Jaguar Hunt (20 page)

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Authors: Terry Spear

BOOK: Jaguar Hunt
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Chapter 23

Despite how tenderhearted Tammy had been the last time David faced sleeping on a bunk bed that was too short, he really believed she would leave him with the option of retiring on the couch, which was even shorter than the bunk beds. He figured he'd just strip naked and shift. Lying down anywhere as a jaguar would work for him. He was surprised she hadn't thought of that.

He was really going to try to give her some space this time, not touch her air-conditioner setting, and behave himself. Not that he wanted to. He wanted to kiss her and so much more. What better way to wind down after the long road trip and plane ride today?

Before they reached her bedroom, he noticed a room made into a study and a closed door that he suspected led to a third bedroom.

She glanced in the direction he looked and smiled. “You don't want to see what's in there.”

“Sort of a storage room?”

“Yeah. Stuff I need to sort through and get rid of.”

Her bedroom was all blues and greens, reminding him of water and the jungle. And Tammy with him in the waterfall pool.

“My side is the right side of the bed,” she said, just like it had been in Belize. “Guest bath down the hall is yours for showers and the like. I'll be right back.”

That meant his side was the left, and it sure sounded like something more permanent to him, even if she hadn't meant it that way.

In the guest bathroom, he quickly stripped off all but his boxers—before she changed her mind—brushed his teeth, returned to the bedroom, and climbed into bed. No sheer mesh curtains here to keep the bugs out. No noisy jungle sounds. The sheets smelled of the she-cat and fragrant vanilla with a hint of springtime freshness. And the sheets were satiny soft, just like she was.

She pulled the covers aside, glanced at his bare chest, and climbed into bed. She was wearing a large, navy-blue T-shirt this time, but even so, it reached high thigh and was sexy on her. The shirt didn't hide her curves and only fed his imagination.

He wasn't going to kiss her, he told himself. She wanted to keep their relationship strictly business until after the mission, now that they were home. He could understand that. To some extent.

“You appreciate why I needed to keep some distance from you, don't you?” she finally asked, glancing up at him and looking so damned sexy that he nearly forgot the part about how he wasn't going to kiss her.

“Yeah, you were afraid you'd lose focus on the assignment,” he said.

She snorted.

“You can't be worried that
lose focus.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I am.”

Intending to prove he could deal with it, he said, “Here I was going to discuss the case with you, talk over what we could do tomorrow, and—”

“You mean like plan our next move?”

“Yeah, I can plan things, too,” he said.

“Sometimes, it's better
to plan.” With that, she slid up his body until she reached his mouth. And kissed him.

She didn't give him just a sweet little peck on the cheek or mouth that meant good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs bite. This was a hell of a lot like the kiss they had shared in the bungalow bed. He was trying not to let his imagination run wild—if that wasn't where it was headed—but he was all for it if it was.

He half expected her to pull away like when they'd been in bed together the first time, a sumptuous slip of a taste of fantasy and then it was gone. Well, not quite gone, because he'd thought about it forever.

Her hot little body was rubbing against his thoroughly rock-hard erection, her tongue slipping into his mouth as she pressed her T-shirt-clad breasts against his bare chest.

He slid his hands up her shirt and felt her soft skin and thought of the vanilla bath she'd taken. “I love how you smell, like cookies fresh from the oven,” he said.

She threw back the covers, took his hand, and tugged. “Come on.”

Great. He'd said the wrong thing and was being relegated to the couch.

He climbed out of bed and grabbed his pillow—at least while he stayed here, he was claiming it.

She glanced at the pillow in his hand. “What's that for?”

“The couch.”

She gave him the wickedest smile. “You can leave it.”

He didn't want to ask where they were going and spoil the fun—at least he hoped it was something fun. Otherwise, he wanted to be back in bed making more hot and sexy moves with the she-cat. “I thought you were tired.” He didn't know what to think.

She took him into a bathroom that had a nice-sized whirlpool bath for two. She started filling the tub with warm water.

“You're taking another bath?” He couldn't help sounding so surprised.

