Read Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (4 page)

BOOK: Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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Her Master said something in what she assumed was Russian then pointed at her. Ivan shook his head and replied with notable anger in his features. To her surprise, her Master backed down, then gestured to her again, and said something in a less confrontational voice. Ivan nodded, then she assumed translated what Master had said. “You are to remain silent until we reach our destination. Your Master wishes to know what your safeword is.”

Pulling the jacket tighter, she tried to keep the tremble out of her voice. “My safeword is Damascus, Sir.”

The men spoke to each other again before Ivan returned his attention to her. “Your Master was wondering what blend of people were responsible for your unique beauty.”

She gave her new Master a shy glance, wishing she felt anything about him other than unease, but at least he was showing some interest in her. “Thank you, Master. I’m Spanish and Italian on my late father’s side and my mother was Syrian and Dutch.”

“Your parents have passed?”

She gave him a brief nod, not at all comfortable discussing this with him. Right now, she should be having some kind of wonderful and kinky sex with the man who bought her. Instead, she was being pretty much ignored by her new Master while his bodyguard did all the talking. That wouldn’t have been so bad except, every time she met Ivan’s gaze, the hunger she saw in his brilliant turquoise blue eyes made her sex contract with need. 

 Her past wasn’t exactly a fairytale, and she really didn’t want to think about it right now. When she looked up, she caught Ivan studying her intently, and for a brief moment, his usual fierce, intimidating expression softened the slightest bit. She could see how, in his own rough way, he was rather handsome when he didn’t look like he was about to kill someone.

“My condolences for your loss.” Ivan said in a deep, sincere voice.

Turning away, she looked out the darkened windows so he wouldn’t see the tears filling her eyes. “I don’t want to discuss it, please.”

He grunted and resumed talking with her Master, giving her time to pull herself together. Their voices washed over her, and she heard her name mentioned occasionally, but she couldn’t even begin to guess what they were saying. Feeling very alone and disappointed, she burrowed into Ivan’s jacket and once again wished the week was over. Something in the men’s voices caught her attention and she looked over to see her Master glaring at Ivan. The big bodyguard glared right back, and their blatant animosity caused the hair on her arms stand up. Her Master growled out something and looked like he was about to leap from his seat and throw a punch at Ivan.

Nervous that she’d be squished if the men started fighting in the close quarters of the limo, she attempted to diffuse the tension and cleared her throat. “So, how long until we get there?”

Master turned his glare on her and snapped something that Ivan quickly translated. “Your Master wants your eyes on the floor and your mouth shut. Do not look up or speak until you are spoken to.”

Both men ignored her from that point on, and she sat as still as she could. Disappointment left a bitter taste in her mouth. She chided herself for having such high expectations and for wishing Ivan was her Dom instead of the cold, angry man who’d bought her. She didn’t feel any sort of connection to her Master and could only hope that, once they reached their destination, she could find some way to please him.

Maybe he was having buyer’s remorse now that he saw her in the light of day. 

She peeked up at the men, trying to study them without being noticed. Once again it seemed as if Ivan sensed her every mood. He narrowed his eyes and studied her while her Master did something on his cell phone.

“You are fearful.” He said this like a statement, not a question. 

“I…” she licked her lips and fisted his jacket around her. “I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m just nervous.”

Ivan gave her an almost smile, a bare curving of the corners of his lips that softened his face slightly, making him even more handsome. “Do not be. If at any time you feel any pain or fear beyond what you are comfortable with you will use your safe word, understood?”

“Yes, Sir.” 

“Do not be coward.” Her Master spoke directly to her for the first time, though he didn’t look away from his phone. To her surprise his Russian accent had a bit of an Irish mixed with it, but his speech was choppier than Ivan’s. “This is your fantasy.”

Staring at her Master, silently begging him to give her some kind of connection to cling to and slightly offended that he called her a coward, she whispered, “Yes, Sir.”

He ignored her and she swallowed hard to fight back her tears.

