iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 3/e (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) (88 page)

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Authors: Aaron Hillegass,Joe Conway

Tags: #COM051370, #Big Nerd Ranch Guides, #iPhone / iPad Programming

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Basics of Using Blocks

Say you wanted an object that could take two numbers, add them together, and then return the result. You could probably write that pretty easily. But what if you now wanted that object to perform subtraction? Then multiplication? Division? You’d end up writing a number of methods for this object.


Instead of writing these methods, we can give this object an instance variable that points at a block. When we want to swap out the operation this object uses, we can construct a block literal that performs the appropriate operation. When the object is asked to compute the result, it executes the operation in the block.


Create a new
subclass for
and name it
. In
, add an instance variable and two methods to the

@interface BNRExecutor : NSObject
    int (^equation)(int, int);
- (void)setEquation:(int (^)(int, int))block;
- (int)computeWithValue:(int)value1 andValue:(int)value2;

method takes a block as an argument. Notice the syntax for declaring that a method takes a block argument. The argument has nearly the same format as a block variable. The only difference is the argument name (
) is separated from the argument’s type. Instead of following the caret, the argument name comes after the parentheses that declare the argument type (just like any other method argument).


Figure 27.2  BNRExecutor and its block


What do these methods do? Sending the message
to an instance of
gives it a reference to a block (
Figure 27.2
). Sending the message
will execute that block – passing in the two
arguments – and return the result. In
, define these two methods.

@implementation BNRExecutor
- (void)setEquation:(int (^)(int, int))block
    equation = block;
- (int)computeWithValue:(int)value1 andValue:(int)value2
    // If a block variable is executed but doesn't point at a block,
    // it will crash - return 0 if there is no block
    if (!equation)
        return 0;
    // Return value of block with value1 and value2
    return equation(value1, value2);

, import
, create an instance of
, set its
, and then have it compute a value with that equation.

#import "BNRAppDelegate.h"
#import "BNRExecutor.h"
@implementation BNRAppDelegate
@synthesize window = _window;
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
    didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    int (^adder)(int, int) = ^int(int x, int y) {
        return x + y;
int sum = adder(2, 5);
NSLog(@"%d", sum);
    BNRExecutor *executor = [[BNRExecutor alloc] init];
    [executor setEquation:adder];
    NSLog(@"%d", [executor computeWithValue:2 andValue:5]);
    self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
    return YES;

Build and run the application. You will see the same output as before.


Take a look at the message
. It takes two integer arguments, which means we can pass variables of type

int a = 2;
int b = 5
int val = [executor computeWithValue:a andValue:b];

Or we could bypass creating the variables and just pass literal values:

int val = [executor computeWithValue:2 andValue:5];

The same can be done when passing a block to a method. Instead of allocating a block, setting a variable to point at it, and then passing that variable to a method, you can just pass a block literal as the argument. (This is what we did back in
Chapter 13
when we passed a block to be executed when the modal view controller was dismissed.) In
, modify the code so that the variable
is no longer used.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
    didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
int (^adder)(int, int) = ^int(int x, int y) {
return x + y;
    BNRExecutor *executor = [[BNRExecutor alloc] init];
[executor setEquation:adder];
[executor setEquation:^int(int x, int y) {
        return x + y;
    NSLog(@"%d", [executor computeWithValue:2 andValue:5]);
    self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
    return YES;

Build and run the application. You will see the same output, but your code is much more succinct. The block is allocated and immediately passed to the
, which sets its
instance variable to point at it. Now you can see exactly what the block does (what code it contains) right where it’s called rather than having to find the definition back where the variable is declared. This makes for much less clutter in your code files.


Like any other instance variable, a block can be exposed as a property of a class. In
, declare a property for the
block to replace the setter method. Since you will be synthesizing this property, you no longer need the instance variable explicitly declared either.

@interface BNRExecutor : NSObject
int (^equation)(int, int);
@property (nonatomic, copy) int (^equation)(int, int);
- (void)setEquation:(int (^)(int, int))block;
- (int)computeWithValue:(int)value1 andValue:(int)value2;

Synthesize this property in
and remove the previous implementation of

@implementation BNRExecutor
@synthesize equation;
- (void)setEquation:(int (^)(int, int))block
equation = [block copy];

Build the application to check for syntax errors.

