Read Kari Lee Townsend - Sunny Meadows 04 - Perish in the Palm Online

Authors: Kari Lee Townsend

Tags: #Mystery: Cozy - Paranormal - Clairvoyance - New York

Kari Lee Townsend - Sunny Meadows 04 - Perish in the Palm (7 page)

BOOK: Kari Lee Townsend - Sunny Meadows 04 - Perish in the Palm
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Chapter 8


ater that day I stopped by the Divinity Police Station to bring Mitch his lunch. Granny Gert was right. Relationships couldn’t be taken for granted, so if I ever wanted to move beyond our stale mate, I needed to take the initiative. Cutting the engine to my bug, I picked up a basket filled with a steaming bowl of homemade chili, still hot-from-the-oven rolls, and a big slice of apple pie. Granny always says the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach, but I was no fool.

I had Granny do the cooking.

I walked down the long hallway, nodding hello to the dispatcher as I passed her, and I made a pit stop by Captain Walker’s office to drop off some apple cookies, much to his delight. He mumbled a thank you around a mouthful of sugar, his eyes rolling back in his head. He sure did love Granny’s cookies, and if I had to guess, I would wager he enjoyed flirting with her just as much.

Pausing at the door to Mitch’s office, I took a moment to study him since he didn’t see me right away. He ran a hand through his shaggy black hair and rubbed his temple, his shoulders looking tense and his profile tired. He picked up a picture of me—the only personal touch he’d added to the space since I’d known him—and his brows pinched together, making him look troubled. His desk was cluttered with files and crumpled up pieces of paper as if he’d been working all morning but not having much luck. I was about to change that if he would let me without locking me up and throwing away the key.

I tapped my knuckles twice and he looked up as he set down his picture, his face transforming into a pleased expression. “You are the best thing I’ve seen all morning, and whatever that is, it smells amazing.”

I smiled tenderly as I walked into the room, set the basket down on the desk, slipped my arms around him, and sat on his lap. “You work too hard.” I kissed his cheek. He smelled of soap and after shave and Granny Gert’s sugar cookies.

He took a moment to wrap his arms around me, bury his face in the crook of my neck and inhale my scent, sending chills up and down my spine. I threaded my fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp. He allowed it for a moment and I could feel him start to relax, but then he pulled back.

“You don’t know how much I needed that right now, but if I don’t work harder, I’m afraid your mother’s case will look even worse than it already does. I need to find another lead and soon.”

“Funny you should say that.” I stood up from his lap and pulled out the food to distract him. I placed it on the desk in front of him, including real silverware and an embroidered linen napkin at Granny’s insistence, and then stood back. Only after he started to dig in, did I add, “I ran into Brice Benedict this morning.”

Mitch paused with his spoon full of chili halfway to his mouth. His eyes narrowed. “Ran into? And where exactly did this encounter with the deceased’s
happen to take place? At the grocery store? Oh wait, you don’t cook.” He set his spoon down and pushed the bowl away, sitting back and crossing his arms. “Let me guess, this is all a bribe so I won’t get angry at you for sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong and putting yourself in danger yet again. I’m right, aren’t I?” He raised a brow and waited.

I sighed, knowing it was pointless to deny it. “Fine, you win. What you call a bribe, I call an offer of peace. Although, I do think you work too hard, and I knew you wouldn’t take time to get lunch yourself. It’s my job as your
to care about your Health Line.”

I could see his mind and body were at war. His hunger won out, pushing the last remnants of his stubborn streak to take a backseat until lunch was over. He grabbed the bowl and grunted while he finished the food, gesturing for me to start talking.

“Okay, so when I was speaking with Linda Theodore, she mentioned something about Peirce making late night phone calls and whispering and acting sneaky. At first she thought he was having an affair, but then she found out the calls were to his accountant.”

“So naturally you just had to go see him yourself instead of telling me.” Mitch scowled, his tone screaming pure frustration.

“I’m telling you now. Doesn’t that count for something?” I flashed my pearly whites and fluttered my eyelashes at him, attempting to look adorable.

He just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Giving up on a lost cause, I continued. “Anyway, in my efforts to
you, even though you don’t appreciate it, I stopped by his office this morning. I have to say Brice acted even more nervous than Peirce.”

