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Authors: Kris Michaels

Joseph (4 page)

BOOK: Joseph
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“Where’s the next stop for the bus?”

He heard Ember pull a ragged breath in before she spoke. “Joey I’m so sorry for being such a wuss. I’m a lot stronger than this. The entire situation is just so bizarre. I feel like I’m an unwilling participant in an episode of the Twilight Zone.”

He understood the feeling all too well. She probably needed to be reassured. Like he had any experience with that. What the hell, he’d try. “Yeah, Emmy I can see why you would feel that way. Don’t worry. We’ll work through this. Now, do you know where the next stop is?”

She laughed. Not the sweet sexy sound he remembered, rather a stress filled attempt at laughter. “In other words, answer my question, you sniveling woman. Yes, I do know the next stop. According to the schedule, it’s Springfield, Missouri, in about five hours.”

What the fuck?
Like he had ever spoken to her like that
. “Sniveling isn’t a word I’d use. Listen, when the bus stops, take only what you carried on with you and get off. Leave your suitcase in the luggage compartment under the bus. Don’t advertise the fact you’re not getting back on. Walk if you can or take a cab to the nearest hotel with outdoor entrances to the rooms. Normally, these types of hotels don’t install outdoor surveillance. Check in using cash if at all possible. Go to a local drug store and buy whatever it is that you women buy to change the color of your hair. Hit a clothing store and buy new clothes, clothes that you normally wouldn’t wear. Cut your hair if it is still long, color it, and change your clothes. Once you have changed your appearance, try to leave that hotel without anyone seeing you and don’t go back.”

He waited for her to question him or respond. When she did neither, he asked, “Em are you there?”

“Yeah, I’m here. They’re coming after me aren’t they? They’re going to kill me.” Her voice was emotionless and for that he was glad. She was past the point of being an emotional liability. Now, she focused on survival.

“Do exactly what I tell you to do and everything will be okay. Once you leave the hotel, I need you to go to a public place. Stay there and blend in if you can. By the time you get to Springfield, I’ll be driving down from Kansas City. When you find a place, you’re going to wait for me there. Text me the address. Wait for me to acknowledge I have received the address and then throw away the phone. I’ll find you, Ember. Don’t leave that place for any reason. Don’t purposely engage in conversation with anyone or get into a secluded area. Do you understand?”

A whisper thin response drifted back to him. “I understand.”

“Em, you have to trust me. I may be going overboard on this, but I won’t take any chances, okay?”

“That is eerily similar to what Dale said last night.”

Joseph leaned forward in the plush leather seat and almost groaned from the thrumming of pain through his back. “Ember, I’m not Dale. Listen, I’m sorry your boyfriend is gone. I can’t change that. I assure you that none of the people following you can take me out. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Please do exactly as I say. I’m on my way. Remember, just take one thing at a time, alright?”

Her pause was lengthy. “Joey? Dale…he wasn’t my boyfriend. I’m not involved with anyone. We were just friends and
damn it,
you better come get me, or I’m going to be really pissed.”

“That’s the spitfire I used to know. Hang up the phone now and take the battery and SIM card out. Put them back together only to text me the address when you know it.”

So, she’s still single.
That small piece of information packed a hell of a punch and made him feel pretty damned good. Her not being involved with anyone worked for him.

Chapter Four

Ember gazed out at the horizon as it sped by. The tinted bus window shaded the world grey.
Her entire life right now was muddled. Grey. Confusing, and if she was honest—terrifying. Two days ago, she was the lead emergency room physician at a major trauma center. Today, a friend was dead, probably murdered. A man she hadn’t spoken to in sixteen years was flying in to rescue her from the people who killed Dale. The reason? The small thumb drive in her pocket. She shook her head and smirked as she looked out the window.
, s
o much for life without additional stress

When the bus stopped in Springfield, the driver announced a thirty-minute comfort stop. Ember casually exited the bus with the other riders and strolled across the street looking disinterestedly in shop windows. Turning the corner, she hurriedly walked away from the bus terminal and hailed a cab. The driver suggested a hotel nearby and she gratefully accepted his suggestion. Giving him a sizable tip, she exited the cab and entered the lobby of the hotel.

