Karibu Heat (Sequel to Kabana Heat) (9 page)

BOOK: Karibu Heat (Sequel to Kabana Heat)
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One he was
helpless to stop.

Uh-oh. I’m in for it.

The bartender placed
the drinks on the tiled bartop. He grinned, his teeth blinding white against
the deep cocoa of his skin. In that Jamaican accent Jager was already beginning
to love, Devon said, “Oh yeah, mon. Irie. Once you sample my famous chocolate
martini, you
be doing things you never thought
you’d do before now. Wicked things.” Then he chuckled in a low, devilish tone.
He danced a jig and moved to the other end of the bar to take another
vacationer’s order.

Anjelee picked
up her glass and raised it for a toast. “To us and the wicked, exciting night
ahead of us. Cheers!” She tipped her head back and took a deep swallow. She
smacked her lips and sighed, “Ah, yes, that’s it.”

“Sounds good to
me.” Keefer raised his martini, leaned across Anjelee and clinked the rim of
his glass to Jager’s. She tapped her glass to theirs for another toast. Keefer
and Anjelee drew a long sip of their drink.

“All right, why
not? I guess I’ll give Devon’s black magic a try.” Jager took a long draw on
the cocktail and swallowed just in time before the burning liquor forced him to
cough. He scrubbed a hand over his face and let the fire spread in his belly.
“Holy shit. Gotta admit, that’s

“Pussy. I bet I
could drink you under the bar.” Anjelee gave him a sidelong, impish grin and
took another long draw of her drink. Her beauty hit him like a punch in the
gut. He sucked in a breath. A strange emotion washed through him as the potent
martini coursed through his system and her unique attractiveness intoxicated

“You’re on.”
Jager lifted his glass in salute and drained the remainder of the “wicked”
cocktail. He set it aside, barely noticing as Devon began to prepare another
round. Jager twisted in his barstool and faced her. Dragging a hand down her
bare, silky back, he murmured, “By the way, did I tell you yet how stunningly
gorgeous you look tonight?”

She tilted her
head and twisted the stem of the empty glass, pausing only long enough to allow
Devon to refill it. “No, you somehow neglected to mention that. But in my
opinion, it’s never too late to compliment a woman…”

Are you crazy?
You can’t do this. Not the sentimental shit, anyway.

He ignored the
shouting voice in his head and murmured, “All right, then, I’ll say it again.
You look stunningly gorgeous tonight.” And like a besotted fool, he leaned over
and brushed a kiss across her mouth. He caught the faint scent of her perfume
mixed with her apple-scented shampoo, while the chocolate flavor of her martini
burst in his mouth more flavorful than drinking his own straight.

Okay, so he’d go
ahead and do the sentimental shit for now. Have fun, set aside their
differences, forget what she did to Mitch and let
have a real vacation. He had to remember the motto: What happens at Karibu
stays at Karibu Resort. But once he returned to
reality, he’d have to do what he’d have to do.

And hope like
hell Mitch didn’t find out Jager betrayed had him.

“Thank you,” she
whispered. The dim light of the bar competed with the tropical moonlight and
caused her irises to glitter like emeralds. She gazed deep into his eyes, the
jewels heavy lidded with desire and deep attraction. “I think I’m kinda
starting to like you, Jager Manning.”

“Never thought
I’d say this, but you’re kind of starting to grow on me, too, Anjelee

He kissed her
again, deep and possessively. Their tongues swirled in a slow and sensual
dance. He could hear the palm fronds from the surrounding trees clicking and
swishing overhead in the night breeze amid the rush and ebb of the tide and the
reggae band playing on a stage in the dining area. Her chocolate flavor became
stronger on his tongue and her dangerous essence, along with the sharp smell of
Keefer’s smoke, filled the space around him. He slid a hand up to her jaw and
tipped her head to get at her at a better angle. His fingers went deeper,
sinking into the thick tresses at the nape of her neck. He caressed her skull,
holding her mouth captive against his while their breath mingled and they
panted together as one. The smoldering fire in his loins ignited and he
imagined making love to her on the nearby beach…ah, yes,
love to them both.