“People generally act nervous when murder is involved. That’s hardly newsworthy, Tink.”

“No, but I ran into this big scary guy I’ve never seen before who showed up at the house later and—”

“Wait, back up. What?” Detective Stone gaped at me in pure cop mode, Boyfriend Mitch all but gone.

“I was fine.” I held up my hands. “Granny was there, and Morty.”

“Yeah, and we see how well that worked out for you last time when you got kidnapped,” he growled in exasperation, worry lines bracketing the corners of his wide firm mouth once more.

“The point is, Scary Guy really wasn’t all that scary. I did some digging and word around town is he’s actually from the IRS. Apparently Peirce files quarterly, and something in his books didn’t add up. This guy is here investigating, but Mr. Benedict isn’t exactly cooperating. When the IRS agent saw me talking to Brice, he thought I might know something. I don’t, of course, but I thought that you might want to look into this as well. What if Brice was involved in something illegal and Peirce found out about it? Brice might have killed him or hired someone to kill him before anyone else could find out. He probably didn’t anticipate the IRS catching up with him first.”

“You have one active imagination, Sunny, but I
glad you told me. At this point I’m grateful for any lead that points away from your mother.”

“Amen to that. You’re not mad then?” I smiled at him hopefully.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” he replied, but the corner of his lip tipped up a hair as he added, “we’ll work out your punishment later.”

“Is that a threat, Detective?”

“That’s a promise,” he said with a serious tone, but something in his eyes told me this was a punishment I just might enjoy.


The leaves were changing rapidly this season, and many had already fallen in my back yard. I didn’t have any appointments this afternoon, and Granny was driving me nuts planning her fall harvest party to cheer up my mother. Something told me Granny’s attempt to
was only going to make matters worse. She promised it wouldn’t get out of control this time, and Mother wouldn’t have to deal with Morty if it was at the park, but still….

I chuckled as Morty popped out of a pile of leaves I had just raked, as if he were practicing a magic act. Knowing him, he was planning on terrorizing my parents anyway. It didn’t matter if the party was inside or out or on a different planet. Everyone knew Morty went where he wanted and did as he pleased. He had a leaf stuck to his eye, making him look like he had an eye patch on. I peeled it off, and he just stared at me, then started digging in the dirt as if I were insignificant.

“Behave yourself, Mister.” I pointed my finger at him, but he just hoisted his chin high in the air and walked away, messy paws and all.

“Need some help?” came a welcome voice from behind me.

I spun around with a genuine smile on my face. Now this was the kind of help I could use right about now. “Why, Sean O’Malley in the flesh, offering to do manual labor for free. Mark the calendar.”

“Who says my offer is free? Spending time with all of this,” he swept his hands up and down his impressive body, “will cost you, love.” He grinned wide, his charming dimples sinking deep. He really was a character.

“Um, you came to me. Not the other way around, Romeo,” I pointed out. “Besides, aren’t you taken?”

His dimples faded and sparkling blue eyes dimmed. “I wish. The stubborn lass is giving me the cold shoulder. Can you believe it?”

“Well, come on, Sean. You
ask her if she was pregnant. I still can’t believe you did that.” I put my hands on my hips and gave him a look that said it all. “What did you honestly expect?”

“I’ll tell you what I
expect. For her to be a virgin, that’s what.” He raked a hand through his blond curls and began to pace. “What am I supposed to do with that?”

“You’re supposed to cherish that and thank your lucky stars you found such a gem of a woman to put up with you.” I swatted him on the arm.

“She really is an angel, isn’t she?” He scrubbed a hand over his stubble-covered face, looking more unkempt and flustered than I had ever seen him. “Trouble is I think I’ve lost her for good, Sunny.” He stopped pacing and looked at the ground, his shoulders wilting a little. “She’s different than any woman I’ve ever dated. I didn’t know I could feel this way, and it scares the hell out of me.”

My heart went out to him. He really was a mess, and that made him all the more endearing. “So why are you telling me?” I poked him in the shoulder. “Zoe is the one you should be telling, you numbskull.”

He rubbed his shoulder. “I tried talking to her, but she won’t listen to me. I think it’s too late.”

“Nonsense. It’s never too late when you care about someone.” I patted his cheek until he looked at me. “It’s not what you say, Sean, it’s
you say it. Quit feeding her lines. They don’t work on someone like her. Speak from your heart and just talk to her. She’ll listen, I promise. What do you have to lose?”

