Just a Flirt (3 page)

Read Just a Flirt Online

Authors: Olivia Noble

Tags: #romance, #beach, #chicklit, #menage, #vacation, #billionaire, #beach read, #steamy, #billionaire contemporary romance

BOOK: Just a Flirt
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“What on earth gave you the ridiculous idea
that this was a date?” she demanded furiously. But she had to admit
that when she looked down at her cum-covered breasts, it was a
scintillating sight. After a moment’s struggle, she gave into her
urge to smile. She leaned back against the bathtub and sighed in
contentment. She still had no clue where the handsome and skillful
stranger had come from, but she was too drunk and happy in the
afterglow of amazing sex to question her incredible luck.

When the very large man sunk down into the
bathwater beside her, she gratefully moved to cuddle against his
side. She pressed her ear against his collarbone and wrapped her
arms around his chiseled abdomen, smiling blissfully.

“Hello. I’m Tyler,” he said as he loosely
hung his arm around her shoulder.

“Nice to meet you, Tyler,” Nicole said with
a tiny smirk. “Do you have a learning disability or something?
Because you really need to learn when introductions are supposed to

“I’ve struggled with ADHD for years,” he
responded in an embarrassed tone. “I was heavily medicated as a
child, but it only made things worse.”

“Shit,” she responded awkwardly. “I’m

“I’m just fucking with you,” he said with a

Nicole groaned. “Wow. You have a sense of
a gargantuan cock. I didn’t know it was possible
for those two things to coincide in a man.”

“Stick around for a while, Nicole. You’ll
see that I’m full of surprises.”

A deep frown suddenly touched her eyebrows
as she jerked upright in the tub. “What did you just call me?”

“Nicole... that’s your name, isn’t it?”
Tyler made a face of confusion. “Wait—I did have the right room,
didn’t I? You match the description he gave me...”

“He?” Nicole rose to her feet and put her
hands on her hips as she stared down at Tyler angrily. “What the
fuck are you talking about?”

“Didn’t they tell you I was coming over?”
Tyler asked in puzzlement. “Andreas and Eva said you’d be all

“Oh my god!” Nicole said in shock as she
hastily stepped out of the bathtub. “Are you some kind of gigolo?
Did they send me a male hooker as a consolation prize?”

Tyler stood up slowly in surprise.

“Wow!” Nicole said with indignation, letting
out a little self-deprecating laugh. “That’s rich. ‘Let’s abandon
Nicole and send her some hired penis to make her feel better!’
Jesus! Fuck them. And fuck you! Get out of my hotel room.”

“While I’m honored that you think I’m a male
escort—a noble and heroic profession—I can assure you that I am

“Just get out of here,” Nicole told him
bitterly. “For the record, you were awesome. I’ll leave you a Yelp
review, or positive rating on whatever website your kind uses. You
deserve tons of business, and I hope that dozens of bored, divorced
female tourists pay for the privilege of being boned by your
glorious schlong.”

“This is starting to get kind of offensive,”
Tyler said with a look of displeasure.

“Being offensive is what I do best,” Nicole
said grabbing his jeans off the floor and chucking them at him.
“Get dressed and get out.”


she shouted.

Tyler frowned as he retrieved his clothing
and left the room.

Nicole crossed her arms below her naked
breasts as she stared after his retreating form. “Wonderful,” she
muttered. “They consider me such a pathetic charity case that
they’re sending me professional help.” She chewed on her lip
thoughtfully as she stared into the bedroom at her discarded
beachwear. “Should have kept wearing the man-repellant bikini,” she
said to herself mournfully.

The worst part of all this is that Nicole
had really liked Tyler. In addition to giving her mind-blowing
orgasms, and unique, slightly freaky sex, he had managed to make
her smile.

“Bah,” she muttered. “Enjoying the company
of a manwhore! That’s a new low, even for you, Nicole. Could this
vacation possibly get any worse?”

