine's bedroom, hoping soon the next time they were there was to pack her up to go home with them where she belonged.


Jasmine woke to her shoulder being shaken at the same time as she heard the lock on the door.  She sat up quickly and pulled her dress down further.  The girls all got behind her as she had told them to do if anyone came in.  One of the goons opened the door and brought in a bag.  He set it on the floor, leered at Jasmine, and then left.

Jasmine went over and opened the bag carefully, peering inside
.  It had some burgers and a couple of bottles of water in it.  She passed out the burgers, there had been enough for the girls to have one so she decided not to eat, insisting to the girls they needed it more than she did.  There were three water bottles in the bag, so she had each set of sisters share among themselves and took one for her.  They could refill them from the bathroom if they needed.

As she sat there with the girls, making sure they ate slowly, chewing well instead of inhaling the food, she thought about her dream
.  She felt her cheeks flush as she thought about the two men who had come to her.  They had been sexy as hell and she wished it hadn't been a dream.  Both men had to have been six foot two or three, but that’s where the similarity stopped.  Phoenix had been dark, with his jet black hair cut military style and his green eyes that held little specks of gold in them.  Gabriel, Gabe was what he told her to call him, was blondish-brown with shaggy hair that partly fell into his eyes off his forehead.  His eyes were a deep blue, like the pictures she had seen of the Caribbean ocean.

She got all warm and tingly when she thought about those two
.  She was convinced they had to have come from that ménage romance she had been reading.  They were sex on a stick.  Their bodies were in one word—perfect.  She could tell they both had to work out to keep them that toned.  Broad shoulders tapered down to a narrow waist that held tight butts she would like to sink her teeth into at some point.  She shook her head.  What was she thinking?  She would only see them in her dreams, but at least consoled herself with the fact that she could see them in her dreams.  She just hoped that would be again soon, then she would try the whole 'sinking her teeth' thing, she didn't think they would mind.


Gabe filled them in on what his FBI contact had told him.  "He checked their records and can't find anything that he knows of right now.  He's going to get back to us."

"Well luckily I don't have those trappings
," Jackson said as he looked up from the computer.  "There are a series of warehouses in the north end of the historic district that fit the right time schedule for the train you felt.  We need to check these out.”  He pointed to the map displayed on the laptop.

.  Let's head down there and see if we can get any Intel on the area," Phoenix told them.

They headed out of Jasmine's apartment with Gabe securing the door
.  They got in the large SUV with Phoenix driving and headed to the historical district of San Diego.  It was a beautiful area that had been renovated called Old Town.  The park was established in 1968 and was a state protected historical park; it commemorated the early days of the town of San Diego and included many historic buildings from the period 1820 to 1870.

They headed north through the area until they reached the older section of abandoned warehouses
.  Jackson was working on his laptop and giving Phoenix directions from the passenger side.  Gabe sat in the back with Cade, lost in his own thoughts of his life mate.  She was beautiful in every way.  He was angered that she had been so close and they had never ran into her.  He knew the fates had meant it that way, but it still pissed him off.  He knew his brother was restless and wanting to settle down.  He himself was ready for a family that they could call their own.

Gabe glanced around the area they were driving through and saw the dismal, empty buildings
.  There were few people out that way and Gabe was restless.  The best thing to do was for him to shift and see if he could see anything from above.  He voiced this opinion to Phoenix who pulled over to let him out.  He got out and as the car pulled off, he went around to the back of one of the abandoned buildings.

He changed quickly into a seagull, which was common around the area since they were near the port
, and began to fly over each of the buildings.  He continued in a pattern, checking each block thoroughly and reporting telepathically to Phoenix.  Phoenix alerted him of the section they had stopped in and Gabe headed that way.

Just as he was passing over the block before the one where Phoenix and the other men were located, he saw some activity and decided to go in for a closer look
.  He flew down closer and saw a man coming out of one of the warehouses.  What caught Gabe's attention was the fact the man seemed to be looking around as if not wanting to be caught there.  He watched as the man got in a non-descript sedan and noted the license plate number to give to Jackson.  He flew over the building a few more times before heading to the location Phoenix had given him.  He flew behind the SUV and shifted back into his human form.

He turned to Jackson and said, "I saw a suspicious character over on the next block.
”  He showed Jackson on the map the location of the building the man had come out from and gave him the license plate number.  "Check him out and let me know."

"See anything else?" Phoenix asked from his side.

Gabe shook his head. "No, nothing."

"Okay, let's spread out and check this area out
.  Everyone be on alert," Phoenix said, and they all split up to look around.