“I don't need to remind you about what happened to the other. Since you were the cause of the interruption—twice—I figure I can take it and finish it this time while you're serving and protecting me.”

He smiled, really getting into his new role. “I'll wash your back. Have a soft sponge?”

“I hope you'll do more than that.”

“Hell, yeah.” He still wasn't sure what she had in mind. He glanced at the bath oils and bubble baths sitting on a shelf.

“Preference?” she asked.

“Sexy Vanilla,” he said. “Men don't take bubble baths, and I don't want any of the guys to smell honeysuckle or some of those other fragrances on me if we run into them during the investigation.”

She laughed. “Some other time.”

Well, if she was into making another date of it, how could he turn down that kind of an offer?

“You're in for a real treat,” she said, pouring in some of the bath powder.

“I believe that.” In his wildest dreams, he'd never thought he'd be making love to a wild she-cat in a tub filled with bubble bath. Then again, he never imagined he'd make love to her in a tropical pool at the base of a waterfall, either. Jaguars loved the water, and this definitely appealed to the cat side of him. She made sex fun and interesting, though he'd be just as happy making love to her in the bed.

The vanilla-scented bubbles rose to the surface of the water as she turned on the jets. He stripped off his boxers, and before she could remove her nightwear, he pulled off her panties. He slid his fingers into her warm, wet sheath, and then hurried to remove her shirt so they could get down to business. He kissed her mouth as the water continued to fill the tub, his cock bumping against her stomach as she kissed him back. Her fingers combed through his hair, and her teeth nipped at his lips.

He was breathing hard, feeling the heat sizzle between them, the cat's hunger roaring to be appeased. Her tight nipples grazed his chest, her soft belly rubbing against his stiff cock, stirring the fire into a blaze.

He moved with her, rubbing his chest against hers, his erection teasing her belly. He heard her ragged breathing, saw the arousal in her blue eyes, felt her hands gliding over his arms, squeezing the taut muscles. Every touch, every sound was an erotic caress on his heightened cat senses.

“Water,” she whispered against his throat, as if she was afraid to speak above a whisper for fear she would break the lust-filled spell they were under.

He reached over to turn off the water before the tub was filled too full, while she climbed in and settled down into the bubbles. She looked intriguing, the bubbles clinging to her breasts and dangling off her taut nipples, the rest of her hidden from view, like a tempting pearl waiting to be discovered. He couldn't decide which was more enticing—observing her like this, half hidden from view, or seeing her in the waterfall pool, the water clear and revealing everything about her. He decided he loved both.

This would be like a treasure hunt. He climbed into the water and settled in front of her. He pulled her onto his lap, her legs straddling him so he could kiss her and touch her where he wanted.

He slid his hands over her silky skin, the soapy water making it even more so. He felt like they were in a milk bath as he kissed her parted lips, which were inviting him in. He ran his hands up her thighs, enjoying the tactile exploration when he couldn't see what he was doing. He'd been concentrating on what she felt like, the way she was kissing his mouth, exploring his with her tongue, and fingering his hair, so he hadn't realized she'd moved her hands below the water, searching for his cock, until her fingertips brushed it. She smiled wickedly and took hold. He bit out a groan and the vixen smiled again.

He stroked her between her legs, the feel of her nub hard as she moved against his fingers, encouraging him to go faster. The bubbles caressed her taut nipples, and with his free hand, he ran his fingers over a breast, soft, firm, and the perfect size for his large hand.

She let go of his erection and gripped his shoulders as if she was so caught up in what he was doing to her that she couldn't do anything but cover his mouth with hers and kiss. Her tongue teased his and licked his lips. She barely breathed, her actions frantic as she tried to find release. He stroked her feminine nub as she tensed, nearly there.

Her heart and his were beating hard. The smell of her sex and his—combined with the sweet fragrance of vanilla and the scent of jaguars in lust—filled his senses. He moved his lips over her cheek, down her jaw, and then to her neck and gently sucked on her. He marked her as she had marked him. His fingers continued to stroke her sensitive nub. She cried out with pleasure, and he smiled to think he had brought her to fruition with the same technique.

