Justice Inked (Cowboy Justice Association 7) (35 page)

Read Justice Inked (Cowboy Justice Association 7) Online

Authors: Olivia Jaymes

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Violence, #Law Enforcement, #Romantic Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Crime, #Protection, #Safety, #Action & Adventure, #Mystery, #Cowboy Justice, #Sheriff, #Bad Mood, #Teenage Sister, #Killer, #Workaholic, #Tattoo Shop, #Skin Art, #Someone Special, #Adversary, #Dead Body, #Building, #Murdered, #Dangerous & Deadly, #Western, #Cowboy

BOOK: Justice Inked (Cowboy Justice Association 7)
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“Baby, I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”

His dear voice was hoarse with emotion as he scooped her up in his arms. She’d been alone just moments before but now there were people everywhere. An EMT covered her with a blanket and walked beside them as Dare’s long legs ate up the distance quickly. She huddled closer to his warm, strong frame and let him be the stronger one. Just this once, she’d allow herself the luxury of letting a man take care of her. She’d be okay in a little while but right now allowing her head to rest on his shoulder felt undeniably wonderful.

Placing her on a stretcher next to an ambulance, he ran his hands up and down her arms and legs, coming to a halt at her ankles. “Baby, where are your shoes? Jesus, your feet are frozen.”

His hands began to massage her numb toes and she winced as the feeling returned to her extremities.

“Sophie? Tim?” She hated to ask the question but she had to know.

“Sophie’s fine. She has friends and Deputy Billy back at the house taking care of her. Tim’s been taken into custody, although not willingly. Tanner has men looking for his brother Duke. I’m guessing he was the mastermind behind all of this.”

The word mastermind was spoken in an ironic tone but Rayne understood. No one had thought the two brothers would be able to do something this elaborate…or deadly.

Rayne reached out and brushed her fingers over Dare’s cheek as he worked on her feet.

“He threw my shoes away so I couldn’t run.”

Wrapping her legs in another blanket, Dare pulled a small key from his back pocket and held it up. “He doesn’t know you at all, does he? A little thing like bare feet wouldn’t keep you from escaping. Now let’s get you out of those cuffs.”

Rayne groaned when the cuffs were removed and she could stretch her arms forward, wriggling her fingers. The EMT that had been hovering finally stepped forward.

“Sir? We really need to check her over. If you would just step aside…”

That scowl that she now loved so much crossed his face but she patted his shoulder and leaned down to briefly press her lips to his. “I’m okay, but let’s let them do their jobs. Then I want you to take me home. Will you do that for me?”

He nodded but was reluctant to let her go. “I’ll be right here. I’m not leaving you for a second.”

The EMT crowded in and finally Dare took a step back but still held onto her hand. As her adrenaline drained away, she found herself shaking uncontrollably and her teeth chattering despite the fact that they’d wrapped her up in several blankets and Dare had even taken off his coat and slipped it over her shoulders. This was the second time she’d been in deadly danger and it wasn’t getting any easier. In fact, this time was far worse. She’d be having nightmares about running from Tim Wallace for a long time.

After instructions from the EMTs as to how to care for the cuts on her feet that they’d carefully cleaned, Rayne once again found herself scooped into Dare’s arms and carried to his SUV. He tucked her into the passenger seat, the interior already toasty from the blasting heater, and stretched the seatbelt across her body.

“We’re going home.”

She caught Dare’s hand before he could close her door. “Wait. What happened? I–I don’t know what happened.”

“I’ll tell you everything when we get home, baby. Trust me.”

The door slammed shut and she watched as he gave one of his deputies a few instructions. Then he swung into the driver’s seat and put the truck into reverse.

She was going home. Alive.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

are doubted if Rayne had ever enjoyed a hot bath and clean pajamas more than she had tonight. She’d soaked until the water was tepid before letting him lift her out of the tub and dry her off with a soft towel. She’d sat almost submissively as he’d helped her into a plaid flannel pair of sleeping pants and a black t-shirt before carefully bandaging her tender feet. He’d stayed close as she ran a comb through her hair and rubbed lotion on her arms and legs.

Of course, before she would consent to a bath she and Sophie had hugged each other tightly, tears running down their faces. Dare’s chest had tightened at the sight of the two most important people in his life safe and sound in their home and he’d had to clear his throat several times before he was able to speak.

It hit him then and there how lucky they all were. This could have gone a much darker way and it had been a guardian angel who had messed up the autopsy paperwork so that he’d returned home early. He’d be forever grateful.

The entire way to the caves he’d been bargaining with whatever divine entity would listen.

If I can just find Rayne safe and sound I’ll never give her a hard time about her dancing in the rain ever again. I’ll smile more and I’ll damn well tell her I love her. She’s my future and I’ll do anything to win her love.

Now Sophie was tucked upstairs in her room with three girlfriends who had brought ice cream and were commiserating about boys and love. As much as Dare hadn’t liked Tim Wallace, he hoped this wouldn’t color Sophie’s image of relationships too badly. She deserved to be happy but by someone better. A boy who wasn’t a bank robber, for example.

Dare had wrapped Rayne in a flannel blanket and placed her in front of the fireplace while he fixed them both a brandy. He could use the alcohol and he was sure she could as well, if only to help warm her up after her ordeal.

“Here you go, baby. This will heat you up from the inside out.”

She frowned but accepted the glass, taking a tentative sip. Her nose wrinkled and she coughed a few times. “Strong. What is it?”

“Brandy. Never had it before?”

Dare settled on the end of the couch and pulled her feet into his lap, picking up the ankle massage where he’d left off at the caves.

