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Authors: Dawn Martens

Kade (10 page)

BOOK: Kade
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Tonight we're having a party for Kade’s birthday. We invited all of our friends although Ryder declined, for obvious reasons. We’re all setting up when Ashley comes sauntering in. Just great. I didn’t invite her, so Kade obviously did. When she sees me she gives me a dirty look, which I purposely ignore.

I’m hanging out with Derek, while Kade is chatting with Ashley. I see her hand him an envelope, and when he opens it he smiles and gives her a hug. I see him look around, and when he finds me he calls out “Hey, Nikki, I hope you don’t have any plans this weekend because we’re going to Bali!”

I blink. She bought him tickets for us to go to Bali? Why do I doubt that? When Ashley’s face drops and she hisses something at Kade, my eyebrows raise in understanding. Ashley bought two tickets for Kade, thinking he would take her because she was the one who bought the tickets. Ashley storms out, leaving Kade looking extremely confused. He's so blind. I bet if she declared her undying love to his face he still wouldn’t believe it. Kade slowly walks over to me and hands me the tickets.

“Start packing,” he says with a grin. “I’m gonna go and talk to Ashley. I have no idea what got her so upset.” I roll my eyes.

About ten minutes later Kade and Ashley walk back in. I guess he was able to sweet talk her into forgiving him.

Chapter Nineteen


Kade and I are on our way to Bali, just for the weekend. The hotel is absolutely gorgeous, and I love it. Our room is all decorated in dark wood and white walls. The bed is a piece of art, huge with intricate carvings on the headboard. I smirk at Kade when my eyes land on the rose petals spread out in a love heart on the white bed sheets. We open our suitcases, and then change into our swimwear so we can head out and explore.

Kade and I are sun baking on the beach, a tropical drink in our hands.

This is the life.

“Time for more sunscreen,” he says, putting his drink down, and pulling out the bottle.

“Roll over, beautiful.”

I roll over and he starts lathering the lotion on my back. It feels so good that I can’t help the small throaty moan that escapes me. Kade slaps my ass. “Behave,” he says with a chuckle.

“Okay, done,” he says, so I roll to my front and he puts the lotion on my arms legs and stomach. I’m wearing my new royal blue bikini, my red thongs, and my favorite oversized sunglasses. Kade is wearing a pair of board shorts, his toned chest bare for all to see. I find myself sighing in appreciation. I don’t think I'll ever get sick of the view.

“Like what you see?” comes an amused rumble.

“You know I do,” I say frankly.

“Get up, Nikki. Now,” he demands, and I know he wants me again. We have done nothing but make love, eat, and lounge on the beach since we got here. I really don’t want to leave tomorrow.

When I apparently take too long, Kade scoops up all my stuff, downs my drink, and takes my hand pulling me up. We rush hand in hand into our hotel, and up to our room. As soon as the door is closed, Kade is on me. He roughly pushes me against the door, and pulls my bikini top off, staring at my breasts. Instead of kissing me on my mouth, he goes straight for my breasts, sucking on each nipple in turn. I moan, wanting him inside me so bad I can hardly wait. Kade undoes the tie on the bottom of my bikini, rubbing the top of my clit. I’m so wet. He lifts me up, and slides into me in one hard motion. My back bangs up against the door with the force of his thrust. Kade slides in and out of me, gripping my hips with his fingers. When he bites down on my shoulder I erupt, my thighs shaking, my head lifting back against the door. When I come down from my release, Kade carries me to the bed, still inside me, and makes love to me there. Afterwards we move to the shower. The steam feels so good, it seems to revive my want for more.

After the shower, Kade drags me to the couch, and we fall down together, still wet. He looks at me with heat in his eyes. He wants more, and so do I. I give him a sly cheeky grin, and with that, he takes my hand, and places it on his hard cock. I wrap my fingers around him, whilst he pushes two fingers inside of me, moving them in and out. He moans loudly after only a few strokes. Pushing him so he's laying flat on his back, I straddle him, putting on a condom before I take him inside of me again. I love how deep he feels as he tilts his hips up, and I come down hard on him, hitting that sweet spot deep inside of me as I ride him to ecstasy. He screams with pleasure, and then we collapse in a moment of bliss.

After the couch we head to the balcony.

Then to the bed for the rest of the night.

The next morning I'm deliciously sore. Kade and I do a little shopping, have lunch, and then head to the airport. I feel so relaxed. I sigh in contentment leaning on Kade’s shoulder on the flight. When we land in Perth; I groan.

Back to reality.

Chapter Twenty


I’ve been hearing around the grapevine about this bar that is supposed to be amazing. Apparently the bar doesn’t even have board with a name or anything. When I describe the place to Kade, and tell him the street it’s on, he tenses instantly.

