Jack A Grim Reaper Romance (17 page)

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Authors: Calista Taylor

BOOK: Jack A Grim Reaper Romance
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Lilly immediately sensed Jack’s energy, and though she had expected it, it was still a blow. She then reminded herself that Jack had shot Mason, and would have left him for dead if he were capable of it. “He was here.”


“Aye, he was.” Mason then shifted them closer, but kept her view blocked by his body. “It’s a brutal one, love. Are you ready?”


“What option is there? And frankly, I’d rather finish here before Nelson sends word to the Elders. Thanks to me, you’ve not been in their good graces as of late.”


He frowned for just a moment, but there was work to be done. “Let’s get this over with then. The coroner has just arrived, so we’ll wait for him to finish here and then we’ll see what you can pick up.”


Lilly nodded and he stepped aside, only to have the sight of slaughter crash into her and nearly overtake her, like a giant wave breaking on rocks and dragging her out to sea. The poor woman’s abdomen had been sliced open, her intestines yanked out of her body and laid across her shoulder, her throat cut so deep as to nearly decapitate.


Lilly squeezed her eyes shut against the horror and turned towards Mason to shield her from viewing the atrocity further. “How could anyone do such a thing? I do not understand it.”


Before Mason could answer her, Nelson stepped to her side. “Yes, Ms. Gordon. How could he? Perhaps you have insight we do not, since you invited this savage beast into your bed.”


Anger flared within her, her hands curling into fists. “Even if Jack did this, the man I took to my bed is not the same man that committed these heinous crimes.”


“Believe what you will if it lets you sleep better at night.” Nelson then offered her his hand. “Though the Elders spared you from showing me the prior slayings, this is a new murder and they’ve guaranteed me access to the information first hand.”


Mason stepped between them, shielding her from him. “I swear Nelson, if you’re not gentle with her, I’ll make you pay for your transgression.” He then sighed and turned towards her. “I’m sorry, love, but you need to do this. I’ll be right here by your side.”


She took a deep breath and held it to try and steady her nerves. Her gut felt like it was filled with squirming eels, and between the gruesome scene before her and what Nelson would soon put her through, she felt as if she might vomit. When the air in her lungs started to burn, she slowly let it out, and then knowing it would do no good to delay things, she took hold of Nelson’s hand.


He brought her closer to where the body lay, and further away from Mason. “Do you know what to do?”


“Yes, but Mason did not rifle through my thoughts.” Lilly held his gaze, hoping he would show her the same courtesy.


“Do you really think I’m going to trust whatever you tell me, rather than see it first hand—especially when you had feelings for the man who committed the crimes? Now, I suggest you get started before I’m forced to find my own methods.”


She shook her head in frustration, but decided it’d be best to just get the whole thing over with. She drew upon the memory she had used the last time, not wanting to taint more memories than necessary. Once again she remembered their time at the small cottage, the rain coming in off the ocean as they spent their days in bed and in each other’s arms.


She felt Nelson invade her head like the unwanted intruder he was, though he also gave her the energy she needed to reenact the crime. She lost her concentration for a moment, but tried her best to ignore his presence and the intense pain. She bit back a scream, knowing it would do no good. The faster she completed the task at hand, the faster she could be rid of him. With a renewed determination she held onto Jack’s presence and turned her attention upon the crime scene.


His essence appeared like a thread of light, and with Nelson pushing it along, they were able to see what happened as it all played out. She saw Jack hover over the woman’s body, her throat slit, her abdomen already sliced open with her entrails yanked out and laying by her shoulder. He plunged the knife into the woman again and again, hacking and slashing at her body. Lilly’s stomach churned as if she’d be ill.


The image faded and flickered. Nelson pushed more of his energy forward, and though the image came back into view, it felt like he was tearing up her brain, the pain like a million shards of glass.


“Please, stop it.” She barely managed to get the words out, as she saw Jack wipe his blade clean and leave, the woman’s mutilated corpse abandoned for some poor soul to unknowingly stumble upon.


