JAX: MC Biker Romance (New Adult Contemporary Bad Boy Romance) (28 page)

BOOK: JAX: MC Biker Romance (New Adult Contemporary Bad Boy Romance)
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"That's him," she nodded as the tears fell from her eyes once again. "So, now you know."

"I grew up with that prick and this is how he repays me?"

He stormed away from Brandy, his footsteps shaking the floor.

"What are you going to do?" she chased after him, her nails clawing at his jacket as he walked.

"Ain't none of your business what I do," he rasped.

Then he was gone, hurrying down the driveway to his motorcycle. Brandy watched him from the window as he left. There was no way he'd just want to talk with Neil, no way he'd let him get away with moving in and taking his woman. She felt disgusted with herself knowing what was to come.

"I should have called the cops earlier," she cried, as she made her way upstairs. "Stupid, stupid Brandy."

Ricky was standing on the landing looking down at his mother. He looked shocked to see her so upset.

"Why cry?" he asked.

"It's nothing, sweety," she whispered into his ear, as she picked him up and cradled him. "Just grownup stuff."

"Who that man?" his little finger pointed out the front door.

"No one, don't think about him."

"He funny," Ricky chuckled to himself.

It broke her heart to think that a child had to be separated from its father, but what kind of a life could Rex have given Ricky? She shuddered at the thought. Left to be raised by the Allen's, her little baby would no doubt grow up to be like the rest of them, lying, cheating, drunken, criminals.

I don't know what I ever saw in him, she thought to herself. I mean, apart from the obvious. Despite the fact she hated him and he treated her terribly, she couldn't forget that there was a time she thought he was gorgeous. With a muscular body like a Greek God and that rugged face of his, she used to melt as soon as he'd wrap those bearish arms around her. Even now, seeing him for the first time in two years, she had to admit he was still as handsome and strong as she remembered.

As she set about making the bed, she tried her best to dismiss the thought. Yet, seeing him after all this time brought back memories. She had to admit there were some good times; days they'd spent together in a lustful bubble with nothing else in the world but them and the bed sheets that cloaked their naked bodies. She felt ashamed for seeing him that way again.

Gripping the bed sheets as she tucked them under the mattress, she worried about what Rex would be doing right now. She thought of him riding out there to Neil's work and beating him to within an inch of his life. He was capable of it. She'd seen him do similar things to others. Her stomach lurched, and she had the sudden urge to throw up. Running to the bathroom, she vomited into the sink.

As she raised her head and splashed cold water on her face, she looked at the clock on the wall behind her and knew that it was a twenty-five-minute drive to Neil's work. She still had time...

Hurrying to find her phone, she tapped Neil’s name and listened to the dial tone. There was no answer.

“Come on, come on, just answer!”





Neil wiped the engine oil from his hands down the front of his overalls.

"I always hated the smell of this place," a female voice came from the back of the garage.

He spun round and saw the look on the beautiful woman's face.

"You shouldn't be here, Laura," he pursed his lips.

"Oh... Why's that?" she sauntered forward, her ample hips swaying from side to side.

"Because someone might see you," Neil explained. "This whole God damn town knows each other, and there ain't nothing more fun for these people than gossiping."

"Is that so?" She approached him with a cheeky glint in her eyes and flashed him a smile.

Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed him hard, her pelvis pushing into his. He wanted to pull away from her, knew that he shouldn't cheat on Brandy, but this woman was so... so alluring, so persistent, so young and eager.

"Let's give them something to talk about," she whispered into his ear before she reached out a tentative tongue and licked the sweat from his neck.

"No... I can't. I mean, I shouldn't, I love Brandy."

"You love her?" Laura burst out laughing. "If you love her so much, how come you been comin' round my house the last few months?"

He genuinely didn't know. He was weak and had to admit that he'd been flattered by the attention of a pretty, young girl. His friends had goaded him and given him the go ahead. They said he'd be an idiot to give up the chance to sleep with a twenty year-old, but he knew if Brandy found out... she'd never want to see him again, and worse, she wouldn't let him see Ricky.

"We can't, we really shouldn't."

He tried to protest, but he couldn't hide his hardness and the bump that was forming at the front of his pants. Laura looked down and saw it. She felt satisfied with herself, knowing that her charms were working. Pushing a well-manicured finger into the top of her shirt, she popped open a few buttons and revealed one of her breasts. She made the face that she knew all the boys loved. Biting her lower lip and staring up with her big, doe eyes, she pinched her nipple and groaned, as she felt it grow stiff between her fingers.

Neil thought he was on the cusp of exploding in his underwear. He tried his hardest to look away as he blushed, but he couldn't. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take his eyes off the girl. He wanted to grab hold of her and pin her to the ground. Instead, with all the strength he could muster, he walked away.

"You're a real piece of work, you know that, Laura? Think it's funny to split up a family?"

"I'm not doing anything," she proceeded to undo the other buttons on her shirt. "You're the one who wants to sleep with me. You said I was the sexiest girl you'd ever seen. You said I had the best tits you'd ever had the pleasure of sucking on."

She giggled and grabbed at her breasts, moaning as her fingernails pushed into her silky, white skin.

"Stop it right now," Neil turned his back on her.

"Oh baby, I know you want it."

"Stop talking like that."

"Why? You liked it yesterday."

"I shoulda known better," he sighed. "I'm sorry, Laura. You're a real sweet girl, you really are, but I have a family and I should never have got involved with you."

He looked as though he was on the brink of crying. Making a fist, he held his fingers in his mouth and bit down hard to take away the feeling of arousal, but Laura hadn't given up yet. She slid up behind him, pressing her breasts into his back. He could feel the heat of them through his overalls, and their enormous size as they pushed into him.

