Read Keeping Blossom Online

Authors: C. M. Steele

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romantic, #Romance, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Keeping Blossom (10 page)

BOOK: Keeping Blossom
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Chapter 15

I wake up and it is still dark out. I dreamt of Adam. We were all having dinner downstairs like a big family, but unbelievably, he was the one married to Blossom. She gave him my smiles and he rubbed her growing belly. He didn’t look the way I last saw him alive. He wasn’t strung out; he was healthy looking. I got up from the table catching my reflection in the mirror in my parents’ dining room, and I’d been the haggard looking one. I don’t know if it’s my guilt at keeping Blossom for myself, but it seems like it.

Getting up, I go into the bathroom and wash my face. Staring at myself in the mirror, I smile. It was just a dream. I walk back into the bedroom and Blossom is sitting up in the bed. “Sorry, babe. Didn’t mean to wake you.”

She yawns, “It’s just I can’t sleep without you here now. Do you want to tell me what’s bothering you?”

“Not really, but I will.” I explain my dream to her and she feels the same way, but she straightens my ass out.

“Devin, what would’ve happened had you not found me in the strip club? Would Adam have come looking for me when he had no idea where I was? He didn’t. His only intention for getting me to Chicago was to spread my thighs for him. What if I had caved to the pressure that night? I would have given him my virginity and he’d be with that other woman still. I was just another woman to him and he played on my weakness. I know he had some good underneath, but he had too big of a drug problem to stay the sweet guy I met a year ago.”

“Thanks, Blossom. I just feel like his death is my fault. I keep thinking about the fact that I wouldn’t take the asshole at the club’s case.”

“Do you think maybe he took out his revenge on Adam? It sounds a bit unrealistic. There’s a shitload of lawyers shady enough to lie, cheat, and con their way to the top.”

“So true, but something about his threat to make Adam pay is floating in my head.”

“Devin, come back to bed before it’s too late. I’m tired and I need my fiancé watching over me while I sleep,” she says with a sleepy smile.

I return it with one of my own and climb back in bed for the last hour of sleep before we have to get up for the funeral.


We wake up and start getting ready but Blossom needs help, and I forgot to put her luggage away. Lifting it back onto the bed, I begin to unpack it. Opening the top drawer, I go to put her sexy-ass underwear in there, but there’s a large envelope with our names on it. A sick feeling grows in the pit of my stomach; I know that handwriting.

“Babe, are you almost done in there?” I call out through the bathroom door. She opens it a second later.

“How do I look?” she asks, spinning for me in her panties and bra. She looks delectable, but my mind is focused on what’s in my hand. Seeing my expression, she asks, “Devin, what’s the matter?”

“This was in the drawer when I went to put your clothes away.” I show her the envelope and take her by the hand.

“It’s from Adam, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” I mutter. We sit on the bed and I’m afraid to open it. He must have put these here when he came to say goodbye to Shirley and Dad.

“Devin, we have to leave soon. We need to see what it is, now.” She takes the envelope from my hand and opens it. Inside are two letters, one for each of us.

She opens hers first because I’m still trying to process that he knew what was going to happen to him.

She’s in tears as she finishes it, so I take it and read it for myself.

Dear Brooke,

I don’t know how to say how sorry I am. I’ve got so many things to apologize for. When I saw you in the restaurant, I knew you were perfect, but I was already well past gone in drugs to value you. In my own way, I loved you. It’s hard to believe, considering all I put you through. I’m sick and I know it. There’s no excuse for the way I treated you over the past year, but I’m happy you found a man that will treasure you the way I wish I could have. Devin is a good person which is why I hated him so much. He’s the man I could have been if I wasn’t so weak. He’ll treat you like the princess you are. I’m going to miss you, but either way, my time is up.

What I’m most sorry for is what was out of my hands. I had no idea when I called you down that a car would run the red light. I did what I could, but I had to go. I hope you can forgive me in your heart.

I’ll always love you,


His handwriting is shaky and I guess that’s what happens when you know you’re taking your last breaths. Fuck.

I open mine but get up to read it. I don’t want Blossom to see it. I have a feeling there’s more about why he did what he did to her.


There're a million things I should say and do before I go, but this I can’t ignore. I’m sorry I spent our time together being jealous and envious of you. You didn’t do anything wrong, but I made you the bad guy in all my problems. When it comes to Brooke, I didn’t want you to have her only because I wasn’t good enough for her and it sucks that you are. She’s the kind of woman a man could change for but by the time I realized it, it was too late. My habit was too strong to break.