He was ready to join with her in the worst way, to feel her inner muscles throbbing around him. He lifted her and slid inside her and then thrust, splashing water over the sides of the tub.

He wanted to apologize for making a mess, but she brought his face down to hers and began kissing him all over again, telling him without words that the spilled water didn't matter.

All there was between them were heat and softness, desire and pursuit, and a big cat's unfulfilled hunger.

They were kissing again, their hands sliding over shoulders, arms, and backs, caressing, stroking, loving. He was desperate to reach that climax, to feel the ultimate sexual high.

He couldn't stop the inevitable if he'd tried. She was arching against him, rising and then coming down hard, pleading with him to finish her off again, when he came and she followed. His hot seed spilled into her.

“You're such a hot and sexy distraction that I can't help myself when I'm with you.” He kissed her again, thrusting the last couple of times until she'd milked him dry. He rested with her in the warm water, looking into her glazed blue eyes. Two satisfied cats.

They were still joined, and he liked that feeling. That connection. He wasn't in any hurry to separate from Tammy.

“I like bubble baths,” he said, leaning over to kiss her cheek.

“I just bet you do.”

Only if he could enjoy them with the she-cat like this. She seemed like a contented kitten, and they enjoyed the closeness until the water grew too cold.

They helped each other dry off. Together, they mopped up the soapy, wet floor.

“I hope that made up for my interrupting your bath earlier,” he said as they climbed into bed. He pulled her into his arms to cuddle some more.

She caressed his chest with the tips of her fingers. “You're addictive. I just wanted to get
”—she motioned in the direction of the bathroom—“out of the way so we could remain focused on the job.”

“Addictive, eh? Ditto for me. Anytime you want to get
out of the way to focus on the assignment, I'm all for it.”

He sighed deeply and so did she. Two happy jaguar shifters ready to sleep.

His phone rang. She laughed when it played the pussycat jingle. He reached over to the side table, glad he'd thought to set his phone there, and answered it. “Yeah, Martin?”

Tammy rolled over onto her side, her back to David.

“The car tags belonged to a vehicle that must have been borrowed while the owner was away on vacation. He said he never knew it had been gone. No sign of forced entry, nothing left behind in it. He would have sworn it was there the whole time,” Martin told David.

“Maybe Tammy's neighbor didn't get the right license tag number after all.”

“Possibly. She might have transposed the numbers. I'm having a man check the car out tomorrow just in case. See if it has any jaguar scents in it.”

“Okay, sounds good.”

“Did she finally let you inside the house?”

David looked at Tammy's naked back, the covers pulled up over her hip, and thought about their romp in the bubble bath. “Yeah.” He could envision his boss smiling at the news.

“Good show. Safer that way.”

“It sure is.” Safer and a hell of a lot nicer. He and Martin said good night.

David spooned Tammy with his body. He swore she purred as she nestled closer to him, seating her ass next to his crotch. He was almost embarrassed when his cock stirred to life.

She chuckled.

Chapter 24

At three in the morning, David heard a scratching noise at the bedroom window. Tammy didn't twitch a muscle. She was sound asleep. Unwrapping her sweet body from his as he tried not to disturb her, he finally managed to untangle their legs and slipped out of bed. He stalked to the window and peered out the curtains to see Alex and Nate in their jaguar forms standing on her dark brick patio, tails swishing in the hot breeze.

So they had come home. But what in the world were the two of them doing here? And in cat form? Unless they'd had trouble. And needed a place to hole up.

. About now, he wanted privacy with Tammy.

He waved at them, signaling he was coming out to meet with them. He snagged a pair of jeans, threw them on, grabbed a couple of T-shirts and shorts out of his bag for the kids to wear, and headed for the back door.

When he got outside, Alex shifted, accepted the clothes, and then yanked them on. Nate remained in his cat form and sat down on the patio, watching David.

“Okay, so you're home. Well, not home, but you're back here. What's up? I thought the two of you were going to lie low somewhere,” David said.

“They've stolen the jaguar,” Alex said. He sounded choked up, and David could see the boy was fighting tears.

