Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set (11 page)

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Fortunately, Jared’s local celebrity gets us right in the door, though some of the people working there know me too. The head bouncer, Garrett, has had the hots for Jared since they met at a bar in WeHo a few years ago. Garrett is a sweet and handsome man, but definitely not Jared’s type.

Ayana’s owner, Caleb Henderson, has been trying to seduce me into his bed since we met at Ayana’s opening night. Though Caleb is a mouthwatering piece of meat that any woman wouldn’t mind hopping on, I would be breaking at least one of my rules to shack up with him, plus, as soon as he opens his mouth, I’m turned off. Caleb is a bit of an arrogant prick who thinks he’s God’s gift to women.

With a line out the door, there are only about two hundred people scattered between the dance floor, the tables circling along the walls and the VIP sections. The hostess, Molly, escorts us to a corner table that is about twenty feet from the edge of the dance floor which is backed by a stage hidden by plush black velvet curtains — looks like there’s no live band tonight.

“What would you like to drink?” Molly inquires with a beautiful smile outlined in red hot lips after waiting for us to take our seats.

I’ve met Molly a few times in WeHo. She’s a beautiful black haired and green eyed vixen who I actually wouldn’t mind exploring for a night with the way my sexual itch is increasing. I know she has the same idea about me and Maggie as she looks both of us up and down with a flirting smile.

“A bottle of Cristal, please. Thank you,” I reply, returning the same look.

She nods and licks her lips before turning to leave. Thankfully, no one in my group notices.

“Hey, I was thinking you girls should come over tomorrow so we can catch up. Stay the night and we’ll be good to hit the beach in the morning . . . maybe party the whole weekend.” Nathan suggests, hoping we will.

It’s been a little while since we’ve all really gotten together, and he lives in downtown Santa Monica which is not too far from the volleyball courts.

“I’m in,” I indicate.

I really would love to get to hang out with Nathan. We connected right away when we met, just like I had with Jared and it’s been a while since we’ve just spent time together outside of business. Maybe that’s why I’m wishing they end up together. They complete each other even in their many similarities. He’s become a brother, like Jared.

“What about Henry . . . and Joe?” Maggie cautions.

“What about them?” Jared interjects. “You are just starting to get to know Henry and you don’t want to come across too desperate, do you?”

Jared is right as he tries to empower Maggie. She gets’s so insecure and loses confidence too quickly with any guy that shows interest.

“They can find their way to the beach,” I protest. “They’re big boys.”

“Come on, Mags?” Nathan urges with puppy dog eyes.

“Ok, fine,” she tentatively confirms.

“Yay!” shouts Nathan with genuine excitement as he dances in his seat. “It’s a girls night! Oh, and guess what? I’ve officially just started working on details for a women’s line to air in the fall. So, I need all of your feedback.”

Nathan has been interested in fashion since he was a teenager. He attended the Parson’s school in New York, and a few years later after working with a few top designers, started an all men’s line boutique in WeHo named Nathaniel’s. The man sure knows how to dress men, gay or not. I’d be really curious to see his take on women’s wear. If he’s as good with women’s clothing as I suspect, then I’ll be happy to back him to get that division going.

Molly returns promptly with our bottle, chilled in a bucket of ice and four glasses which temporarily halts any further conversations about Nathan’s news. She hands us each a glass before proceeding to pop open the bottle. Maggie and I get winks as Molly pours our glasses which both Jared and Nathan witness.

After Molly returns our bottle to the bucket and leaves, Jared inquires with loads of curiosity, “What was that?”

“What?” I question, denying everything.

“The look between you and Molly?” Nathan adds.

“She’s a sweetheart!” Maggie expresses with some naivety in her tone.

“She is a sweetheart, but I said what was that not who was that?” Jared clarifies.

He’s insistent on getting an answer — I wonder if I gave a look without realizing it.

“What was what?” Maggie questions as she’s lost to what Jared and I are discussing.

“Emma just flirted with a lesbian who is lusting after your two beauties,” Jared says, confronting the small elephant in the room that Maggie missed completely.

Nathan doesn’t comment, he just sits back and watches while sipping his champagne as if we’re live television.

“What?! I didn’t know she was a lesbian,” Maggie utters with genuine astonishment before stopping and thinking for a moment, considering the events that took place.

