Read Just One Kiss Online

Authors: Amelia Whitmore

Just One Kiss (13 page)

BOOK: Just One Kiss
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“Okay, Molly, meet Ro and Brayden. This is my cousin Molly,”
I say, smiling proudly as I swing our hands between us.

“It’s so good to meet you!” she says to Ro. “Annie’s right,
your hair really is bright purple. I kind of thought she was yanking my chain
or something.”

“Nope, my hair is my pride and joy,” Ro says, laughing.

Molly turns toward Brayden. “It’s nice to meet you too. I
really want to sit and talk, but we’ll do that later. I have a game of football
I need to go kick ass in.” She laughs and waves before running off with Ro to
join the game.

I’m smiling as I sit back down where Brayden’s holding the
blanket up for me. “Sorry about running off like that, but I’ve missed her so
much,” I say, still grinning like an idiot.

“I love that smile,” he whispers in my ear, making me blush
and feel warm all the way to my toes.

“Good, that makes us even,” I whisper back, giggling.

Chapter Fifteen

Just Desserts

After the game, we all head inside and sit around the very
long table that Mom, Nana, and Lyle put together. It’s filled with all
different kinds of food, with barely any room left for the place settings. Brayden
and I sit on the end with Ro, Molly, Lena, Smith, and Matt. Dad’s sitting at
the head of the table beside us. He begins with grace and we all go around
saying what we’re thankful for.

Mom, Nana, and Aunt Jamie all say something about how
thankful they were that we’re all together. Most people say something cheesy
about being alive for yet another year and for family. When it’s my turn, I say,
“I’m thankful for all of the positivity coming into my life recently.” Brayden
squeezes my hand under the table.

Before Brayden can go, Lori interrupts. “What’s that
supposed to mean?”

I look up, surprised. “It just means that, until I met Ro,
the people I work with, and Brayden, there was only Molly who made me feel like
I wasn’t diseased.”

“Whatever, nobody can make you feel bad about yourself
unless you let them. It’s your own fault,” she responds harshly.

I gasp. “Are you kidding me? Is that what you tell yourself
at night so you don’t feel like such a bitch?”

Everybody gasps. I’m not the kind of person that normally
defends myself but I guess I’ve taken on a bit of a different attitude lately. “Why
would you call me a bitch?” she asks, clearly insulted.

“You’re always telling me how fat I am, and how I should
lose some weight. You all are. Do you guys have any idea how much it sucks to
hear that you’re overweight all the time? To constantly be made to feel bad
about myself?” I ask, blushing severely as I look around the table.

“You aren’t fat but, well, you could lose some weight,” one
of the guys at the end of the table helpfully points out.

I’m tearing up as I hear Brayden respond for me. “Are you
serious right now?” He looks down at me. “Can’t you people see how beautiful Anna
is? Inside and out? I only met her a few weeks ago and she’s already so
important to me. I couldn’t begin to imagine a life without her.

“Since the day we met, she’s been telling me how ugly she
is. How undeserving she is of my attention. And now I understand why. It’s all
because of you. You’ve torn her down until she feels empty and like nobody
could ever love her. Like she doesn’t deserve it or something.

“Annie deserves the world. And she most definitely doesn’t
deserve people like you in her life, telling her she isn’t beautiful. She’s the
most perfect person I’ve ever met,” he proclaims earnestly, making the tears I
was barely holding in stream down my cheeks.

There’s silence around the table until Dad quietly asks, “Is
that really how you feel, Banana?”

I give a harsh laugh and wipe some of my tears. “How can it
not be? You’re all always telling me how imperfect I am. Why would I be so much
better if I were skinny? I’d still be me. Do you know that yesterday was the
first time that an adult talked about my body like it’s a good thing? And you
can bet that it wasn’t one of you. I’m not overweight; I just have a different
body type than you. I have a large frame and hips. The ‘fat’ that you guys see
is my body’s way of doing crazy things like keeping me warm in the winter and
carrying a child to full term healthily.”

I take a shuddering breath before speaking again. “Why is it
that Brayden and his family can make me feel more welcome in their home than I
have ever felt in mine?” After that, I can’t speak anymore so I push away from
the table and walk solemnly outside. I quickly see the error in my ways, since
it’s freezing, but I refuse to go back in there. I start walking down my
driveway when I hear Brayden call out my name. Turning, I see him running
toward me with my jacket in his hands.