“How about we go check out that new bar in the city instead?” he asks nonchalantly. A little too nonchalantly.

“What’s wrong with Rave?” I ask curiously. Apparently that’s what the bar is unofficially called. He ignores me, and rattles on, naming other bars we could check out.

“No, Kade, I haven’t been to this one, I want to go!” I say stubbornly. Him not wanting me to go there is making me want to go even more.

Kade groans, but reluctantly relents. I dress in a red bustier top, a pair of black jeans, and my favorite black boots. I skip my usual make up regime, and just apply some wispy false lashes, a dash of eyeliner, and some gloss. I don’t even bother to do anything with my hair; just leave it wild and loose.

“You ready?” I ask as I walk out of the bathroom. Kade whistles and compliments me, but to tell you the truth I’m not really paying attention to what he’s saying because I’m too busy checking him out. White t-shirt, snug jeans, and black boots. Yum.

On the drive over there, Kade is restless. He keeps drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, and sighing dramatically.

“What’s going on, Kade?” I ask bluntly.

“Nothing,” he grumbles miserably. I’m about to lecture him about communication when we pull into the bar. To tell you the truth, it looks a little shabby. And it’s definitely a biker bar. Lots of sexy motorcycles are parked at the entrance. Kade sits in the Hummer, and doesn’t seem in a rush to get out.

“Kade!” I huff, jumping out. Kade reluctantly gets out and walks slowly to the bar entrance. We step inside, and I glance around. Old pool tables and worn leather stools greet us as we walk into the shabby bar, but to my surprise there are hot guys everywhere. I grin. I glance over at Kade who is not grinning. In fact, his frown couldn’t get deeper.

“Hey, Kade,” the bartender calls out. Okay, it’s my turn to frown. My eyes narrow on Kade, who avoids eye contact. We sit down and order two beers. It’s not long before I realize why Kade didn’t want to come here. This bar is his hunting grounds.

“Kade, it’s about time you came back,” purrs a woman’s voice behind us.

Kade freezes, looks at me apologetically before turning to face the unwelcome guest. I look over too, to see a skanky looking woman eyeing my man. Kade immediately pulls me close to him. “Kate,” he mutters, nodding his head in greeting.

“Still taken, I assume?” she sneers. “What happened to the other bitch?”

I freeze, and whip my head around to look at Kade. He whispers, “Layla” into my ear. I relax.

Turning back around and facing this Kate woman, I tell her sharply, “Don’t you ever call my best friend a bitch.”

She looks taken aback at first, then her face turns ugly. “I’ll call anyone I want a bitch. Have fun with Kade, we
know how good he is at what he does.” She turns to leave, but not before I call out,

“Don’t fucking count on it you stupid bitch. We’ve been together for months now.”

She whips back around. “Months? Right, Kade doesn’t do relationships.” She lets out a condescending laugh.

“Kate, get a fucking clue, you need to let it go. We fucked, get over it. Just because you tried and couldn’t pin me down, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Just wasn’t fucking happening with you,” Kade speaks up.

Kate’s face falls, then looks at me. “What the fuck ever, enjoy your cunt!” she spits out before starting to walk away.

I jump away from Kade, he tries to grab for me, knowing what I'm about to do. I manage to get out of his reach fast enough to run after and jump on Kate. I’m on her back and she falls to the ground. I grab her head by fisting her hair, and repeatedly slam her face into the floor. She manages to push me off her, and when she turns around her face is all bloody because her nose is bleeding. She tries to scratch my face in retaliation. Fuck, she’s one of those girly fighters. I step back, and am about to punch her in the mouth when Kade grabs me and pulls me off of her.

“Don’t you ever fucking call me a cunt again. Got it?” I hiss at her, still fuming mad.

She nods yes, and runs out of the bar, holding her hand to her nose.

“Fuck, Nikki, what is with you and resorting to violence?” Kade mutters.

“Fuck off, Kade. You could have warned me this was a place where you found your fucking hookups,” I say snidely.

“Don’t blame me, you were the one that insisted on coming here. This shit was your fault!” he counters.

My eyes narrow, did he just say this was my fault? I don’t think so. “You could have said
you didn’t want to come here. It would have prepared me more, asshole!” I push away from him, and go to the bathroom to clean up.

There are a few girls in there by the mirror. I tell them to move, so I can clean the blood off my hands. A cute looking blonde girl looks at me curiously. “What happened?” she asks.

“Got into a small altercation. Some woman came up to Kade and me, starting drama.”

The girl stills. “Kade?” the blonde one asks.

“Yup,” I mumble, knowing exactly where this conversation was heading.

