JFK's Last Hundred Days: The Transformation of a Man and the Emergence of a Great President (51 page)

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Authors: Thurston Clarke

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Presidents & Heads of State, #History, #United States, #20th Century

BOOK: JFK's Last Hundred Days: The Transformation of a Man and the Emergence of a Great President
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After finishing the book
Bergquist and Tretick, p. 15.

During a discussion
Fay, pp. 189–90.

“I just don’t see”
Zelikow and May, pp. 113–17.

“Can you imagine LeMay saying”
O’Donnell and Powers, p. 318.

“the President is not sure that”
Nikita Khrushchev, pp. 497–98.

“the greatest defeat in our history”
Cowley, p. 259.

“The military are mad”
Schlesinger, unpublished diary

“The first advice I’m going to give”
Bradlee (
), p. 122.

A year later McNamara informed
Presidential Recordings, Tape 118/A57, JFKL.

“Do you intend to make a movie”
Douglas, p. 349.

“as a warning to the Republic”
Schlesinger (
Robert Kennedy
), p. 450.

“as a warning to the generals”
Talbot, p. 148.

“if there were a third Bay of Pigs”
Fay, p. 190.

ran a full-page advertisement
August 20, 1963.

“Rebellion in the Air Force?”
The New Republic,
Raymond Sentier,
September 28, 1963.

“damned everywhere as a Communist appeaser”
O’Donnell and Powers, p. 16.

“The time has come when he who is successful”
Sergei Khrushchev, p. 674.

“some absolutely unusual things”

“You plan hundreds of targets”
Ibid., p. 675.

Khrushchev also recommended scaling back the conventional army

“Availing myself of the return”
FRUS, 1961–1963, Volume VI, Kennedy-Khrushchev Exchanges, Document 115.

Thompson’s official memorandum
FRUS, 1961–1963, Volume V, Soviet Union, Document 350.

omits some of Kennedy’s playful banter
Dobrynin, pp. 105–6; Presidential Recordings, Tape 107/A43, JFKL.

“certain aspects of the exploration of space”
Interview with Senator John Kennedy,
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
November 1960.

“Dramatic achievements in space”
Logsdon, pp. 104–7; McNamara-Webb memorandum, JFKL Web site.

Kennedy had promised Americans a “New Frontier”
JFK acceptance speech to the 1960 Democratic National Convention, delivered at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum on July 15, 1960.

“I believe that this nation should commit itself”
JFK speech to joint session of Congress, full text on JFKL Web site.

“We set sail on this new sea”
Rice University speech, full text on JFKL Web site.

“All right—why not?”
Sorensen (
), p. 544.

“a very heavy burden”
JFK press conferences, JFKL Web site.

During a November 1962
Presidential Recordings, Tape 60, November 16, 1962, JFKL.

July 20, 1963, press conference
Transcripts of JFK press conferences on JFKL Web site.

“appeared to be looking for an agreement”
FRUS, 1961–1963, Volume V, Soviet Union, Document 351.

“Soviet propaganda has shown unusual restraint”
August 28, 1963.

The meeting was among the most contentious
Presidential Recordings, Tape 107/A42, Tape 108/A43, JFKL.

“an egregious ‘end run’”
Taylor, p. 292.

“we began to lose”
Forrestal, LBJLOH.


“massive, militant, and monumental sit-in demonstration”
June 12, 1963.

“We want success in Congress”
Wilkins, p. 291.

“They’re going to come down here”
Raywid, JFKLOH.

“They [the marchers] are going to express”
July 17, 1963, press conference, JFKL Web site.

“Oh, Bruce, I wish I were out there”
Bruce, p. 97.

a natural “instinct” for the medium
Hersh, p. 224.

“We wouldn’t have had a prayer”
Salinger, p. 54.

Kennedy had ordered
Traphes Bryant, pp. 17, 43.

“Jesus Christ, that’s a terrific speech”
Lee White, author interview.

“I have a dream”
August 29, 2963.

“relief written all over his face”
Wilkins, p. 293.

“a superb job of making your case”

“the education of JFK on the race question”
Roy Wilkins, JFKLOH.

King had a similar take on his evolution

the “joys and hardships” of being black
Roy Wilkins, JFKLOH.

His black valet George Taylor protested
Taylor, JFKLOH.

“That’s not acceptable”
Richard Goodwin, p. 4.