“We didn’t have such fancy liquor in our house. Mom and Dad were a beer and wine kind of couple. I didn’t really have you pegged for a brandy guy either, to tell you the truth.”

Chuckling, Dare sipped at the liquid, feeling the fire race down to his belly. “I’m full of contradictions. I’ll guess you’ll have to stick around to learn them all.”

Pink stained her pretty cheeks. “I guess I will. Will you tell me what’s going on now? Will you tell me what happened? The curiosity is killing me.”

Settling more comfortably in the cushions, Dare contemplated where to even begin. The case was a strange one, convoluted to even experienced lawmen such as himself and Tanner Marks. He and Tanner had spoken while Rayne was soaking in the tub and the details were beginning to become clearer now that Duke was in custody.

He set the brandy on the end table. “Tim was one of the bank robbers but it was his brother Duke who was running the show. He didn’t personally rob the bank with the others but it was his plan. The other three were friends of his apparently, although I use that term loosely as he had no problem double crossing all of them and eventually putting bullets in their chests.”

“So he’s the murderer, not Tim?”

“That’s the latest from Duke. Tanner has him at the station and is interrogating him. He just sent a text update a few minutes ago. Maybe Duke is trying to protect his baby brother by taking the rap but I seriously doubt it. I’ve never known the man to be all that charitable.”

Rayne fiddled with the glass, her gaze far away as she pondered his revelation. “So Tim told the truth when he said he wasn’t a murderer.”

“It was probably the only truthful thing he ever said,” Dare growled, anger at the young man still churning in his gut. He’d hurt Sophie and Rayne and for that he would pay dearly. Dare would see to it. “Everything else was just a big con. He admitted that he dated Sophie to watch my movements. They’d planned more bank robberies in the area, including here in Valley Station, although after Moulson was killed that plan was put on hold.”

“Poor Sophie,” Rayne murmured, her full lips turned down. “She got the shit end of the stick.”

This woman never ceased to amaze him. “I’d say you’re the one. She may have been locked in a utility room but she was at least safe at home. He dragged you to the caves to get the money. God knows what he would have done to you when he found it. At least you had the good sense to run.”

“I thought you’d ream me out about that. I did run into the freezing night with no shoes.”

“I’ll buy you new ones,” Dare assured her. “You were safer out in the woods than you were with him. You knew I would come find you.”

“I thought it would be hours and I would die of exposure. You were supposed to be at two autopsies but whatever brought you home early I’m grateful for. But yes, I preferred dying of cold to dying at Tim’s hands.”

She shuddered and he lifted her up, blankets and all, placing her on his lap. “I don’t know if Tim would have really killed you. He says that wasn’t the plan but…” Dare shrugged. “I’m not sure he really knows what he would have done. Clearly his first instinct isn’t to kill since he left Sophie and Billy here alive.”

Rayne tucked her head into his shoulder with a heavy sigh. “So Tim and Duke are in jail. The money is returned. And we’re alive. Not a bad day’s work, Sheriff. You should take the day off tomorrow for all your good work.”

Dare snorted at the thought. “I’ll be questioning Duke and Tim tomorrow. They’re not going anywhere. A night in a cell might loosen their tongues, not to mention that Tim had to be treated at the hospital tonight for a concussion. It’s better to talk to them tomorrow when they’ve had time to think about all the bad shit that can happen now that they’re caught. We’re keeping them separate, though. I don’t need them plotting against us.”

“A concussion? How did he get that? You still haven’t told me what happened while I was hiding in those trees.”

He’d been putting that off because he knew she was going to freak out when he told her.

“Let’s see, I guess the story starts when the autopsies were cancelled due to a snafu with the paperwork. So I turned the truck around and headed back home. When I got there, Billy and Sophie were on the front porch and it was clear something serious had gone down. Sophie was sobbing and Billy had blood on his forehead.”

“Tim knocked him out and stole his gun and handcuffs while Sophie and I were inside looking at the drawing. He heard Sophie tell me where she’d seen the symbol before.”

That was a little fact Dare hadn’t known but he didn’t stop to ask what made Rayne decide to study the design tonight.

“So I told Billy to call for backup and Sophie told me where she’d seen the symbol and that Tim had you. I set off for the caves and by the time I got there it was dark and hard to see. I yelled your name a few times but I doubt you heard me. But Tim did.”

“Where was he?”

“He was looking around the rocks for the money which we later found shoved in a crevice near the spray paint. I could see his flashlight, which he turned off when he realized I’d shown up. He shot at me a few times and I shot back. Then he climbed on top of a boulder to get a better vantage point and I shot a few more times, but he slipped and fell, hitting his head and dislocating his shoulder. At that point it was easy for me and my men to get him into custody. Almost the first words out of his mouth was that it was all his brother’s idea.”

Rayne scraped her fingers through her still damp hair. “He fell? That’s it? Kind of anticlimactic.”

It had been but Dare had been relieved. He didn’t need a shootout that endangered men’s lives. It was better when it was simple and straightforward even if it wasn’t as exciting.

“Personally, I’m thrilled. Nobody got shot and everybody’s home with their loved ones tonight. Well, everyone but Tim and Duke.”

Her slow, sexy smile bloomed and he felt his heart lurch in his chest. Damn, he loved her and he needed to tell her. “Am I your loved one?”

Tell her now.

“I love you, Rayne. I was so fucking scared tonight. Believe me when I say I would have gone to the ends of the earth to find you and bring you home safely.”

His voice had sounded rough due to the tightness in his throat but she didn’t seem to mind. She cupped his jaw and kissed him, running her tongue lightly across his lower lip. Her eyes shone with emotion and everything felt perfectly right.

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