Katie In Denver (In Denver Series Book 3) (11 page)

BOOK: Katie In Denver (In Denver Series Book 3)
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He doesn’t even look up, but says, “I’m waiting to see how Colt is gonna ravish the young virginal Samantha.” I continue reading, and the doctor finishes up. He tells everyone to take a break, and he is gonna update the family. I ask if I can do it.

“Sure, as long as you come back and finish reading. I’m getting all kinds of information I plan to use later. And you, Nurse Jackie—“ he points “—I would have never guessed. 

The grey-haired nurse just shrugs. “Just because I’m quiet doesn’t mean I’m a nun.”

I update everyone and come back in for the second part of the surgery. In the eight hours in that room, we read a story about bear shifters, undercover billionaires, and a Russian crime boss. Katie was going to make it. I had never been so happy to walk into a room with good news in the two years I worked as a doctor.

Chapter 16


It’s day one of Katie’s ICU stay, and I haven’t left her side. MJ has gone to my parents’ house, and they are bringing him back as soon as he gets some rest.

“How is she?” I hear a voice ask from the doorway, it takes me a second to recognize that it’s Percy.

“She’s fighting,” I say in a somber tone. 

“I’m sorry it took me so long to get here. The Red Cross had to come get me; I was off the coast of Antarctica.” 

“I know. Katie told me you were out there working for a whale sanctuary.”  She nods before she moves toward Katie. Grabbing her cousin’s hand she quietly starts to pray. 

She sits back and closes her eyes trying to keep the tears at bay, and when I lean over she rests her head on my shoulder. We sit in silence for a long time. 

“I’m going to get some coffee,” she says. “Do you want anything?”

“Yes, whatever you’re having.” Once she exits, I move the chair close to Katie, and I think about all the things I never got a chance to say to her. So, I start talking.

“The day of our very first date I was so nervous I spent most of the day throwing up. I was so nervous, I thought I was going to get to your house and you wouldn’t want to go out with me. My dad finally took pity on me and called your dad. When he told me you were getting ready, I was finally able to relax. I acted like I was so confident but you scared the hell out of me.

“The first time you kissed me I got so excited I came in my pants. You were my very first kiss. I lied to you when I told you I had made out with tons of girls. You were the first, and the minute your lips touched mine I knew you would be the only girl I would ever love.

“The first time we had sex. I told you I was going to the bathroom to get rid of the condom, but I actually went in there to cry. I hated that I hurt you, and I felt like I didn’t do enough to satisfy you, I felt like a failure. 

“I don’t have any excuse for our break up other than I was a complete asshole.  I was selfish I was only thinking of myself. Everyone was talking about going away and how things would be so great, but once I got to college things were horrible and they just started spiraling more out of control. I met Stephanie; we dated, but I could never bring myself to sleep with her because she wasn’t you and because every part of me was still with you in Denver.

“When I found out about MJ, I hated you. But, then I realized that it wasn’t you I hated it was me, that my choices had led us down his road.

“I was trying to finish up my contracts for the week so I could take you and MJ away for a long weekend. My plans were to ask you to marry me. That’s why I had the drink after work. I was so nervous, the ring was burning a hole in my pocket, and I was so scared you would tell me no I thought I just needed to take the edge off. I messed this up so bad. It seems like I can never get it right with you. But, I promise when you wake up, I’m going to slip this ring on your finger, and we are going to be a family, I just need you to wake up, baby.”

Percy came back in the room. “Michael, go shower and come back. You have been in the same clothes for two days. Go spend some time with your son. I will sit here with her.”

I place a soft kiss on Katie’s cheek. “Thanks, Percy, I will be back in a little.” It took every part of my willpower to drag myself away from Katie’s side.

Eight days. That’s how long Katie has been lying here. They say she will wake up when she is ready, but I think with every day that passes we lose a little hope.

MJ has been by his mother’s side every day, today he seems nervous. 

When everyone leaves, MJ blurts out. “Lacey Billings kissed me today when we were in the art closet. “ I see his cheeks go red instantly. 

“Oh, did you want her to kiss you?” I try to think what the proper reaction is for this kind of situation

“I don’t know,” he says, looking out the window of the hospital. “But I wiped her kiss off and told her she was gross. I made her cry, and now I feel like a jerkface. She wouldn’t even sit with me at lunch and we have been sitting together every day since kindergarten. When I went to sit with her she got up and ran away. How do I make her not be mad at me anymore, Dad?” he asks bashfully 

“Well, I’m the worst person to ask for advice, but if I was gonna give you advice I would write her a letter, maybe tell her she isn’t gross and that you really miss her being your friend.”

“I don’t think she is gross, Dad. She is just my friend, and friends don’t kiss. I only want to be friends,” he adds sadly

“Don’t listen to your dad, he gives bad advice.” We both jump up at the sound of Katie’s voice. 

I hit the button on the wall and yell that we need a doctor. I watch Katie hug MJ with her good arm, and I feel like my heart is going to explode.

When the doctor comes in, he asks what her pain level is on a scale of 1-10, and she says fifteen, so he goes to get her some pain relief. 

“Katie, I’m so sorry.” I lean in and give her a kiss. She scrunches her nose. 

“Don’t kiss me, I’m gross,” she says, moving her head

“You’re not gross you’re perfect, and I’m kissing you.” I lean down and plant my lips firmly against hers. 

Within hours, everyone is flooding the room to talk to her.