Nelson kept pushing as she bit back her screams, but the image of Jack was completely gone. Yet he did not release her. Instead, he started plucking through her memories, as her screams filled her head. Mason wrestled her free of Nelson’s grasp, and she crumpled into Mason’s arms.


Her vision darkened around the edges while he held her close, directing his fury at Nelson. “That type of force was completely uncalled for.”


“And what do you
know, Archer? Hmm?” Nelson then waved them away. “Shouldn’t you tend to your pet, or is arguing with me more important?”


“I’ll be taking this up with Damon.” Not waiting for a response, Mason escorted her towards his carriage and safely away from Nelson.


Lilly took several deep breaths as she regained her composure, though her head felt like it had been bashed in with a rock. In the short time they’d been there, the crowds had multiplied, the people scared and angry that yet another murder had taken place.


Mason helped her into the carriage. “I promise, I’ll try to finish with matters as soon as I’m able. Just stay here and try to rest, love. I’ll not be long.”


She nodded and even that slight movement made her head ache with ferocity. Closing her eyes against the pain, she leaned back, and with the knowledge that Mason’s job at this crime scene was far from over, she let sleep take her.




Lilly startled awake, when a voice pulled her from her slumber. “I had hoped we would meet once again, dear lady.”


“What are you doing here?” Her heart was pounding and she could not keep her voice from shaking. She was alone with Stefan, defenseless. “Driver!”


“I’m afraid he’s… indisposed. As for why I’m here, I could not possibly resist the opportunity to see you once more.” The corners of his mouth curled into a smile. “And imagine my luck to find you here alone.”


“My companions will be returning at any moment, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll not only leave me alone, but you’ll not contact me again.” She debated lunging for the door, though she did not think he’d let her go. Instead she opted to take a more aggressive approach, with the hope she’d rattle him enough to make him leave, and backed it with whatever mind control she could muster.


“How dare you corner me in my coach?
, no less. Do you have no manners? Get out. Now.” He started to laugh, so she slapped him—hard. “I told you to get out.”


He rubbed his cheek, her handprint red upon his flesh. “I meant you no disrespect, my lady.”


“Did I not ask you to leave?” There was fury in her voice. And then the door opened, Mason and Pierce on the other side of it.


Before they had a chance to react, Stefan pulled out a knife and plunged it into Pierce. Exiting, he plowed into them, sending Pierce falling into Mason’s arms as they went down in a tangle of limbs.


Pierce waved Mason on with the hand not clutching his bleeding abdomen. “Go after him. I’ll be fine.”


Mason was having a hard time extracting himself, so Lilly gave chase. Hiking up her skirts, she hopped down from the carriage and took off running after Stefan. She had no intention of catching him, but if she could just stay close enough to keep an eye on him, Mason could catch up. No doubt, he’d be able to trace her essence, even with so many twists and turns, and he wouldn’t be far behind.


Stefan disappeared down another side street, and she pushed herself to keep pace as they took one road after the other. She rounded the corner and ran straight into him as he waited for her. His arm tightened around her waist and he dragged her backwards, his other hand covering her mouth as she screamed. She kicked and struggled within his grip, but he was too strong and she had little purchase to try and stand her ground. No one was around to help as he pulled her into the darkened alley.


She fought her rising panic. Her heart thundered in her head, the pounding of it drowning out the reasoning that she could not die. For though that may be the case, there were enough things he could still do to make her wish she were dead.


He pinned her to the wall with his body, one hand on her mouth to muffle her screams while his other hand pulled at her skirt. She tried to kick her way free as he tore at the fabric protecting her, his hand grabbing her leg and pulling it up out of the way. Doubling her efforts, she got a hand free and clawed his face, barely registering the pain as her nails broke and bent against flesh and bone.


And then she saw him.


Jack yanked Stefan away from her. “How dare you.”