Paying for a room with cash wasn’t a problem as long as she put down a deposit for any damages. The desk clerk pulled out a map of the downtown area and circled two drug stores within walking distance and a strip mall two blocks away that had several clothing stores. Ember flipped back her thick red hair that had spilled over her shoulders and smiled at the man. She watched as his eyes lingered on her breasts before he commented. “If there is anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

Ember walked to the drug store and bought black hair rinse. Off-the-shelf bleaching kits for red hair were not an option.
Unless you want to look like a flaming orange sunset or a cartoon character.
She’d learned that lesson in college when her roommate tried to bleach a sorority sister’s red hair. A shudder ran through her at the memory. She settled on a rinse instead of a permanent dye in raven black with dark red tones and bought makeup to match her new hair color.

The clothing store’s stereo system pounded out nauseating heavy metal music. Cringing against the sound of screaming voices and wrenching sounds that in no way resembled a melody, she looked at the clothes offered with trepidation.

“Can I help you find something ma’am?” A male’s voice drifted over the abomination someone called music.

Ember glanced at the waif thin salesman. Blue hair stood in four inch spikes over the crown of his head. His cheekbones rose in a prominent lift and his nose hooked radically. Only the piercings in his eyebrows and gauges in his ears kept him from looking like the parakeet she’d had as a child. Barely.

Deciding to take the plunge and buy something like Joey had instructed she smiled before she nodded. “Actually I’m looking for something to wear to a club tonight.”

“Yeah? So…you’re buying clothes…like…for you?” The shocked comment shouldn’t have upset her. But it did.

“Yeah, for me. I’m looking to change things up, be a little wild.”

“Well, sister I should hope so. You could pass for like…thirty! Let me help you. First you need…” he lifted a hand and spread out his fingers as he made a circling motion in front of her, “style. This thing you have going on here? So last decade. Where do you shop? Like, seriously? You raided your mom’s closet, right?”

“Um, no. These are the type of clothes I typically wear.”

“Oh sister…” A sucked, ‘Tsk, tsk.” from his black lined lips condemned her as a hopeless case. “This?” His long thin index finger flitted from a limp wrist towards her clothes. “This is not anything anyone should ever wear.” With his other hand, he tapped his long fingers against his hipbone that protruded above his tight low cut jeans and below his tighter black t-shirt.

“Well, sweet-cheeks I didn’t anticipate reforming the last refugee of the late nineties today.” He extended his limp hand for a handshake. “You’re lucky we’re slow. I’m Sledge and you are?”

“I’m Em.” An hour later in some worm-holed alternate reality she paid Sledge a ridiculous amount of money and thanked him for his help. She mentally chastised herself for spending almost six hundred dollars on a few items, but Joseph told her to look different. God knows with Sledge’s help she would. He’d picked out a black spandex mini skirt, a pair of faded blue skinny jeans, and black knee high leather boots with three inch heels. A black halter top with silver studs and about two dozen silver and black leather bracelets for her arms were added to the growing stack. Huge silver drop earrings and a silver studded leather choker completed her new look. What the hell that look
she had no idea. Yeah, she would never wear any of the clothes she bought after this fiasco was over. The boots? They were keepers. She loved them.

Em stopped at a second drug store and bought a pair of scissors, more makeup based on Sledge’s recommendations and a few toiletries since her suitcase was presumably on its way to Kansas City. She entered her hotel room and poured her purchases onto the bed. With a resigned sigh, she cut her hair at shoulder level and held up the severed mass of thick auburn tresses at least two feet long.
No turning back now, girl.

Forty-five minutes later Ember towel dried her hair and looked at the mass of dark curls in the mirror. The loss of the weight allowed the quirky coils in her thick hair to become riotous. She shook her head and laughed at the jumble of black spirals that circled her face and fell just past the nape of her neck. She used a small hair dryer anchored to the bathroom wall to dry her hair allowing the curls to run amuck. The new make-up was up next. She applied a smoky green shadow heavily to her eyes and liberally used black mascara and eyeliner. The dark red lip stain and dusky rose blush completed the transformation. If she hadn’t watched the metamorphosis, she wouldn’t have believed the woman in the mirror was the same one that rented the room earlier.