They searched for several hours and couldn't see anything that would give them a clue about Jasmine's whereabouts
.  They decided to begin the search again in the morning and bring more men.  Phoenix and Gabe had Jackson and Cade drop them off at their townhouse in town.  They were going to have some dinner and then try to connect with Jasmine again.




They ate quickly as both men were eager to see if they could merge again with Jasmine
.  It was late evening, they hoped she was okay and sleeping.  It would help her merge with them.  They sat on their living room floor this time and since they had taken Jasmine's pillow with them, they both were able to inhale her scent again, which calmed them.  They both closed their eyes and began to merge.

Jasmine had all the girls asleep
, trying to keep watch over them, but her eyes kept drooping.  She finally leaned into the corner she was sitting in and closed her eyes.  As she did, she fell asleep fast, she was not getting enough rest, but who would under the circumstances?  These small naps helped keep her focused on their captors and the girls.

She opened her eyes in her dream and there sat her two sexy men, waiting for her
. ‘
Yeah, you came back

Phoenix put his arms around her and kissed her
.  He was aggressive as if he couldn't get close enough to her.  He plundered her mouth, swiping his tongue inside and dueling it with her own.  When he released her, she was panting and her panties were wet.  He slowly pulled back and then turned her to face his brother.

Gabe put both his hands on either side of her face and slowly drew her to him
.  She moaned, as his kiss was different from his brother's.  He slowly slid his soft lips along hers and then swiped his tongue along the seam of her lips.  When she opened her mouth to allow him in, he slowly slipped his tongue along hers in a sensuous dance that sent tingles all the way down to her clit.

She felt Phoenix behind her as he leaned into her back and his lips slowly traced the curve of her neck where it met her shoulder then continued to kiss up the side
.  He slowly ran his tongue around the shell of her ear and then dipped inside as Gabe's hands slowly moved down her sides.  Phoenix's hand came around to the front of her and cupped her breasts, she moaned from the contact.

Feeling these two men sandwich her between their heat and their hands
, as well as lips doing wonderful things to her body, was making her crazy.  She had never felt like this with any of the guys she had dated.  She had dated quite a few.  In her teens, she had been a subdued child, trying to be good in her foster home so she wouldn't be sent to a group home, she had heard they were awful.  Then when she had aged out of the system, she had gone to community college while sharing an apartment with another girl she had been paired with who had aged out of the system as well.  That girl had turned out to be a wild child and Jasmine had worked days and nights to save money to move out on her own.

Her roommate had been the promiscuous one, sleeping with a different man almost every night
, that Jasmine had begun to wonder if she was pimping herself out.  Jasmine had always remained in the background of all of that.  She hardly ever went to a party, instead she worked hard, and studied a lot.  She had gone out on some dates, lost her virginity to a douche bag of a guy her second year at community college.  That had taught her not to go out with guys her age, they were way too immature for her taste.

A warm hand sliding
down bare skin on her stomach brought her out of her musings, nope, those other men had nothing on these two.  One of Gabe's hands slid down further into her panties, slowly sliding his middle finger in between her pussy lips, pumping in and out.  She leaned her head back onto Phoenix's shoulder and moaned as Phoenix's lips traveled back up her neck to connect with hers.  This kiss was different from the first, this was a slow sensual attack.  As Gabe's finger circled her clit, her hips thrusting forward as she cried out into Phoenix's mouth.

Phoenix pulled back and whispered in her ear,

Let go for us, sweet.  We will catch you

That was all it took to push Jasmine over the edge
.  Her climax shook her to her core.  Both men never stopped their assault on her, Gabe's finger kept plunging, drawing out her orgasm, and Phoenix whispering in her ear all the erotic things he and his brother wanted to do to her.  At the end of it all, she felt Gabe pull his hand out of her pants and just when she was about to ask them to get naked, she found herself coming awake.

Tiffany was patting her leg
.  "Jasmine, are you okay?"

Jasmine cleared her throat.  "Yes.  I am fine, I was napping."

"You were making some weird noises
," Tiffany told her.

"I was?" Jasmine asked
.  Tiffany nodded, looking worried.

"Yeah, you were moaning and stuff
," Shannon said.

Jasmine knew she must be beet red in the face
.  She looked around to see that all the others were watching her.  "Oh, I'm sorry.  I was dreaming about ice cream."

Tiffany broke out in a smile.  "Ooh, that sounds so good!  I wish we had some."

would love a sundae mixed with chocolate and vanilla, lots of nuts.  What about you guys?" Jasmine asked, which started a debate between the younger girls on what was good to mix together.

Jasmine sat back with a sigh and wished she could be back with the men in her dreams
.  She actually felt like she had orgasmed in real life, she felt very relaxed. 
Oh well,
she thought
, nothing that good really comes to you in real life.

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