When she moved to the bathroom mirror, she
cringed. The bathwater had not washed away all the shimmering
droplets of Tyler’s ejaculate which lingered all over her neck and
chest. “At least he left me with a stunning pearl necklace,” she
said mockingly as she turned to the side to model her new look.
“The fucking jerk.”

Lifting her index finger to swipe a tiny bit
of the sticky substance off her neck, Nicole brought it to her lips
curiously to have a taste. The familiar masculine flavor made her
stomach clench with desire for more of Tyler. She began muttering
to herself grumpily about how she had taken a bath to get clean,
but had ended up getting even filthier. Then, as she gazed at her
cum-stained breasts in the mirror, an idea struck her. “Hmmm,” she
said thoughtfully. “This is the perfect moment to take a selfie to
send to Eva.”



Chapter Three

“It’s a good thing you had her transferred
here, Mr. Torres. Her condition was worse than anticipated.”

Eva stirred against Andreas’ shoulder where
she had fallen asleep in the hospital waiting room. She opened her
eyes quickly when she realized the doctor was giving an update on
her mother’s health. She listened anxiously to every word, but she
was so nervous that she was unable to focus.

“Can I see her yet?” Eva asked the

The older man hesitated and adjusted his
glasses. “I think it’s better if she rests for now, Miss Williams.
I will let you know when you can see her.”

Eva sank back down into the uncomfortable
plastic chair in disappointment. Andreas reached over to grasp her
hand comfortingly.

“Thanks for all your hard work, John,”
Andreas said to the doctor. “Please do all that you can.”

“I will, sir.”

When the doctor walked away, Eva turned to
look at Andreas with a mixture of gratitude and annoyance. “I guess
that billionaire swagger works like a charm everywhere, doesn’t
it?” she asked him lightly.

“Almost everywhere,” Andreas said, brushing
some of Eva’s hair back behind her ear gently. “Money reigns
supreme, but it doesn’t always work when it comes to love, time, or

“I’m far too exhausted and stressed out to
have any clue what you mean,” Eva said quietly, “but I’m just glad
you’re here with me. I’d be falling apart if I had to go through
this alone.”

Andreas pressed a kiss gently against her
temple. “I’m very happy to help, Miss Eva Williams.”

Eva’s lips curled up into a tired smile. “If
it weren’t for this emergency, you might have never found out my
last name.”

“Don’t worry,” he told her softly. “You’re
still mysterious to me. There’s a lot that I still need to learn
about you.”

Eva released a yawn as she snuggled against
his side. “There isn’t much to know. My mom is all I have and she
means the world to me. I just want her to be okay.”

“She will be,” Andreas assured her, resting
his chin on the top of Eva’s head. “These doctors are some of the
best in the world. I have complete faith in them.”

“I think I’m beginning to have complete
faith in you,” she said softly. It was a bit unsettling, but as
they sat together in the bleak waiting room, Eva couldn’t shake the
odd feeling that she had known Andreas for her entire life. The
comfortable way his hand gripped hers gave her the sense that they
had been a couple for several years, not merely met a few days

He felt like... family.

Here he was, helping her mother; a woman he
had never even met. It was too good to be true. Were there really
people in the world that were so kind and generous? She felt a
little bit scared that she would be indebted to him forever for

“Maybe we should go get some rest,” Andreas
suggested. “Do you want to go back to your place?”

Eva winced when she thought about the tiny
apartment she shared with her mother, compared to the spacious
mansion where Andreas lived in the Bahamas. “You’d probably hate it
at my place,” she said with embarrassment. “It’s really

“I could always book us a hotel room,”
Andreas said gently. “There’s no use sitting and waiting here 24/7
while there’s nothing we can do.”

With a deep sigh, Eva reached up to put both
of her hands in her hair. “That’d be great, wouldn’t it? Sure,
let’s get a fancy hotel room! You can bang me until I forget my
name and distract me from all of this stress. Dammit, Andreas. I
already feel guilty enough about abandoning my mom. I can’t leave
her now.”