For what happened to Brooke, I didn’t mean for it to go that way. I was told to get her out of the house, but make sure you weren’t aware, then to take her to the location for ransom. I had a different plan, but it went wrong. Instead of snatching her when I had the chance, I let her go to catch a cab. That’s when the car hit her. I stayed by her side until the ambulance took her, but I failed my assignment.

Do you remember the client at the club whose case you were supposed to take? He wanted to get you back. He lost the case because he was guilty as fuck, but he blamed you. I was just trying to keep him from killing her. I may not have been good at all, but I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. Andrade lost lots of money in the suit and knew that you’d be willing to get her back for the right price. They’re on their way to get me. I’m going to try and get away, but they have too many people ready to find me. It doesn’t matter anyway because I’ve got a death sentence. I have AIDS and it’s only gotten worse this last month. It’s my fault, but I just wanted to let you know that…please, tell Mom and Dad how much I love them. Hell, you can share this with them. Devin, thanks for always bailing me out. I’d just wished I used one of those times to change my ways. So this is the last time you’ll hear from me.



For the first time, tears pour down my face. I grip my letter, crumbling it in my hand. My mind can’t process what I’ve read, but I’ve got Blossom trying to calm me. She tugs the letter from my hand, putting it on the bed without reading it then she wraps her good arm around me and presses her head to my chest.

“Devin, I’m sorry he’s gone. I’m sure you’re thinking about what you could have done to save him, but like he said, you’re a good man. He just didn’t understand it. Come on. Let’s finish getting ready to say goodbye.”

“Thanks, sweetheart. I’m dressed already. There’s something I’ve got to do. Can you get dressed by yourself or do you need me?”

“No, you go do what you need to. I’ll see you downstairs.”

“Thanks, babe.”

I give her a kiss and search for my dad. He’s down in his study with a glass of rum. I hand him the letter and watch as an expression of sadness changes to pure rage.

“I’m going to call the detectives working on Adam’s case. We have the evidence we need to get this fuck.”

“Yeah, we do. Make the call and see what they say.”


We go to the funeral and make our way to the cemetery. My dad holds on to Shirley while I hold on to Blossom. Their tears are flowing hard. I haven’t cried since I read his letter, which is good because I need to keep my eyes open and clear. I know he’s going to show. They always do.

It doesn’t take long before he dares to make an appearance. Andrade and his three men smirk as they look at Adam’s casket being lowered into the ground. He gives me a wink. I want to kill him myself, but he’ll pay. He nods to dig it in a little further, but I nod right back as they walk away. Payback’s a bitch, motherfucker. The cops are on them as they reach their car down the hill from the funeral. We hold our women so they’re not aware of what’s going on.

I lean over my brother’s casket and whisper, “I love you, little brother. Thank you for your sacrifice.”


“Pregnant again!” I shout and lift my beautiful Blossom, spinning her around the room.

“Put me down, you big goof!” she giggles and shouts. I slide her down my body, my dick instantly hard with the news.

“Mama, Papa. What’s going on?!”

“Adam, Mommy and Daddy have something to tell you,” I say as I pick my son up. “Mommy’s going to have another baby.”

“Yay! Baby sister, please,” he cheers, giving us a giddy smile.

“We don’t make that decision, Adam.”

He gives Blossom a pout. “Don’t you want another brother?”

He pauses to think about his answer. He’s such a smart little three-year-old. “Yeah, but I want a baby sister to take care of the way Daddy takes care of us.”

“Buddy, either way, you’re going to have to help me take care of Mommy and the baby.”

“Okay, Papa.” He gives Blossom a hug then goes back to play with his trucks. He arrived nine months after the funeral. It was fitting to give him my brother’s name. It made Shirley so happy, and I felt peace from it. After all, despite all the problems he caused, Adam did the right thing in the end.

His struggle brought our family closer together and got some criminals off the streets. We all got some justice when Andrade was arrested along with ten of his men who flipped on him in a heartbeat when they faced the chance of life in prison. It seems that Adam and Blossom weren’t Andrade’s only intended victims. 

“Are your parents coming today?” she asks while grabbing me around the waist.

“Yeah, they are going to be here for dinner. So we can tell them then.”