The tinting on the windows of the limo made it almost impossible to see outside, and apprehension tightened her stomach. Of course she didn’t have to do anything with her new Master other than hang out with him, and she could contact Submissive’s Wish at any point and she would immediately be taken home, but she didn’t want to give up just yet. She would work hard to show her new Master that she was worth the money he’d spent on her and hopefully grow to like him. Or at least not be afraid of him. 

Something about her situation kept rubbing her the wrong way and made her uneasy beyond her nerves.  She thought they would go back to the city and stay at the fancier hotels, but they hadn't gotten back on the highway, which probably meant they were going somewhere else. Since she couldn’t understand what the men said to each other, she had to read their body language, and currently the men were both projecting anger. It was in the stiff lines of their frame, the hostile way the snapped at each other, and the glint of aggression in their gaze. It made the hair on her arms stand up and she fought back a whimper.

What kind of messed up situation had she gotten herself into?

 The men’s conversation grew louder, and she risked a peek out of the corner of her eyes. Her Master was yelling at Ivan, and a second later, the bodyguard reached out and jerked her to his side. She yelped and clutched at Ivan’s solid arm, utterly confused at the turn of events, while the men started to yell at each other.

The limo screeched to a halt. She would have been thrown against the floor if not for Ivan’s strong arm gripping her to his side. Ivan pulled out a gun from inside his jacket and pointed it at her new Master.

At the sight of the gun she panicked and struggled to get away, but Ivan’s arm was like a steel bar across her chest. “What the fuck!”

Master held his hands up and yelled at Ivan. The door next to her opened up, and a man dressed all in black reached in and dragged her out. She screamed and looked around, hoping someone would help her, but they were in the middle of a road bordered by empty grass fields and a forest off in the distance barely illuminated by the lights of the limo. There were no houses, nor anything else resembling civilization within sight.

The man who’d grabbed her wore a black ski mask and put her into a chokehold before growling into her ear in rough English, “Stay still and you not hurt. Fight, and I cut off ear.”

Unable to help herself, she struggled against him like a trapped animal. He growled out something and tightened his hold until she was gasping for air and clawing at his arm. No matter what she did she couldn’t shake him. Her brain decided now was the time to remind her that she took salsa lessons instead of kick boxing in college.

“Don’t move or I choke you out.”

She froze and he eased his hold enough so she could draw in a harsh breath. If she was unconscious her chances at escaping this awful situation went down to zero. A pitiful sound escaped her throat before she managed to choke it back. The pavement was cold against her bare feet, and she was all too aware of how little there was covering her body beneath Ivan’s jacket. 

Oh, God, what had she gotten herself into?

A roar began to fill the air, blotting out the sound of men yelling, and a large, black helicopter appeared and hovered above the trees.

Stunned, she barely resisted the man in the ski mask as he dragged her towards the helicopter now landing in the middle of the road. The rotating blades slowed, and she could hear Master yelling something from inside the limo. Ivan got out and laughed before slamming the door. 

Ivan looked over to where she stood, still in a chokehold, and said something in a commanding voice. Her captor abruptly released her, then pushed her towards Ivan. She almost fell before Ivan’s steady arm encircled her waist. He hauled her over his shoulder as if she weighed no more than a pillow and began to walk towards the helicopter. 

Ivan yelled over the roar of the chopper’s blades, his rough accent almost making his words unintelligible. “If you cooperate, you will not be harmed. You are my captive now.”

Fearing what would happen if he managed to get her inside, she fought with all her might to escape, but it was no use. Ivan, if that really was his name, had her and he was not letting her go despite her attempts to kick and punch at him. Another man clad in black with a ski mask on helped Ivan haul her into the waiting helicopter. The moment she was through the door the man in black put her onto a plush leather bench and snapped a seatbelt around her waist.

Shaking with fear, she took a quick look around the sumptuous cabin of the helicopter and wondered what kind of kidnappers traveled around in a vehicle fit for a CEO. The back portion of the helicopter was as luxurious as could be with tan leather seats and polished wood accents. The bench she was strapped to was more like a comfortable leather sofa. Across from her were two swiveling chairs. The soundproofing was amazing. The harsh pants of her panicked breathing were louder than the roar of the blades overhead.