“Okay, son,” David said and gave him a fatherly pat on the shoulder. “We'll get her back. I swear it. Where did you have her?”

“At an old farm out in the country. Some friends were taking care of her. Giving her fresh meat, water, keeping her locked up in a long cement run where the farmer used to care for a couple of wolves. The jaguar had part of a barn to hide in when she wanted seclusion. I'm sure she didn't like the wolf smell, but it was the best we could do on short notice.”

David thought about his aftershave and how the cat might have liked that if she hadn't turned up missing.

“No one knew of the place. Someone must have learned of it, watched for our friends to come and go, and stolen her. The padlock on the gate had been cut off, so whoever it was had been prepared,” Alex continued.

“Where are the two of you staying?”

“With friends. We didn't realize you'd be here.”

So they'd come to see Tammy alone? “I'm here protecting Tammy, considering someone shot at her in Belize.”

“Oh, yeah, sure,” Alex said, not sounding like he believed that was the
reason David could be here. Then he frowned. “Someone shot at her?”

“Yeah.” David explained what had happened after the boys had left them. “Will the two of you be all right? Safe where you're staying?”

“Yeah, as long as whoever the mole is doesn't come for us. We don't know who he is or where the cat is. We figure for now he'll leave us alone. We'll let the two of you grab the cat this time.”

David hated asking the kids after what Martin had told him last night, but he had to know the truth. “The owner of the circus said the cat was theirs. That someone stole the jaguar from them a year ago and donated her to the zoo.”

His face expressionless, Alex didn't say anything, his gaze steady on David's. David didn't like the conclusions he was drawing from the scenario one bit.

“Okay, tell me the truth.
you steal the circus cat and give her—”

The patio door opened and Tammy stood in the doorway in her T-shirt and jeans, shoeless like he was. “Come in, why don't the two of you?” she asked.

Alex's startled expression turned into a big smile. “Sure.” He grabbed the extra T-shirt and shorts from David and hurried inside with Nate following behind.

David shook his head at Tammy. She smiled back at him and headed inside. Nate snagged the T-shirt and shorts from his brother with his teeth and disappeared into the guest bathroom.

David closed the back door and locked it. Nate rejoined them, and David said, “Okay, like I asked before, did the two of you steal the cat from the circus and turn her over to the zoo?” He would understand why if they'd learned the cat was being abused, not that it made it right to steal her.

“No,” Nate said as he and his brother took a seat on the couch.

David didn't believe it. Why didn't Alex say so right after David mentioned what the circus owner had told them? “You personally didn't steal the jaguar a year ago,” David said, believing the teens were getting technical with him, so he tried to pin them down.

“No,” Alex said.

“Do you boys want some cookies and milk?” Tammy asked, ruining David's attempt at interrogation. She was definitely the good cop in the good cop/bad cop scenario.

“Sure,” both of them said, their expressions brightening.

David wanted to shake his head but caught himself before he did.

Tammy gave him a small smile as if she knew just what he was thinking, patted him on the shoulder reassuringly, and disappeared into the kitchen.

“Wow,” Alex said, his voice low. “You are sooo lucky.”

Yeah, David was. He was already hoping things would work out for Tammy and him for the long run. For now, he was one lucky cat.

“Yeah,” Nate whispered. “If I could work with an agent like her, I'd join up without a second's hesitation. And
her like you're doing.”

“Yeah, even if you've still got bad guys in the branch. We'd help weed them out.”

“What if the female agent was the bad guy?” David asked.

“Well, if I got hooked up with her, I'd make the most of it while I was checking her out,” Alex said, grinning.

Nate vigorously nodded. “My plan of action, too.”

David laughed, thinking the boys were too much like he and Wade were at their age. “Yeah, and that would be your big mistake.”

Tammy returned with a tray of cookies and glasses of milk.

While David looked on, the boys devoured the cookies and milk as if they'd been starved for eons. He was a little disappointed that Tammy had given all Gertie's cookies to the twins, and he had lost the chance to sample any more of them.

“Okay, if you didn't steal the cat from the circus, who did?” David asked, getting back to business.