“Uh-hem.” As if
to read Jager’s mind, Keefer cleared his throat. They broke the kiss and turned
to stare at Keefer. He grinned good-naturedly and followed a long swig of his
drink with a drag on his cigarette. “Don’t forget, I’m part of this threesome,

“Yeah, but it’s
going to start with an on-stage ménage.” She leaped from the barstool and
drained her martini. “Come on, let’s go get a table. We can order another round
from the waiter while we’re eating.”

“Yikes.” Jager
groaned and set aside his drink. Actually, the martinis were tasty and potent
as hell. His head was starting to spin, though he wasn’t sure if it was from
the drinks or the company.

“Oh, no you
don’t.” Anjelee whirled back, snatched up Jager’s half-full glass and held it
to his lips. She tipped it for him while he downed the strong liquid. “Drink
up. I want you all loose and sexy on stage so we win the contest. I’ve got my
sights set on that VIP suite for the night. Then we’ll really be threesome-ing
it up tonight.”

Jager swallowed
the last drop and coughed. “Threesome-ing?”

“Yeah, that’s
more Anjelee language,” Keefer explained while he patted Jager on the back as
they followed her into the open dining terrace. She led them to a table right
in front of the stage set in stark-white tablecloths, crystal stemware and
sterling silver. A candle shaped as an embracing naked couple cast a soft
yellow glow over the intimate dinner.

Jager chuckled.
“Mmm, I’m beginning to get that about her. She speaks in her own tongue, among
other things.”

Keefer and Jager
simultaneously held a chair out for her, one set right between theirs. She sat
primly despite the lack of modesty her outfit exuded, and covered her bare legs
with a linen napkin.

“Among other things is right,” she
warned. “You men just wait. I’m soo ready for this, you have no idea.”

Jager sat to her
right. His cock throbbed at all the innuendo, blatant looks and touching among
them. “If we don’t get this dinner and contest over with soon, I’m going to be
past ‘ready’ before we even get started.”

“You can say
that again.” Keefer sat to her left. An obvious erection strained against his
shorts. He winced and readjusted himself before settling in.

A waiter
appeared in black pants and a red floral shirt holding a small towel against a
pitcher of water. “The buffet is ready for your choosing,” he said, and poured
them each a glass of sparkling water. “May I get you some coffee, tea, a cocktail?”

“Three chocolate
martinis, please.” Anjelee gave the young man a sweet smile. “And could I
request that you have Devon make them from the tiki bar?”

, no problem. In the meantime, feel free to check out the
buffet. Lots of delicious food waiting for you there.” The waiter crossed to
the open patio and made his way to the bar.

Keefer pushed
out his chair and stood up. His wide chest caught Jager’s full attention.
“Well, I don’t know about you two, but there’s no way I can perform without
food. I’m starved.” Keefer didn’t wait for a reply but instead started across
the terrace toward the buffet.

Anjelee took
Jager’s hand and led him through the many scattered tables. The aggressive yet
sweet gesture sent that worm wiggling deeper into his heart, but he ignored it.
He had to.

Mitch, remember Mitch. Don’t
keep him too far from your brain

She waved and
chatted with various people as she went, then approached the buffet laden with
a feast fit for thousands. She released his hand to sample a grape. “Mmm,” she
moaned, chewing. “Keef’s right. We need our energy for what’s coming up.”

“Right.” He
snatched up a plate and inspected the food tables. Even though the two martinis
had made his head spin, Jager nervously scanned the room with its hundreds of
diners. He didn’t want to think about the contest and getting on that stage in
front of all these damn people. He definitely needed several more of Devon’s
miracle cocktails to dissipate the stage fright that clawed at his gut.

Jager followed
Keefer’s lead and piled his plate with jerk chicken, exotic vegetables and
fruits, and unique salads. With his free hand, he took a parfait dessert
swirled in red, orange, chocolate and topped with cream. When he returned to
the table, Anjelee and Keefer were already digging into their food. They had
chosen the same parfait dessert.