The brunette pipes up. “You’re dating Kade Steele?”

“I just said yes, didn’t I?” I say rudely.

The blonde looks at her friend then back at me. “How long have you been together?”

I sigh, people are so nosey. “A few months now. Why?”

“A few months?” both girls splutter.

“Let me guess, you both fucked him?” I say dryly.

They hesitate, and then nod. “Figures I pick out the one bar where every bitch has had a taste of my man,” I groan.

I finish cleaning up my hands, and step back from the sink. I take a quick look at my reflection before casually saying, “Just a warning. You try and start anything with Kade and me, you will end up like Kate.”

Both girls go pale before quietly exiting the bathroom. I walk out, and run into Kade who is standing there waiting for me. He looks concerned.

“You okay, Nikki?”

“I’m fine. Let’s just go home before I end up in another fight,” I say sourly.

Kade sighs. “I’m sorry, beautiful. You’re right, let’s get out of here.”

We get home, and I show my man exactly why I’m the girl for him.

Chapter Twenty One


I pull into the driveway, and am just getting out of my car when I see Kade come rushing out the front door with a huge smile on his face. His hair is tied back at the nape of his neck, and he's wearing dark blue jeans with a white shirt. He looks edible. As soon as I’m within reach he pulls me into his body, capturing my lips in a kiss.

“What are you so excited about?” I giggle through kisses.

“I’m finally done with uni! Come out and celebrate with me?” he asks, huge grin still on his face.

“Congrats! Of course I will, let me run in and get ready,” I tell him. His excitement is contagious.

I have a thirty second shower, quickly shaving my legs while I’m in there. I dress in a royal blue maxi dress that's tight in all the right places, and black strappy sandals. I apply the barest of makeup- lip balm, eyeliner and a load of mascara. My green eyes really pop when lined with black kohl, so it’s usually my staple makeup look. I tame my hair by tying it up in a high pony tail, teasing the front into a small quiff.

I clean up pretty well. Kade’s eyes widening when he takes me in is the only compliment I need. We drive to a bar/restaurant. I undo my seat belt, and am about to get out when Kade stops me with his hand.

“Hope you don’t mind, but Ashley wanted to celebrate with us. She knew today was my last day and asked what I was doing to celebrate, so I told her she can tag along,” Kade says, looking hopeful. He's probably hoping that I won’t make a scene. Actually, it’s not okay.

"Why couldn't it have just been the two of us, Kade? Are we all gonna go home together and have a three way, too?"

"Nikki, stop it with this shit," Kade says as he gets out of the Hummer. I quickly follow. We walk up to the doors, and I notice Ashley is already waiting for us. When she sees me, she scowls. She obviously wasn’t expecting me. Bitch.

"Kade, I thought you said
were celebrating tonight?" Ashley whines.

"We are. Me and my two girls," Kade says, smiling.

I would love to kick him in the balls right now. I contemplate it.

“And I hope, for me, both of them can at least stop the drama for tonight,” Kade grumbles.

We get seated, and as soon as the waitress approaches us, I order a double shot of rum and coke.

I keep telling myself over and over again that this is Kade’s night. It would be selfish of me not to let him have it. But still.

We place our orders and the meal is slightly tense, but Ashley and I try to be on our best behavior. At least when Kade is around. The minute he excuses himself to go to the bathroom, Ashley’s claws are out, and she’s back to her usual fine form.

“Should have known you'd tag along, insecure bitch,” she hisses.

“First, he invited me, and second, I should have known you would be here, since you invite yourself everywhere we go. Don’t you get tired of being a third wheel?” I counter. Her face goes red, and she’s about to say something else when we see Kade walking back. We both sit quietly. I stare at the dessert menu, my eyes widening when I notice the selection. I order a tiramisu. Kade and Ashley order chocolate cake.

“So I have some other news,” Kade says. He leaves us in suspense for a few seconds.

“Chase asked me to run the club for him. I’ll be managing everything and getting half the profits made,” he announces, looking excited. Half the profits. That’s pretty generous. I hug and congratulate him, then watch as Ashley does the same.

“The first thing I’m going to do is change the club name,” Kade says, his lips twitching at the corners. “Club Deception is a stupid name, I can’t believe Chase didn’t change it already.” I think I know why Chase didn’t change the name; it’s the place where he met Layla, and he probably feels sentimental about it.

Even though he'd probably never admit it.

We finish our dessert, and Kade says bye to Ashley.

“Thank you for being civil today, Nikki. It means a lot to me,” Kade says gently, kissing me deeply.

I mumble a ‘no worries,’ before we drive home.

Where we have our own celebration.

All night long.

BOOK: Kade
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