“Who said anyone stole the cat from the circus and gave it to the zoo? The crooked owner?” Alex said. “And you believe
? We only rescued the cat from the circus a few days ago. Did they report it was stolen?”

“Not that I know of,” David said.

Alex nodded sagely. “See? They didn't tell the authorities. Why not? If something gets stolen, the owner informs the police. Did they really report the stolen jaguar a year ago?”

“I'll have to check into it in the morning,” David said. He was certain Martin would have verified the owner's claims, but David didn't want to say so and be wrong. “On another subject, why did you steal our clothes in the jungle? Obviously, that was why Nate roared for us. To get us to find you. We figured you wanted to lead us to your place to show us that someone had ransacked it. But why steal our clothes?”

“We always packed our bags in Mom and Dad's car and parked it different places so whoever was looking for us wouldn't find our bags while we were running as jaguars in the rainforest. We discovered someone was searching our place when we returned,” Nate said.

“We worried the men would grab your stuff and search it. We didn't know if you had anything in your luggage that might reveal something about us. Though we'd looked,” Alex said.

So that
why the boys had rummaged through their belongings earlier.

“Why take our backpack that had our clothes in it?” Tammy asked.

Alex cast a glance at Nate.

Nate cleared his throat and said, “We didn't want you to accidentally run into the men in your human form if you caught them in your place. You didn't have any weapons on you. If as jaguars you had caught them, you could have taken care of them.”

“Yeah, and we were also afraid they might find your backpack and get rid of it. So we just grabbed it all and hid it,” Alex said.

“We didn't want to return your stuff to the bungalow after the break-in, afraid someone might still be watching. Alex had the idea to use the condoms to give you a trail to follow, since you'd probably figure out what it meant. We had to do something to lead you to your bags.”

“And you hung around the waterfall,” Tammy said.

“We had to make sure only you got your bags. We didn't want anyone else to find them. We would have stripped down and shifted and made sure if anyone had it in mind to grab them, they'd change their minds. Fast,” Nate said.

“And we had to clean up the mess we made. We picked up the others, too, before the zip line was open. We only meant for you to see them to get a clue where we'd be.” Alex finished the last of the cookies.

So they hadn't left the other condoms for the staff to find. David was glad about that.

“Oh, and just so you know,” Nate said, “we paid your fine for helping us out with Joe Storm.”

“My boss would have paid it,” David said.

“Yeah, but the JAG branch shouldn't have to. So we paid it,” Alex said.

“Thanks,” David said.

The boys shared looks, and then Nate said, “We wondered if you could teach us how to knock someone out the way you did Joe, in case we ever have trouble with a dude like him in the future.”

Before David could answer, Tammy said, “No. Messing with someone like that would likely get you killed.”

They looked at David as if waiting for his opinion. The boys couldn't genuinely believe he'd go against what Tammy had said. Not when he knew she was right and he wanted to return to bed with her and hold her close the rest of the night.

“She's right, guys. Do you have anything else you want to discuss with us that will help with finding the cat or learning who took her from you the first time?”

The boys shook their heads.

“Let's call it a night,” David said. “You sure you're going to be safe leaving here on your own?”

“Yeah,” both said at the same time. They went outside and gave the T-shirts and shorts back to David, then shifted and took off. Their car had to be parked nearby. Sure enough, a few minutes later, he heard the car engine roar and the vehicle retreating down the street.

David returned to the house and locked the door.

“So what did you gather from that little exchange?” Tammy asked, setting the empty cookie plate and glasses on the tray.

“More is going on than meets the eye. I don't think they're telling us everything.” He eyed the empty cookie dish. “Did you
to give them the rest of the cookies?” he asked as he helped Tammy carry the dirty dishes to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher.

“They're growing boys.” She patted David's stomach. “
have to watch that you don't end up looking like Santa Claus.”

He grabbed her up and tossed her over his shoulder.

She squealed in surprise and laughed. “What are you doing?”

“Getting some exercise while I take my bag of Christmas toys to bed. I can't tell you how much I'm going to enjoy unwrapping them to make sure the presents are all still there.”

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