The miniskirt, boots, and halter top took no time to pull on. The addition of the leather and silver jewelry completed her look. She rummaged for the phonebook and finally found it in the bedside drawer. Without her smart phone, she had to find her location on the city map and then find the club Sledge recommended. She found it on Park Central East. Four blocks away. Putting the prepaid phone together, she sent a text with the address to Joseph. Almost immediately, she received a reply.

Got it. Forty miles away

Her heart skipped a beat as she destroyed the SIM card, pulled out the battery and put all the pieces in the garbage she was taking to the dumpster. She stuffed the clothing indicating her change of looks into the shopping bags. She walked out of the hotel room a different woman.

She put the trash in a large trash bin at the front of the hotel near the reception desk. She had just turned the corner when she heard the desk clerk speaking on a wireless phone as he paced in the parking area adjacent to the hotel.

“Yes, we had a customer who matches that description check in today. I was surprised at her request to pay in cash. Yes, I watched her walk back to her room about an hour ago. Sure, I can stay until you get here. No problem officer, I’m always glad to help law enforcement.”

Ember walked down the outside corridor on the other side of the building and across the street terrified she would be recognized, each step taking her further away from the menace that followed. She swung her new black leather satchel containing all her earthly possessions over her shoulder and forced a slow pace along the four city blocks to the nightclub. The line to enter trailed down the block. A bouncer surveyed the crowd and opened the velvet ropes inviting several ladies to move to the front of the line. Ember smiled at him as he motioned for her to come forward.
Thank you Sledge

Once inside she found a small table that faced the door, far away from the bar. Since there was a two drink minimum, she ordered a drink when the barmaid came by. A rough crowd filled the night club. Chains, leather, black clothing and a lot of bare skin seemed to be the unspoken dress code. Heavy metal music inundated the entire building as the bass reverberated from the massive sound system. When the waitress returned, she brought two glasses of wine.

Ember shook her head and yelled over the music, “I only ordered one.”

The waitress pointed across the room to a large Hispanic-looking man dressed in black leather leaning against the bar. “Hector bought you a drink.”

She watched as the man lifted his drink to her. Ember shook her head and asked the waitress. “Please tell him no thanks. My boyfriend would not appreciate the gesture.”

The waitress shrugged her shoulders and walked back through the crowd towards the bar. Ember sipped the wine she had ordered and continued to anxiously scan the crowd. She watched out of the corner of her eye as the man, Hector, listened to the waitress. His hostile glare towards her was unexpected. She lowered her eyes immediately not wanting a confrontation.

Ember breathed slowly trying to control her swelling fear.
This isn’t a logical fear; you’ve handled plenty of men who tried to pick you up over the years. He’s just looking to get laid.
She needed to let him know there was no chance. Ember took a deep cleansing breath. If he built up enough nerve to come over she’d handle it. She watched from the corner of her eye as the man drifted away from the bar and walked casually towards the crowded dance floor. Ember glanced towards the door and swallowed a sob of relief.

The boy had grown into a man. Joseph loomed hugely and marginalized the grand size of the doorway. His demeanor emitted tangible waves of aggression that reached her across the crowded room. Instinctively people moved out of his way. She waited to catch his eye as he scanned the bar and dance floor. My God, he was huge. His six-foot-six-inch frame had filled with more muscle than Ember thought physically possible.
Okay, as a doctor you know it’s possible…but damn
. Phenomenal and just as handsome as she remembered but a harder and more intense man-sized version of the boy she once knew. His body moved with the caged energy she remembered so well. She slid out of her seat and started towards him.

The man from the bar appeared from nowhere, grasping her arm tightly, blocking her way. “Sorry, bonita, you’re not going anywhere. He flicked his fingers under her chin, and the ring on her choker tinkled. “Your master’s foolish. Can’t have a little pet running around unleashed. You and me? We’re going to party tonight.”

She wrenched her arm trying to free it, but his hold was viciously tight.

“Ah, feisty pequeño? Don’t worry I’ll take care of you. You like it rough, eh?”

“What? Let go of me you sick bastard!” Ember pulled her arm again. The man yanked her against him tightly, forcing his hard cock against her hip.

“That collar. Your foolish master allows you out without his protection? I’ll give you some, my little slut.”

BOOK: Joseph
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