“I’ll rake your entire yard if you do it for me.” He gave me such an adorable expression, I almost caved. Not to mention my yard was really big, and his offer was extremely tempting, but I knew Zoe.

I let out a deep sigh and replied, “Sorry, pal, but I’m doing this for your own good. This is one conversation no one can have but you.”

He shoved his hands in his pockets and hung his head. “That’s what I thought you were going to say.”

“You’re a big boy. You can do this.” I gave him a hug. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll be planning a wedding of your own soon.”

His face paled. “Baby steps, Sunny. I’d settle for a real date and a first kiss. Good God, I never thought I’d hear myself say that, but damned if I don’t mean it. I haven’t looked forward to a simple kiss since I had pimples.”

had pimples?” I gaped at him in mock horror.

“Seriously, love? My pimple status is what you got out of all of that?” He scowled without much venom. Sean was a lover. He couldn’t be mad if he tried.

“No, I’m just playing.” I laughed. “What I got out of endearing confession is that she’s changing you for the better, my friend.”

He took a moment to ponder my words. “You think so?”

“I know so.”

“Thanks, Sunny.” He turned around and started to walk away, looking more like himself with a spark of hope in his step he couldn’t quite hide.

“Hey, wait a minute. Where are you going?” I held up my rake after realizing what I’d just done. Why was it every time I tried to help someone, I only ended up hurting myself in one way or another?

“You were right. All this,” he turned around and swept his hand down his frame once more, “isn’t suited for manual labor.” He winked, then spun back around and kept walking now as if he had purpose in his ever stride.

He had purpose, all right. To get far away from a little thing called hard work. “I take it back. You haven’t changed at all,” I hollered after him. He just laughed and kept walking and even started to whistle and dance an Irish jig.

Mitch passed by Sean, shot him a wave with an odd look, picked up a rake without having to be asked, and joined me.

“Now here’s a
man,” I said and gave him a kiss when he came to a stop by my side, thinking,
My man

“Was there ever any doubt?” he replied with his rich deep tone that never failed to give me shivers. “What’s Granny Gert doing with all those apple desserts? It’s not even her baking day.”

The mention of Granny Gert put the kibosh on my shivers in a hurry. “Planning a fall harvest party to cheer Mother up.” I groaned.

“Please tell me you’re kidding.” His face looked pained.

“I wish. She even put a call into her Sewing Sisters as well as Fiona and the Knitting Nanas for help.”

“Great. I’ll tell Fire Chief Drummond down at the firehouse to stay alert. Remember last time those two worked together?”

“Don’t remind me,” I responded, thinking of the kitchen fire they’d set in my house and then Fiona getting stuck in a tree while they were under house arrest. “It doesn’t matter if they are friends or foes. The Dynamic Duo are more like the Disaster Duo if you ask me, but never mind that.” I pushed those scary thoughts away. “You’re home early. How come?”

“After you left I paid your IRS guy a visit, and together we made a little stop in to see Brice Benedict. It didn’t take much for Benedict to confess. Turns out he invested money from Peirce Theodore without his consent into some bad deals. The deals went south and Brice lost Peirce’s money.”

“Wow, that’s terrible. No wonder Peirce was stressed out and looking for money. He had to be on the verge of losing the inn.”

“That’s not all. The people Brice was in bed with are shady at best and downright dangerous.” Mitch gave me a stern look that said,
Now do you see why I worry?
“I think they’re the ones who were roughing Peirce up, trying to squeeze more money out of him. Brice confessed because he’s more afraid of them than being behind bars.”

“So what happens now?”

“Now you stay away and let me do my job.”

“And?” I said noncommittally.

“And Brice will probably go to jail while Linda’s life insurance money will go to the IRS, putting her back at square one. She will probably have to sell the inn unless she comes into some magic money somehow.”

“Magic money,” I mumbled, thinking of a plan. I was trying to be good and stay out of this case, but I had to do something to help or I would go crazy.

“I know that look, Sunny.” Mitch tipped up my chin. “Please tell me you aren’t thinking of doing something stupid?”

BOOK: Kari Lee Townsend - Sunny Meadows 04 - Perish in the Palm
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