“I’d do her,” I state very matter-of-factly, glancing in Molly’s direction and take a sip of my wine.

“She’s hot, I wouldn’t mind giving her a go,” Maggie chimes in, finally catching up with the conversation.

“You’d screw almost anyone right now given your current state,
,” Jared affirms.

“Yep. I won’t deny it,” I confirm before taking a sip of champagne.

The three of them crack up at my revealing statement of need.

Trying to contain his laughter, Nathan suggests, “Maybe we should get a VIP room so you two can go at it unless you want to make it a threesome with Maggie.”

“That would be fun!” Maggie exclaims in excitement.

“Don’t tempt me,” I scold with a devilish grin.

My statement gets more laughter which is borderline hysteria from Jared and Nathan. Maggie only blushes at the image as she considers the idea.

Suddenly a voice from over my right shoulder chimes in, startling me. “What’s so funny?”

I pause for a very brief moment to compose myself before looking back and find Caleb Henderson just two feet away.

Before any of us answer, Caleb is bending at the waist and kisses me on my right cheek. God, even he smells divine. So many choices and temptations tonight.

“I haven’t seen you in a while. It’s wonderful to have you back,” Caleb confesses as his attention stays glued on me.

“It’s nice to be back,” Jared shares.

“Definitely!” Nathan chimes in.

“Is it just the four of you tonight?” inquires Caleb.

“Yes,” Maggie confirms.

“I have a small group of friends here whom would love to meet you ladies. Why don’t you join us in the VIP room?” Caleb persuades us knowing that Jared and Nathan will be the first to bite at the offer.

“Sure!” replies Nathan before I can even muster an excuse.

I grimace at Nathan once he can no longer avoid eye contact with me.

“Well, then follow me. I’ll have Molly bring up your bottle, which is on me of course.” Pleased with Nathan’s response, Caleb directs us to the stairs that are on the other side of the room. He ushers Maggie with his left hand while placing his right on the small of my back, which makes me a little uncomfortable and disappointingly aroused, as we ascend the stairs.

Thankfully, Caleb wasn’t joking and actually did have several friends in a VIP room. They are all men and perk up at the sight of Maggie and me arriving. Before introductions are made, I notice a peculiar look in the their eyes and glance over to Caleb. I catch him slightly shaking his head.

Did he just try to claim me in front of his friends? Seriously?! Oh no! I don’t think so. I am not anyone’s property.

Seeing the look on my face, Jared immediately knows what had just happened. Before Jared has the chance to swoop in to diffuse the situation, Caleb introduces Maggie and me first to Chris, Robert, Elliot, and Marcus, all of whom I am familiar with, not in the sense that I know them all personally, but because they are actors with varying degrees of success. I do remember meeting Chris two different times a while back. We met at Ayana’s opening the first time and he still looks just as yummy and possibly even more muscular for a recent job.

Maggie shakes each of their hands and beams while I just smile with a seductive look in my eye towards all of them — especially Chris. Each of the handsome men seem a little apprehensive when greeting me, not because I didn’t shake their hands, but most likely because of Caleb.

Without restraint, Jared steps forward to greet them, introducing himself and Nathan while grabbing a hold of my hand as I reach out to him. If anyone is going to stake any kind of claim, I would only allow Jared. The men’s faces ease a little though still confused by Jared’s and my actions.

Lightening up the mood, even though she was completely unaware of what had just happened, Maggie starts gushing over the four new acquaintances. She may be interested in Henry, but that isn’t going to stop her from flirting and chatting — I am proud of her in this moment for doing so.

Chris motions for us to sit while keeping his eyes mostly on me. Between Jared, Maggie, Nathan and myself, we know how to flawlessly move about, around each other like a fluid dance, positioning ourselves in an intricate manner that would be missed by the naked eye during conversation. The four stunning actors sit across from us as Maggie is to my left and Jared and Nathan are to my right, completely blocking Caleb from having any kind of access to me.

“So . . . are you boys just finishing some work, or getting ready to head out to some?” Maggie begins.

Though she is attracted to these men, she only fumbles her words and wits when she’s in the presence of a man whom she is utterly smitten with. If given the opportunity, I don’t doubt she would seriously consider sleeping with one of them. I sure as hell would and am considering it, especially to dispel Caleb’s actions.

“Just finishing,” Chris eagerly answers.

“Same here,” beams Robert.

“Me too,” replies Elliot.