Andreas stroked Eva’s back in a soothing
manner. “I was talking about sleep, Eva. You need to keep your
strength up. When your mom does wake up, she’s going to need you.
If you’re passing out and looking like a zombie, it won’t help

“But what if she wakes up and I’m not here?”
Eva asked. “She needs to know that I’m here.”

“She knows,” Andreas told her. “I’m sure
that unlike most parents, she knows how much her daughter loves
her. I bet you showed her every day. You’re a great girl, Eva.”

Eva looked up at him in confusion. “How can
you say that? You don’t know anything about me.”

“I know enough,” Andreas told her.

Eva sighed. “I’m sorry for snapping about
the hotel thing. You’ve been nothing but supportive. I just—I’m
going out of my mind here.”

He began to gently massage her shoulders.
“Your mom is going to be fine, Eva. I promise. Maybe you do need to
let me help you de-stress a little.”

“Maybe,” she said with a small smile. Her
eyes fluttered closed as she enjoyed his touch, until she jumped at
the sound of her phone buzzing in her purse. She dug into her purse
to retrieve the phone, and examined the text message. “Ewww!” she
said as she gazed in shock at the picture on the screen. “Oh my
god, Andreas. Look at this selfie that Nicole just sent me.”

“Whoa!” he said as he observed Nicole’s
naked breasts that had been showered by an unmistakable fluid. “I
see that she’s met my brother.”

“Your brother?” Eva asked with a raised
eyebrow. “Andreas, what the hell did your brother do to my best

Andreas laughed lightly. “Tyler can be a
bit... strange. He is the self-proclaimed master of casual

“So is Nicole,” Eva informed him
suspiciously. “But she’s still a girl. She can still be sensitive.
He’s not going to hurt her, is he?”

“I doubt it. Tyler is a hit-it-and-quit-it
type of guy, but he still has some morals.” Andreas gestured to the
photo. “See this? It’s part of his sophisticated one-night-stand
philosophy. He read somewhere that ejaculating inside a woman
creates deep emotional and chemical attachment as her body grows
used to him, and he feels it’s unfair to do such a thing and
disappear. So he refuses to release inside a woman on the first
date. Not unless he is sure he intends to see her again.”

“That’s interesting,” Eva said as she stared
thoughtfully at her friend’s breasts. “But why did she send me this
insulting text to accompany the photo?”

Andreas narrowed his eyes. “I don’t know.
Give me a sec.” He reached into his pocket to retrieve his own
phone, and saw a few missed messages from Tyler. His eyes widened
in surprise. “Whoa. This can’t be right.”

“What’s up?” Eva asked.

“My brother says that he’s going to visit
Nicole again in the morning to apologize to her.” Andreas turned to
Eva with a look of confusion. “Tyler never apologizes for
I think he might even consider that a ‘second
date.’ He hardly ever sees women again after he’s fucked them once.
I would probably estimate that fewer than 10% of his random flings
get that coveted ‘second date’ with him. No one has ever gotten a

Eva looked at Andreas for a moment before
her lips broke into a smile. He was so handsome, and it was obvious
from the way that he spoke about his brother that he really loved
him. She lifted her chin so that she could place a small kiss
against his cheek. “Are you saying that you think he likes her?”
she whispered.

Andreas slipped his hand behind Eva’s head
so he could return the kiss a little more deeply. “Definitely,” he
said huskily when he broke their contact. “My brother never does
that sort of thing with a girl and bothers trying to see her the
next day. Maybe there could be something between them...”

“That would be nice,” Eva said happily.
“Nicole needs someone. She needs something real.”

“So does Tyler,” Andreas admitted.

“She would never admit it, but I know
there’s a good girl and a loyal heart under all of this luscious
creamy cleavage.” Eva lifted her phone to stare down at the
pornographic photo fondly.

“I don’t doubt that for one moment,” Andreas

Eva turned to gaze at Andreas, studying his
emerald green eyes. “You didn’t follow Tyler’s casual rules,” she
told him softly. “You came inside me on the night we met. A

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