Jack planted his fist in Stefan’s gut, sending him stumbling back.


“This isn’t over.” Stefan glared at him, and then gave her a look that sent a shiver down her spine. To her, he said, “Until we meet again.” He then slipped around the corner, gone.


Lilly was slumped against the wall, but Jack put a supporting arm around her waist and helped her to feet. “Are you all right? Did he… harm you?”


His dark eyes searched her face, while she struggled to hold back her threatening tears, her entire body shaking with the shock of the attack.


He was still holding, but she pulled away from his touch, the images she’d seen not an hour earlier still fresh on her mind.


“I’m just shaken.” She knew not what to think or do.


As if seeing the fear in her eyes, he said, “Lilly, love… you cannot think me capable of such things. Please…”


His eyes held hers, but she could not bear the pain of looking into eyes she once loved, especially when she could not believe the words he spoke.


Mason would be there at any moment. This entire investigation could be over if she delayed Jack just a bit longer. But she then thought of what would be happening at that very moment if Jack had not arrived to pull Stefan off of her. It left her torn.


“Turn yourself in, Jack. Please. If you’re telling me the truth, then you’re better off explaining yourself to the Elders. You cannot keep running.” She closed her fists around his shirt, pleading with him to do the right thing. “I’m begging you.”


He looked resigned and exhausted. “I’m sorry, Lilly, but I cannot. I’d not meant for any of this to happen, and I never intended for you to become involved.” He stepped away, but she held on. “I’m so sorry, love.” He then pried her fingers from his shirt and took off running.


She tried to go after him, but her legs gave way, her entire body unsteady from the attack and all that had occurred. Taking a moment to gather her strength, she started to wander back the way she’d come.


She turned a corner and found Mason. Relief overwhelmed her, the last of her energy dissolving at the sight of him. He wrapped her in his arms and she collapsed against him, never more happy to be in his embrace. He said not a word, but his eyes took in her torn garments and disheveled hair. With a tight hold on her, they wound their way back towards the carriage.


His body was coiled tight with anger, tension in every muscle. He’d yet to say much of anything, and she knew it was because he would lose what control he was currently managing over his emotions.


With the carriage just up ahead, she noticed no one around it. “How is Pierce?” It was a small relief to know he could not die. Though they teased and bickered, she was terribly fond of him.


“He’ll manage. My driver, however, is in far worse shape. He’s been taken to the physicians by one of Nelson’s men.”


“Did Pierce also go?”


“He refused to and is waiting in the carriage. I’ll drive us.” Mason’s entire demeanor was stiff, and his control seemed tenuous.


Before he could pull open the carriage door, Lilly put a hand on his arm and stopped him. “Mason…” She knew not what to say.


“Did he harm you?” Hurt clouded his eyes as it became clear he suspected the worse had occurred.


“No, love. He had not the opportunity.” She cupped his cheek and then took a deep breath to prepare herself for what would come next. “Mason, it’s because of Jack that I’m safe. He stopped Stefan before he...” She did not want to think of what could have happened.


“Jack’s essence—it’s on your person.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Thank you for telling me. It means a lot that you were honest about it.”


“I tried to convince him to turn himself in, but he pulled out of my grasp.” She wondered if Mason would now go after Jack. He could probably still track his energy.


“Let’s get you and Pierce home.” He pulled open the carriage door and helped her inside.


She grabbed his arm before he had a chance to turn away, her gut in knots. “Are you going to try and find Jack?”


He let out a weary breath. “No. I’ll not risk Stefan coming back to finish what he started and they’ll be no chance of us leaving if I tell Nelson. Jack’s earned himself a brief reprieve.”




Lilly twisted the water out of the cloth and wiped away the blood around Pierce’s wound, trying to ignore the fact that he was naked from the waist up. “You should have gone to see a physician.” She pursed her lips in consternation, blaming herself that he and the driver were hurt. “I’m sorry about this.”

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