Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (81 page)

BOOK: Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
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“Oh, nothing,” I say, grinning as I feel his cock throb against my ass. “But I’ll just believe it when I see it.”

“Game on.”

Epilogue Chapter 2

urns out
, my once and future wife is absolutely fucking right.

I’m not gonna make it. Not even close.

We spend the night before the wedding apart - something about it being tradition or some shit. And as dumb as I think that is, my mom ends up putting her damn
down about it.

So, I end up spending the night with Kyle, Eli, Daryl and Buckley, hanging on my back patio drinking whiskey. And we have a great time, and even my two teammates have moved on from telling me what a mistake marriage is to how awesome it is to be a father.

am I on fucking edge.

We bullshit, we drink, we try and make Kyle fess up to what the hell is going on with Nat’s sister, and they all generally congratulate me on it all.

But later, after they all take off, and after I take one last late-night neighborhood stroll with Buckley, I’m alone in my bed. And I’ve got a cock so hard it could pound nails.

I wrap my hands around it in the darkness, groaning, and all I can think about is Natalie - her glowing pregnancy face, those
swollen tits, that huge round belly.

How fucking
she tastes these days, how wet she is.


I want her, and I want her

I groan as I slide my hand up and down the throbbing shaft of my cock. I want so badly to keep this going, but I stop.

I take a deep, solid breath.

I mean, I’m Austin Taylor, I’ve
self-control. I can wait until tomorrow night, when I can take my damn time with her in our marriage bed.

, I shrug as I turn over in the empty bed, frowning.
I can totally wait.


* * *


on the waiting, because by the next afternoon, I know without question that Natalie’s totally right.

I crave her
too much to go two damn nights in a row without feeling that sweet pussy sliding down my cock.

Half an hour before the wedding, I’m prowling through the back halls of the marina, where we’re getting married in a small ceremony on Kyle’s boat. Natalie’s “getting ready” room is up here in the marina clubhouse though, and I know full well I shouldn’t be back here.

But I seriously don’t care.

I seriously
care right now, because I’ve got one damn thing on my mind right now.

My wife.

-to-be my wife.


I grin at the thought of Nat being both my first and my second wife as I straighten the bowtie on my tux.

I spot the room where I know she’s getting ready, and I’m just about to open it when the knob starts to turn as voices trip out. I make a dodge for the door to the side, slipping inside what appears to be some sort of supply closet
as the door to her dressing room opens.

I see my mom, Loraine, and Vivian all coming out - Loraine predictably with a glass of something in her hand, and my mom dabbing at tears.

I wait a solid forty seconds for them to disappear around the corner before I slip out and stalk towards the door.

The knob turns easily, and I step into see-


And I do mean

She’s fucking gorgeous - a damn
sitting there at her vanity, her face down.

A damn fairytale princess, only somehow even more fucking beautiful with how pregnant she is.

Even more alluring.

“Viv, seriously I need to practice my vow- Austin!”

She gasps as she looks up and sees me grinning in the mirror. She
, all but shrieking as she grabs at a shawl to cover herself. She gives me a stern look. “You’re not supposed to see me!”

“You were right.”

She frowns at me quizzically as I move towards her, and then she gasps as I reach her and suddenly pull her into me.


“You were right,” I growl again, my lips trailing across her neck and groaning at the feel of her soft body against mine. I slide a hand up to her breast, wanting her, needing her, and loving the way her breath catches.

“I’m not going to be able to wait.”

She moans quietly as my fingers find her nipple, teasing it through the dress.

“You can
be in here,” she whispers out, her eyes darting up to mine, that look saying she’s dying for me as much as I am her.

“Yeah well, I’m pretty damn good at doing what I’m not supposed to do,” I husk into her ear. “I think you know that.”

“I think I do,” she moans, dropping her hand to the front of my tux and rubbing my throbbing bulge through the trousers.

you’re big.”

“I think you already knew that too,” I say with a grin, nipping at her ear.

I pull at her dress, slowly inching it up her legs before she suddenly pulls back, shaking her head.

We can’t!

I grin, still tugging on her dress. “Why not?”

“Because…” she trails off, her eyes closing as my fingers swirl across her nipple through the gauze and silk top of the dress.

“Yeah, good answer.”

“Oh shush.”

And then she’s kissing me, and it’s just as hard, and wild, and fierce as it was that first night in elevator doorway.

Her tongue pushes past my lips, wrestling against mine as she grabs at my clothes and claws at my arms.

do I love this woman pregnant.

I groan as she attacks me, pressing her body to mine as her fingers slide into my hair, like she

“I think I should have knocked you up when we first met.”

Nat pulls back, her lips curling into knowing grin. “Do the math, I think you basically did.”

I laugh as she kisses me again, her hands dropping to fumble at my belt and stroke my cock through my pants. She pulls away, teeth dragging over my bottom lip as she winks wickedly and slowly starts to drop to her knees. I groan as she takes my tuxedo pants down with her, cooing as she frees my cock and wraps her fingers around the throbbing shaft.

