Jack of Hearts (Desert Sons MC Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Jack of Hearts (Desert Sons MC Book 1)
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“That’s right. Marshall, he can help with credit. Then there is Greg … He can get an account at a bank opened. Once you have a few of those items, you become a real person with a new name.”


“And all the Sons help with the cars?”


“To one degree or another. Some detail them up so they look like new. One changes the VIN tags. He has some little tool he uses to make a perfect replica. Greg handles the money. Others contact customers. Rog, he drives a truck … the truck we are going to use haul the cars to LA. He can sometimes deliver a car if there is an extra spot on his truck. Then Rachel, she is our forger. She runs up documents for the cars. So we all work together.”


“And you steal them?”


“Yes. We get a call for a certain car in a certain color. If we can find it, I do my thing. We only steal a car when we have an order. Never on speculation.”


“And you’ve never been caught?”


“No. Grand theft auto is pretty safe if you’re smart. Did you ever get caught for stealing cars?”


“No, not for GTA. Not for other than joy riding as a kid, anyway. I got busted for breaking and entering when I tried to steal a car.”


“What? How’d that happen?”


Tina grimaced. “This guy had a cherry ‘62 Corvette. I saw it at a cruise in. I … uh … borrowed his wallet and got the address. Then…”


“Wait. Didn’t he miss his wallet?” Jack interrupted.


“No. Once I had his address, I just pitched it into the seat of his car. Anyway, a few days later I cruised by his house, and sure enough, in the garage was the ‘vette. That night, I broke a window in the garage door and slipped inside.”


“How the hell did you do that?” Jack asked. Garage door windows were tiny for a reason.


“The glass is thin and easy to break. Then I just jumped up and squeezed through. You break one of the center windows so you can use the garage door track to hang on to so you don’t fall on your face while you squeeze through. So I got inside, and as soon as my feet touched the floor, the biggest damn dog I ever saw was standing there, growling at me. Scared the shit out of me. The damn thing looked like a cross between a wolf and a bear.”


“Then what happened?”


“I jumped on the hood of the ‘vette and ran up to the roof, the fucking dog right behind me. I jumped across and landed on the SUV next to it, but the dog fell off when he tried to jump after me. I guess he was too stupid to try again. So I ended up standing on the roof of the SUV while the dog tried to eat the car. Then the owner showed up. He called off the dog, but him having a shotgun didn’t really improve my situation much.”


Jack pulled her more snugly against him, imaging some huge dog tearing the hell out of a car in frustration that its prey was just out of reach. He smiled, his smile growing ever wider as he imagined Tina running up the ‘vette and jumping to another car as the dog snapped at her heels. The more he thought about it, the more comical it became until he began to chuckle.


“It’s not funny, Jack! That damn dog tried to eat me!”


He guffawed, her comment making the story even funnier. As his laughter died, he pushed her on her back and kissed her fully on the lips. “I can’t blame the dog. I’m thinking about eating you myself,” he said as he slid down in the bed, his lips dancing along her smooth, warm skin.


With the bedroom door open, he could see what he was doing, and he took full advantage of the light, burying his face in her vee. He had enjoyed her company immensely today, more so than that of most women who had shared his bed, and he attacked her with gusto. His tongue probed and slashed, his lips pulled and nibbled, and all the while he squirmed his face about, trying to give her as much pleasure as possible. He watched her face as her lips parted slightly, and he smiled as he pleased her, holding her eyes with his own. As he watched, her eyes drifted closed and her hands wrapped tightly in his hair, encouraging him to give her more.


She pulled him in tight as his tongue and lips caused her internal fire to roar. He had taken the edge off her need last night, then again this morning, but
she wanted him! His kindness today as he allowed her to ride his hog, his patient and gentle tutelage as he taught her to shoot,
buying her clothes
… had all conspired to make her want him like few men she had ever had. As he pleased her, asking nothing from her, she could feel her orgasm bearing down on her.


Tina jerked with a soft, growling grunt as he slid a finger into her wetness and tickled her sweet spot while still teasing her with his tongue and lips. Knowing she had just had an orgasm as she fell back to the bed from her slightly curled position made his blood run hot. He continued to stroke with his finger, causing her to move and writhe gently. He pulled his face back from her wetness and moved his lips to hers. He kissed her softly before he hammered his finger into her furiously and wondered how much she could take.


As the orgasm flowed out of her, leaving her feeling warm and relaxed, Jack’s lips touched hers, offering a kiss she accepted eagerly. As she luxuriated in the kiss, he began to finger-fuck her with sweet savagery. The rapid pistoning of his finger against her sweet spot made her gasp in a long, drawn out moan, the sensations like nothing she had ever felt before.


The breathy sound that escaped her, part moan, part gasp, but all sex, caused his smile to broaden as he took her lips with passion. She kissed him, pulling him fiercely to her before she shoved him violently away. She grabbed his wrist as she gasped and jerked in spasms, then twisted violently to her stomach.