“Hurry,” Anjelee
said around a mouthful of salad. “The contest is about to start.”

“Great. Just
great.” Jager grabbed his cocktail and took a long swallow. He sighed when the
alcohol kicked in another notch. His shoulders relaxed, his gut calmed and he
started in on the jerk chicken.

The waiter
approached and passed out another round of martinis.

Keefer shoveled
vegetables and spicy rice into his mouth. He swallowed, picked up his soup bowl
and drank down the Jamaican minestrone like water. “You’ll be fine. It’s a
blast once you get up there. Besides, no one’s here to judge. Just have fun
with it.” He plucked up a napkin and wiped his glistening mouth and goateed

Just have fun with

Jager made a
face and shrugged. Right Easy for Keefer to say. He’s most likely been through
this kind of scary shit half a dozen times before. Jager’s attention fell on
the stage. A low dance floor spread below the half-moon structure, and dining tables
circled the entire area like an auditorium. Fuck. Everyone could see from any
angle. Then there was the shiny, gold stripper pole, front and center.

I’ll be damned if they’re going to get me
to twirl around that thing.

He chuckled to
himself at the absurdity of it and settled back when the show began.

A buff male
emcee took the microphone and announced, “All right, mon, here we go. Three’s
Company’s the name and naughty’s the game.
So nothing formal
Whoever gets the wildest, and draws the biggest cheer from the
crowd, wins the contest. Prize is one night’s pampered stay in our highly
expensive, insanely luxurious and kinkiest penthouse suite ever—and
people let me tell you, we’re talking outrageously wicked.”

hooped and cheered. The man’s teeth flashed white when he grinned, grabbed his
crotch and did a dance mimicking sexual thrusting.

“First up
Carrie, Melinda and Stan. Come on up and get jiggy! Two
minutes are all you get, so make the best of it.”

Jager sat back
and studied their little skit while he continued to sip his drink. The two
buxom brunettes spun opposite each other around the pole and grabbed the man’s
clothed cock each time they passed him. The girls caught up to each other and
one woman pinned the other to the pole. She exposed her partner’s breasts and
gave them some oral attention, drawing whoops and applause from the diners.
Then she went down on her pole-captive in a methodical caress of kisses and
gropes before burying her face in the woman’s mostly exposed crotch. The man
came up behind the kneeling woman and mimicked fucking her doggy-style.

The crowd
whistled and roared in approval.

The trio
switched places so the man could “fuck” the other woman.

Jager rolled his

The emcee waved
his hand. “Okay, last minute’s up. Next contestants, please.”

The more he
watched both the contestants and the crowd, the more Jager’s jitters began to
fade. It was fun, really.
Good-natured fun, no judging, just
as Keefer had said.
Pure entertainment and sin, away
from the stressors of the outside world.

Wasn’t it?

Anjelee leaned
over and mumbled under her breath, “Watch. Every one of the contestant groups
will be two females and one male.”

“Why’s that?”

She shrugged her
slim shoulders. Her eyes took Jager’s breath away. They were luminous, fuck-me
pools beneath the dim dinner lighting. “It’s just the way this place is. You
don’t see any two-man-one-woman PDAs. It’s sort of understood that man-on-man
is to be done only behind closed doors.”


“Public displays
of affection.” She regarded him over the rim of her martini as she sipped. “For
some reason, in all the encouragement to be sexually free, the majority who
frequent this resort are anti-gay—unless it’s two women getting it on.
Personally, I think I prefer to see a threesome with two men doing the
boom-boom than two women. But that’s just me, I guess.”

A surge of
reckless desire coursed through his alcohol-warmed blood. His head spun and his
inhibitions clicked down a notch or two.

“Doing the boom-boom,
eh? Wow, hot.” Jager propped his elbows on the table and leaned over to kiss
her. His mouth met her eager one while his eyes sought out Keefer.

BOOK: Karibu Heat (Sequel to Kabana Heat)
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