“I’ll be starting in a few weeks,” answers Marcus.

“How wonderful! Isn’t that wonderful, Emma?” Maggie playfully muses.

“Indeed,” I say, floating my eyes to each man and then staring at Chris.

I watch Chris glance slightly at Caleb to get a reaction, but he instantly stops when I lick my lips. Caleb obnoxiously pulls over a chair to sit alongside Elliot, trying to get into my line of sight, but I refuse to give him the satisfaction.

“Anything else lined up, or are you guys taking a break?” Jared directs towards Chris, Elliot and Robert.

Chris, Robert and Elliot each respond that they have projects lined up, but don’t need to leave for another several months. Conversations continue and lots of flirting between Chris, Robert, Elliot, Marcus, Maggie and myself continue on as Caleb scowls. We’re pleasantly disrupted by Molly who has brought up our bottle of champagne and several other drinks. Later, I’m relieved when Molly comes back and informs Caleb of something that requires his attention, forcing him to leave the room.

With Caleb gone, we all instinctually move about the room more freely and our chatting becomes more relaxed and friendly. After a while, I get up to stretch my legs and peer out the tinted glass window that overlooks the dance floor. Draping my arms across my chest and holding up the wine glass near my mouth, I stroke my lips with the tips of my fingers. The champagne is heightening my arousal and I’m weighing my options and their possible circumstances.

Chris and Robert join me while Elliot and Marcus stay focused on Maggie, Jared and Nathan. A fleeting thought of taking them both at the same time amuses me and would surely make several statements. It would let them know I’m not looking for anything other than a little fun and most importantly, that I do not belong to Caleb.

“Do you live around here?” Chris initiates with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

I turn with a widening grin, “In LA County. Yes.”

“How long have you known Caleb?” Robert delves into the lingering question on their collective minds.

“Just since the opening like you, Chris,” I say, taking a small step towards them. “I’ve only seen Caleb a few times after that when my friends and I have come into the club.”

We stand in silence for a bit. I’m curious to see where they want to go with the conversation and I think they are almost a little intimidated as well as not quite sure what to make of me.

I’ve never been with two men at the same time, but I am seriously considering it. They are both lucky that we aren’t already alone, because I’d probably have one of them straddled by now if we were.

“Would you like more champagne?” Chris finally slips in with a husky tone, breaking the awkward silence.

“No, thank you,” I return in a low voice as I caress my fingers across my lips.

Both men appear to be slightly uneasy at my directness. I wonder if they’ve ever had a woman be so forward with them — that, or their uncomfortable because of Caleb’s claim.

Deciding to press forward with my intentions, I inquire, “I was wondering if you would escort me to the ladies’ room? I’m not sure where it is up here and I’d rather not get lost.”

Both Robert and Chris look like deer in headlights. It’s almost comical.

“Umm, sure . . .” Chris hesitantly replies.

I bite my lip as I look to Robert for his response.

“Chris can show you . . .” he answers uncomfortably, not getting my hint or uneasy by the idea.

“Hmm . . . looks like you’ve got me all to yourself,” I deviously assert. “Are you sure you don’t want to join us, Robert?”

The realization settles on their faces about my implications as they both stare at me in bewildered astonishment. Chris looks at Robert to see if he’s joining us as he shifts and reaches his elbow for me to grasp. I’m impressed.

Giving Robert one last chance, Chris pauses. Waiting a few seconds, I announce to Maggie and the rest that Chris is escorting me to the ladies’ room. Nothing but wicked grins smear across Maggie’s, Jared’s and Nathan’s faces.

“I’m glad someone is making sure you don’t get lost,” Jared goads, grinning at Chris and nods.

Moments later, Chris is guiding me down the upper hallway away from the stairs that lead to the dance floor. A fleeting thought of concern passes over me, not because of what I’m about to do, but because the idea that he actually is taking me to the restroom enters my mind. My excitement races as I see Molly heading toward us, suddenly signaling us to follow her. To my delight, she leads us into a non-window room marked with a private sign that has two small couches across from each other inside it. Before closing the door, Molly and I make eye contact and I jerk my head, signaling for her to join us. She checks both ways before entering the room and locks the door. Before he can say anything, I reassure Chris that she’s joining us because I invited her. I’m not sure how much Molly will interact with him, but I might as well suffice my need with two options.

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