Every muscle in her body screamed in protest as they strained against each other and twisted her onto her stomach. Her body was no longer hers to control as her legs spasmed and slowly pumped as she moaned low and deep. She shivered as if cold as she slowly crawled to the head of the bed. Her body crackled with sexual energy, unaware of what she was doing and unable to stop it. Suddenly, her climax washed out of her and she collapsed in a heap, piled against the pillows, devastated by the hardest orgasm of her life.


Jack had seen women quiver through an orgasm before, but never had he seen one whose entire body seemed to be trying to tear itself apart, every muscle visible as they twisted and writhed under her skin. He lay beside her and pulled her into his embrace, holding her tight until she began to stir.


“Fuck…” she whispered.


“You okay?” he asked with a chuckle.


“My God, I have never come like that before. Fuck…” she murmured as she tried to gather herself. She was wiped out, and poor Jack … he was left hanging. “I need a moment.”


“It’s okay,” Jack said. He was a little disappointed that they were done so soon, but he was thrilled that he had been able to give her an orgasm of such power.


She sighed as she relaxed into his embrace. She would like nothing better than to go to sleep, but she couldn’t leave him hanging. That would be cruel and unfair, and she wouldn’t do that to him. She turned in his arms and kissed him gently on the lips.


“Take me,” she whispered.


As he entered her, as good as it felt, she knew she was done for the night. That last orgasm had wrung her dry of need.


Jack could tell Tina was finished, so he focused on his own need. He pumped into her gently at first, enjoying the feel of her around him as he looked into her eyes—her beautiful eyes—and gently kissed her lips lips. As they moved, two becoming one, he could feel his own orgasm approach, and he increased the power of this thrusts, driving into her with intent as he opened himself to the approaching storm of pleasure.


She could feel him begin to tighten up as his orgasm approached. He lowered himself more fully onto her, his weight comforting her, making her feel safe and protected as he nuzzled at her neck. She pulled her legs up and felt him go deeper into her depths as she squeezed him between her legs and pulled him tight with her arms. She wasn’t going to come again this evening, but she reveled in his touch.


As she clamped down on him, holding him tight, Jack’s orgasm leapt close. He didn’t try to push it away or slow its approach, and he suddenly began to thrust hard and fast until his orgasm washed over him in a cleansing wave. With a soft gasp into the side of her neck, he felt his essence flow from him while he held himself hard into her.


She relaxed as he did, loosening her grip slightly, but not allowing him to pull away. Jack wasn’t the first guy to fuck her, but he might be her first lover. With other men, she would snuggle after sex because she usually had nowhere else to go and it was expected. But with Jack, it was different. She
to feel his touch, she
to have him hold her in his embrace, she
to wake up next to him so he was the first thing she saw … and she smiled.


He twice tried to rise out of her arms so she could move, only to have her tighten her embrace. She seemed to crave the closeness, so he relaxed and held her while his lips softly roamed her face, neck, and shoulders as they sought new places to give her pleasure. Finally, her embrace relaxed, and he slowly moved from her. As he settled on the bed, he tugged at her gently, inviting her to snuggle into his side.


At his gentle tug, she moved in close and propped herself on him, laying her head on his shoulder. She could feel sleep trying to pull its dark blanket over her, and she smiled again. She didn’t love Jack, but she certainly liked him. She liked him a lot. He had been so kind to her as he fed her, clothed her, and took her in. He had given her a second chance, something no one else had ever done. And now he offered her a way out, a way to turn her life around and make good. She just had to trust him … and she realized that she did trust him. More than anyone in a long time.


“Jack?” she asked as her eyes became too heavy to keep open any longer.




“I’m in.”


“You’re sure that is what you want?”


“Yes. I’m sure,” she murmured, her voice slurred with impending sleep.


Jack smiled and tightened his embrace.




“Go!” Jack said as he started the clock. They were standing beside a car in Newman’s Scrapyard. He had brought her to the yard to see what she could do. Unlocking a car was one thing, but actually stealing one was something else.


He had found a Ford LTD with working door locks and a complete steering column and had set her the task of opening the car, punching the lock, and starting the car. Starting being a relative term, since the car didn’t actually have a motor in it.


“Done!” Tina called before sliding out of the front seat. Sixty-eight seconds.


He slid into the seat and took a look. The lock had been punched, freeing the steering wheel and gear selector to move. He inspected the wiring and saw the wires Tina had freed. If the car had a motor, shorting the two wires would spin the starter. The car was effectively ready to be driven away. He slid out of the seat and shut the door.


“I think I could have done it faster,” he said, then grinned as she frowned at him. “But not by much. That was damn fast.” That made her smile.


“You approve?”


“Hell yes. I bet there isn’t five seconds between us, and I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you have.”


“How old are you, Jack?”


“Don’t you know you are never supposed to ask a guy his age?”


“That’s a woman, Jack,” she said flatly.


“Oh. That’s right. I’ll be thirty-five in December. Why?”


“I was just wondering. I knew you had to be older than me, but I didn’t look at your birthdate when I had your license. I would have put you at about thirty, maybe a year or two less. Not thirty-five.”


“Why, Tina Harris, did you just pay me a compliment?”


She snorted out a giggle. “Don’t let it go to your head.”


“Come on, let’s go. So, how would you get past the electronic keys on a new car?” he asked as they walked back to his Audi.

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