Variable Capturing

There is one special characteristic of blocks that makes them very useful: they


A block, like a function, can use the arguments passed to it and can declare local variables. Modify the block in
so that it declares and uses a local variable.

[executor setEquation:^int(int x, int y) {
int sum = x + y;
return x + y;
return sum;

The variable
is local to the block, so
can be used inside this block. Both
are arguments of the block, so they, too, can be used inside this block.


A block can also use any variables that are visible within its
enclosing scope
. The enclosing scope of a block is the scope of the method in which it is defined. Thus, a block has access to all of the local variables of the method, arguments passed to the method, and instance variables that belong to the object running the method. Change
to declare a local variable and then use that variable in the block.

BNRExecutor *executor = [[BNRExecutor alloc] init];
int multiplier = 3;
[executor setEquation:^int(int x, int y) {
    int sum = x + y;
return sum;
return multiplier * sum;

Build and run the application. The console will report the result of the equation as
. When a block accesses a variable that is declared outside of it, the block is said to
that variable. Thus, the value of
is copied into the memory for the block (
Figure 27.3
). Each time the block executes, that value will be used, regardless of what happens to the original
variable. (The original local variable will be destroyed as soon as


Figure 27.3  Captured variables are copied into the block


In fact, you can change the
variable after the block is created, and it still won’t change the multiplier within the block. When a block copies the value of a variable, it doesn’t care what happens to the original variable afterwards. In
, change the value of
after creating the block.

int multiplier = 3;
[executor setEquation:^int(int x, int y) {
    int sum = x + y;
    return multiplier * sum;
multiplier = 100;

Build and run the application. Notice that the console reports the same output from the equation, even though the block is called after
is changed. You don’t need to do anything special to capture a variable ߝ you simply must use it somewhere in the block.


This behavior is unique to blocks. The only way you can get values to functions is to pass them as arguments, and the only way you can get values to methods is to pass them as arguments or have them stored in an instance variable. A block can take arguments and capture variables from their enclosing scope.


This is an important point: the values of the captured variables remain the same every time the block is called, but the values of its arguments can change each time it is called. In this case, that means you can change the two values that are added together each time you call the block, but the multiplier will always remain the same.


You can capture any kind of variable, including a pointer to an object. This is useful because you can send a message to an object that you have a pointer to in the enclosing scope. Let’s try this out.


In every iOS application, there is a
main operation queue
. When you add an operation to this queue, it is essentially queued up as the next event in the run loop (
Figure 27.4


Figure 27.4  NSOperationQueue


A block can be an operation, so you can add a block to the main operation queue, and it will execute on the next cycle of the run loop. A block that can be added to the operation queue must return no value and take no arguments. (You can find more information in the documentation for


, edit
to add a block to the main operation queue that will send
to the
when executed.

    [executor setEquation:^int(int x, int y) {
        int sum = x + 2;
        return multiplier * (sum + y);
    multiplier = 100;
NSLog(@"%d", [executor computeWithValue:2 andValue:5]);
    // Get a pointer to the main operation queue and add a block to it
    [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^void(void){
        NSLog(@"%d", [executor computeWithValue:2 andValue:5]);
    self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
NSLog(@"About to exit method...");
    return YES;

Build and run the application. Notice the console reports it is exiting
, and shortly thereafter, you see the result of the
running its equation. Using
on the main queue is pretty common. Many times, you will want the run loop to finish drawing views and clearing the autorelease pool before a block is executed.


This makes sense except for one small thing: the variable,
, is the only variable that points to the
instance. When
finishes, the block has yet to run, but the
variable is destroyed – which should cause the
to also be destroyed. However, the
is clearly not destroyed because the block, which sends a message to the executor, runs without a hitch. (If
was already destroyed when the block executed, you’d get a crash.)


What, then, keeps the
alive? A block keeps a strong reference to any object it references within its scope. Thus, any time you send a message to an object or use that object in any way within the block, it will be kept around as long as the block exists. In the case of
, the block is kept until it is executed, and then it is discarded. We can test this out. In
, implement
to print out when the executor is destroyed.

- (void)dealloc
    NSLog(@"Executor is being destroyed.");

Build and run the application. Notice that the
is destroyed after the block is executed. The block held the last strong reference to it and when the block was destroyed, it lost the last reference to the object. This works because the block captures the variable that points to the
in the same way it captures any other variable. The compiler is very smart: it figures out that this is a pointer to an object and gives the block ownership of that object.


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