When he reaches me, I let him help me put it on before he
pulls me to his chest and I cry. The entire time, he just rubs my back and
murmurs that it’ll all be okay. My arms are locked around his back as tight as
I can possibly get them. “I’m s-so sor-ry. I ru-ruined everything a-ah-again,” I
sob, unable to stop my tears.

“Shh,” he whispers, “It’s okay to let it out.” I shake my
head but I can’t stop clinging to him tearfully.

Once I’ve finally started to calm down, I pull back a little
and look up. Brayden’s looking down at me with the gentlest expression I’ve
ever seen on him. I feel the large pads of his thumbs as he brushes my tears
away. “Why do I always cry around you?” I ask, my voice shaking.

He gives me a small grin as he says, “Believe it or not, I’m
taking it as a compliment.”

I arch my eyebrow. “Why is that?”

“Because it means you’re comfortable enough around me to let
that wall down. I daresay you trust me a little bit.” I blush and look down. His
index finger goes under my chin and slowly nudges my face up. His lips meet
mine for a sweet kiss, letting me know how much he appreciates every time I let
my wall crumble for him. I kiss him back, hoping it’s giving him the same
butterflies as I have.

After a bit of this, we pull apart and stare at each other. “Brayden?”


“Can we just go to your house early? I don’t want to go back
inside,” I say, looking up hopefully at him.

He nods and smiles. “They’d love to see you.”

I grin, digging into my back pocket, and then hand him the
keys. He laughs and takes my hand as we walk to my car.


Walking inside Brayden’s house always fills me with a sense
of calm. It’s like all is right in the world as soon as the scent of their
potpourri hits my nose. “Lucy, we’re home!” Brayden yells out in an excellent
Ricky Ricardo accent, making me laugh.

Adrienne’s happy voice comes from around the corner, getting
louder as she comes closer. “What on earth are you guys doing here? You weren’t
supposed to come until lat—“ Her voice trails off as soon as she sees me,
giving us a concerned look.

I bite my lip, realizing that I never checked my makeup
before we came inside. I must have mascara streaks on my face. “Are you okay?” she
asks softly.

I blush and nod my head. “I think I’ll just go to the
bathroom real quick,” I say, shuffling past her. I keep my head down so nobody
will see my face until I get there. I sigh at my puffy, red eyes. I’ve never
been a pretty crier. It doesn’t help that there are black marks running down my
cheeks. I wash my face off with some cold water, hoping it helps to bring down
the puffiness. Once I’m satisfied that there’s no makeup left, I leave the
bathroom, only to bump into Brayden.

“Oh. I’m sorry,” I say, grabbing his arms before I can trip.

He catches me at my waist and helps steady me. “You okay?”

I smile up at him. “I am now.” My ears turn red when I
realize how cheesy I sound.

“Good,” he responds with his grin before kissing me. This
kiss is a lot happier than the one we shared earlier. It’s much shorter too.

“Come on, let’s go eat,” he says, holding my hand as we walk
to the table.


“So you’re saying that you’ve never had a piece of pumpkin
pie? Like in your entire life?” Landon asks me, sounding appalled.

I grin and shake my head. “Never,” I say adamantly.

“But, why?” I have to laugh at how serious he is.

I shrug. “I always assumed it’d taste like a pumpkin smells
when you’re cutting it up. Doesn’t it?”

“No, not at all!” he denies quickly, handing me his piece
with a large amount of whipped cream on top. I look at it skeptically before
taking a small bite. I’m surprised at how good it is.

“Oh, this tastes just like my Nana’s zucchini bread!” I
exclaim in amazement.

He narrows his eyes at me. “You’ve tried zucchini bread, but
you wouldn’t try pumpkin pie?”

I laugh and nod my head as I take another, larger, bite of
his pie. He looks horrified and quickly steals it back. “Get your own!” he
admonishes, laughing.

I smile as Adrienne hands me a piece with more whipped
topping than Landon’s. He looks jealously at it. “It was supposed to be yours
for being nice and giving your first piece to Anna, but then you were selfish,
so it’s hers now,” she tells him pointedly.

Brayden and I laugh when Landon grumbles and takes an
enormous bite of his own treat.

My time at their house has been amazing. The group was much
smaller, for starters, with only his Gramma Ann—a weird coincidence that our
names were so similar—and his Grampa Bob. They refused to let me call them Ann
and Bob. It had to be Gramma and Grampa. The day was spent laughing around the
table, talking, drinking coffee, and playing with the kids outside.