“Oh, I see, the back of the bus for Catholics”
Recollecting JFK Forum, October 22, 2003, JFKL.

“What the hell. That’s a decent thing to do”
Branch, p. 362.

“I’m not going to just play at this business”
Thompson, p. 52.

“an offering of a cactus bouquet”
May 11, 1963.

King criticized him for vacillating
Bergquist and Tretick, p. 26.

spoke of “two Kennedys”

had made him “sick”
Schlesinger (
p. 189.

“Lincoln had real agonizing moments”

“We are confronted primarily”
text of civil rights speech on JFKL Web site.

“Sometimes you look at what”
July 8, 1963.

the “morality of integration” . . . “the most eloquent, passionate, and unequivocal plea”

Kennedy invited his widow and children
Martin (
), pp. 254–55.

“I don’t understand the South”
Schlesinger (
Thousand Days
), p. 966.

“to look into your hearts”
JFK statement to Congress on submission of his civil rights bill, JFKL Web site.

“a complete blueprint for a totalitarian state”
Gentile, p. 34.

“the destruction of the United States”

“Well, if we’re going down”
Manchester (
p. 241.

“considerable anxiety over the President’s civil rights speech”
Schlesinger (
p. 199.

“widespread and intense panic in the suburbs”

A survey of non-Southern whites
Stewart Alsop and Oliver Quayle, “What Northerners Really Think of Negroes,”
Saturday Evening Post,
September 7, 1963.

As soon as Kennedy learned
Wilkins, JFKLOH.

Speaking first, Wilkins said
Rosenberg and Karabell, pp. 131–40; Presidential Recordings, Tape 108/A43, JFKL.

his doodles showed
JFKPP, Box 12, JFKL.


“When we move to eliminate a government”
Presidential Recordings, Tape 107/ A42, JFKL.

“You’re not worth firing”
Rust, p. 119.

“what they feel their prospects are for success”
Presidential Recordings, Tape 107/A42, JFKL.

“Ah, do we cut our losses in such a way”

On Wednesday, the CIA station chief
FRUS 1961–1963, Volume III, Vietnam, January–August 1963, Document 299.

“As of now there are no signs”
Ibid., Document 297.

“our knowledge of composition of coup group”
Ibid., Document 306.

“Situation here has reached point of no return”
Ibid., Document 307.

“I don’t think we ought to take the view”
Presidential Recordings, Tape 107/A42, JFKL.

Harriman yelled, “Shut up!”
Weintel and Bartlett, p. 87.

“This shit has got to stop!”
Bird, p. 254; Reeves, p. 567.

“My God!
My government’s coming apart”
: Guthman and Shulman, p. 397.

“We are launched on a course”
FRUS 1961–1963, Volume IV, Vietnam, August–December 1963, Document 12.

He told Lodge, “We will do”
Ibid., Document 18.

“I wouldn’t be surprised”
August 31, 1963.

Lincoln had left a message on his bed
JFKPP, Box 12, JFKL.

He gave in, calling Roosevelt
Sally Bedell Smith, p. 397.

“I don’t want to read anything in the papers”
Fay, p. 211.

He diagnosed a muscle sprain
JFKPP, Box 46, JFKL.

Kraus arrived on August 31
Schwartz, p. 198.

“I have just learned that you cut your vacation”

“the enclosed envelope should be opened”
FRUS 1961–1963, Volume IV, Vietnam, August–December 1963, Document 18, footnote 1.

Lodge’s reply was curt
Ibid., footnote 2.


cruised to Martha’s Vineyard to collect Styron
Styron wrote two accounts of his cruise with JFK that differ primarily in the dates he ascribes to it. I have relied on the
article because it was published thirteen years closer to the event described. The articles are: (1) “The Short Classy Voyage of JFK,”
December 1983; (2) “Havanas in Camelot,”
Vanity Fair,
July 1996.

“the sex appeal of a movie hero”
“The President and Other Intellectuals,”
The American Scholar,
October 1961.

“slick, cool, and empty”
Schlesinger (
), p. 744.

“We wined him and dined him”

“wistful need for more confident learning”
Kazin, p. 253.

In 1961, he had become so exercised
Schlesinger (
), p. 718.

After some one-sided articles
Sorensen Papers, Box 37, JFKL.

He and Ben Bradlee had been friends
Bradlee (
), p. 114.

“at some future date”
January 9, 1960, speech to the Massachusetts State Legislature, JFKL Web site.

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