She pulls my face to hers and kisses me. I love her so damn much. “Good. I’ve got to get started on the cooking.” I have a surprise for her today. She’s going to be so happy.

“Do you want me to help?”

“Devin, just check on little Dev for me while I get started.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I cut out and go looking for our youngest. He’s one and a half, but he’s trouble. I go into his playroom and it’s a mess. As always, the boy has knocked down all his stuffed animals and his big blocks are all over the floor.

“Devil, what have you gotten into now?”

“No trouble. I Devin. I make colors.” He’s got his brother’s crayons and has decorated the wall. That’s what I get for leaving him for five minutes. Everything in the room is safe, so I let him play. Big mistake. Blossom’s going to kill me when she sees the mess.


Dinner is almost ready, and thankfully, it’s on a timer. The boys are taking a nap and my wonderful husband is climbing up my body after eating me out to two orgasms.

“I love you, Devin.”

“My Blossom. I love your taste,” he grunts, pushing his thick cock into me.

“Uh! Ah,” I moan. After almost four years that man still dominates my pussy. My walls pulse and grip his cock, pulling him deeper into me. “More, Dev. Give me more!” I cry out.

Growling, he pulls out and flips me onto my hands and knees. I get giddy because I love when he takes me from behind. He kneels behind me, rubbing his cock against my wetness before pushing into my heat. It’s so deep this way, and I love when he abuses my cooch. It throbs as he leans over me back, cradling my body with his, pumping into me with slow thrusts. The sound of our flesh echoes in the room as he starts to pound into my pussy.

Right on cue, he lifts up and spanks my ass. “Ah! Devin.”

“More, Blossom. More.”

“Yes, please.” This time, he slaps my pussy and rubs my clit with his thumb. One hand teases my pussy and the other grips my ponytail, pulling back on the reins and riding my ass. God, I clutch the sheets, coming roughly like I need, but Devin isn’t done. He pushes my thighs together fucking into me with my legs adding friction. We both moan, my body is still riding the pleasure while Devin strokes in and out slowly. I’m about to come again. He lifts my upper body, pressing it against his chest, and teases my clit.

“Baby, come for me again. I know you want to. I can feel how you own my cock, squeezing it until I surrender. Come, Blossom. Now.” His words catapult me into an intense, mind-blowing orgasm and he comes with me.


I have to finish dinner because I wiped by poor wife out, but I couldn’t help it. She’s fucking pregnant again. Her rounded belly gets me hard all the damn time. It’s something about looking at my seed growing in her that sends my libido skyrocketing. She’s in the shower and the boys are playing in the other room with the blocks. They love those damn things. I just hate stepping on them, but hell, maybe they’ll be engineers with all that building going on.

The doorbell rings and it’s my parents. They’ve got a big grin on their faces because they’ve picked up the guests of honor for the night.

“Grandpa, Grandma!” Adam is in their arms before Dev can get up off the floor to move his little legs to get to them.

I can hear Blossom coming down the stairs and I know she’s going to be so happy. I give our guests a wink and step out of the way.

“Connie!” she squeals running to the very large Connie Parker. The girls hug like it’s been so long. They lived in Ohio still. With everything David went through, it took time for him to get everything back in order. Now he’s moving them here and going to be working with me as a partner. That’s another big surprise for Blossom. Connie and her became close friends after all the mess died down. They’re always on the phone, so I’m sure it was so hard for Connie to keep it a secret from my wife, but she managed.

“So what am I, chopped liver?” David asks Blossom. She lets go of Connie and gives him a big hug. I’ve let my jealousy where David’s concerned go out the window a long time ago, but that doesn’t mean I don’t let my guard down. I possessively pull my wife back into my arms.

I watch as my son looks for Maxine and isn’t happy when he doesn’t see her. “So where’s little Max?” Maxine is their daughter. She’s only two years old, but she and Adam are so close.

“My parents begged to keep her for the day. We’ll pick her up tomorrow so the kids can play.”

“Oh, no,” Grandpa says.

“What happened?” I say turning to him. Then I see. We can’t leave the little Devil alone. He’s got his brother’s crayons and has created a masterpiece on Mommy’s freshly painted walls.

I turn to Blossom but she’s all smiles. “Babe, I bought washable paint.”

I give her a swift kiss on her lips. “Brilliant. That’s why I keep you around.”




BOOK: Keeping Blossom
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