Zander kept asking for presents, still not getting that this
was a holiday to be thankful for what you
, not what you get. It was
cute, though. I held Nora for the first time, which was awesome. She’s so
adorable, and completely different than Zander. Nora is really laid back and
calm, taking everything in around her with a silent, peaceful acceptance. Zander,
however, is a ball of energy who looks at everything with a newfound excitement
and curiosity.

Being around Brayden and his family really makes me wish
that I could be a real part of it. Maybe it was time to reconsider our
arrangement . . .

Chapter Sixteen

What Just Happened?

After dessert, we all sit around the TV to watch
Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
, which is a family tradition for them. Brayden
and I are curled up together under a blanket on the loveseat. My head is
resting on his shoulder, which has quickly become my favorite pillow. I feel my
eyes slowly slipping shut during the movie until I’m being lightly shaken.

“Hm?” I ask with a sigh.

“Annie, come on, let’s go to bed,” Brayden says, helping me

I shake my head. “No, I’ve got to go home. Molly’s waiting for
me.” My eyes start drifting shut as I stand by him.

“You can’t drive home like this. Come on, I’ll call Molly
for you and explain,” he says, holding his hand out.

I reach in my pocket and hand him my phone before following
him sleepily to the bedroom. He moves to the dresser and pulls out a pair of
boxers and a T-shirt. “Wear these to bed and I’ll go call Molly.” I nod and
begin pulling my clothes off as he leaves the room. I don’t give any thought at
all to how I’d look in them, wanting only to fall into bed. After crying, I’m
always tired. Add on turkey and playing with little kids and I’m truly

Without waiting for him, I crawl in and scoot until I’m
against the wall. I barely feel Brayden climbing in beside me before I fall
asleep again.

I wake up when I feel something touching my cheek. Opening
my eyes, I see Brayden staring at me. The look he’s giving me is so serious,
something Brayden hardly ever shows. I realize that his hand is caressing my
cheek, his thumb slowly tracing my lips. I pucker my lips and kiss it, causing
his eyes to go even darker than normal.

Moving forward, his lips cover mine in the most delicious
way. They move slowly, prodding mine to move too. With a low moan, I return his
kiss, feeling very suddenly warm all over when he groans in return. This is
deeper and more sensual than any of our other kisses, even the one in the snow
in front of the banquet hall.

My right hand, which is tucked slightly under my body, moves
to touch his chest while my left hand runs through his hair, lightly pulling
him even closer. When I feel his tongue on my upper lip, my hand squeezes,
pulling harder against his head. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt anybody
else’s tongue and I’m surprised by the feeling. It feels weird and not at all
how I expected it to be, but it feels really nice at the same time. His warm
breath mingles with mine as I explore his mouth for the first time.

Without knowing exactly how it happened, I realize that I’m
now underneath Brayden with both of my hands in his hair. My legs are opened
slightly with his in between them so his body fits against mine like a puzzle
piece. I feel his fingers slowly sliding up my shirt, sending goose bumps
across my spine as they move up and down my sides.

I moan slightly when his fingers rub against my bare breast.
I took off my bra before climbing in bed. Part of me knows I should stop, but a
larger part of me doesn’t want to. It feels too right. Brayden somehow manages
to deepen the kiss, killing whatever thoughts I’m having until I only focus on
him and the feelings he’s evoking in me.

My hands work down his back until they’re pulling his shirt
up and over his head, leaving him bare chested against me. My fingers trace
over his muscular shoulders and chest until I’m moving over his abs feeling the
rise and fall of each of them as I move down. When I reach the waistband of his
boxers, which is all he slept in for bottoms, I lightly and curiously move my
fingers along the edge and feel him shiver above me.

Almost urgently, he moves my shirt up my body, both of his
hands tenderly learning my breasts as he raises it over them and above my head.
I gasp at the feeling of his skin on mine; he’s always so warm against me,
especially now. Slowly, as if afraid I’ll suddenly realize what’s happening and
push him away, he begins moving his hips against mine. The feeling of him,
hardened against my core, leaves me breathing heavily while he pulls back and
pushes against me again. It feels more intimate than anything in my entire
life, even though we’re both still wearing bottoms.

BOOK: Just One Kiss
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