God yes.

She presses her lips to the head, looking up at me with this sultry look as she slowly parts her pillow-soft lips and slides them over the crown.

And it’s a fucking

She looks up at me - my perfect, gorgeous, pregnant wife as she
my cock. Her lips form a tight seal as her tongue dances across the underside of me, making my damn toes curl as the pleasure rocks through me. She dips lower, moaning as she lets her tongue tease across my balls, her hands still stroking my shaft as I groan louder than I should.

But damn do I want more -
a lot

I reach down and pull her up, kissing her fiercely as I push her back so that her ass is perched on the edge of the the vanity behind her. I attack her neck, not even giving a shit if I leave bruises for the wedding party to see as I suck the sweetness from her skin.

,” she groans, fingers twisting in my hair. “Watch the dress,” she says with a moan.

“I think you know damn well how good I am at tearing these things off,” I growl into her skin.

She giggles. “Yeah, well, I
this one.”

“Me too,” I husk into her, my hands sliding to the hem and pushing it up over her creamy thighs. “I
this part of it.”

I slide my hand under, teasing across her thigh and reaching for-


I look up as Natalie blushes, biting her lip.

“I think someone once told me they like ‘crotchless white lace’, I believe it was?”

My cock
as the grin spreads across my face.

“Goddamn I love you,” I groan into her lips, cupping her jaw and kissing her hard.

“I’m going to love you even more when you slide that big dick of yours inside me,” she whispers lustily.

I growl into her, my fingers teasing up and down her slickness. Crotchless or not, I’ve got them pushed to the side as I ease the head of my cock against her slick entrance. We both cry out as I push in, feeling her stretch around my thickness as I bury every inch inside her absolutely molten pussy.

Her hands clutch at my back, wrinkling my suit, and I don’t even care. I rock into her with deep, steady strokes, my fingers on her clit while the other hand holds her by the hair at the nape of her neck. She wraps her legs around me, pulling me in, urging me on as I fuck her right there on the vanity table with her wedding dress bunched around her waist.

, Austin-” she moans, kissing me like a woman possessed. “I’m going to- I’m-”

I groan. “Fuck, me too.”

“Too bad you already knocked me up,” she gasps out, grinning at me as her face starts to crumble.

“Just call it practice for after,” I whisper into her lips. “Cause don’t you think for a second we’re just having the one.”

,” she moans. “Fill me up!”

“I can’t wait to put another baby in you.”

And that does it. She cries out, burying her face in my neck as she comes, gasping against my skin. I groan as my eyes squeeze shut and my cock lurches, exploding and pumping shot after shot of cum deep inside.

We groan as we sink into each other, the pulsing, gasping aftershocks of our love still tingling through us.

“Okay,” she gasps quietly, looking up and grinning at me. “That was

“Natalie?” The sound of Vivian’s voice with the loud knock on the door has us both jolting upright.

“One sec!” she calls out.

“Ten minutes, Nat! Are you sure you-”

“I’m fine! I’ll be one sec!”

She turns back to me, her voice low. “Well,
I can’t surprise you with the crotchless undies later.”

I grin. “Oh, I’ll still be surprised.”

“No, I mean I can’t
them now.”

“Why not?”

Her face goes bright red. “Because they’re
, and I might leave a mess own the aisle,” she says, that blush only getting darker.

I chuckle, kissing her. “Wear whatever you want, because I’m just going to tear them off of you the second we get done with this thing.”

She grins. “You should get out of here.”

I shrug casually as I slowly tuck myself into my pants and zip up. “You want to meet in a few?”

“Sure, ten minutes maybe?”

I nod. “Totally. How about that altar I saw out there on that boat in front of all those people. That work for you?”

Natalie’s face breaks into a huge smile as she tugs me closer by the lapels of my jacket. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

“I love you so damn much,” I groan as I press my lips to hers.

“I know,” she whispers. “And I love you too.”

* * *

nd it doesn’t matter
that ten minutes later, I’m saying the same thing in front of all those damn people. Ten minutes later, when we’re both flushed, slightly disheveled, hair slightly messed, and grinning at each other with the taste of each other’s lips still on ours, it doesn’t matter what came before.

Because all that matters is

I’m sober this time.

I’m clear headed.

I’m excited.

I’m about to marry the girl of my damn dreams.

I’m looking her right in the eye as we both say the words “I do.” And when they say I can kiss the bride, it doesn’t matter that I already
knocked up
the bride, or that I was
kissing her ten minutes before as we both came together.

Because I’m not gonna stop kissing her.

Not ever.

The End. Again.

Also by Aubrey Irons

ports Romance

Score: A Stepbrother Sports Romance

Player: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

helter Harbor Series


Sinner (coming soon!)

tandalone Stepbrother Romance

Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance

Cockney: A British Stepbrother Romance

Crude: A Stepbrother Romance

oldiers of Fortune Series





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BOOK: Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
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