"Stop it."

He tried to pull away, tried to walk away from her for good, but she slid her slender arms around his waist and pulled him to her. Sliding a hand down to his crotch, her soft fingers explored underneath his pants, she felt his hardness and the way he was slightly damp at the tip. He groaned beneath her touch and pushed himself into her hand.

"I can't say no to you," he clenched his eyes closed, as she worked her magic on him.

"That's it, baby, I knew you wanted it," she pumped her hand up and down as slowly as she could, feeling every vein and bump of his length. Nuzzling into his neck, she kissed him softly, her tongue tasting the saltiness of his skin.

"We shouldn't be doing this here," Neil said, as his thighs began to quiver. "I'm gonna get in so much trouble if my boss catches us."

"Fuck your boss," she whispered. "I wanna have some fun," she bit his neck playfully, and loved the feeling of him squirming against her body.

They were both in the heat of the moment, so utterly lost in the pleasure they were experiencing that they almost didn't notice the phone that was ringing inside Neil's pocket.

"What's that noise?" Laura asked.

"Ah, shit," Neil pulled his phone out, all the time still pushing himself into her hand. "Fuck... It's Brandy. I gotta take this."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Laura was enraged, but still, she didn't stop moving her hand up and down.

She grabbed the phone and threw it across the ground. It slid to the other side of the garage before halting to a slow stop against the back wall. The phone continued to ring over the sound of Neil's grunts. If only he knew there was so much worse to come.





Rex was angry, angry as hell and on a mission. After riding to the MC headquarters, he burst through the door and into the bar area.

"Well then," the gang leader, Hitchins, turned to him. "What do I owe this surprise?" he asked, although he got no reply.

"I'm looking for something," Rex eventually said, as he began to rip open drawers and cupboards.

"And, what would that be?"

"I dunno... anything."

Hitchins watched him for a moment, finding the scene rather amusing. After a few minutes though, he started to get a little angry at Rex's thunderous mood.

"Kid... sit down."

"Who you callin' kid?" Rex looked up annoyed. "Just cos I'm not an old fart like you..." he continued with his rampage through the clubhouse.

"Rex... If you don't sit down in three seconds, I'm going to have to blow your fucking brains out. This is no way to act. Remember who got you released?"

His voice was calm, almost serene, but his words cut through the air ominously. Rex knew full well what his boss was capable of, and he knew he was on thin ice. Reluctantly, he sat on the bar stool beside him.

"I'm just havin' a real bad day, that's all."

"A bad day? I got you released from jail six months early and you're telling me you're having a bad day?" Hitchins was silently seething behind his cool demeanor.

"It ain't like that," Rex tried to explain. "Brandy... She's had another guy livin' in the house. He's been raising my boy."

Hitchins could see the despair and anger across Rex's face.

"You're a passionate man, Rex, but you're like a God damn bull in a china shop. Why are you in here wrecking the place?"

"I don't have my gun anymore."

"Well, why didn't you say so..."

Hitchins climbed off his stool with his long, gray hair drifting behind him. His wrists jangled as he walked; a sign that he was wearing too much jewelry. Not that he cared. He loved all his metal cuffed bracelets and chains, but sometimes, sneaking up on people was kinda hard.

Walking around to the other side of the bar, he opened the safe beneath the till and pulled out a small, yet highly efficient revolver.

"Here," he slid it over the bar. "Since it's your first day out, I figure I'll give you a little leeway."

"Thanks, boss."

"Only you, Rex, could wanna murder a guy less than six hours after being on the outside," Hitchins chuckled. "You always were a fucking nightmare."

"I was born a nightmare. Apparently, I bit my mother on the way out."

"That wouldn't surprise me," Hitchins shook his head.

"Well then... I better be on my way," Rex headed out the door.

Suddenly, he heard a ferocious yell coming from behind him. It was so loud he was sure he could feel it on the back of his neck.

"CLEAN THIS FUCKING PLACE UP!" Hitchins shouted. "If you're at least gonna kill a man, can you clear up the mess you made?"

Rex looked around at all the drawers he'd left open and things that were still upturned.

"You're a real crazy son of a bitch," he muttered under his breath as he tidied up.





Neil had never felt anything so amazing in his life. The pleasure mixed with the thrill of getting caught was so intense, and he had to try his hardest from screaming out in ecstasy. He was then startled when a noise seemed to come from the back of the garage. He was certain it was his boss, and he immediately pulled away, pushing Laura as far away from him as he could. But, it was too late. He'd been spotted, but not by whom he expected.

"Who the hell are you?" he panicked as he zipped up his pants.

"I thought I was looking for Brandy's boyfriend, but I guess I must be mistaken," Rex eyed up Laura and smirked at her. "You're Neil Wilkins, aren't you? I remember your face."

"That's me," his face had grown pale, and he looked up to the biker in front of him with sheer terror in his eyes.

He knew full well who he was faced with, and knew what danger he was in, but still, he tilted back his head and asked:

"And, who the hell are you?"

He was trying to impress Laura more than anything, trying to look like a hard man, but he regretted his choice of words the second they tumbled out of his mouth. Meanwhile, Rex wasted no time in letting his simmering anger bubble.

"Not only have you stolen my woman and stolen my child," he raged as he felt in his back pocket, "but you're also a dirty cheat!"

He pulled his gun out and aimed it at Neil's head. Laura screamed and tried to run, but Rex caught her by the arm as she attempted to get past him.

BOOK: JAX: MC Biker Romance (New Adult Contemporary Bad Boy Romance)
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