They want to keep her for a few more days just until she can manage her pain, and then they suggest a rehab facility, but I let them know she will be coming home with me. I have already hired round-the-clock care, and we are meeting with a few psychical therapists once she is settled in. I’m not giving her any choice; Katie is mine, she has always been mine, and if I have to take her hostage until she sees that for herself then so be it. I make my plans, and I wait for them to fall into place.

Katie doesn’t argue when she realizes we are going back to the condo. I’m not sure if it’s pain or the drugs that keep her silent. She seems so small and feeble in the wheelchair. Once I show the transport team where her room is I help her get settled and then start dinner. I know she is going to be too tired to sit at the table, so I bring in her tray and MJ, and I sit with her while she eats. The next few days consist of the same routine. I have left Stacy and my assistant to handle all of my appointments so my main focus can be on Katie. 

MJ and I are sitting at the table working on his homework when we hear a crash come from Katie’s room. The nurse is attempting to help Katie up, but she just keeps fighting.

“Sir,” the scared nurse says. “I checked on her then came out to get her something to drink with her medication, and when I got back she was standing looking in the mirror. She picked up the vase and broke the glass. She won’t let me help her.” The nurse is frantic.

“I got her. If you can clean up the glass, I can tend to Katie.”

I find Katie on the floor crying. Every time I try and touch her she attacks me crying. 

“Katie, it’s okay, baby, your face is going to heal. You’re going to heal.”

“It’s not my face,” she cries. “I had to use the restroom, and I thought I could make it, but it was too hard, and I peed on the floor. I can’t do anything. I can’t even make it to the bathroom. I can’t take care of my son. I can’t work. I can’t do anything! I’m fucking useless.”

I pick her up and sit her in the shower chair and tell her I will be right back.

I run to the kitchen and grab a few trash bags and some duct tape and scissors. I tell MJ to keep working on his school work, and I run to my room and put on some swim trunks. When I walk into the bathroom, Katie is still crying. I pull her nightgown over her head and give her a towel to cover herself since I know she is feeling self-conscious. I wrap her arm up, and I wrap her leg twice making sure her casts are protected. I then set the water and step into the shower with her. I take my time scrubbing her body and washing her head. She keeps her eyes closed the whole time. When I put soap on the wash cloth, I hand it to her, but she is still having trouble washing her intimate parts, so I help her. Once she is clean, I dry her hair with a towel and dry her body. I help her put on a fresh nightgown, and the nurse has changed the sheets on the bed. Clearing away all the clutter, I place Katie back on the bed and remove the garbage bags.

“Thanks so much, Michael,” she says. “I feel human again. I’ve only had a sponge bath it feels great just to get clean.”

“I’m coming right back.” I run up to my room and quickly change into sweats and t-shirt and make my way back to Katie’s room. When I walk in, I find MJ curled up next to his mother. I get in bed also and turn on the TV. 

“You know it’s Shark Week?” MJ says. “It’s Mom favorite thing to watch.” 

I open up the menu on the TV screen. “Well, it looks like we are in luck: the Megalodon show is coming on. Why don’t I grab us some snacks and drinks and we can all watch together?

“Sir, please let me,” the nurse, Iris, says from the door. 

“Iris, I’m sorry,” Katie says. 

I see the nurse smile. “You’re allowed a few meltdowns.” 

When Iris comes back with the snacks, we settle in to watch the show. Sometime around 2 am I walk up to find MJ gone, and Katie is holding my hand. I move closer to her and just enjoy lying next to her. When my alarm goes off, I know I have to go get MJ up for school. I kiss Katie on her nose and try to move, but she snuggles closer. 

“Sir, I will get MJ up and ready for school. Stay with Katie; it’s the first night she has slept without tossing and turning.” 

I ease back down onto the bed. “Can you call my brother to come and take MJ to school for me?”

“I sure will, Mr. Kerrigan,” she says.

“Please, call me Michael,” I say quietly. 

“OK, Michael, you get some rest also.” I lie back down letting Katie snuggle up to me. When MJ is getting ready to leave, he peeks his head into the door and waves.

“I will pick you up after school,” I tell him. 

“No, Dad, I have scouts after. Uncle Liam is going to come get me and bring me here. I was gonna ask him to take me to Grandpa Joe’s so he can help me get some of Mom’s thing to make her feel more at home. You know, like the blanket Aunt Maggie made her before she died. That will make her feel better.” I nod, and MJ heads out. 

Katie slept for two more hours. When she finally woke up, she seemed well rested and happy. She was sitting up reading when she ask me if I could please call Stephanie and ask her to come by. I was a little shocked since the last time they were in the same room together things were misinterpreted. I make the phone call and make plans for Stephanie and Mac to come over later that evening.

Chapter 17


Seeing my reflection was a shock. I could barely see my face under all the bruises and swelling. But, feeling so helpless and then not making it to the bathroom was what finally broke my spirit. I felt so gross and helpless. My body ached, and I smelled like a dead body. I’m sure that’s not really accurate, but to me it was horrible. When Michael picked me up, I couldn’t help but cry I was so embarrassed. I was ashamed that I was so helpless, but he just picked me up and made me feel so much better. I know I need to talk to Stephanie. I misjudged her, and I need to tell her thank you for all she did to save my life. I always tell MJ to be accountable for his words and actions and that what I need to do. When she and her fiancé come in, I ask for some privacy.

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