Before she had a chance to really get her bearings, Ivan swung into the helicopter and sat next to her. The door was then closed and secured. A moment later the helicopter began to lift off. Feeling like she was either having an intense nightmare or a mental breakdown, she looked out the window and watched the limo, now almost lost in the darkness of night except for its lights, recede and swiftly disappear.

Ivan took her hand in his. “You are cold.”

She jerked her hand away. “What is going on?”

No harm will come to you.” He took her hands back in his and began to warm them with a small smile. “This is a simple kidnapping and ransom. You will not be harmed.”

“Ransom? You’ve got the wrong girl. No one is going to pay money for me. I’m not rich and my aunts live on Social Security.” She began to shake and tears filled her eyes. “Please, there must have been a mistake. Please let me go.”

Ivan laughed and unbuckled her seatbelt. Fearing what he was going to do, she tried to scramble as far away from him as possible in small confines of the cabin. He easily hauled her back onto his lap, the hard press of his muscles securing her to him far better than any seatbelt. To her dismay, her body warmed as he held her, and she couldn’t help but notice on a primitive level how good he smelled. Her fingertips were icy and she shoved them against his stomach, not caring if she froze the crap out of him.

“It is no mistake. Andre, the pitiful man back in the limo, will pay very well for your return.”

She tried to swallow back tears, but the enormity of the situation was beginning to sink in. 

Making a soothing sound, he gripped her chin and forced her to look at him. His blue-green eyes seemed to glow as he examined her and she noticed he had faint scars all over his face to match the ones on his knuckles. Without a doubt, this was a dangerous man, and she was entirely at his mercy.

“Now, you will listen to me.” His tone deepened, turned into a command that she was helpless against. The strength of his will pushed against her like a visible touch and she yielded to him. “You will cooperate and be a good girl, or I will make you hurt.”

The breath left her body in a silent gasp, and now, the tears did fall. “Please, please let me go.”

“That is not an option.” He looked over to the silent man with the black ski mask watching them. “She’s cold. Get her coat out.”

Gia closed her eyes and prayed with all her might this was some kind of weird dream. Things like this didn’t really happen, especially not to someone like her. She was boring, a good girl, a careful woman who had everything written down in her daily planner. Ivan moved her around on his lap, and his arms momentarily loosened before softness enveloped her.

She curled further into herself, keeping her eyes tightly shut. It was stupid and childish, but her panicky mind insisted she’d be safer if she couldn’t see him. Her other senses were certainly enhanced, and she was all too aware of the growing bulge of his erection beneath her bottom.

Oh no.

“Gia, open your eyes.”

She slowly shook her head, afraid if she moved her body too much, he’d become more aroused. 

“Keeping your eyes closed will not make me go away,
. I am your Master now. You will keep yourself open and available to me at all times, or I will make you remember your place.” 

She whimpered, anticipating pain, but when he stroked her cheek with a surprisingly gentle touch she didn’t know what to make of it. Slowly, and with great care, he traced her features, pausing to run his thumb over her trembling lower lip and wiping the few tears that had fallen down her cheeks. He made a soft, shushing sound when she tried to jerk away from his touch.

“You are a trained submissive, yes?”

Swallowing hard, she nodded, afraid of what he was going to say next.

“Then you will submit to me. Open your mouth and suck on my thumb.”

It took her a moment to muster up the courage, but she did as he asked. If she kept him happy, he’d keep her alive. The taste of his skin against her tongue wasn’t bad. In fact, he tasted rather good. When she didn’t begin to suck right away he began to pet the inside of her mouth with his thumb, exploring her in a way that reminded her of a vet checking a dogs teeth. Not exactly sexy, but proprietary.

When she began to suck as he’d demanded the hot length of his cock against her stiffened further and her pussy clenched. More tears fell now, tears of humiliation and anger at her body’s betrayal. She shouldn’t be enjoying this, shouldn’t be getting wet from bringing this man any pleasure. He’d taken her from her rightful Master and was probably some kind of psychopath. After he removed his wet thumb from her mouth, his hold on her eased enough so he could tease one of her nipples with his strong fingers.

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